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Friday, December 31, 2010

A Look at the Book #363 - COMMENTARY

A Look at the Book #363 - Commentary

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

This Proverb does not mean that wisdom is not found in the scoffer, it means that a scoffer never finds the easy path of understanding used like the one who does not scoff. Proverbs 14:6

Recently we studied the “one another” passages that challenge us to move away from the things that hinder our walk as disciples of Jesus Christ. There are many passages that challenge us to look to the other person, to place a higher esteem on others, rather that putting ourselves first. These many passages fall into a least 24 categories. Maybe when we finish Hebrews the LORD will open the door for this as a study project. In the meantime as we close out Hebrews and the Year 2010, I would like to challenge us all to consider what it means to; esteem the other person better than you esteem yourself, since this is the basis of the “one another” passages. The passage of scripture that my statements will be founded on is; Philippians 2:1-4.

We have been talking over the last few months about; Grace, Faith, Hope and Love. To the secular world these words are known but are not practiced. Did I hear many of you say... hogwash? Take a moment and watch some of the newsreels rolling today. It is the last day of the year so many media outlets are expressing the various events of the past year. Most of what you see is bloodshed, injury and death by the hands of human against human. In all these we see the selfish greed of SIN. Sin? YES, sin! Here are some of the sins we see daily on the news. Abortion, same sex marriages, murders, abuse of every kind. Robbery and scams of every conceivable kind. Cheating, maligning, adultery and babies born out of wedlock. These are just a few of the SINS of the world and we have labeled most of them legal, or molded our society to accommodate them as normal human actions of grace, faith, hope and love. Let me tell you if you've not already guessed. This is the “HOGWASH” fed to most of us and we chow down on it with a greedy selfish heart, like that of a mad hog.

All of the so called natural disasters are shown as people coming together to assist one another. But this is not the one another of God, because the media clearly points out that mother nature is the cause of the disaster and God who allows nature to go beyond the laws of safety is ignored. This maybe good, since under the authority of mother nature, one cannot even get mad at God, if one might be inclined to do so. Besides the secular world works grace, faith, hope and love to the back side of their pants pocket where the wallet is found. Notice the millions of dollars spent to repair the broken hearted and wreck the economy.

Two Thousand Eleven begins a new decade for us, so I leave you today with this challenge. If there is any encouragement found in the Christ of the Bible, whom I am always seeking to share with you. If you have found any comfort in His love, if you have tasted of the goodness of His grace through the fellowship He has offered through His Holy Spirit and if you have been affected by His affection and mercy for YOU. Then fulfill my joy by beginning to be minded like He is. Begin to be one another minded with purpose, cast away those things that make us sinful and SELFISH. Stop letting your self ambition destroy your relationships with others. Reorganize your mind to include others needs and place them ahead of your own. Humble yourself before God and man and know that God loves you. Paraphrased – Philippians 2:1-4.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Look at the Book #362

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

One of the signs of the end times is an evidence of a lack of faith in all the civilizations of the world over. The world seeks a false witness to rule. Luke 18:1-8 and Proverbs 14:4

I cannot explain to you the quality of love that I have for the Living Word of God, but I can explain that this love is only constant when I involve myself with God in His Personal character. You see Jesus is God! He is also the Word of God who dwelt among us because He became human flesh like you and me. To get a partial grasp of this, you would begin with the gospel of John and read the first eighteen verses of chapter one. Please, do not take my word for this wonderful truth of love. What I experience by faith is common among believers in Jesus Christ because we share this common confession of faith, but even my brothers and sisters in the family of God have this faith because it is personal to each of us, even though it is common. (Jude 1:3) When I talk about the matters of faith in God, which is often, I seek to be practical and use practical analogies to bring the point home to the reader so I reckon you could brand me with the word, pragmatist. But as always, here is the point. Faith in God is not skepticism! Faith in God is not believing a lie! Faith in God is not founded on fiction! And, faith in God is not based on any object or human concept generated by the heart of mankind. Faith in God is God's Plan for you and for me. The object of faith in God is founded on mystery of godliness who is Jesus Christ. 1 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 1:1-4 and while this truth remains a mystery for some. Jesus is the only practical solution to man's problem with SIN!


Hebrews 13:16 We should take a look at sacrifice, we missed some of that opportunity yesterday in Hebrews 13:15 the sacrifice of praise, or the use of the lips to bring glory to our Creator. Have you noticed in churches the number of people who do not open their mouth to give thanks, to sing psalms, or worship God? What is so sad for me is to see is an elderly person who has, his or her lips sealed with the hardened glue of bitterness.

