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Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #887

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Many people like a good story and there are enough writers willing to provide. From the king or his queen, to the kindergarten boy or girl; stories are a significant part of our daily life. Why? Proverbs 31:8-10

Good Morning

2 Corinthians 5:12-21 – There are times when we study scripture that the things we see within are hard to put on paper. Thoughts about the complete work of Jesus regarding the sin of the world are overwhelming. For example; in this passage we see the apostle referring his readers to earlier comments in Chapter 3 regarding qualifications.

Now I am not saying that qualification is not necessary; it is, yet there is a time when experience; that is, the practice of what we are qualified in is no longer the shingle hanging outside the door. Rather it is the action of a heart and of a sound mind for those whom we minister too in truth and power generated by the Holy Spirit.

Verse 14 is a key passage to what we should all come to realize and it is simply this! “If One died for ALL, then ALL humanity is dead in the sight of God!” so the apostle says that we therefore do not judge anyone any longer by the standard of being alive in flesh, but are now to be judged dead in the flesh because Christ died for all therefore all are dead.

Also we do not know Christ any longer as the God/man in the flesh, but we do behold Him as the slain Lamb and the risen LORD, who is enthroned at the right hand of God. To know Jesus in this realm is a position that only those who are identified by the apostle as those who are made alive by God the Holy Spirit who are “In Christ”.

Notice John 6:63. The saints experience on earth is “in Christ” a trust or expression of faith in God and empowered by the Spirit of God. So if anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation; old things of the flesh are dead. Understand and notice that all the things “In Christ” are new. Death has nothing, can do nothing and is encouraged by nothing.

Now; all the things we have are of God, because we have been reconciled by God, bringing us to Himself through His Son. Life now participates in the newness of Life in Christ, a Living power in the Spirit and the confidence or encouragement of Life everlasting, old things are passed away. Then as if there were not enough, He gave us a ministry. This ministry is the Righteousness of Jesus Christ written in our hearts.

A message of reconciliation an epistle not of ink; that God is not counting the sins of the fleshly people around us, but that Jesus has died and has risen. Died to sin once and raised to Life eternal that for all who are dead to God might be reconciled or made alive through the Lamb who is now the LORD.

So what an awesome gift and ministry we have. One the depth and wisdom of God overwhelming us in that He has placed a judgment over the world that outside of Christ, all are dead. In Christ, all are made alive and those alive know this is true because the Holy Spirit identifies with our spirit that we are the Children of God, Romans 8:12-17.

In our flesh we are not sufficient for such a ministry or message, but our sufficiency is not of the flesh… it is dead. The letter of the law kills, but we are ministers of the New Covenant and through the Spirit, He gives Life to those who believe.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #886

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Personal pronouns are found in the Holy Bible because God is personally interested in you and me. Spiritually He is at work in our personal life to reveal His Son to those who live in darkness by our personal faith. Galatians 2:20 and Romans 13:14.
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 5:9-11 – If you are reading from the NKJV there are seventy five words in this portion of scripture, but there are several volumes of doctrinal teaching here. For example; there are truths regarding the total depravity of man in that there is a judgment for believers for the things done in the flesh. Verse 10
There is the Eternal Guarantee of being saved forever; verses 9-10. There is the promise of reward and the just reminder of a loss of reward; verses 9 and 10. Also there is the purpose of the church to present the “Bride of Christ” as perfect or mature; verse 11.
Believing people anticipate a hope of being with God forever, therefore these folks make it a goal to present their faith before God at the “Bema Seat” also known as the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ. Notice I used the word “faith” and not “works” as there is another judgment pending for unbelieving people. Revelation 20:11-15 which is a judgment of works without faith in the Person of Jesus.
What is this faith? Someone may ask. Faith is confidence in God, confidence in the Spirit of God who reveals Jesus Christ, (Faith, not sight) 2 Corinthians 5:5-8. Also we see the eternal state of our soul. To be absent from this body of flesh is to be present with the LORD. We see the challenge to be holy or Christ like, verse 11.

