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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Look at the Book #277

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Wisdom and prudence share a vitality of “one”. So what good is the wisdom of mankind when over indulgence and caution is tossed aside? Proverbs 8:12

I was thinking (dangerous, I know) this morning of some of the spiritual writers of the past. Watchman Nee, Arthur Pink, A.W. Tozer and Andrew Murray to name a few that I have read. What I remember most about these men is that they were interested in sharing with their readers a deeper relationship with God. I think of another man who may be a better example to explain what I am seeking to accomplish here. George Muller of Bristol was a man of faith who totally relied upon the grace of God to operate several orphanages. He was also the founder of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. He never asked anyone for the funds to operate these homes and the Institution was the raised banner of his total dependence on scriptural knowledge. He relied totally on the grace provision of God to meet his needs. Philippians 4:19. It seems to me that we have moved very far from men like these. Our theology is contemporary, our prayer is shallow, our heart is cold, our ears are itchy. Our understanding of the grace of God is lost in a myriad of failed religious plans based on man's merit and ability to please God apart from a deeper understanding of His unmerited favor. 2 Timothy 4:1-5. All of this Second Epistle of Timothy speaks to this issue.

The Gospel of John

John 17:20-26 It is nice to have someone pray for you isn't it! I know that when things are running smoothly we have a pull from the world that is often the trip wire that causes us to fall flat on our nose. The truth is that there are many believers who are wearing the scar of a skinned nose. If you look into their eyes you will see two very obvious things. One: There will the beam of joy that penetrates you with a sense of peace from the Holy Spirit. Then Two: You will see the pain and suffering of the trials and tests of life in Christ. James 1:2-8 or 2 Peter 1:5-11.

Here we read that Jesus prays for each of us to have the same “oneness” that He shares with His Father. Now, that is awesome and we should be asking the question! Why is this so awesome? To share in the same glory that Jesus shares with His Father is beyond any human experience. To be perfectly one with God almost sounds blasphemous and if Jesus did not say this! Then it would be. To add a little more, this oneness did not begin when Jesus rose from the dead. This oneness has always been eternally existing because the Father, Jesus and the Spirit are ONE!

I would like for us to notice the intensity of this prayer of Jesus. “O righteous Father!” and “I have declared Your Name” As Jesus prays, He is not the least bit fearful of His death, and He has completed faith in His resurrection because the Father has given Him the power to lay down His life and to raise it up again. He is not even fearful that His Father will forget to answer His prayer for you and me. His prayer is like the fervent prayer of a righteous man that avails much, James 5:13-18 and Numbers 11:2. Men and woman who are One with Christ pray like Christ. Are you praying as Jesus prays? Don't answer this question since a yes or no fails the test!

Monday, August 30, 2010

A Look at the Book #276

by Jesse Abel
The Devotional

What Does Papa "J" Say

Silver and gold are the tangibles of the temporary world around us, while wisdom and knowledge are the intangibles of the eternal World of God. We can enjoy the knowledge of God before reaching eternity, but the sinner? Only the items that eternity rejects. Proverbs 8:9-11

God's grace and human merit. Can these two attributes work together? One is a divine characteristic of the holiness of God, while the other is the best effort of the good characteristic of man. God's holiness is eternal, man's goodness is temporal. Just on this basis alone the eternal things of God far outweigh the temporal things of man. In Ephesians 2:10 the apostle Paul states that we are God's workmanship and that we were created in Christ Jesus. From our human view point we seek to understand this, but I think we should be asking this question. What does this mean to God? The work that God does in the soul of His children is a work of placing “eternity in their heart”! This is a work of recreation. 2 Corinthians 5:17. God does not expect us to utilize the work of the flesh to merit His grace gift. 2 Corinthians 5:18 says; “Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation.” So what does this mean? Romans 4:1-4 helps. Believing in God requires that human merit is totally replaced by faith. Faith to walk in the works prepared by God through Jesus Christ our LORD. Ephesians 2:8-10.

The Gospel of John

John 17:6-19 Answering a very good question: Thanks for your question and thanks for reading.


I wonder what you mean when You say that Jesus did not reveal his Diety? Do you not consider the miricles mentioned in John to be his way of showing that He was God in human flesh.

As you are aware in Matthew 16:13-20 Jesus asks His disciples to tell Him who the men of Caesarea Philippi thought Jesus was. The disciples answers are answers that the religious crowd usually give. Matthew 16:14. Then Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was. Simon Peter answers and Jesus responds. Matthew 16:15-19.

In the devotional on August 27, I was seeking to establish that the only prerequisite for salvation is faith resulting from grace. Jesus did all of His miracles to glorify His Father, not Himself. His miracles proved that He was the Son of God, the Messiah. The way I understand the salvation of a soul is that one must be born from above (born again). The soul sees the works of Jesus and by faith expresses a response to the death and resurrection of Christ to be a work of, God the Father. (a miracle) God merits or blesses that soul with grace and the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Even Thomas expresses this reaction of his soul when he by faith recognized that Jesus truly was the Son of God. John 20:24-29. So while Jesus is Deity wrapped up in human flesh during his ministry on earth, He did not treat His disciples to a "blue light" special. They had to come to faith in Him just as you and I. I believe the apostle Paul nails this with his comments in Philippians 2:5-11. It is all for the glory of God the Father otherwise grace ceases to be grace and salvation becomes dependent on man and religion. Hebrews 10:5-18; Also notice John 10:18.

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Look at the Book #275


by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Wisdom has a perfect voice, is perfect in excellent things, perfect in right things and perfect in truth. If your lips speak wickedness then you do not have this wisdom; you are a proverb in the mouth of fools. Proverbs 8:7-8 and Proverbs 26:7

Grace has some fundamental attributes that are often overlooked in whole are in part. We say that grace is unmerited favor provided by God to mankind. Or we say that mercy is provided by God to people who do not deserve mercy and that grace is the result of God giving to mankind what he or she does not deserve. In the sphere of human wisdom and reasoning these concepts are true, but what about the Wisdom of God? Does grace exist in wickedness in spite of the mercy of God? No! But that does not mean that grace is unavailable within the wickedness of man. First, grace is not based on any merit of mankind, grace is not a cure all in time, it is not activated by energy, nor is grace controlled by the limitations of this universe. Grace belongs to God and abides with God in the limitless quality of eternity. Grace then is very much as real to the child of God as everlasting life is. John 3:16. The new birth via the Holy Spirit brings eternity immediately to the soul and the limitless eternal grace of God becomes available to that soul because that soul has received and experienced the mercy of God, the forgiveness of SIN. John 3:17-21.

