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Friday, December 30, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #617

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #617

What Papa “J” has to say! #38

To extract God from Justice and Righteousness is like trying to remove the Milky Way Galaxy from the Earth. Sound wisdom is stored up for those who believe in the Creator; Jesus. He guards the path of Justice, just as He guards the orbits the Sun and Moon. Proverbs 2:5-10 and Psalm 19:1-14

The Devotional

Sometimes I believe that it is not good to think and I wonder if there is ever a time when a man or woman gets tired of thinking. Illnesses come because of sin in the world, our personal sin, the sin of our family; friends and neighbors all affect our health. This is what the Holy Bible teaches; that sin is the only cause of death. Genesis 3:1-24. Sometimes I think about the two or three people that I have known who suffered from Alzheimer’s and since sin is the cause of death, I readily put the two together. Now I am not saying that a person who suffers this way is in this condition because of their personal sin, so please do not misunderstand, it is difficult enough to explain my thoughts; so give me a minute here. The New Year brings people to the sharp awareness of the year before, we sort of run through the past year looking at our failures mostly and then we promise our self and those around us who will listen and who have a list of their own; that the New Year will be better than the previous one. As time marches on; the matter of turning over a new leaf each year begins to reveal to each of us; “It ain’t happening!” this year either. Jump ahead with me now to Ecclesiastes 12:1. If you are an elder in the land, then you know what I am saying. I like being alive; but I am tired of living. Tired of seeing sin and using my eyes to sin, tired of listening to sin and using my ears to sin. Tired of walking into sin and walking in the way of sin; tired of standing among sinners, yet standing in sin. Tired of sitting with sinners; yet sometimes sitting in agreement with them; so I say to myself, maybe those who suffer from Alzheimer’s do so because they have become incurably tired of thinking! Psalm 1:1-6.

In your New Year, do not make a resolution; but think about being revolutionary; revolt against the worldly standards of righting the wrong every year. Return to the Author of Faith; who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the humiliation of the cross, who suffered a sinless life around sinners such as you and me. I do not know about you; but it seems to me that a physical suffering, like being beaten beyond recognition and hung on a wooden cross to die would be easier to take, then to be sinless as Jesus was and living among sinners. I do not like living among sinners and I am one. But take His death one step further… what is harder? To die sinless for sinners like you and me is just as hard because He who knew no SIN and became SIN for us. The guiltless for the guilty, the shameless for the shameful; this is He who fulfilled His love for you and me in that while we were yet sinners; He died for us. Yes He died for us but that is not the end of the story. HE ROSE again; death could not hold Him, because HIS FATHER is well pleased with HIM. Are you well pleased with Jesus? Romans 5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 12:1-2 and all of 1 John.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #616

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #37

Recipes properly followed make a nice meal, the results will always turn out right; those who dine will give praise. Such is the recipe found in Proverbs 2:1-5, eight ingredients that produce a mature understanding of the Fear of the LORD; those who observe will give praise.

The Devotional

As Christmas approached this year, I was asked by my wife to take our grand daughter to the mall to shop for a gift for her mom. So with my grand daughter of thirteen we entered the store where you could buy small items of jewelry, like necklaces and bracelets. We spent some time looking at various necklaces and all the while the sales person was talking about a small jewelry box that was free except that there would be a charge of three dollars a word for engraving. I thought the box would be nice for her mom too, so I encouraged the grand daughter to get it. “What shall I have engraved on the box,” she said? My reply; “Things to remember me by”! The grand daughter thought about the statement and then without batting an eye and even in front of the sales lady, she said; “Gramps! I’m not planning on dying soon”! I don’t know I thought to myself… this must be an age related thing. It ended up that she got the box, had it engraved with a heart with words of faith, hope and love and gave it to herself as a Christmas gift. Hey, I could have been watching the Patriots! Thanks Grammy; without your encouragement I would have missed a very precious moment.


Ecclesiastes 7:8 – You no doubt have heard the words, or maybe like me you have said them. “Timing is everything” the end of all things is always better than the beginning. Uncertainty as things develop will cause many people to react before the event is fully developed. So too wait for the right time is better; often the right time is when a matter is fully known. The emotions have died down and clear decisions can be made.

Ecclesiastes 7:9 – I enjoy this verse of scripture, it really fits the day does it not? People all around us are so quick to get angry. Solomon says that we control this by quickening our spirit to engage or control the moment; he also says that it is not the devil that encourages anger, but anger (an emotion) is at rest in the bosom of all of us and we are the one who disturbs or wakes it up. Those who vent anger are simply nothing more than fools.

Ecclesiastes 7:10 – There is nothing new under the sun so it is also foolish to say; “why were the former days better than these?” I know I have been guilty of this statement; “well fifty years ago, things were different” Solomon says this is not a wise question or statement; based on his discernment of life under the sun we have to agree… there is nothing new under the sun.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #615

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #36

How much is that “doggy” in the window? Enticement by itself is never innocent. The steps that lead to evil, also lead to the grave. Also, stolen possessions lose the identification of being precious in the hands of the thief since it is now spoiled by plunder. Proverbs 1-19

The Devotional

Redefining America; it seems I am hearing a lot these days about it, so the question to ask ourselves is; can this be true? My answer is that America is already redefined and here is my reasoning. In the Holy Bible we read of nations in the past that prosper for a season and we even learn about the great dynasties of Babylon, Persia, Greek and Roman Empires. America is not a dynasty, but merely a prosperous nation within the Roman dynasty that economically controls the world. This system is well organized and will become even more powerful as the world moves forward in time and the other three dynasties become involved in these final days. Like it or not; we are a part of the Prophecies of the Holy Bible. Some say that there is no reference in Holy Bible of America and her future, my thoughts are that we do not need to be referenced since just being a nation on this planet is enough to qualify us to be a part of God’s Plan for mankind in these last days of the fourth and final convoluted dynasty controlling mankind on earth. Now I do not pretend to know all the answers, nor do I even want to have the answer to the redefinition of this land of the free; in fact, I would rather be wrong about all of this. Our cloak of freedom and liberty is rotting off our shoulders and there is nothing to protect us as we learn to walk again under the new definition of the American Way. I hope you are looking for that new city whose builder and maker is God who seek to live by faith and have a heavenly hope. Hebrews 11:13-16


Ecclesiastes 7:5-7 – The sound of thorns burning can be intense and if you have ever had the opportunity to start a fire the use of dried bramble, leaves and pine cones will make a fast hot fire that will also be filled with popping and crackling sounds. The fire will not last long so it is necessary to add thicker wood to the flame until the larger pieces can take over and warm things up.