Sacrifice in a very real sense is the ability to explode with your soul in an expression of JOY in the LORD, or the result of confidence of the HOPE a soul has in the LORD and the greatest expression of this sacrifice is the LOVE enjoyed by the one who is willing to walk in accordance with 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. If we want to be pleasing to God and I am sure we do, then we must be willing to sacrifice. Sacrifice begins with an expression of our soul through our lips.

If you go to church and I hope you do, then you must place yourself under the authority of those who are leaders in the church. They have the responsibility to watch over your soul and they will also give an account to God concerning you. If your mouth wags in disrespect, that is not sacrifice. Your pastor's report to God will not be profitable for you. A faithful person is one that can be counted on for a sacrifice that is pleasing to God. Don't be fooled in this as some of us have a long way to go, faith in God is not impossible. Since Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8, He is also the Author of Faith. Hebrews 12:1-2.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Look at the Book #361

The Devotional
A Look at the Book #361
Papa “J” and his thoughts?

When is the last time you thought about an OX? We might lend our thoughts more readily to a John Deere, huh? That is until one takes a tour of places like; Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania. Here we realize that godly labor produces much increase with the ox, it always has. Proverbs 14:4

As a First Responder in critical developments like, fire, auto accidents and medical emergencies a responder will face events that they have been trained to handle. Also with longevity in any career a person will often develop a successful routine. Emergency responders must avoid routine, their understanding of quenching the fire, extricating the injured and comforting the sick must include methods that appear routine, but fall into a different category called precautionary. The fireman must ensure that his or her clothing and equipment is on and functioning properly. The emergency responder personnel must ensure that their clothing and machinery to extract victims is working properly and the emergency medical team must be protected from the various illnesses and injuries encountered. This requires constant training. In addition to all of this training it is helpful to know that if I commit what I do to the LORD, He will direct my steps and establish my thoughts. Proverbs 16:3 It is equally nice to KNOW that God will protect me in the mist of the battle. Psalm 91:1-16. As a nation we have set aside precaution (God) for complacency (Self). Trouble is on the horizon! I wonder? Do we as a nation have enough emergency responders (Saints) to quench, extract and comfort? Genesis 18:16-33. Should we be concerned about such things as this? Those who say no! Shame on you. Read it Again 2 Peter 3:10-13 There is still time to repent, isn't there?


Hebrews 13:13 It is important that you and I tune in to our soul. For, far to long we have ignored it, haven't we! Tradition, religion and the American way has failed. It takes very little thought to realize this. One only needs to take a look at the expression of life in the United States today. Unkempt people, clothing hanging on bodies that look like rags out of the dump and the odor to go with it. The camp we live in today is the result of failure, not prosperity. It is time we looked to Jesus Christ, it is time to bear His reproach, it is time to go outside this camp of complacency.

Hebrews 13:14 Obvious to us is that we live in a city that cannot continue under it's present SINFUL state of existence. Only those who belong to Christ who has reconciled us back to God by grace through faith can seek the new city to come. The New Jerusalem. If you have not been saved from this adulterous generation, marriage is not honorable to you. Your conduct is full self and your outlook on life is a vivid picture of death. 2 Corinthians 2:16.

Hebrews 13:15 There are those of us who are continually motivated by the love of God to praise Him. This however is not done by any one of us in an hour or two on a Sunday morning. Our motivation is based on the Truth of Scripture. To leave behind the natural (sinful) way of life and follow the LORD Jesus Christ. This is a sacrifice of at least two conditions. One: That Praise to God willing comes from our lips for His; So great a salvation! Hebrews 2:3 and Two: Confessing thanks to God, in the Name of Jesus Christ who is our Victory. 2 Corinthians 2:12-17.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Look at the Book #360

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

The strength of pride runs deep in the hearts of us all. It is the reason why Satan fell from the grace of God. Pride is selfishness in action, the bitterness of defilement. Pride suppresses the Truth like that of the fool who says there is no God. Psalm 53:1 and Proverbs 14:3

I was thinking (now that can be dangerous) about the word dominion. You may be saying; so what? Dominion is far from my thoughts! Okay, but bear with me for a moment and see if it is on your mind more than you willing to admit. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary says that I have dominion over the dictionary simply because it belongs to me. So as small as dominion can be boiled down too, it can also be demonstrated to it's grandest expression and that is the point! I own a dictionary! Is it important that I prove it? Faith then takes over and says, okay you own the dictionary, good enough! But, there is another element to ownership and dominion! The elements of this planet were created by God. The earth is alive with plants, animals, fish, birds and all sorts of creeping things that crawl in and out of the earth. In Psalm 8:3-9 King David is thinking about ownership and dominion. He is considering the created (Ownership) of God and then he asks God, “What is man that You are mindful of him and the sons of man that You visit? God has made man a “little” lower than the angel, but even so you have placed Your Glorious Image on man, what? (Dominion) Psalm 8:6-9 talks about this dominion. God owns all that He Created, but He has given it to you and me, for dominion. Oh! Sad day, sad day, we have treated what God has given us so badly that He will need to replace soon! 2 Peter 3:10-13.