The Gospel of John

John 17:6-19 In the LORD's three year ministry He did not reveal His Deity to His disciples. He revealed God His Father to them. Now this is important. Jesus is God in the flesh, there are no others. The past and the present religions and cults claim that Jesus is not enough, these institutions are DEAD wrong. There is a flood of scripture running through my mind at the moment so hold on while I slow down and pick a passage. Philippians 2:5-11

We need to challenge our minds concerning the protection that Jesus has over His Church. Religions and cults seek to make deity from an icon, from the universe or from some man or woman. Jesus states in John 17:11 that He is no longer in the world controlled by the it's limitations. In a few short hours He will go to cross and die a human death. Those whom God calls, He keeps and justifies. Romans 8:30-39.

Jesus is enough, like the song; There is no other argument, there is no other plea. Why? Because Jesus came up out of the grave. He is Risen. Jesus gave His disciples the Words of God, not one word did He hold back from them and all of His Words are recorded by the disciples who followed Him for those three plus years. As He sanctified them in Truth as God is Truth. He sanctifies us daily as we allow Him to speak these same Words to us. Stay in the Word of God, His words carry limitless grace to the soul of him or her who is born again.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Look at the Book #274

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

My what a wonderful chapter in the Book of Proverbs, I am unskilled in words to respond and I am naive even to the practical things that wisdom has to say. I feel led to listen and be silent while wisdom deals with excellent things my soul needs to hear. Proverbs 8:5-6

Everything on this planet has a limit. Think about it, a day is limited to twenty-four hours. Time is limited to this universe. The energy of one's being is limited by proper rest, eating food and drinking water. All things known to mankind have some sort of limit. Why is that? The Garden called Eden was filled with the eternal Grace of God. When man sinned against God, God did not curse the Garden, He removed His Grace to mankind and replaced it with a curse. He cursed the ground. He cursed the labor of man's work, He cursed the days of man's life, He cursed the production of man and made it difficult for man to earn a plentiful existence. God also cursed the time that mankind would endure life on planet earth. Genesis 3:17-19. This curse is strong and permanent, but stronger still and limitless is the eternal Grace of God that changes all of this for a person when they see that Jesus Christ is the sacrificial Lamb of God. Being born from above, John 3:3 re-opens the door to the wonderful Grace of God. We were DEAD in sin and the Grace of God has made us ALIVE in Christ. This is the most exciting news that the soul could ever hear. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9. If salvation is by works then salvation is limited, if salvation is by grace (which it is) then it is limitless. Even Everlasting = John 3:16.

The Gospel of John

John 17:1-5 Who of us is sufficient for the these Spiritual truths that Jesus shares with us. Certainly our physical beings are not capable of the hour of Glory that Jesus speaks of in prayer to His Father. The apostle Paul puts it this way in 1 Timothy 4:8 “bodily exercise profits little” So Our Father is interested in restoring grace to our soul.

Notice that Jesus has power given to Him by the Father that is over all flesh. So, how many has God the Father given to Jesus? All flesh, to me this is not limited atonement, but is the unlimited grace atonement of God. Grace is offered to any and all who come to know God the Father through His Son the LORD Jesus Christ. Jesus saves! Whoever will come, let him or her come and drink freely from the River of Life. Revelation 22:17

God the Father fulfilled this prayer of Jesus Christ His Son, even before the earth was created. Now that is an awesome thought! We labor over prayer, we plead and beg, we promise and say please. We do this because our plight is limited by the curse, but Jesus who is eternally in the grace of God the Father knows that His grace is so sufficient that God has already answered our prayer in eternity and not in time. Thus our cup runs over with grace. Psalm 23:5-6

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Look at the Book #273

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Where does wisdom get a voice, or for that matter, how does wisdom shed a tear? Wisdom is said to be over the head of the fool. Proverbs 24:7 and if so; why should wisdom cry out from every place created by God or invented by man? Proverbs 8:1-5 Think about this. More tomorrow!

The economy of God is Grace. The word used to describe economy in the bible is used only seven times. Three times in Luke 16 where it is used in a negative sense regarding the unjust steward who for a season of time had charge over a household but did not administer his duties properly. The four other times are; 1 Corinthians 9:17; Ephesians 1:10; Ephesians 3:2 and Colossians 1:25. These are all positive references to dispensations of time allotted to the apostles to reveal the mysteries of God to the Saints of God. As we look into the Economy of God through window of Grace, I am hopeful that we will grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ because we are doers of the Word of God and not just hearers as so many others are who are trapped in religion. Religion in the sight of God is the unjust steward. Notice James 1:26-27 most religions of the world develop a strong showing of good works with the orphans and widows, but these also show the weakness of men who are defiled by immoral conduct and debase minds. It is the grace of God that we are not all consumed. Hebrews 12:25-29

The Gospel of John

John 16:25-33 How many people have you heard say, “I read the bible, but I do not understand what is being said”? I hear that a lot and I am sure that if you talk to people about the Word of God you hear similar comments. Someone once said to me; “Well, I do not need to read the bible, I leave the interpretation up to the preacher and I just believe what they say” Hmmm???

Has Christ Jesus the LORD overcome the world, or should we look for another? Was Christ crucified for naught? Does the figurative language of Jesus leave us groping around in the dark for answers about eternity. Well, all of this nonsense could be true if Christ had escaped death on the cross for the sin of the world. The Word of God, the economy of God, the Grace of God, eternity and every other thing known to man about God, hangs on the truth of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God in time and history.

This wisdom and truth is revealed to the Father's children (you and me) because the plain truth of Jesus Christ is revealed to us by Our Father Himself. Since we have believed in Jesus who came forth from God. God did what man cannot do. He made His Son a sacrifice for you and me in order that we would experience peace in a world of tribulation. So be of Good Cheer, Jesus has overcome the world. Please see: John 14:27 If you have this peace, then it has been given to you by grace through faith and you are an overcomer, like Jesus. Ephesians 2:6

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Look at the Book #272

A Look at the Book #272

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

There are three wisdoms in the world we know. The Wisdom of God, the wisdom of Satan and the wisdom of man. In Proverbs 8 the Wisdom of God speaks to her readers. Proverbs 8 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible.