The rebuke of a wise person is the larger log on the fire; you know, the fire that warms you up is not the blue hot or fast burning white hot flames but the orange flame that endures to the end. We have no doubt met the people who like to sound off and burn out quickly, even the oppression of their smoke clears quickly away even though the attempt is to destroy all logical reasoning.

So as Solomon says; listening to the rebuke of the wise will always be better than hearing the light hearted sounds of a fool who counsels without endurance. One thought added by Solomon is that the bribe to listen to unwise counsel, even for a second destroys the heart where the soul is. A bribe does not need to be of monetary value, it needs only to reach one’s soul and destruction is complete.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #614

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #35

It does not take much to see the downward spiral of our nation. Just look at the ornaments hanging from our ear, our tongue, our lip, our nose and some even around our neck. These are not ornaments of progress, but ornaments of decadence. Proverbs 1:8-9 and Romans 1:30.

The Devotional

We hope that your Christmas this year was filled with the joy of the LORD! We also pray that the New Year coming will open doors of opportunity that will direct your steps to the Mercy Seat of the LORD. Speaking of mercy, we all deserve judgment; simply put the Holy Bible states clearly that we all fall short of the glory (Mercy if you will) of God because all of us have sinned. Now there is a whole lot of information in the Holy Bible to explain this more clearly but here are a few verses of scripture to get you started on your own. God desires mercy over sacrifice. Matthew 9:12-13. There are none righteous, no not one. Romans 3:9-18. There is a judgment coming Revelation 20:11-15. Now here is the good news. God loves you, John 3:15-18. Faith in Jesus opens the door of eternal life and God’s Mercy; John 11:25-26 simply answer the question in verse 26; “do you believe this?” Saying yes to God opens the door to His Mercy Seat. 2 Corinthians 5:8-11. This is the judgment that is covered in the work of Jesus Christ at Calvary in that God sacrificed His Son in your place. He became sin for you and me in order that we would receive mercy rather than judgment.


Ecclesiastes 7:2-4 – I have been in the house of mourning and so have you. In the moment it is a hard place to be, every nerve in your body feels as if it will burst and every tear seeks release at once. The mind desires to shut down rather than moving on to the next thought. It also seems that the presence of time will not stand still for even a second as it speeds away from that moment. Trying as we do to put the brakes on so as to say wait, we need to go back!

How then can Solomon say that death is better than birth, well for one he is not talking about those left behind, but about those who have gone; if he or she who died were still with you and me then they along with us would be mourning over another whose days of mourning have ended. At the birth of someone we rejoice, but as time progresses the one birthed takes his or her place in life to mourn over loss of another. Life and death are a natural occurrence under the sun and the living are those who take death to heart.

Wisdom is also found in mourning as mourning provides skill to comfort the living in death under the sun; mourning heals the heart of the loss; and those trained in mourning are needed for those untrained. Sadness is not depression, but sadness left unattended will bring depression and so it can happen that the heart refuses to be healed and one may be found seeking comfort from drugs (mirth) and other distracting substances. The world is full of distracted people.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #613

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #34

Have you ever searched for something only to find it was in your hand all the time? Come on now! Be honest we all have done this at one time or another. Such is the case with the Wisdom and Knowledge of God; one only needs to understand the fear of the LORD. Proverbs 1:7

The Devotional

With technology today we are forced to take precautions that were not needed fifty years ago even though the good and evil of that day was no different than today. I suppose if you could weigh good and evil, one could say that fifty years ago the product of good and evil was lighter then. Therefore I see technology as an advancement tool to encourage the return of the LORD. The depth of our technology reaches deep into the third world countries; cell phones, laptops, I pods, electronic gadgets of all kinds. If a person were to dress themselves in these gadgets they would resemble a knight in shining armor. If good and evil traveled the streets in the 1950’s successfully (and it did); what might it be doing today? It is excelling with madness and fury. So you might say that I am against all of these things and you are somewhat… right! But again, here is the rub! “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so… heaven’s gate is opened wide… and from His emerald throne, He watches… Yes, Jesus loves me. He loves you too and much of our technology of good and evil is blinding the children of the future. Even so; Come LORD Jesus. Revelation 22:20-21


Ecclesiastes 7:1 – How we see our self is a good indicator of our outward character. I am not talking about that mirror in the bath or bed room. I am talking about the real you, which is not shared with anyone. The Word of the Living God identifies this mirror as your heart. Simply put, your heart is the emotional control room of your inner being. I know a man who I spoke with yesterday who looked to be in control and he desires for people to believe that he is of good character; however his emotional ointment is stronger than his aftershave.

James 1:21-27 explains this inner mirror by comparing our face in the reflection of a natural mirror. Like a person who seeks to cover their tracks is the person who immediately forgets that his or her character leaves a scent that can be followed right to the grave. These men and women hear the words of good character, but they are not the doers, thus their religion is useless. The man knowing that I am born again immediately talked of the good religious efforts of his life, but failed to admit that he is a deliberate sinner like all the rest of us. Luke 18:9-14.