Hebrews 13:10 There is a continuing thread of solid truth throughout the Bible that proves God's love for your soul. The soul is the real you, it is to be untouched by the outside world around us. The only One who has access to You (soul) is God Himself. It is the altar from where you serve God and no one has the right to partake of the substance of your soul (altar) other that God Himself.

Hebrews 13:11 The efforts of religion over the centuries has in many ways confused and distorted the capacity of the soul. Even the covenants and promises of God have become idolatress, simply because man has mixed human effort with truth to develop works to try and prove his worth to God, over faith in God. Works of human effort prove nothing but sin to God.

Hebrews 13:12 God in His infinite Wisdom went beyond the finite limits of man with His Son Jesus. Outside the limits of man, God born His Son in the womb of the virgin Mary. A man without a sinful nature, he had no human father. Hebrews 10:5-9 states that God Himself prepared a body, a sinless body to reconcile your soul and mind back to Himself. You and I must be willing to take a look outside the religious camps of the world and see Jesus who suffered and died for your sins and mine. But this is not the end of the Story; It's the beginning. He is Risen! He is coming a second time soon and His reward is with Him. Revelation 22:12

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Look at the Book #359

A Look at the Book #359

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

How do we classify life when it comes to integrity, we would like to make it complicated, but the simple truth is that there are those who are wise and those that are foolish and they also fall into two other categories. Male and Female! Proverbs 14:1-2

It would seem to me that the society that we now live in is somewhat socialistic. We have become a nation of governmental care. The government has at least one finger of influence in everything you and I do, and in very short time may have a full grasp. The two primary governmental controls are education and health care. Under these two umbrellas are the puppet strings that control the way we live life, seek liberty and pursue happiness. This is not my personal view. In a way I wish it were, then I could be classified as a blight on the American Way, but there is a generation of young Americans who have never heard the phrase (The American Way) in a serious conversation. So, the question is: Should we “trash the government” and start all over? If you answered yes, then you are a part of the problem. The government is simply a tool of we the people. We have allowed the government to lead, guide and direct us because we have become complacent. If the government is failing, it is failing because we the people are failing. You say; “How have we failed?” We have polluted our Love relationship with the Living God just as Israel did. Please: Read the four chapters of Malachi.


Hebrews 13:5-6 Are we content with the things that we have today? Are you satisfied Mr. and Mrs. Christian in your marriage or do you covet another one's husband or wife. Have you become dis-interested in your spouse? Would you say that the joy of living life under the sun is no longer a joy? Many homes are in an attitude of misconduct? I am not talking about the homes of unbelievers in Christ. I am talking to those who claim that Jesus has given them abundant life. John 10:7-18.

We covet what we cannot have and we have what we cannot covet. Our desires are not focused on God who said He would never leave us or forsake us! Do we not see that God who is always with us cannot be coveted, so our covetousness, if we covet! Falls on things other than what God has provided. And that my beloved friend is SIN!

So God has said through His Word, that we should be able to say boldly: God is my helper. Do we say this by faith or by works. By faith He meets my every need, by faith He provides my joy and happiness. By faith He gives me life, abundant life and everlasting life. If I do not have this confidence I cannot by faith say. What can man do to me? But in this faith I will say, I do not fear.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Look at the Book #358

A Look at the Book #358

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

The accused and the accuser occupy the same path. One inherits the wind, while the other inherits wisdom. These are not the thoughts of an idle tongue! Read the Holy Bible and see for yourself! Proverbs 13:22-25

For a few days we have been looking at our environment (natural and mechanical) through the eyes of my past experience on submarines. That was a long time ago and some have recently asked if what I write about is fiction or theory. To the best of my recollection what I have to say is factual and truthful, but that does not mean that what I say is without error. There is only one Book, or Writing in the world that is “Without Error” and that would be the Holy Bible. If I quote from this document a verse or two, then that quote is without error, but everything else written is subject to question. However, one needs to remember this, what I have experienced in life, I have no intention of making it fiction or an outright lie. So I do not by purpose; relate to things in blind faith, since this faith has no resting place. My soul has found solid (personal) faith and rest in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” This is a quote from the Holy Bible in Matthew 11:28-30. It is without error, it is the truth. Believe it and find faith and peace for your soul. You'll be glad you did?