Dr. David Jeremiah released a book recently called “Captured by Grace”. As I have said many times. I love words. When a person puts words together to form a sentence, a thought or a purpose, there is a responsibility on the hearer to interpret what is said or written. To just read or hear the words and move on is a slap in the face to the writer and a terrible injustice to self. Now, I am not talking about all literature and I do not encourage anyone to read or listen to anything that is debase. When books come to me to read I may never open the first page, this is because I study the title. The title must challenge me to open the book. I seldom read a book because someone has encouraged me to do so. The words; “Captured by Grace” is packed with thoughts of – How does God capture us by grace? How does the grace of God work? Why is it so important for people to know the grace of God? What is Grace? I have more questions, but I am running out of space! We will be spending a lot of days looking at the grace of God, after all – it is the grace gift of God that we still live in the land of the Free. And we need brave men and women who are captured by the Grace of God! Matthew 4:18-22 is all about being captured by grace of God.

The Gospel of John
John 16:16-24 There is no greater blessing in life than to read the words of Jesus Christ. People who do not know Jesus express bitterness, the countenance of their very being reveals a fallen nature that is made in the image and likeness of the first Adam. Genesis 5:1-4. To read the words of Jesus is like living in His presence, put His words down and the pressures of human life rush back into the mind. Leave His words for a season of time and you will weep and mourn because you will see the world rejoicing over His death.

In the presence of Christ is where every believer should be. Why do we spend seasons of time in sorrow? We do not have to wait for the return of Jesus Christ. Do you remember that when we looked at John 15:11 that the words of Jesus encouraged us to abide in the love of God and that in doing so that the joy of Jesus Christ would be in us to the full! We should be waiting for the return of Jesus, He is literally coming again, but the joy of the LORD is literally real for you and me today. Twenty four, seven!

How do I know this? Well, like you I have the choice each day to decide whether or not I am going to live in the joy of the LORD or in the fleeting happiness of the world around me. You see the joy of the LORD is a supernatural permanent condition of God the Holy Spirit. It is a grace gift of God to the believer in Jesus. Galatians 5:22. All anyone needs to do is ask for the fullness of joy as the words of Jesus reveals here in John 16:24. JESUS NEVER FAILS!

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Look at the Book #271

The Devotional
What does Papa “J” Say?

The world is a noisy place located in hearts of people. Thus God has to say to His people loudly... PAY ATTENTION! The pathway of moral decay is the PATHWAY to the CHAMBER of death. Sheol is a real place, filling up with real people - Are you headed there? Proverbs 7:24-27


What shall I say this morning? I have already written enough to fill this little section, but it is not ready to publish. Every language in the world has a word or two for the word, God. The Jewish language has El, Jehovah and a host of other names that are assigned to El that describes a particular attribute or characteristic of God the Almighty and Self Existing One. The English speaking nations have the word God the Almighty, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, also other names to identify a certain characteristic of Our God, like Comforter, Savior or LORD. Both the Jewish nation and English speaking nations as a majority identify with the Hebrew word “Elohim” which is the Hebrew plural for El. Arabian languages identify God as Allah, which would be true and correct if Islam recognized El as their God, but they do not. Islam recognizes Artemis the female moon god of Greek mythology as their deity for worship. This makes Islam a cult with separate doctrines and teachings that have nothing to do with God, El or Elohim. Artemis is not a savior or a lord, nor does she comfort. Take the time to read about her in Greek Mythology. Now lets turn our hearts toward Jesus and the gospel of John.


The Gospel of John

John 16:8-15 It is sad to most of us that Jesus died for the sin of the world. We write songs that mourn His death. We labor over our sin and cry because we see that the nails have our fingerprints on them as these were driven into His hands and feet. The sword of the Roman soldier fits into our hand like a well worn glove too. Yet, we need to see that Jesus saw His death and resurrection differently that you and I the sinner.

By His departure we sinners who believe in Him have a great and wonderful advantage. He has given us a Helper. You and I as believers in Jesus Christ have Christ in us, Colossians 1:27 and when we are walking in the Spirit which should be – all of the time! We are doing what God has called us to do in His power. We are to use the Helper's power to convict the world of sin, of God's Righteousness and of God's Judgment. This is soul saving power, WOW!

What is sadder still is that many of us do not utilize the Helper. Yes we have faith in Jesus, but when in comes to the experience of expressing faith in the Helper we fall short of pleasing God. I think that the fault lies in our desire to listen to religious doctrines that are work based rather than faith or grace based. I say this because we so easily listen to the message of man, rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to take of that which belongs to Jesus and make it real to us. John 1:50-51.

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Look at the Book #270

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

In days gone by it could take half the evening to get an adulterous message to the intended hearer. But today, even before I finish this sentence many innocent ones will be caught in the “web” of moral and ethical misconduct and many of these are just children. Proverbs 7:13-23

I believe that many of us today have vision problems. Well no, I am not talking about those two eyes at the top of your head. But what good is eyesight if we do not have vision? We see dishonorable activities in our nation, in our home state and we see the haters of God in our school systems. Do you not know? The nations around us are just waiting for our fall from the grace of God to end. That, China owns a large portion of real estate in the United States of America. Do you not understand that the nation that our children are to inherit from us, does not belong to them or to us, even now? Don't you understand that the cultures of other countries have polluted our pristine culture of “One Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for All” Why do you think that God ordered the nation of Israel to separate from the nations around them? Why do you think that God was angry with Saul within two years of him taking office? Is it not because Saul made sacrifices that displeased God. Are we not doing the same as Saul, offering sacrifices of our nation to the enemy, our resources are expended on legal issues of morality and our inventory of children is depleted by sexual preferences that wreck our homes and destroy our future. Why, because we have allowed the cultures of others to neutralized our weapons to stay free and we have abandoned God. 1 Samuel 13:1-23. Have a happy day!

The Gospel of John

John 16:1-4 The gospels are written by New Covenant saints moved and directed by the Holy Spirit of God. In these passages we see a clear message that Jesus is speaking within the economy of the Old Covenant. These clear indicators should keeps focused on the truth that the Church, or the dispensation of The Grace of God has not yet begun. The New Covenant Church of Jesus Christ does not begin until Acts 2:1-4

This does not mean that we cannot use the direction, the promise or the challenge of Old Covenant teaching, in fact; most of what Jesus has to say is based on God's Covenant with Israel. This would be why so many Jews who anticipated the coming of Messiah turned away from Him and refused to follow Him by faith. They were looking for Him to set up a literal kingdom and rule the world. But Jesus was calling people to the Kingdom of God. John 6:60-71.