So again the wisdom of Solomon rings true; better is the day of one’s death than the day of one’s birth. This is a hard edict or decree to digest since most of us desire birth and life over death. However, the life we live is normally not the life that we want people to see. Jesus puts it this way… John 3:19-21.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #612

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #323

Once a proverb is written it becomes a foundation to live or die by. Written to give purpose and direction for life; life without direction and purpose does not negate enigma, just the individual. Proverbs 1:1-6

The Devotional

Like the song relates to each of us… “There is a great day a coming, for all the peoples of the world” just the thought of this causes tears to rush my eyes. There are many, many people with a sad and broken countenance these days. I see this in there eyes, don’t you? Maybe you are one of those folks that are crying inside? I have a short story. Standing one day at a window was a young man about to jump to his death; but a voice in his mind said, “don’t do that; you’ve never given me a chance” knowing who it was the young man stepped back and said out loud. “If you are real then get me a bible”! Before a hour past, a brand new Holy Bible was placed in his hands by someone whom the LORD had also spoken too that morning. That young person was me and the other person was a business associate who to this point in time I had never met, but did talk with her most every day. I did not even know she was a believer in Jesus. Here is the rub! That was the grandest day of my life, May 21, 1975 when I died to the world and came alive by the grace gift of Jesus Christ and yet; there is a greater day a coming, for all the peoples of the world. The Name of Jesus Christ is above every name, there is no reason to look for another, He will return… soon! Are you ready to meet Jesus? You can stand complete in Jesus, just as the lame man in Acts 4:1-12.


Ecclesiastes 6:1-12 – Reaping and sowing, I have not heard much about this in these days of our lives; have you? About the only place would be if you went to church occasionally, then you might hear the pastor make some mention about the church budget and throw in a verse or two about the benefits of sowing and reaping. Did you notice the change? The devil wants you and me to sow to the flesh in order to reap the whirlwind to follow. But the gift of God is that we reap of Him; then we sow to Him in return. Isaiah 55:1-13.

God gives riches to man, do you believe this? I am confident of this, what I have comes from the Hand of God and even the cup He gives me to carry what He has given runs over… I am not bragging; First and foremost is the soul where eternity resides must be fulfilled, Ecclesiastes 3:11 and 6:7 since both the wise and the fool have a soul. When the heart is filled with Jesus Christ we have reaped all that God has to offer us. Abundant Life, a great and fulfilled life just as John 10:7-18 describes.

One of the saddest journeys in life is to live a selfish life. At this time of year there are many a scrooge who know this all too well. They have plenty all around them, but they do not have what matters most. They have no love and no one too love. They go down to their grave in sadness of heart simply because they have missed the most important event in His Story. Luke 2:8-14. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus the sweetest Name that will sweeten the soul of everyone who names Him as their Savior and LORD; Romans 10:9-13

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #611

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #32

Old age has an advantage over the strength of the younger generation which is not necessarily the graying of the hair. It is what resides under the hair that matters; if the matter is found in the Righteousness of Christ. Proverbs 20:27-29

The Devotional

Yesterday was a slow day at work so I gathered up a bunch of parts that were unused and after sorting the items I had several boxes of items to return to the auto parts stores in our area. At one of the stores there was a long line of customers and as it happened; this box of returns was the heaviest… rotors and brake pads. In front of me was a stern looking woman and just from her actions I could tell she was looking for an opportunity to be snooty. I said, ”ma’am; are you in line?” her reply; “of course, I am”. “Well yes I thought so, but there is a large gap between you and the next person, I did not want to become a bull in the china closet with these heavy parts which I could place on the counter without cutting the line”. She did not respond and she did not move. Here is the rub! A haughty look, a proud heart, and the plowing (lamp or motive) of the wicked are sin. Proverbs 21:4 and; It is better to dwell in the corner of a doorway, than in a “parts store” shared with a contentious woman. An on the spot version of; Proverbs 21:9. It is better because it is the godly thing to do and far better then some of the aforethought that raced through my mind.


Ecclesiastes 5:17-20 – Here is what Solomon says about the prosperity of the poor and the rich. “All his days he eats in darkness, and he has much sorrow and sickness and anger” All of this is due to one event in the history of the earth and we know it as the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of God. Is this good and evil…? But it is also the heritage of man from God. You say a heritage? Yes but be thankful because the heritage is temporal and not eternal.

Verse 18-19 qualifies as the answer since Solomon says so; it is mankind’s heritage to eat, drink and enjoy life from the resources he has which are also temporal. While on earth God has given mankind power to eat the fruit of his labor; fruit that leads to eternal blessing or eternal condemnation, too receive his heritage from God, too rejoice in his labor because it is God’s gift. Those who recognize this truth will see God as Psalm 19:1-14 reveals Him. Those who do not will see God as related from Luke 16:19-31.

Verse 20 is my favorite, those whom come to Jesus Christ do not live without purpose, or unduly all the days of his or her life; I experientially know this because God keeps me busy living in the joy of my heart. Walking in fellowship with Him, working with people around me and expressing His joy and love for them, none of this would be possible for any of us, if God had not cursed sin in Garden and placed His Son as the only sacrifice to restore life. John 11:25-26. Do you believe this?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #610

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #610

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #31

Christmas on Holiday; which is it? If you say Christmas… do you think of Santa Clause the myth; or if you say Holiday… do you think of Jesus Christ the Truth. The Holiest Day of the Year is the Celebrated Birthday of Jesus, the Son of the LIVING God.