Hebrews 13:4 What we hear and believe today about marriage is appalling. This is not my mindset or my personal frame of reference. Take a moment and clear your mind from the buzz of current social disciplines and civil rights. If your conscience has not been seared, then your norms and standards will tell you that our nation is caving in over morality and the lack of it. Have we become enlightened of a greater dynamics surrounding marriage, family and nation, or has our pants fallen well below the waistline of defilement? 1 Timothy 4:1-5

We do not like to hear these words! Fornication and adultery, we would like to erase these words out of our minds, but not out of our way of life. Our abuse of life has carried us one step further down this darkened path and the bed is defiled when two men or two women make themselves one in the eyes of their Creator. God will judge this activity. Jude 1:7-8.

Well I do not want to end on an unhappy note today since tomorrow I will not be writing as it is Christmas Eve. And remember that Christmas is a day that for centuries has honored the Birth of God's Son, the LORD Jesus Christ. He is also known as “Immanuel” or translated, “God with us” Meaning that Christ (Messiah) was and is that Baby, born of the Virgin Mary. So if you are inclined to say; “Happy Holidays” just remember that by interpretation – holiday is two words put together as one and those words are: Holy and Day. The Birthday celebration of the Christ Child is then the holiest day of the year. Happy Holy-Day!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Look at the Book #357

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

The soul of man is earnestly ignored these days, yet we dwell on this earth by the grace of God. How so do we ignore? Pride, drugs, alcohol, greed and power! (SIN) and being afraid to call sin, SIN is why the soul becomes foolish; refusing to depart from evil. Proverbs 13:19-21

Water pressure, weight, current, temperature, salinity and other elements in our oceans and seas play a very important role in buoyancy. For example; any good diving officer on a submarine will tell you if his ship has a positive or a negative buoyancy just by the temperature of the water that the submarine is in. This condition can change immediately with a slight change in depth or salinity. So the diving officer on watch must be cognizant of his ship's environment, but his responsibility does not stop with this one fact alone. Along with these elements, he must understand the speed and weight of his ship. A heavy ship is one of negative buoyancy too, but speed will hide or mask the weight making one think that all is okay. When a submarine is in a positive buoyant condition it will want to surface and will if the diving officer fails to realize this condition. So the point! There are a lot of variables caused by Created Laws and the man-made mechanical ability of a submarine to keep it submerged. If the diving officer relaxes his awareness, the ship and the environment will work against him and the envelope of safety will be breached. Psalm 19:1-11 explains this truth! No human invention or theory of evolution can operate outside of the Laws of Creation and be successful. God in His grace allows forgiveness to everyone who repents from this selfish view of created life. Psalm 19:12-14.


Now you are saying that I missed verses 4 through 6 and you are correct. I got a little ahead of myself but if God is willing and there is a tomorrow, I will cover those verses then.

Hebrews 13:7 We may well conclude that in world around us, evolution seems to be advancing at a rapid pace. (The automobile commercial that pictures the feet of a two or three toed reptile at the start, advancing to human feet, then to railroad tracks and then on to the road in one of today's advanced, man made machines can be convincing if you do not know the Creator). Are we marketing automobiles or teaching evolution? Or, are we doing a little of both?

Hebrews 13:8 What has all of this to do with remembering those who rule over the church. Are we not commanded to follow their conduct and faith? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. This explains to me that Creator God has not changed. The earth is not millions or billions of years old. Longevity does not prove evolution, in fact; it destroys it! But with the help of Satan and the darkened minds of enlightened people, even Christian leaders have positionally made erroneous adjustments in their doctrinal statements of faith. Some do not even have a doctrine of faith, this is a blight, or a famine of truth in the land we live in and love.