As we move into the final hours of the ministry of Jesus on this earth, we will see more and more that God is preparing a people of Grace through faith. Faith that has grace roots in the Garden of Eden. How Noah found grace in God, how Abraham received a grace inheritance. How this grace through faith the people of God through the Old Covenant and the New Covenant became overcomers of persecution. There is a history of persecution, of grace and faith; all one needs to do is follow the religions of the world to see that it is these systems of man that seeks to destroy the Grace of God by human works apart from faith. Hebrews 11:1-40

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Look at the Book #269

By Jesse Abel
The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?
How can a person identify moral and ethical problems and avoid falling into those traps? The LORD God has provided a Lamp for your feet and a Light for your path. (His Word) Psalm 119:105 or be unwise and and fall into the hands of darkness. Proverbs 7:9-12
Plans, programs and promises. The challenge to do good and eliminate the bad is always the motive for a good plan, the right program or a solid promise. Today I would like to turn these three “P's” into bricks. Brick #1 (plan) is your favorite color of blue; Brick #2 (Program) your favorite color of (purple) and of course brick #3 (promise) your favorite color of brown. We live in a generation of time when men and women are seeking a one world government or rule. A time when the world population does not want to live independently. The building is beginning to take shape and the bricks are laid out in a neat professional pattern. Multiple colors of blue, purple and brown all of which come from various cultures. In Genesis 11:1-9 the peoples of the world gave themselves a similar project, they built a tower in a city whom God called Babel. I find it a little amusing that God calls the plans, programs and promises of mankind, “Babel”. Our languages are to identify our individual identity. However our plans, programs and promises are as confusing as shopping at the major department stores today. Try to read the multiple languages hanging from the ceiling to identify the products in a certain isle, now that is confusing. What is wrong with this someone might ask. EVERYTHING! Why? Because it is a human effort and not blessed or approved by God! 2 Chronicles 7:14

The Gospel of John

John 15:18-27 Now Jesus explains to us that the world hates God. So if this is true then it means that if we follow the world's pattern of making things better in the world around us then we too are a hater of God. If you are motivated to do good works based on the efforts of man's ability; then face up to it, you hate God and His way. You also hate those who seek to do good works based on the power and provision of God.

The power of God (The Holy Spirit) and the provision of God (Jesus Christ) is the wisdom of (God the Father). If you are in Him, then you are an enemy from the world's perspective, and in some way you are being persecuted. Are you being persecuted? Do the people, even those who say they are believers in Christ persecuting you? If so then it is because you know Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him. It is not the hearers of the Word who are blessed but the doers, and this effort of works is not based on the standards of the world, but obedience to God.

However, if you say you know Jesus, but you do not know persecution as described by Jesus in these passages you may need to take inventory of your personal relationship with God. As the world around us caves in, it will be the ministry of the Holy Spirit who will help us to remain steadfast and unmovable in our walk, our talk and our position in Christ as we witness the great things God is accomplishing in our life by the persecution of the world.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Look at the Book #268

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

How many times a day does morality or ethics come into focus? It is the constant battle of good and evil. People watch the young and the old to trap them in some issue related to moral or ethical practice. So what will you do today? Proverbs 7:6-8

We live in a great country, over the years we have suffered greatly for our freedom. The enemy (and do not lie to yourself) we have an enemy. As such, the enemy has slipped in unaware and put us to sleep with socialistic promises. Now I am not discussing liberalism or conservatism since I believe we need this system of checks and balances to keep our nation on a level keel. So for those of you who wish to believe that I am always talking politics, you have just read my political statement. The enemy is seeking to rewrite the boundaries of this system of checks and balances and we are being told to accept a socialistic government. From time to time a few of us wake up and see what is happening. We bark out a complain then fall back to sleep since the drug of this evil take over is strong, putting many good people (liberal and conservative) down for a recount. We should be tired of a government; “Of the court, by the court and for the court” we should take back our nation; “Of the people, by the people and for the people”! That would be you and me, but the enemy is hopeful that we stay asleep for a generation or two and forget our constitution and suffering of days gone by! If we continue to do nothing, then we will no longer be the “land of the free or the home of the brave” 2 Chronicles 7:14.

The Gospel of John

John 15:9-17 Can there be perfect love and joy in this present world we live in? God does make this promise to us in these verses. Think about it; a child like faith has a perfect love for a father. This is not a hope-so, it is fact. The result is that this kind of faith produces perfect joy. God also gave us His Son Jesus to show each of us how this love works and how the joy is produced. All one needs to do is be obedient.

Now the burden of obedience does not fall on one and not the other. If a father commands obedience from a son or daughter, the father must be obedient too. In our human fallen condition lies this problem. In obedience both the father and the son or daughter must respond as ONE in obedience. Do you not see that abiding as one in obedience produces love with the result of joy? You could say that this is a closed system that cannot fail. However, at the fall of mankind this system did fail. But the faith and obedience of Jesus Christ has restored it.

So apart from God, no one can have perfect love and joy without His intervention. Verse 12 He commands us to love one another. Verse 13-14 in obedience to the Father, Jesus lays down His life for His friends, those who willing accept the commands and challenges He has heard from His Father. As friends He also commands us to love one another and yet, many of us fail. Thus we have our joy taken away and the devil gains another victory. There is joy in the LORD, but on the faces of many Christians today we see, bitterness, anger, depression and a host of other emotions that have traumatized the Spirit of God living in us. Ephesians 4:25-32.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Look at the Book #267

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

A person can spend a lifetime seeking treasure. Yet, if he or she has not allowed the promises and challenges of Scripture to disciplines and guide, then moral decay will set in. Proverbs 7:1-5

I would be happy to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with anyone. Jesus is not about any race, creed, religion or nation. He does not have an agenda of anything that resembles world power, politics or purpose. Yet, in all of these things Jesus is present. Jesus is about making the kingdom of His Father the kingdom of this world. Matthew 1:18-25; Matthew 6:1-15; Matthew 27:45-56 and Matthew 28:16-20. (His birth, His Purpose, His death and Resurrection) To the kingdom of earth God has given His Son, His Life, His death and His Resurrection as a truth and light to the world that the kingdom of God is available to everyone who will allow this truth to set them free. John 8:30-33. So if anyone is trying to fit Jesus into a creed, a race, a political economy or a national purpose they are fulfilling the lies of Satan and are missing the message of the gospel to call people out of these demon infested ways of life. James 1:21-27.