The Devotional

Uniformity is lost in most legal tribunals these days. Oh this does not mean that foundation of the criminal justice system within the walls of our courts are corrupt; but it does mean that the persons who are assigned to protect life and liberty, use the rules of interpretation with methods that resemble the dress code of our day. Pants that are purposely placed below the waste and drag behind like a shredded rag at the feet. I read recently in a publication. That the link between biblical law and the root of American judicial practice is still intact. In 1988 the Supreme Court of Mississippi confronted a criminal trial record where the prosecutor had made argument to the jury for which he had absolutely no evidence. The court prosecuted the attorney as the Supreme Court said that the attorney had the right to advance a rebuttal in closing argument, but did not have the right to break the Ninth Commandment. “Thou shall not bear false witness…’ Exodus 20:16.” Since this foundation is still in place, there is hope for America… so young people – stop dragging your feet!


Ecclesiastes 5:13-17 – Lets talk a little more about the abundance of man and his desire to take it with him… wherever he goes. I once heard of a wealthy man who knew he was about to die. The story maybe true or false, but makes little difference since the man died. Before his death he explained to his wife that he wanted to be buried in his Cadillac and that he wanted his fortune to be buried with him too.

His wife was faithful in his every desire just as she had been all her wedded life. As his final days approached he made her promise again and again to carry out his wishes. Together they worked out the details of a funeral that included the Cadillac and someone to drive it to the big hole in the commentary. They even had the banks standing by with armored trucks to carry his fortune to the sight for burial with him.

On the day of his funeral all was in place, the car was placed in the hole; the wife had called the banks earlier that morning and stated that the armored cars would not be needed, but that her husband’s wish would be fulfilled. One curious banker popped the question. “How is that”? “Well” she said! “I decided to write him out a check for the whole amount of his fortune and tossed it into the car before it is lowered into the ground.”

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #609

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #609

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #30

Ever notice that in the world, there is fear in most everything we do? The fear is related to failure; but those who wait on the LORD are consummated (made complete) in the Love of God. 1 John 17-19

The Devotional

A Pastor and friend who is with the LORD these days, often said that we are a needy people and he is right since our needs in life extend beyond our lifetime and are never fully fulfilled. However, this does not mean that our needs are not met daily; say what? Strange, but follow along with me and see where this thought will take us. If you look briefly at the Nation Israel; on the surface you will see that the major need of this nation is the land that was promised to them by God. Genesis 12:1-3 and Genesis 15:1-21. For the four thousand plus years of this nation’s existence these people have spent little time in their promised land. There are times in history when it looks as though the promise will be fulfilled, but only to see it dissolve for yet another season of time. Has God failed…? NO. God meets the needs of all of mankind. Matthew 6:1-34 provides ample evidence that God meets and exceeds all of the need of mankind. So then, why do we seem to fall short; even when death is imminent? Because we turn our back to God at take our needs from a dark and evil world, loving the darkness; we have rejected the Light and God mourns over this rejection. He also mourns over you and me when our stiff neck refuses to see His love for us. Luke 13:34-35, John 3:16-19 and Acts 3:25.


Ecclesiastes 5:10-12 – The abundance of life never satisfies. Rather than looking at these verses in the usual way; let me tell you of an event in my past. On U.S. Route One many years back there was a Howard Johnson’s in Massachusetts. A couple of us sailors were having breakfast while travelling to Newport, RI. as our ship was moored there. As we were leaving a chauffeured limousine pulled up and we sailors were told by someone to stand still.

The driver came around to the back door of the limo and let out a man. A skinny man emerged, frail and walking with a cane and still needed assistance up the four or five steps to the door. After a few minutes the event was over and one of us asked the people who made us stand still. “Who is that guy “? The answer: Mr. Howard Johnson, Jr.

I have over time thought about the man called Howard Johnson. And as God has permitted, He has allowed me to see that abundance of anything in life results in unfulfilled need; even when the need is sitting in your lap. He who loves abundance will never enjoy it and the rich will not be permitted to sleep peacefully. What is seen as profit will often be eaten by those hired to protect it.

Friday, December 16, 2011

The devotional - A Look at the Book #608

What Papa “J” has to say! #29

Does it cost a lot to pay attention, or could you say that by paying attention there is a great reward? Hmmm! “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver” Proverbs 25:11

The Devotional

I know of no one who does not like to get a reward… even a strong reprimand can be a reward, but we earnestly try to avoid these. However, in our young days, the reward of reprimand might be just the thing that promotes longevity of life as we grow older. You know do you not that to repeat a mistake can be very unrewarding and dangerous. Once as a young sailor I was walking on the pier next to my ship and the “jacking gear” was engaging the prop causing the big screw to turn one way for a few seconds and then the other way. There was a “camel float” near the prop and I watched as it became wedged between the screw and the hull. Without much thought about it, I jumped off the pier on to the camel… I was going to help! Once on the camel the thought crossed my mind. “What are you doing here on this floating camel?” One second I am safe on the pier; the next, I am in a dangerous moment in time. Some of the sailors who were involved in the, “jacking process” stopped the screw from turning and spent the next half hour getting me off the camel. The Boatswain Mate; my boss was not very happy with me; my reward was “mess cook” for the next ninety days. As many of you know, it could have been worse. Rewards; good or not so good, are the pruning shears of life. Luke 13:6-9


Ecclesiastes 5:8-9 Jesus states that we will always have the poor with us (Matthew 26:11) and Solomon notes or adds this thought, that along with the poor you also have corrupt government. Some might say that the mingling of these two thoughts cause people to be poor. I disagree; we have poor people and corrupted government because; all peoples of the earth are SINNERS.

Romans 3:23 states clearly that all of us sin and fall short of the glory of God. God is not glorified because people are poor and He is not glorified when the governments of the world step away from the Justice and Righteous standards of the Holy Bible. You may want to argue about SIN and Justice or Righteousness and I say… go ahead. Your argument does not change a thing; it simply adds more confusion as you chase after the wind.