Hebrews 13:9 The hot air of deception has carried away the elementary principles of the Living Word of God so that good men who know the LORD have been led away too. There minds have been darkened with elements of human reasoning and mental manipulations of unbalanced weights and measures originally designed by God Proverbs 16:11. Rather than staying on course and depth, they have wandered into dangerous doctrines that are outside the envelope of spiritual Truth and their mission is breached. This verse goes on to say that the heart of man is to be established by GRACE and not by the mammon of deceit, we are to occupy ourselves with Jesus Christ (TRUTH) until He returns. Notice the parable of the Minas. Luke 19:11-27

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Look at the Book #356

A Look at the Book #356

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

The one who ignores the disciplines of correction does not escape and his or her end will be in ruin. While the one who heeds these adjustments to life will be rewarded with the Love of God. Proverbs 13:18 and 1 John 4:17-19

Cursing can be offensive even to the person who is prone to curse. On one of the submarines I served was a man who was a native of one of those South American countries. His English was not good and his language was saturated with slang coinages and cursing. If you did not know him you might expect that he was a terrible individual who had no regard for himself or people around him. Even the Tasmanian devil would look like a saint compared to this individual's vocal expressions. One evening we three senior officers of the watch decided to question this man who at the time was the helm and fairwater planesman about his use of English. His response; “my family talks this way all the time, it is the way we were brought up!” Today, this man is born again, he is a believer in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the LORD! If you are a believer this is enough to bring tears of joy to your heart. If you are not then you may be wondering; “so what's the point?” Here it is... this man had a lame tongue from birth, but one day someone shared with him “good news” the good news of another Man. The Birth of the God/man, also of His Death and Resurrection. His Name is, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the name which he had previously used in blasphemy was now the Name of His LORD and Savior. The point! Acts 4:10 was just as real two thousand years ago as it was yesterday on the submarine, today as I write and forever as eternity awaits us all. Hebrews 9:27-28 and Hebrews 13:8.


Hebrews 13:1 The journey through Hebrews has been most rewarding for me and I hope that it has for you the reader as well. Yes, the current events in our nation has caused a delay, even some harshness in my delivery of words, yet I am always reminded that as a believer in the LORD Jesus Christ the message that God seeks to get across to us all is the message that God is Love. 1 John 4:7-16.

Hebrews 13:2 God's messengers are in every nook and cranny of our world of influence, so you never know when one will pop up. We must be ready at all times entertain the people we come in contact with. But these messengers of God are not entertained by song and dance. He sends them into our lives for the purposes of encouraging our faith in God and strengthening our walk and the walk of as brothers and sisters of Christ. And you know as I do, some of these have been angels of one sort or another.

Hebrews 13:3 There is not a dark shadow here in seeking to remember those suffering and mistreated. The body (the church) as you well know is mistreated daily, sometimes it is even we who mistreat others or our own. In Christ, we have the ability to overcome this by remembering that the yoke of bondage is relevant to all. We are to pursue peace with all men, without which, there is no kindness. Ephesians 4:32

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #355

A Look at the Book #355

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

A fool's wrath glows orange like a cold fire; even ugly to watch. In contrast the blue flame of a hot fire can brighten and comfort the hopes of a better tomorrow. Just as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Destruction And Death; Testifies to all ungodly nations. Proverbs 13:15-17

On one of the submarines I was on a young man openly declared his sexual bent to be opposed to the Naval Regulations in place at the time. He did this while we were on patrol in the North Atlantic. At first we thought he was joking, but it soon became apparent that he was serious. The patrol could not be shortened, we could not easily pull into some port and transfer this person ashore. So he was stripped of his duties, isolated from the rest of the crew and protected from himself and others for the remainder of our patrol. Civil Rights should not govern Military Rights. Some reading this will undoubtedly disagree with me on this. Do I care? The answer is yes, I am a veteran! It does not make sense to me, that people who have law degrees in civil rights should also a voice in proven military science. What gives some wimp of a person who has no knowledge of the military, the right to invade the military with liberal laws that WILL dull the sword of our military integrity? Is it a civil right to legally kill babies (SIN), or legally allowing two men or two women to marry each other (SIN) and legally allowing the homosexual and heterosexual to stand at arms length to defend an ungodly purpose? Or is it EVIL? Can we be so blind that we cannot see the TRUTH? The sad answer is emphatically YES. The comforting solution; God is not dead, He is Risen, He sees the US of A: He is Returning and His REWARD will be with HIM. Revelation 22:12. This will be a Victory worth watching and guess what. It matters not what side your on, you will be there!


Hebrews 12:25-28 Oh, how what I've written in the paragraph above finds it's place in what is being said in this portion of scripture. Anyone can shut my mouth, in fact; God Himself can if He chooses too since I am a man of unclean lips and live in a nation of people with unclean lips. Isaiah 6:5. I am not alone in this, that is a comfort. The people of God are speaking out and God does not shut our lips. The ungodly say, “Well where is the sign of His coming?” 2 Peter 3:1-9.