The Gospel of John

John 15:3-8 There are many religions that hold to the message of the bible in various ways. One look at the first three chapters of Book of Revelation prove this. But we must be careful and reject the popular influences of the world around us that would gladly conclude that all religions lead us to God, heaven or eternal bliss. As we learned in John 14, there is only One Way to God. In other portions of scripture the writers who are moved by the Holy Spirit of God say things like, one church, one faith, one baptism and one LORD. For example; Ephesians 4:1-6.

The challenge to the peoples of the world then is not complicated, the gospel is simple, so simple that even a child can know the truth. Mark 10:14-15. So what is it that gets the people of the world so confused? The word of God has been preached to world. John 3:16-21 is the message that the influence of the world is condemned because the world has rejected the light of the gospel. The rejection is in part or in whole. NOT BECAUSE OF SIN, but because of DEEDS (works). Why, because Jesus is the LAMB of God who died and rose again, He alone has victory over the SINS of the world. Hosea 13:14 and 1 Corinthians 15:54-58.

Religion. Even though a religion may use the name of Jesus Christ, or even use His Name in their historical writings does not place these demonic doctrines in the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation, but these religions, cults and counterfeit systems are found in the Book of Revelation, these are found in the section that is condemned with the works of darkness in John 3:16-21. So the bottom line if this is all your read. God is dressing the True Vine of faith. If you believe in Jesus alone, by grace through faith you will bear much fruit as a disciple of Christ. But if not, then God classifies your deeds as evil and your destiny is eternal condemnation.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Why does God through the wisdom given to Solomon put stealing and adultery side by side? Notice Proverbs 9:17-18 Solomon's father David, raised Solomon in the aftermath of his life of adultery, so Solomon knew first hand, the collapse of family ties. Proverbs 6:30-35.

The four dynasties of the past sought for world dominance. These dynasties intended to rule the world and secure power over other countries. Three of these dynasties failed, but many of their ideologies are still with us today. The last dynasty, the Roman Empire is said by many to have collapsed on September 4, 476. Economic, social, political and moral decay is responsible for the weakening of this great dynasty, but the Roman Empire like the others is not dead. So what does this have to do with the scheme of future things for the United States of America? These dynasties of culture, tradition, religion and power are reforming. These powerful world influences are gathering for one final attack. Some call this the revived Roman Empower. These folks could be right since the empower will have all of the familiar markings of Europe today. Collectively these powers have been working in our present day to form the one world government of the semifinal or fifth dynasty that mankind will set up to fight against God. We should be calling on God to heal our nation, but we should also be looking up since the redemption of all of mankind is at hand. 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

The Gospel of John

John 15:1-2 I know that some of us have considered the moment when we would get to these passages in the gospel of John. I have heard some wonderful teaching on this section regarding our eternal security as believers in our Great God and Savior the LORD Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that God the Holy Spirit will help me to present this truth clearly and without confusion.

If you've ever tried to grow grapes or have had to deal with vines of any kind then you know that vines, if you do not remove the roots (nearly impossible) live forever. Awesome just to think of it; Jesus is the True Vine, He lives; mankind and the devil tried to destroy Him, they failed because they could not remove His Roots, the eternal, everlasting, merciful and grace giving God. You know who He is in scripture; He is the self-existing One. HE IS NOT Allah. So Jesus lives because He is the self-existing One. John 8:58

Prune a vine and it becomes stronger, it bears more fruit and the vine itself strengthens is size. Vines can take over other vegetation and if not pruned and dressed by the vine-dresser it can become so entangled with other crops that fruit production falls off. This in a spiritual setting is evident today with so many “Christian theologies” circling the globe. The truth is that the word Christian has become a stumbling block to many. Faith and security in today's Christian circles stray from our firm foundation like homeless children. It just seems that pulpit mangers have abandoned the Vine-dresser.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Look at the Book #265

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Many men and women have had their joy of life stolen. Flirting with their sinful natures women tease and men spoil. Disobedience to the Light of Life causes both to be consumed and reduced to ashes in the end. Proverbs 6:24-29.

Have you read the Book of Job? In our daily devotions Louise and I are reading this Book of the Bible and finding out some very interesting things. We notice that Job (Iyyob) in Hebrew means Persecuted One. We also notice that during this period of time in Job's life he was under heavy stress and persecution. Also, he was on trail, by the Creator, by the Deceiver and on trial by his wife and friends. This would be the epitome of being alone in the personal sufferings associated with the circumstances in his life. We can see that Job has dealt with each stress or persecution with integrity. The integrity to hate evil and love that which is good. His response to these circumstances though is missing something. The something that is missing is that Job's character (like yours and mine) is ignorance of the holiness of God. We can be wise like Job and believe me, he was a very wise man. Or we can be like his wife and friends, judgmental. This is our lot. But we can never be like God to test the Created character of man, nor can we be like Satan who seeks only to temp and deceive the character of man. There is no excuse for our ignorance, God has revealed His holiness in creation and Job comes to realize this as the book reveals. Like Him, while alive we have the opportunity to know the holiness of God. Not only an opportunity but also a responsibility. Job 42:1-6 Hearing is one aspect of this responsibility and seeing is the other. Without faith this task is impossible. Hebrews 11:6

The Gospel of John

John 14:28-31 There are a couple of comments by the LORD Jesus in these verses that I would like to highlight. In verse 28 Jesus tells His disciples that their understanding of His departure is flawed. He says; “I am going home to my Father, He is greater and the place where He is, is a greater place than here” If you know this, then your response would be that of joy. This should remind all of us that as believers in Jesus that He alone has victory over physical death. He alone is the pathway to God the Father, the One who is, who was and is to come. Revelation 1:8.

Jesus also tells us plainly that Satan, who is the ruler of this fallen world has control over the evil practices of this world. Verse 30. His plan is to interfere with God and mankind. We do not hear much about him these days. That Satan attempts to replace the love of God with a counterfeit love for the world. 1 John 2:15-17. Many pulpit managers have set aside sin, Satan and death by short circuiting the truth that Satan still controls the fallen world.