The unbalance that Solomon refers too in these two verses does not look at equality of life but at the unbalanced life in a sinful world. We are all served from the field of harvest, the fields of life are controlled by vanity, the reapers reap vanity. In the verses later in the chapter we will see this more clearly.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #607

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #607

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #28

I like the word “potential” it can be associated with most anything that has positive or negative power. Sort of like the force that moves a pendulum too and fro or the spark that can set a forest afire. Also potential is a good definition of exercising faith. Hebrews 11:1

The Devotional

Later after work I swung by the girl’s home, she lived with her sister in a mobile home. Much of the twine had been removed but for the tightly bound up twine in the axles and chain sprockets. Knowing this would be the case I had a case knife from work and I began cutting away at the twine. Both sisters were home; Laura the cyclist introduced me to her sister Emma who worked in a drug store nearby. Both were single and the topic of their discussion with me was finding the right man. I worked for about an hour and freed up the bike, Laura was very pleased. For her the bicycle was therapy to keep her going and she explained that in the summer time it was not so bad, but when the winter comes it was hard for her to move. As the weeks went by we finally found a church to settle into so on our first Sunday; who do I see speeding up the walkway on their bikes! Laura and Emma; here I thought I was just being a good Samaritan and all along, it was God who was making provision for Laura that day. Then I knew I was His messenger in a moment of reacting in obedience to faith. Hebrews 13:1-6


Ecclesiastes 5:1-5 – I am at awe! Have you ever been rash with your mouth or hurriedly blurted out anything to God in prayer. Well, yes I have; but more in view here is the positional communication we have with our Father. He is in heaven and we are on earth so I believe that Solomon is referring to our corrupt outpourings of many words. A Proverbs 10:19 and 30:5-6.

One of the easiest ways for us to stumble in a promise is to say to someone. “I’ll pray for you and then when you do pray to the LORD; you fail to remember your promise. The person is not offended, in fact; they believe you’ve prayed. Also God is not a finger tapper in this… if He were I am sure His fingers would be worn down. But God does keep an account. Mathew 25:34-46

Ecclesiastes 5:6-7 All day long we make decisions under the sun, our horizontal position with the people around us is to be found within the boundaries of justice first and righteousness second. We often get this backwards and it does not please God. Here is why! Why hold someone to a standard of righteousness before justice has cleared the way? Do you see what I mean? If I stand justified with God and man in all possible ways, then righteousness has a clear path to walk on. Acts 24:16.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #606

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #606

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #27

I suppose there is an award for almost everything a person can do. There is even an award for being a sloth! They receive the fullness of nothing. Proverbs 19:15 and 24; Potential all around, yet empty results.

The Devotional

The first time I met this young girl, I nearly hit her with the car I was driving. She was on a bicycle her head was bent low and she did not look like she could ride at all since she physically crooked with cerebral palsy. We were new in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska but it seemed that everyone in this area of town knew the cyclist as she bolted at top speed through the city streets. Nearly every morning on the way to work she would dart past me at the same intersection. One morning she was sitting on the curb sobbing and her bike was off to the side, I pulled over and approached her. “What is wrong?” I said; “Look, my bike is full of strings!” “My gosh”, so it was! It looked as though she had ridden through the jolly green giant’s sewing basket. The chain and wheels were entwined in twine so badly that nothing rotated. I thought… I will be late for work this morning. As it turned out I took the girl and her bike to her home about two blocks away and explained that I would come back after work and help her. She was grateful and I left, getting to work on time. Oops! This is a longer story that I thought so I will leave you hanging until tomorrow.


Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 – Ecclesiastes is the Living Word of God and I sense the urgency of need to tell this to each of us again and again. So many people who read the Holy Bible seldom look into these books written by Solomon and they all have their reasons. Let me say this; it matters not the reason since reason is merely an excuse and excuses do not exist satisfactorily in any language.

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon deal with the wisdom of living life under the sun on cursed soil. Genesis 3:14-19, there is no escape from the blood, sweat and tears for the SIN associated with the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden. Yet, we see throughout the Holy Bible evidence of forgiveness. Solomon’s words point us to this truth and provide us with integrity and wisdom when making vows to God.

We said yesterday that good and evil walk the same path with us each day. Sometimes, like the girl on the bike… evil reaches out and snares the moment. We may go to church with a good intent; but evil is always ready to snare to moment, making our sacrifice foolishness before God. Hebrews 13:15

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #605

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #605

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #26

Did you hear of the person who called the help desk at Cannon to find out why their computer could not recognize the printer… even after they held the printer up in front of the computer screen and said; “SEE?”

The Devotional

“I need a volunteer!” My hand leaped into the air above my head and I heard the response; yes Richard (growing up my mom used my middle name???) come on up to the front. “There will be no talking, I must leave for a few minutes, Richard is in charge until I return and he will tell me if anyone is out of order during my absence… do you understand? “Yes Ma’am” it sounded unanimous, too me! No sooner did she walk out the door and the class bully opened his mouth. “Ha, ha ha… Richards, in charge!” Five minutes felt like eternity; everyone was talking and no one paid any attention to my whispers of… “Shut up or I tellin on you!” Looking back I was scared and I was not equipped too stand in the teacher’s shoes. In Luke 11:3-13 the LORD teaches an important principle about the prayer in verses 1-4. A prayer of praise, cleansing and seeking must be perched on the will of God in order to be fulfilled in earth as it is fulfilled in heaven. We may have the Spirit and know how to pray, and still not use the resources available; we must keep asking, seeking and knocking until we receive the (cleansing or need) NO! Until we receive the additional help of Holy Spirit who fulfills the Will of God. Pray in the Spirit! James 4:1-10. Jesus has stepped out for a couple of days, He will be back, 2 Peter 3:8-9, He expects us to maintain until He returns. 2 Corinthians 4:7.


Ecclesiastes 4:12-16 – Potential in life can be wasted, I am sure you know this and this we know too; potential is not fate, it is choice. Being poor is not a bad lot given in life and neither can wisdom prove success. Use what you have wisely or become bitter, like a king who refuses good counsel.