Herod has been warned that Jesus is coming again. He is not looking for a child of two years of age or younger. (Matthew 2:16-18) He is looking for those (His Church) who are preparing the way for the Second Advent of Jesus Christ who is the King of kings and the LORD of lords, so there will be a removal of those things being shaken at this time. He will be replacing this old kingdom with a new one that cannot be shaken by evil. The opportunity for you to be there is still an open door, John 3:16 and John 11:27. But there is coming another day like the one on the Ark, first. Genesis 7 is a true even in history. Notice to that Noah could not shut the door to the Ark, but God could and did. Genesis 7:16.

Hebrews 13:29 For Our God is a consuming Fire. And 2 Peter 3:10-13 and yes beloved, we should remain steadfast and grow in grace and knowledge. 2 Peter 3:14-18.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Devotional A Look at the Book #354

A Look at the Book #354

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

The heartbeat of America may be a car! Yet it is not made in the United States by natural citizens, but by the sub-cultures of false naturalization. The fountain of Life runs dry and the snares of national death are on every corner of the American nightmare. Proverbs 13:14-15

Many years have past but I still remember the day when the submarine I was on was leaving the Mediterranean Sea through the Straits of Gibraltar. Once we were through the Straits we headed North for England, our depth was shallow and our speed was aggressive. The moment of silence was broken with; “torpedo in the water, emergency deep” an enemy submarine had fired on us. With the collision alarm blaring and increased speed we headed down, fear replaced peace. We placed devices in the water to confuse the torpedo. All of our action was rewarded with success, but in that moment of good decision making, there was panic within the men. One senior Petty Officer was found on the floor crying and banging his fists and feet on the deck and saying that he did not what to die. One person had to be replaced who became physically and mentally incapacitated. This panic was not wide spread, but I just want us to know that when the object of faith is threatened (in this case the submarine), trust and hope have no where to go, and in some, the heart of man fails. Again, God never fails. Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God proves this as He is the originator of this Faith that He made perfect for you and me to follow. Hebrews 12:2


Hebrews 12:18-24 Ask anyone who runs into a critical moment, like these Israelites who literally saw the mountain that was untouchable, being full of fearful noises, putrefying smoke and shaking earth. The sound of the trumpet (collision imminent). Commanding words that added more fear and confusion so that the people involved just wanted it to STOP! Even the thought of the wild life perishing as the arrow strikes at the heart of the matter. What terror develops in the heart when faith has no where to go, but tremble! Tremble! Tremble!

Folks, don't panic! The LORD Jesus Christ has overcome the terror of facing the judgment of God. He has made peace with God through the better sacrifice of Himself for your sins and mine. Read the scripture and anchor deep in the faith of Jesus Christ. See the greatness of His sacrifice as it is written in Hebrews 9:23-28. Jesus is coming again soon. You certainly have the option to disbelieve this and if you do, then what awaits you will be what you fear most. You say; “What is that?” There is no way around it, it will always be “Faith” and that being the faithfulness of God!

The general assembly is a host of people that God calls His Children, the universal church, His saints or those who identify with Martha a friend of Jesus who made this statement. “Yes LORD, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is come into the world.” John 11:27. If you have not made a similar statement to the Person of Jesus, then you do not know the Mediator of the New Covenant. The truth is that you have no confidence in God because you have not accepted His faith as your own! Your sin is not an issue with God, Jesus paid that price for you. Shall I say more? You betcha, see you next Monday, unless of course the rapture happens!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Look at the Book #353

The DevotionalThe DevotionalThe Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

What does the religious road look like in America? If it looked like the famine found in third world countries, we could understand our needs. However, today people say that they love Jesus, but they despise the Bible. Oh, oh... the Bible is Jesus! Proverbs 13:13 and John 1:1

In our morning devotionals my wife and I are reading through Psalm 119. I remember when we studied this Psalm about a year ago as part of this daily devotional that comes to you. (We read the MEM and NUN file, verses 97 through 112). Now for certain we did not cover that many verses in one sitting a year ago, but I do remember that we talked about loving God. The question that always pops up in my mind when I allow myself to meditate on “loving God” is the question of; “Do I really love Him?” I believe the Psalmist; who could very well be Jeremiah the Prophet is thinking these thoughts himself. “Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day”. Then he goes on to think through the thoughts associated with his love for the law of God. A favorite verse in this Psalm for many is verse 105. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. Here is the point! And I am sure this was the point a year ago as well. God's Love is revealed in the Word, the Law, the Commandments, the Precepts, the Statutes and the Testimonies of the Bible (Psalm 19). And Jesus Christ is the Word fulfilled, the Bible. Colossians 2:9 and if you believe this; then you are completely in love with Him through His Word. Colossians 2:1-10. The Bible is NOT philosophy, it is Christ and the fulness of knowing Him. See 1 Peter 1:8.