Coming up in Chapter 16 is another message from Jesus that explains that this counterfeit system has been judged and that the Spirit of Truth is provided to set the record straight. John 16:5-15. Jesus needed to go back home, His desire to be the sacrifice that destroyed the counterfeit kingdom of Satan is no longer His desire. Mission accomplished! It is very real in the souls of saints made perfect in the blood of the LAMB and in the power of the Spirit of Truth who glorifies Jesus to us by grace.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Look at the Book #264

A Look at the Book #264

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Dad commands and mom carries out the law, or you could say that dad provides the lamp of direction and mom gives light to the path her children are to walk. If there is a breakdown in family, then there is first; a breakdown from following God. Proverbs 6:20-23.

A few of years ago when I first started these devotionals I felt led to look at Proverbs 24:30-34. I felt then that we as a nation were fast approaching a condition in our land that Nehemiah faced when he heard of the conditions in Jerusalem and asked King Artaxerxes for permission to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls. What led Nehemiah to do this? Of course it was God and Nehemiah's love for his country. Note: Nehemiah 1:4-11. I am praying that our nation will wake up, that we will pray and fast while we are still within the walls of the nation. Take a walk through your neighborhood. Stand in the market places. Take a moment and study the people. People are lazy for truth. They have no understanding of the vineyard God has given us. Or statutes and laws have become overgrown with thorns that hurt the citizens. Our walls of security, integrity and character are cracked with moral decay and economy ruin. The government has become so corrupt that the resume of the criminal is more acceptable. Socialism and liberalism ideologies have put us to sleep and the prowler is armed with weapons of empty promises. And we remain asleep through this. Should we not call out to God? Which part in this are you looking to be in? Sleep if you will, or be counted in the godly restoration of our nation.

The Gospel of John

John 14:19-27 The world does not see God for one reason, if you are reading through these passage at all then you know what that one reason is. LOVE. I find it interesting that in the middle of this discourse of Jesus about knowing God by the love of God, that Jesus is interrupted by His half brother (the brother of James) see Acts 1:13-14. Some would say that this Judas is the son of James, the LORD's half brother but that is not in the text.

So here is the point: Do we love God as Jesus commands? Or do we pretend to love Him and question Him like the world? Let's notice the words that Jesus spoke to His half brother. If you love Me, you will keep my word and My Father will make Himself known to you. If you do not love My words then you will be like the world. The world does not know My Father and they do not know Me. This is not my command, it is His!

The tie that binds, as that old gospel hymn explains is the tie of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit produces; love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. These characteristics of the Holy Spirit are the Characteristics of Christ in us and it is only through this Character that God can communicate to you and me His love which the world does not have. As stated earlier in this chapter by Jesus, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. The flesh of mankind cannot love God, as it does not know the way. It is the Spirit of God all the way as our helper, the flesh profits – nothing. John 6:63 and John 14:26-27

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Look at the Book #263

The DevotionalThe Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Those who vex the soul of God are isolated into one group of people who are easily identified. Those who have eyes like Satan (pride) full of lying, deception, murder and unrest. Proverbs 6:16-19. Notice please that Romans 3:22-23 identifies the group of people!

I went into a drug store this afternoon to buy a comb, now that is simple and innocent enough. As I pulled into the parking lot two hot looking mama's pulled in, each on their Harley. One was big with leathers that looked mannish, the other carried a purse and looked pridefully deceptive. I ignored them and walked in ahead of them. I found the comb section and picked one out. Thinking no more about the two women, I proceeded to the checkout. The young girl in her early twenties, yawned while checking out the women before me. When it was my turn she yawned again and explained that she had been up all night with her seven month old boy. She then told me that she had two boys. They are cuddly and cute she said, and I agreed that they must be a blessing and that she could handle the lack of sleep. Then she said, quite out of the blue that the boys are the only men in her life and that they would always be the only men she would ever need. I looked at her ring finger, it was bare and said, “Well, may the LORD bless you anyway” and walked out, only to find the two bikers on the side of the building taking pictures of each other. Some would call that a normal day in the United States, but I felt like the alien that I am. 2 Chronicles 7:14

The Gospel of John

John 14:15-18 If you love Me, keep my Commandments. Some may argue that age or maturity motivate people to keep the commandments of God. While there may be a bit of evidence that this is true, it is also evident that this is not the intent of God for people to wait until they are at heavens door to start keeping His Commandments or loving Him.

Truth is that both love and commandment have one thing in common. It is impossible from the fallen flesh of mankind to Biblically love or obey God. The commandments prove this and you've heard it before. Five of the ten commandments are directed at loving God and five are directed at loving your fellow man. An honest look at one's self in the mirror of those commandments is proof enough that we fail, we fail, did you hear me. WE FAIL!

So then; “If you love Me keep my commandments” and verse sixteen of this chapter plainly explains that we need a helper who is given to us as a forever gift. Thank you LORD for this gift, I will set it over here with the rest of the gifts you've given me. In the meanwhile I will seek to keep your commandments and love you and my neighbor as best as I can, after all I am a good person normally and need very little assistance.

In haste yesterday, I did not proof read the devotional, thus there were errors. For example; “pasture” should have been “pastor”. I do apologize and hope that I did not send anyone to the grazing fields.

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Look at the Book #262

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Who are the worthless? Who is the wicked? Surely it is not you or me! Our mouths are not perverse, we never wink the eye or signal with our feet and we never point with our fingers. Well if you do none of these things, then you are either a statue or you are under one feeding the daisies. Proverbs 6:12-15

Is silence golden or is it eerie? Silence is only golden when the abuse of silence has ended. Silence is eerie when death is imminent. Our nation for the moment is safe, because there is a lot of abusive noise about the way we are and the way we are not. So we do not have a golden moment in time, but as a nation we are fast approaching the eerie one. Is it right for this nation to be liberal, conservative or somewhere in between? Is it innocent for a human being to kill babies from the womb, but okay to call it a crime when dogs die at the hand of a human. Is it right for a man to marry another man or a woman to marry another woman? Is it right to let this filth into our nation and then say it is okay and make them citizens with all the rights, liberties and privileges afforded to the average citizen? These are not political issues, these are moral issues and no human government can correct morality. Why is that so hard for us to understand? Maybe it is because we have repositioned our national standards of morality to fit the lower characteristics of a debased nation. Like the one that God talks about in Romans 1:18-32.