Some have believed that Solomon is talking of himself in these verses but I do not recall him as ever being in prison… do you? My thoughts are this, Satan had potential and gave in to pride and fell short of God’s glory and Will, now all of the living under the sun walk in his kingdom.

Those who go after him will not rejoice in him or in his kingdom and this is the vanity of vanities. Just as mankind cannot hold the wind in his hand, mankind in the kingdom of Satan will not retain eternity in their heart. That is; when they give up the potential to know Jesus Christ in this life under the sun. John 14:7-11.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #604

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #604

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #25

The Word of God is not easily understood by the person who does not know God. Truth is; it is an impossible task. But if you know Jesus who says: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me.” then through Him (who is God) the burden of knowing His Word is Light. Matthew 11:25-30 and John 8:12

The Devotional

In the late 1940’s around the age of nine or ten I spent a lot of time at my grandmother’s house in Louisville, Kentucky. In her back yard was an apple tree; I am not sure how old the tree was then since I never saw an apple from it. We often played on the tree since it was easy to climb and it had low branches; my uncles who were in their late teens built a swing and a small house in the tree. Also the ground around the tree was bare dirt since our little feet made sure that nothing would grow. Some of the tree roots complained about us kids treading on the soil over them and began to reach out and stub our toes a time or two. Of course… here is the rub! The old house is still standing and any apple tree can live up to eighty years of age. Looking at a satellite photo of 412 E. Brandeis Avenue I see another tree in the place of that one. It is not a tree for food, nor is it the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and it truly is not the Tree of Life… it is simply a tree that is pleasant to the eyes; like being at home. Our roots in life run deep and if you have Jesus as your Brother, your roots run eternally into the Golden Avenue of the eternal Eden. Genesis 2:9 and Revelation 21:21. Take time to know Jesus and be at home in His Roots.


Ecclesiastes 4:12 – In our workplace or neighborhood, in the schoolyard or even on the highway the opportunity to be overpowered by evil is often lurking nearby. On the other side of that thought; also lurking nearby is a close friend, one who will always come to your rescue for good.

So here is a paradox; good and evil walk the same path with us daily; even while your close friend may be absent from your physical presence while facing evil; just thinking about your friend will be enough to pull you through that moment.

These are important points that Solomon is making since it is the difference between being a survivor, and going down in defeat. Opposition is a fact of life. Abraham and Sarah were husband and wife and friends; they also had another friend whose name is Jesus. Genesis 15:6 and James 2:23, the threefold cord is not easily broken. This is not a paradox… it is truth.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #603

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #603

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #24

The house of the wicked is a tent of unrest dwelling in endless darkness, but the home of the righteous is a dwelling of everlasting Light; Pure, Perfect and Proven Light… the Light is Jesus Christ. Psalm 18:30.

The Devotional

As many of you know my wife and I sing in a community chorus group and as the Christmas season approaches we rehearse songs that we will be singing. Actually we begin in the month of July so it may seem odd to some if they hear us singing; Silent Night or White Christmas in August. Here is the rub: Most of the folks singing with us are unbelievers and most of the songs point to the birth of Christ and for the most part… all of these songs reveal scriptural truth. One song; the title… I Have Been Chosen of the LORD; is a partial solo with the chorus. It literally brings tears of emotion as the soloist brings the truth of Mary’s life as the Virgin Servant of the LORD. I can barely sing my part as I am reminded that all of us are His Servants, even unbelievers unknowingly do His Will. The soloist has a beautiful voice and the chorus of singers makes a wonderful sound; but as far as we can know, out of the seventy less than five of us are saved. I also see the tears in many eyes of the chorus singers and if you ask them why? They will say… our soloist has a beautiful voice that makes them emotional. Darkness in the heart of the unbelieving is endless; because wickedness is evil. John 1:1-5 and John 3:19-21.


Ecclesiastes 4:11-12 – Good friends are rare to most of us. I have said this before and have been rebuked; but here it is again! In a lifetime a person will be fortunate to have five close friends. I believe this portion of scripture reveals this truth; since in life under the sun we cannot handle much more than three. Also that third person is often the LORD Jesus.

Two close friends survive the severe tests of life; dangers are neutralized and problems are solved as the two will always be there for each other. There are a multitude of stories about friends and their solid connection with each other that has saved the day when all else has failed. For a biblical example; one only needs to look at the life of David and Jonathan. These same sex friendships are not immoral and should never be placed in that darkness.

There is no greater joy in life then to have a close friend and for many of us that friend is our husband or wife. Looking elsewhere for that friend we may be looking in all the wrong places since this friendship is closely connected to the warmth of a friendship; physical, spiritual and mental that should be in every marriage. Having the LORD Jesus Christ as a Friend in the strong bond of friendship will keep the cord strong and not easily broken. John 15:9-17.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #602

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #602

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #23

I had this crazy dream that while driving I ran over a gecko and I became an auto insurance risk! So what I thought… that was one squish that felt good!

The Devotional

As a landscaper after retiring from the Navy, my crew was putting in a sidewalk. It was the last finishing touch to a very long project of completing the grounds to a newly built hotel. The sidewalk was several hundred feet whereas at the other end if someone were there you would not be able to recognize who they were other than being male or female. We were at one end waiting for the first cement truck to arrive when I noticed a woman carrying a small baby and she was walking within the reinforcement wire. I yelled… “get out of there; are you crazy?” “That’s dangerous you’ll trip and injure yourself and your child!” She did not hear me, but she did not fall either, thank you LORD! Finally within earshot, I said; please Diane, get on the outside of the work area, where you are is dangerous. She is a good friend and a sister to our pastor… she was bringing us coffee and donuts. Here is the rub! We walk about in a world of good and evil. What one person perceives as good, another observes as evil! What was done in the beginning is still being done today. So if you had been Adam or Eve; you would be as guilty as they, even if they were just friends. Genesis 3:1-8


Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 – From the paragraph above, you may think that I have planned it for this section in Ecclesiastes and that would be wrong. This amazes me about God since He always knows beforehand what the daily devotional is going to be about and as such; I get as much enjoyment out writing it as I hope you get out of reading it.