Hebrews 12:12-17 Vitality is the expression of life, if you are vertical today and moving about then you are capable of having vitality. You can walk, talk, think, feel and do all the things associated with the living. I see at least two expressions of human vitality these days. People who are disciplined in their mind to get the most out of living, and the others who are getting the most out of dying, by the way... which one are you?

Believers in Jesus Christ have this same vitality also but these people are not limited to just living and dying. Say what? Well, there is really no sense in repeating it, just listen up! If you have been born again, God has added to your human vitality, His Spiritual Vitality and I think that many of His Saints have forgotten this truth since they walk about looking weak and feeble, even like they are in need of some body part adjustment from the chiropractor. The fall from the grace of God is bitter and dangerous so one must be responsible and walk in spiritual vitality.

God has already proved through His Word that people who play the harlot or fornicator with His Word, stand in jeopardy like Esau. So while you still have human vitality working in your favor, it might also be necessary to evaluate your Spiritual responsibility if you are indeed saved by grace through faith. 2 Corinthians 5:9-11 explains that there is a day in the future of every believer in Christ, when JESUS will judge the things we have done in the body, whether good or bad. I hope we think through on this vital truth and I believe you will be joyful and not feeble if you do.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Look at the Book #352

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

Prideful people are hole diggers, seeking to trip or destroy the righteous. Today's spade is a public domain called the internet. Psalm 119:85. However, the humble look to God for comfort and the sharp tongue of prideful is interned in his or her own void. Proverbs 13:12

For people who have spent any time at sea it is not hard for them to understand the events of Mark 4:39. At sea sailors can see the storm brewing twenty miles ahead or behind them and have no fear since where they are, all is calm. The captain will seek to navigate away from the storm and in most cases the directional changes are successful. But when things go bad on the oceans, the men or women who go down to the sea in ships cannot panic. When people panic the next experience in their life in most cases is – DEATH! (Death comes in all phases of life, not just in panic so don't misunderstand here). We are talking about faith, and the point to make with this is the evidence of faith. When people panic, all the evidence of faith escapes from the brain. The evidence of faith has three ingredients: ONE, an object. TWO, a belief and THREE, a hope. In the case of a storm at sea, the object would be the vessel. Put that object in jeopardy and faith in it begins to crumble. Believing in the vessels ability to survive deteriorates and hope of survival dissipates. Now it is a simple statement that the writer of Hebrews makes but it is the most powerful statement of faith ever. Don't miss it!!! Since this is the directional compass for all the storms of life. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8. As the object of faith, Jesus will not fail. You can continue to believe and hope in Him. John 20:30-31


Hebrews 12:5-11 Now you may be saying; “What does discipline have to do with faith in God?” Especially in the day in which we live, where sound biblical discipline is replaced by disobedient, God haters, we can see why that question could pop up! Our nation continues to march down the aisles of liberal theology, and just as Romans 1:30 and the context around that verse reveals, God is a bit upset with our lack of knowledge biblical knowledge. We are in His discipline and do not even know it, so I've chosen this opportunity to explain it to you.

Hebrews 12:5-11 is a lot of verses to cover today, so it would be good if you hung around for a few days while we put it together. If God permits, I'll be here and I hope you will too!.

Disobedience and hate run down the same pathway, we usually step into that path when we are rebuked. I do not know of anyone who enjoys a good ole slap on the buns for doing wrong, do you? But, discipline is one strong tool that proves LOVE and produces FAITH. Many of us have been hurt by folks (some by parents) who have taken discipline to the wrong level, either to much chastening or to little. So before we can really begin, these painful or lack of painful experiences must be replaced with the GRACE of God. Remember with me, that all things are possible with God who never fails us. Jeremiah 32:17 and Jeremiah 33:3

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Look at the Book #350

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

If one knows what to do and remains idle, then, it is necessary to check the dip stick and see if the pride level is too high. Contention will cease when the right amount of wisdom balances the well spring of pride, living under the sun. Proverbs 13:10 and Ecclesiastes 5:6-7