The Gospel of John

John 14:12-14 What do you and I believe today in our churches. Some of us desire to see miracles of spectacular events, some of us just want to say that we love God and shout praise after praise at someone whom we do not even know. Others have such a fear of God that they put hats and veils on the their bodies to cover themselves. Some of us desire an emotional experience, when the pastor raises his or her hands the congregation does likewise to feel the power of the LORD.

Well all of this is not nonsense in the context of the Word of God, but most of it is nonsense in our churches today simply because many of the people who attend church have no clue as to why they are doing what they do. Contemporary theology falls off of people as soon as they depart the doors of church and return to their everyday world. If falls away because there is no personal relationship with Jesus.

It is not the works of the church or the pastor that answers our needs. A building and another human being can do nothing for our spiritual, material or physical life. The building provides a place where the pastor can point you and me to Christ. Want to see a real miracle? Want to know God and praise Him? Want Him to answer your prayer? He will do all this and much more. The Greek text of John 14:14 literally says. ASK ME, anything in my personal name and I will do it. This means that you must know Jesus Christ personally. Do you?

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Look at the Book #261

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

We have not heard the instruction of godly fathers, nor have we read the words of godly people. The result, our family honor is in the hands of another and the labor of the bread winner is in the lap of foreigners near and far and we mourn the loss. Proverbs 6:7-11

It does seem to me that there are not many people interested in the Living Word of God these days. I would like to be wrong about that and sometimes I get this thought that I know how the prophets felt years ago when they warned of the pending judgments of God on nations that turn their back on Him. “Oh! I can almost hear someone saying, and now he thinks he's a prophet!” Not so! I am not a prophet, nor the son of one, but I do compare the Word of God with current events. Now either the current events are wrong and so is the Word of God, or both the Word of God and current events are right, it can be no other way. You and I should be keen enough to see that the HISTORY and FUTURE of all nations are in the Hands of God who is full of Mercy and Grace, or full of Judgment. History... is HIS STORY and it will unfold by His Plan and Purpose. Blessing and prosperity to the nation that follows Him. Cursing and Judgment to the nation that does not. Romans 9:14-29; Exodus 33:19; Hosea 2:23; Hosea 1:10; Isaiah 10:22-23 and Isaiah 1:9.

The Gospel of John

John 14:7-11 There is only ONE source of TRUTH, there is only ONE WAY to eternity and there is only ONE LIFE worth pursuing. If you think about this seriously you will find it to be comforting, peaceful and promising. God is not like going shopping at the mall or to some specialty store on the strip. You do not have to wait until God ripens, nor do you have to choose the cheaper brand because you cannot afford the more expensive spread.

God is a Spirit, the fullness of God is present in the Person of Jesus. If this is truth, (if and it is true) then again this is the most wonderful truth that the ear can hear. He who has an ear, let Him or Her hear that God is in Jesus Christ His Son who is reconciling the world to Himself. 2 Corinthians 5:19

No religion developed by man can compare itself with the following: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Works of Jesus Christ is proof that the God the Father is in God the Son. No one but God can raise the dead as Jesus states clearly, Believe my works! John 14:10-11. All that religion can do is send a person to hell since all the founders of religion are in the grave and their works have ended. Remember what Jesus said in John 12:30-32!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Look at the Book #260

by Jesse Abel
The Devotional
What does Papa “J” Say?
A casual reading of these verses could render that it is the woman's fault that lead men down a path of discretionary error. But please notice, Solomon says “My son” so it is the child, male or female who is disobedient, who fails the test of knowledge! Proverbs 5:1-6

Well I believe it is time to organize prayer and fasting. I have been looking around at various websites. There are several ministries that are calling for a revival in our nation so we do not have to re-invent the wheel, we simply need to get involved. The National Prayer Committee will gather thousands of believers in Kansas City, Mo., August 26-30, for an historic 66 hour prayer vigil. Another is: Cry out America, Dr. Charles Stanley's 140 days of prayer. And there are others. With the elections coming up in November, most of these prayer events are directed at turning the liberal tide of politics to a more conservative economy. For me, I am just a little tired of seeing our country play the good king/bad king game of political strategies. Someone who emails me regularly has this quote from John Adams: Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. This speaks volumes to the conservatives and the liberals who try to sanctify the United States of America in the relative righteousness of human good. If this nation does not return to God soon, then you can count on it. God will come and take it away from us. This would be our fault, not His!

The Gospel of John

John 14:1-6 By far, it is always such a peaceful moment in time when I come to this section of the devotional. Just looking at the Words of Jesus: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. As a believer or unbeliever; what does that say to you? How about this! Jesus states clearly that the world He created is really standing at the door to the kingdom of God and as the Creator this kingdom it is always in His Presence, but not ours.

Yes, the majority of the world populace have some misconception of who God is, and many are following religions that will carry them to an eternity where the ongoing creative power of Jesus will be seen (The kingdom of God) but not had; Now that is “hell”! So again, the world stands on threshold of the knowledge of God. Simply the world is God conscious and it is not hard to see that ever since time was created that the thought of God is on the minds of everyone. Just look at the thousands of religions seeking Him.

I like what Jesus says, He puts it all right on the line. “You believe in God” or we could say that He sees the world itself as being God conscious and that in reality the world is standing on the threshold of life eternal. The one needed step for all of mankind is to step away from religion, doubt and ignorance and into the way that holds the solid promise of faith: “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” The boldness of this statement alone is enough to send the unwise in faith to hell and the wise in faith to the kingdom of God. BE THERE, OR BEWARE!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Look at the Book #259