We see that “election” is not the “selected” of a certain group of religious beliefs that teach an “after-market” or “counterfeit” election who are set apart for eternal bliss. What we see is the sovereign act of God and the predetermined foreknowledge of God who gave His Son Jesus to be the Lamb (Sacrifice) of God. Those of us who have confidence in Him, are the chosen; John 1:12 and John 3:15-31.
In other words if you do not stand at the Bema Seat of Christ in eternity; you will stand at the Great White Throne Judgment of all unbelievers and unbelieving religions of the world. You see in this small section of scripture the position of Christ over His Church. Knowing this, we should persuade all believers to walk in Wisdom.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #885

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Finally my brothers and sisters, whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of good report; if there is anything of virtue and praiseworthy, think of these things. The mind of the saint who is not thinking these thoughts is not at peace, with God or with his neighbor. Philippians 4:4-9
Good Morning
It is time to take a break from 2 Corinthians 5. It does not take much these days to catch or shift the eye from one topic to another. It is hard to stay focused; like most of us we are bombarded with mail and email from all sorts of promises and petitions that are aimed at rescuing our defunct government, stabilizing our sinking economy and restoring our crumbling Constitution. Some of these efforts or very good and some are very bad, but these all have one thing in common, give us money!
All ask for donations and here is the rub! I counted fifteen emails; four para church organizations, six political watchdogs, two gun associations and three retired or replaced politicians all suggesting that they have the knowledge and wherewithal to correct the government, make the economy stable and restore the value of the Constitution. The donations start at $25 dollars, yet many are asking for $35 or more.
That just covers the emails; then there are on any given day two or three postal mailings from some of the same special interest groups in the local area. All of which want a sizable donation. Now, far be it from me, but most of us are not ignorant of these well intended special interest groups; but with the well-intended are the scammers whom are not worthy of comment.
If one were to give donations to all of these human efforts; say $25 once or twice a year that would be $950.00 even so, this too is irrelevant. What a person does with ones money is their business since everything we do with God’s blessing increases the blessing and everything we do with God’s curse intensifies the curse, Proverbs 6:11; 10:15; 11:24; 13:18; 20:13; 23:21; 24:34; 28:19-22; 30:8 and 31:7.
So in all of this verbose or wordiness what is the issue? Americans in general are aware of America’s serious problems; but Americans including America’s saints are missing in action. What is the action? Prayer! Prayer! Prayer!
We often run to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and seek to fit our nation into the framework of Israel and say things like we are a chosen nation and that we are suffering the consequence of national sin. Well I agree, but should we “cut and paste this verse of scripture out of context and apply it at every American ill?
The context of 2 Chronicles 7 has to do with the dedication of the temple that Solomon built for God to dwell in. If you read the context you will notice the intensity of Solomon’s prayer and sacrifice. This was no small event; it lasted for days and weeks.

Not only did God notice and react, but so did the nation.
2 Chronicles 7:3 says that when God reacted to Solomon’s dedication; the nation noticed and bowed their head and worshipped and praised God. I like also what God says in 2 Chronicles 7:15. God does not want us throwing His blessings away, His desire is to see our sacrifice of repentance and hear our prayer of national restoration.
We should start praying folks, maybe Philippians 4:6-7 is a good place to start, or Matthew 6:9-13. So we have a choice, the choice to stay disconnected and give money to as many special interest groups that we can afford (Satan’s deception). Or to go back to our churches and offer up sacrifices worthy to the heart (eyes and ears) of our God.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #884

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Over seventy times the word fool or the concept of being foolish is found in the book of Proverbs. In chapters 17 and 26 the main topic is the fool. If we study just that word within the context of Proverbs we would learn a lot about the Wisdom of God and the foolishness of mankind.
Good Morning

2 Corinthians 5:1-8 – Chapter five is one of my favorite as it describe assurance to God’s children of the resurrection. Also this chapter reminds me of Hebrews 11:1-3. Daily we are reminded that this earth bound body of ours is full of decay… well most of us are since there is the fool who readily believes that there is no God. Psalm 14:1-7.

We who believe in Jesus Christ who is the Resurrection and the Life believe the promises that He made to us. For example the promise that He is preparing a new habitation for our soul, one that will not rot like this earthly sin riddled earthbound body we now live in. this promise is found in John 14:1-6

I also know that as a believer in Jesus Christ that I groan daily to be clothed in that new dwelling. The truth is that I am old as most of you know, but it is not the age of me or the limited things that confront me, nor is it the pain of old age. (I can deal with that) I groan because I am sinful, I see sinful people and often collaborate with sinful people; this reminds me of a nursery rhyme.
There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse.
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

Maybe this little poem has little to do with confidence and assurance, but it does point out my view on all of humanity including myself. But whatever the point I seek to make is that there is a future hope for all believers in Jesus Christ and this hope is not based on any crooked effort of the human flesh that your soul is “trapped in” at the moment.