When I first enlisted in the United States Navy... should I tell you how long ago that was? Well, okay, it was 53 years ago, relevant or not, some of you reading this could double your current age and still not measure up. Here is the point. In those early years in the military some old Boatswain's Mate made this statement to a bunch of us young men. “Sailors, your in Navy lest you forget! Now there is a right way to do things and there is a wrong way too. I do not want to catch any of you doing things the right way or the wrong way. There is a third way to do things in the Navy and that is: THE NAVY'S WAY! So from now until the time you leave the Navy do things the Navy way and you will have good success. Without going into all the doctrinal issues of God (does He exist?) Creation (or evolution?) Sin (or human error?) Satan (is he real?) and other relevant works of Law and faith. Genesis records a similar challenge to man, whom He created, responsible to Him. God is not some old Boatswain Mate, He has Much more authority! Read Genesis 2:8-25, then go on and read Genesis 3:1-24. God says in those verses of His Living Word, that the way of life under the tree of knowledge of good and evil is the wrong way to live eternally, if you want to live in the image and likeness of God, then one must believe God. He rewards those who believe Him. Hebrews 11:4-7. Bottom line; there is a good and evil (right and wrong) way that man lives in temporarily, but if you want to live eternally, you must live it God's way. John 3:16 and 35-36; 14:1-6; Hebrews 10:5-7 and Psalm 40:6-8.


Hebrews 12:1-2 We need to look again to Jesus. Jesus is the Author of Creation. He spoke and the universe began to take shape. He is the author of the Living Word, since He is the Word. Genesis 1:3;6;9;11;14;20;24;26 and 29. The Word became Flesh, John 1:1 and John 1:14. This is not a myth or an old wives tale. Notice 1 John 1:1-4. Jesus not only Authors all that is, all that was or all that ever will be. He also authors or writes the book on Faith.

He did not author sin, He did NO sin but He knew the effects of sin. Thus He planned to become sin for you and for me. A day of reconciliation for all sin is found in Hebrews 10:5-10 and Psalm 40:6-8 explaining that this is not some New Testament idea, but that God throughout time has made a way of reconciliation for all people in the world. That way is the Faithfulness of God through the Person of Christ to be the propitiation (mercy or favor) of God.

The Author of Faith is also the Finisher of Faith in that He alone could foresee the JOY that salvation through His Sacrifice would open or split the veil that opens heaven to all who will come. Hebrews 6:13-20. He is the High priest of faith. He entered heaven and He now sits at the Right Hand of God, His Father. He intercedes for us continually because He willingly obeyed His Father by Faith. One day soon the veil will be mended at the last trumpet call. Will you be there? 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

Friday, December 10, 2010

A Look at the Book #349

A Look at the Book #349

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

The Light of the LORD is everlasting and bright. Look! It can be seen in the eyes of His saints. Please note! The wick of the wicked may glow, but this oil of gladness burns hot and runs out quickly. Proverbs 13:9

What does it mean to experience “absolute surrender”? A soldier gives up in battle, parents watch as their child reaches adulthood an goes off to college. A loved one dies and the family mourns the loss. None of these events are “absolute”. Yes, you may argue that at least one of these conditions meet the standard for being final and that would be the death of someone you love. Did you know that God challenges us to see the invisible, in fact; He says in His Word which is alive that the things that happen in life to people are but a moment, a moment of, “weightless affliction”. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. We have been talking about faith, did you forget? What does that verse say, the one that we should have memorized by now. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1. Absolute surrender, then is giving up the faith that the world uses daily of good and evil and accepting God as faithful, it is an attribute of His Character. The gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be real for anyone until we are challenged by the grace of God to believe (have faith) in Jesus. Ephesians 2:1-10 and 2 Corinthians 5:5. Those who read the blog, challenge me daily to speak to them directly. I cannot do that, all I do is write... it is God who explains to you and me His Truth. If you become a believer, it will be because of Him! Not me!. Hebrews 12:30-40 explains well that people of faith view nothing in the world as absolute surrender. Notice Hebrews 11:35, faith is the absolute assurance and surrender to a better resurrection.


Hebrews 112:1-2 There are a multitude of witnesses of Faith, and as the history of God moves through time the cloud becomes larger and brighter. This is not a cloud that darkens with the threat of a brewing storm. Why, because those who are of this cloud will lay aside every weight of sin that so easily entangles them.

These men, women and children have endurance to run a race, a faith race if you will, so it is necessary to shed things from our framework that hinder our ability to run, or walk for some of us older folks endure. This shedding of things that slow us down is called, having endurance. Did you know that endurance has an object just as faith does? We have replaced the things that hinder us with Jesus Christ. I hope you see Him as we do, the object of our faith.

Jesus is the author of the Living Word, He is the Living Word. The apostle John puts in in perspective with the words of 1 John 1:1-4. Joy over happiness is coming to faith in the One who Created all things for Himself. Revelation 4:11; Genesis 1:1, also see Colossians 1:15-18. So look to Jesus for the joy of living life. His endurance of the Cross is your only hope to endure the circumstance of life in absolute surrender.