What LORD? Is there any value in friendship? I know that many of us struggle with those who are potential friends. Either we overload them with non-essential things, or we clam up and make them believe that their friendship is non-essential; thus a potential friendship suffers. So friendships develop from essential things of interest to both and this is what Solomon is saying.

Working together will produce results, but reward in a friendship is not to be of material value. The world around us calls this “bonding” God places eternal value to bonding by identifying friendship as “reward”. So too reap a reward, one does not just stand still. Both must work together since both need help together. In other words… if both do not equally carry the load, one will be left alone with no one around to lift them up when they fall.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #601

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #601

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #22

Think about it! The very best that the world has to offer is a few moments of happiness; while God’s offering is too fill our cup with joy. Joy that never fades or falls short; even throughout eternity! Psalm 23:1-6 and John 15:9-17.

The Devotional

A few years ago when I was and EMT for our local fire department; two men were in kayaks on the river that runs through town and one of the men broke his arm while attempting to ward off smashing into a large boulder. While attempting the rescue the injured man received a cell phone call from his mother. She had a mother’s intuition that something was wrong. It was apparent that the mother and son did not get along very well and the words that this man shared with his mom are not printable. As a sailor most of my working days I have heard it all, but the language of our current day is far worse. Yesterday one of our employees was late for work. He obviously ran the light and was pulled over. For ten minutes the mechanics bay rang with words that caused me to envision our local rat infested dump. Yet there are people who say that the world around us is getting better and change is on the horizon. Yea! You are right! Our religions paint a pretty picture of the future; our politics predict a better future and our technology precedes our wildest imaginations. If these were the only things that matter our future would be bright. But one solid look into the heart of mankind will reveal the truth. Mankind lives in a tomb of dead men’s bones! Take the time to read Matthew 23 through Matthew 25… a long read yes, but this is the day, better known as the DAY OF THE LORD!


Ecclesiastes 4:4-8 – Do we ever take the time to consider the evilness of our days of life. I am certain of this; Solomon observed every evil known to mankind. More than once he has described what he has seen and experienced as a grievous misfortune that we all take to the grave.

I do not know about you; I only know about me and about what the Holy Bible says about ALL OF US. First Corinthians; an epistle of the apostle Paul lists at least sixty four sins that the church of Corinthians was involved in. then in 1 Corinthians 10:13 he states that all sins are common to mankind that we are all tempted.

He also continues that God supplies each of us with an escape in order to avoid sin in its full blown effects. Solomon says that a person needs a companion otherwise they will not know why they labor as they do. Do you have a companion and do you know why you labor? John 6:27-29, helps to identify ONE.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #600

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #600

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #21

I must be doing something wrong… I have retired twice and I am still working. Nah! I like to retire… so I am working in order to… do it again.

The Devotional

Ever drive by places like the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard and see the hundreds of ships that are no longer used by out Nation’s Navy. All of them retired from service because technology has passed these vessels over. Well, okay I can muster up a thought in favor of technology, but we are today in the midst of a severe economic process that is stripping the United States from it’s position of power, freedom and happiness. I agree this is not technology’s fault or the moth-balled fleet of old ships used here as an example. There are… if you care to look, tons of used resources within our land of the free that would put people to work. Taking what is old and making it new again, is what we do daily in real estate. A construction company buys an old home, guts it, remakes it and resells it. Bureaucrats of government call for change, but the only change we see is the heavy ball and chain of a broken economy and a crumbling society. Either; We the People will lead the charge of rescue… or another country will come in and gut what we have remaining and remake our land in their image and likeness. Proverbs 24:23-34.


Ecclesiastes 4:4-8 – One man’s ability is another man’s jealousy, we see this daily in the work place and this is an obstacle in life. Sometimes it is entertaining as some of us find laughter in another person’s error. Sometimes it is sad when that same error produces harm. Our mood swings with the wind and we seldom find fault with our pride.

Then within that little organization there is the one, maybe two employees who are really not capable of much more than collecting, consuming and collapsing. They collect the largest paycheck, consume the profits by misappropriating funds and equipment and collapse in health before their time and place additional burdens on the rest of employment.

Are these the only conditions of life in the work place? No not only in the work place but also these conditions are found in our homes. Thus this is a full circle vanity that is in our everyday life. By our own selfish motivations and moods, without regard to those around us who are doing the same. Solomon says; step back from this and in the quietness of the moment, make some changes, for what good is it with both hands filled with toil that even the wind around your hands has no place to go. Life under these conditions is a BIG ZERO.

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #599

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #599

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #20

A false heart in a persons life will often surface with statements like; “I can find my biography in every fable that I read” Ralph Waldo Emerson. (1803-1882)

The Devotional

Once on a bus trip from New London, CT. to Norwood, MA. I had time to catch up on some sleep. I placed my legs on the back seat in front of me on the medal bar that used to be there to help people get up. Now that was a long time ago (1960’s). Many heads were damaged by that bar and is now removed. The destination of the bus was Boston so when the driver reached the Norwood stop he loudly said… “Norwood!” Startled; I jumped up only to find that my legs had fallen asleep and that I could not walk. “Splat” I hit the floor of the bus, again… splat; I hit the floor of the bus. After the third attempt a little old lady asked if I needed help, who knows what I said to her. I crawled off the bus, my white uniform was now the color of the floor and my face was a red orb of anger and embarrassment. I drew myself to the curb and waved to everyone who was watching; even too the ones laughing. It took a while for stability to return to my legs so that I could walk. Here is the rub: The self righteous things we do in an attempt to please God are as filthy as my white uniform after attempting too work my unstable legs and body off the bus. The same anger and embarrassment awaits everyone who seeks to work their own righteous way into kingdom of God. Isaiah 64:6-7; Romans 3:9-20; James 2:10. Our works only count when faith in Jesus Christ who is God; is the motive. James 2:14-26.