Confidence and assurance is holding to the promise that God has a day in the future when His children will receive a new wardrobe for their soul and the evidence of this promise is fulfilled in Jesus Christ and revealed to us through the Holy Spirit.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #883

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Ever find yourself eating a whole box of chocolates in one sitting? Sometimes there is a need for sweets; but a whole box… never! Doing so will fill one with greed or glutinous ills to vomit up! Proverbs 25:16
Good Morning

2 Corinthians 5:1-8 – We previously looked at our temporal existence and although we did not focus intently on the suffering and discomforts of life in general we did mention it in various ways of living from day to day. All suffering comes from sin and Satan this eventually results in death to all of God’s Creation. A judgment of God that is placed on all, there is no created being excluded. Genesis 3:1-24

However, God promises relief from our present world of temporal suffering and death. He reveals this as a promise; first in His Word, second through His Creation, third through His Son Jesus, fourth through His Spirit and finally, but not least, but first; through His everlasting love, Romans 8:1-39. All of the Holy Bible points to this Truth. This brings us to our little section in 2 Corinthians 5:1-8

Assurance of life after death; when a person responses to the love of God, through the Person of Christ and His death and resurrection, he or she will see creation from God’s Word, under the authority and direction of God the Holy Spirit. We see that the body in which we have is just a temporary tent and under the judgment of God and that it will be destroyed. Truth is that we long for and even groan for this event to happen and we eagerly wait to put on our habitation which is from heaven.

In this earthly body we are burdened with unrighteous deeds of the flesh, which are full of discomfort and suffering. Human righteousness is as filthy rags to our Holy God (Isaiah 64:6-7) thus we groan and don’t you know… none of us are righteous enough to be pleasing to God. There is however a “Resurrection Righteousness” that this temporal creation groans for, yet not all of creation will gain it.

If the peoples of world around us are unfaithful (and they are) there is only ONE who is found faithful to deliver Himself and those who believe in Him from the judgment of Genesis 3. Now there is still a lot more to discuss here in these few verses found in 2 Corinthians 5, but this morning I need to leave the subject for the day and pick it up again tomorrow; LORD willing. Remember: We walk by faith, not by sight (this is something the world has lost, it was lost in fall; Genesis 3.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #882

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Each day my wife and I read a chapter in the Book of Proverbs and each day I am reminded of areas of weakness in my personal life. Do these challenges mean something to me, if not; then I should be like the field of the slothful. What does your personal life look like as you stand before the LORD today? Proverbs 24:30-34
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 – On a submerged submarine most of the time in the control room is spent on operating in an invisible realm, only the things within the submarine are actually seen. Of course if we were able to sit outside of the ship we would see things beyond the ship more clearly but it is not possible and I am sure you know the reason.
This same condition is placed on all the inhabitants of the world; we are confined to our realm of existence. Basically we cannot go beyond what we can see and much of what we do see is off limits even though we send probes into our galaxy to search it out, as does the submarine. So the physical and mental eye of mankind is limited. Mankind without the help of God does not have a spiritual eye.
We have evidence too that; like the submarine the world in which we live is a temporary place of existence and there are some who try hard to deny this truth. For example; there is botoxication and intoxication then those in-between distractions of living this lie while our outward appearance falls apart and we fall off the universe just like all the rest.
Psalm 90:1-17 – This Psalm explains what I seek to say and the opening verse identifies the Author and His plan for you and me to see beyond our temporal life. Even though our outward existence is perishing we are moment by moment conscious of an inner being that knows that there is life after death. Ecclesiastes 3:11.
So all of mankind has the basic tools necessary to understand that the afflictions of life are; BUT FOR A MOMENT! Yet only those who God calls, CHILDREN or SAINTS understand that all of the affliction and suffering of this present world is not to be compared to the eternal weight of glory that is waiting for us when we step into the unseen world that God has prepare for those who LOVE Him and His appearance. Romans 8:18 and (Proverbs 8:11 spiritual wisdom is the principle).
Would you turn down God who is eternal for any temporal distraction avail to mankind today? I hope your answer to this question is NO and then seek to be reconciled to Him. Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Eternal Life that your eternal soul cries out for. John 14:1-7.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #881