by Jesse Abel
The Devotional
What does Papa “J” Say?
When is the last time you took inventory of your character: How much deceit is in your mouth? How often do your eyes look at the perversions of society? Where to you allow your feet to take you? How many dead end streets do you travel daily? Hmmn! Proverbs 4:24-27
The Fire Chief asked several of us at the last meeting how we might get folks who volunteer to ride the ambulance to be more active? We have twenty-five qualified EMT's and another fifteen MRT's, we also average one ambulance call a day. Over the course of a year we have failed to respond to twenty percent of those calls, that is more than seventy calls. It is required that at minimum, at least one EMT and one MRT be on hand for a call. That is 14 calls a year for the EMT and twenty four calls for the MRT. So what is the point? The need of responding to life's emergencies is a reflection of the need to be committed to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. This is simply the other side of the coin. Our national feeling is that if we throw money at our problems, things will get better and you and I won't have to get involved. Give the unemployed our tax dollars, give the illegal alien social care and he or she won't bother us. Give, give, this is the leech of society that has two daughters. Proverbs 30:15 and in fact the four things crippling a society like ours are very plainly spelled out in Proverbs 30:15-17. On the one hand we fail to respond to national emergencies and on the other hand we have become lazy and others are reaping where they have not sown. We are becoming like the Proverb in the mouth of a fool. Like Proverbs 26:7 and Proverbs 27:7.
The Gospel of John
John 13:36-38 There is a song that we sing from time to time. “Jesus knows our every weakness” and there is another. “Jesus knows all about our troubles”, I think the names of these hymns are not important, maybe because I cannot remember them! But the thought that I wish to share is that whether we understand it or not, is that Jesus is very involved with our lives.
I see as well as you do, people who are saved by grace, who are kingdom saints, who are redeemed by the blood of the LAMB, and if I go look in the mirror I see me who like the rest of us say things to Jesus like the apostle Peter; “I will lay down my life for Your sake, LORD!” And, His reply is the same reply He spoke to Peter over two thousand years ago. The rooster is waiting! And when you have denied Me three times, you will hear him crow.
Oh! Not me! I would never deny the LORD Jesus! Well, okay you really do not have to prove that to me. There is one who takes account of your day and He is much better at it. “Jesus knows our every weakness and He knows all about our troubles and He is the provider of GRACE. The question then, if there is one! Are you seeking grace? Or, do you feel that just gutting it out is best and live in the denial that the grace of Jesus is less than sufficient for you?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Look at the Book #258

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

When you are young words and conversations about wisdom and understanding seem archaic. Then by the time you see wisdom as the principle thing in life, you find that understanding is slipping into eternity as the well spring of life dries up! Proverbs 4:20-23.

Briefly we have talked about our nation and the slippery slope we seem to be on. We have touched on the subjects that currently affect our life, liberty and happiness. We have addressed moral and economic national decay. We cannot keep rehashing the same issues, so what should we do? Elijah had a great victory over evil on Mount Carmel. His opening address to the people was, “I alone am left a prophet of the LORD; but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men.” 1 Kings 18:22 Most of us know this event, many sermons and Sunday School lessons have come and gone about this wonderful Prophet of God. Let me just say this: It is not Elijah or any other person who is capable of changing the course of a nation's decline. But it is men like Elijah, Ezra and Nehemiah who prayed for their nation. Confessed the sin of their nation and waited on God to use THEM to restore the nation. The point, Elijah was as not alone as he thought. In 1 Kings 19:18 God tells Elijah that He has reserved seven thousand men in Israel who have not bent the knee to Baal. We can overcome evil with good, just as God promises. The LORD of the armies will help! Amos 5:14-15. Also, we must realize that it is not God's will for us to throw our resources at a problem before we know how to fix it. Proverbs 24:27.

The Gospel of John

John 13:31-35 The commandment of God to Love Him with our whole heart and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:34-40) are not words of Jesus to just pass the time of day in idle conversation. You know what I mean don't you? Sitting in a congregation listening to a sermon or bible study on loving God and your neighbor. We come away from those moments and before we can gather our wits, out pops a thought about God or a person that sounds like it came from the pit of hell. No, not so! It comes from our heart. Matthew 15:1-20

And of course, we do not what to think about this as being true since it would be much easier on our mind to just dismiss this evil with words like; “Well I am a sinner you know, saved by grace” and other such nonsensical expressions. Romans 6:1-2. Come on, look up these verses, be accountable and lets stop kidding ourselves that we are practicing righteousness in the light of God's Word.

Notice here in our passage that Jesus states clearly that God and Jesus are One in plan and purpose. Why? Because the command to love God and one another is an ever present ongoing law of God. So in the simplicity of that thought, should it be any different for those of us whom He calls His children. We say that we love God and that is a good thing, but if we were to measure our love for God, where would you find the scale or measurement? It is found in the way we love our neighbor, don't you think?

Monday, August 2, 2010

A look at the Book #257

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

People seem to find a way to do anything their heart desires! Even if they seem to be stumbling in the intrigue of darkness. This is possible because the dark path of evil is well worn, slippery and down hill. Proverbs 4:19. Why not let Jesus show you the Way? John 14:6

The first ship I was stationed on was a ship that was equipped with radars that could pick up enemy threats to the United States of America. The ship was old, so hull maintenance was an ongoing battle to keep rust from overrunning the ship. One very high mast that held a very large radar was in need of preservation. Four of us young sailors were assigned to chip away the rust and repaint it. To us young inexperienced men this seemed impossible. So the boatswain mate in charge climbed the mast with a safety belt and attached a block and tackle to the top of the mast. Then when he returned to the deck he attached a wooden (boatswain's) seat to the rope coming from the block and tackle. He sat on the wooden seat and threatened our lives if we dropped him and had us new-bees haul him to the top of the mast and back down. When he got back to the deck, he said. “Each of you will take your turn with paint chippers and strip the mast of paint. Then each of you will take your turn at preservation and repainting the mast, you have one week!” (We did it!) The task of restoring this nation to one that glorifies God is not impossible. It took only fifty-two days for Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. There are instruction from men like Ezra, Nehemiah, David and even God Himself, all we need to do is follow their instruction and challenge. 2 Chronicles 7:14

The Gospel of John

John 13:22-30 It is perplexing to all of us that there are enemies of God who sit at our fellowship tables and partake of God's grace. So clever are these people that they will go undetected until the time for them to carry out their plans is at hand. Yet, I would like for us to see that God's grace always gives a person like Judas a way to escape from the temptation of sin and evil.

First, Jesus warns that within their fellowship there is one who is capable of betraying Jesus in a most critical way. As you know each disciple left Him during His mocked up trials and His death. But this one whom Jesus speaks of at this moment does not betray out of fear, but out of selfish aggression and personal desire of gain. Judas was looking for Jesus to take the kingdom of the Jew away from the Romans and set Himself and the twelve as leaders over the new kingdom.

Jehovah provided Cain a means of escaping sin. Sin takes a process of time to complete, Genesis 4:1-8. Jesus provided a process of time for Judas to betray Him to the men seeking to have Him arrested and killed. Sin is not God ordained, nor can anyone say that the devil makes us sin. Sin is a personal choice to destroy the grace of God. Legalistic and new age fundamentalism are personal choices of men who sin against the grace of God. Galatians 5:1-6