Ecclesiastes 4:2-4 – Are we not reminded daily of the people we know who have passed from this life? I know that I am and it is not because I miss them… even though I do, but it is more because I see the hardships of living life under the sun and I personally am glad that these people no longer have to suffer in this kingdom of darkness and if saved are in the presence of the Light of the world; The LORD Jesus Christ. John 8:12

I know people who cannot let go of memories of unborn babies, and of married folks who cannot have children. Now I am not seeking to make the seriousness of this less than what it is, but Solomon is right in this. Those who are not born into life under the sun, never experience the evil that those alive will.

This brings up another thought doesn’t? Does he or she who is never born, have a sinful nature? Another thought: Heaven as described in the Book of Revelation is a very large place; the earth could be placed in one room in heaven and never be found again. How many unborn babies are alive and well in heaven? ALL OF THEM and we will behold them even as we will behold Him; our Savor and LORD. Now that’s praiseworthy.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #598

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #598

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #19

Very few hear or heed the Living Word of God these days. A landfill is a place for waste and today we are okay; but the day is coming when this Sodom and Gomorrah like nation; will not be tolerated by our LORD. Matthew 11:20-24

The Devotional

Once while on Shore Patrol duty we were dispatched to a Navy housing unit directly across the way from my families unit. Living in the unit was a young family whose father was in the Marine Corp. His son of eight years of age was being disciplined for some reason. The father placed his son in a tub of very hot water to apply his discipline. The screaming of the child could be heard as we approach the housing unit and I saw my wife at the time standing outside holding two of his other children. On entering the house we were threatened; my neighbor and friend was now very much like an enemy. He sought to avoid eye contact and also tried to stand in our way; but with our night sticks we were able to control him (training does work). His wife handed me some towels and I lifted the boy from the water, more screams since the cool air and his pinkish skin were not compatible. After wrapping the boy in dampened towels he did calm down somewhat and we manage to get the boy to the waiting ambulance; first degree full body burns can be deadly, the boy survived. The marine did go to the brig but stayed in the service with ongoing psychotherapy. Parents are not perfect; and this is an oppressive evil under the sun. Ecclesiastes 4:1-4


Ecclesiastes 4:1 – Here is what I think about this man Solomon! He makes a statement that almost goes unnoticed; he says: “When I returned” returned from where Solomon? We know that the king spent years in vanity, searching for the meaning and purpose for life. His return is to God.

The first two chapters deal with his involvement in the world and flesh and his wisdom stayed with him. Ecclesiastes 2:9 and I believe he summarizes the effects of his investigation in chapter three. Now after his return to God, he spends the remainder of his life to explain in detail; a life without the comfort of knowing God.

Notice as he continues by considering all of the oppression that mankind faces under the sun. Oppression makes people mourn and there is no one to comfort. Oppression is a crushing power, yet oppression itself cannot be comforted so the cycle is never broken. Solomon has some very important things to say to each of us and we need to heed his warnings.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #597

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #597

by Jesse Abel

What Papa “J” has to say! #18

It was said by someone that revisions to the wisdom of the world rolled over every thirty eight years before the World Wide Web! Now this worldly wisdom rolls over every year! I’m not impressed… this wisdom is dead and needs revival… often! Take five and read Matthew 5:17-20 and 1 Corinthians 1:18-24. The real picture!

The Devotional

As a child I had little trouble being disobedient; words from my mom like, “you better be good or I will tell your father when he gets home” would be the key that would open the door for some action on my part to be bad and not get caught. Once I stole that nickel off the nightstand and did not get caught, it was easier to steal more items of value. I became very good at it and on several mornings on the way to the golf course to caddie; I would go to the grocery store at the end of our neighborhood. Out in the back of the store there were stacks of empty cases of soda bottles. I would grab a case and go to the front of the store where the owner would give me sixty cents. Two cents per bottle and twelve cents for the wooden case, in those days sixty cents was a lot of money for a kid to steal. Here is the rub! Good discipline will always increase the faith, hope and love in a child, and like it or not bad discipline will decrease the same in that child. As in the spiritual gift passage of 1 Corinthians 13, if love is not present the spiritual gift is useless; it takes sacrificial love to apply correct discipline which in turn produces good hope and great faith. Notice too: Luke 7:1-10.

Ecclesiastes 3:16-22 – God is not far from anyone of us. There is so much proof in the Holy Bible of God’s nearness and yet we think that God does not see our selfish acts. He will use the very things we do to test our estate. He does this to reveal to us that we are nothing more than a beast at heart. You say what? I am not a beast! True but saved or not; you are made in the image of a dead man like Adam and all the beasts, Genesis 5:3-5 (after the fall). However, God has placed eternity in your heart. Genesis 5:1-2 (before the fall) and this separates you from the beast of the field.

So there is this one difference that separates you and me from the beasts of the field. (Only One)… the spirit of the beast goes down into the earth from which it’s body was created, while the spirit of the human goes upward to God while the body returns to the earth. Of all the truths of scripture concerning this thought; this is most alarming, or most pleasant. If I were a beast I could live unaccountable for my actions as all beasts of the field do since their spirit has no pending judgment.

The human spirit (eternity in your heart) returns to God who gave it. So if it is your plan to not include God in your life under the sun. Then do this; rejoice now in what you do and have. This is your portion or lot (heritage or inheritance) be happy with what you are doing because you will return God’s human spirit to Him EMPTY! With your heritage spent in time; Oh my friend what a waste… what a waste!