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Like it or not; heaven and hell are two existing places and most people today have no fear of going to either place. Why is that? One reason that stands out! Apostasy is rampant today not only in this land, but all across the world! 1 Timothy 4:1-5
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 4:7-15 – One of the gospel hymns of Ernie Ford that I remember was titled “Farther along”. The chorus reads; Farther along we’ll know all about it, Farther along we’ll understand why; Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine, we’ll understand it all by and by.
It is true that some of the things that happen in our lives cause thoughts of, “why LORD?” Why has this come into my life? Truly we do not need to open up our box of reminders and there is little room for another woe to be placed there. Yet the apostle Paul clearly gives us understanding that in this life, suffering is common to all.

As believers or I prefer saints; we have a treasure in our earthly vessel that the apostle refers to in an earlier epistle in 1 Corinthians 3:5-17 which is the Holy Spirit, the excellent power of God that is victorious over the crushing circumstances of the world. The mindless persecution and the negative thoughts of others that strike us down are also in the truth of Romans 8:18-30. Don’t just say “Oh yeah” Romans 8:28. No read the whole context.
The events of suffering for every person in this world are overwhelming and like the world we are confronted daily with life and death. But as a believer in Jesus we always have with us, the Spirit of God who reminds us of the Death of Jesus in every instance of suffering in order that we might look beyond His death to the Life of Jesus. You know the hymn. “He lives” Without the Spirit of God we would not have this HOPE and we would react as the world does, HOPELESS!
This excellent power of God then which turns death into life (or suffering into victory) is of faith. It is the outworking of this truth that gives people of faith an ability to speak in ways that the world does not understand. For the most part if you are a saint for very long, you understand this suffering and speak of this victory first hand. Grace that causes THANKSGIVING and abounds to the Glory of God.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #880


by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
What will destroy your soul? Could it be the eye that seeks evil, or the hand that touches inappropriately, or what about the mind that thinks evil thoughts? All of these contribute to the health of a soul. Sour grapes and teeth set on edge. Proverbs 22:5-6 and Ezekiel 18:2
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 4:1-6 – We are not adequate to be ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ; even though we are ministers. Yet in this we do not lose heart because we have received MERCY. This is a bold statement of the apostle Paul in that there is a threshold that those who minister the gospel must cross; that being the experience of having received mercy.
We seek to renounce evil; we strive to avoid walking in the craftiness of deception and search to handle the Word of God truthfully. This reminds me of Psalm 1:1-6. If we fail in this, the failure is in the sight of God and in the conscious confines of one’s own heart; 1 Corinthians 4:4-5. There is then accountability to God and to man and there be many warnings in scripture regarding this.
We briefly looked at the veil of darkness that those in unbelief are focused on in our last time together. It is not as if the unbelieving world around us is blind and cannot physically see; it is that this blindness is spiritual sight that is diverted to see spiritual darkness rather than spiritual light. If we preach from an impure conscious then those who hear see only the impurity.
The light of the gospel is the glory of Christ (Messiah) or (Immanuel) the Holy One, God in the flesh; the Savior, the LORD; the Resurrection and the Life. However you see Jesus who is the image of God is that dividing truth for all who are in the Light and all who are in the darkness. Isaiah 7:10-17; 9:6-7 or John 11:25-26
So we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the LORD and ourselves as servants to all who see darkness; servants also to those see the light for the preaching of Jesus in TRUTH to both. For it is God who commanded Light to shine out of darkness, revealed in our hearts to give that light to those around us who live in darkness, that through this light which belongs to God we can minister because we have received MERCY.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The devotional - A Look at the Book #879

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”

If you suffer from a lack of friends as many of us do these days. Check the dipstick of your friendship reservoir; you just may be a quart low. Proverbs 18:24
Good Morning

2 Corinthians 3:7-18 – it is hard for me to imagine that the Law and the sacrifices are referred to by the apostle Paul as; “the ministry of death” and that it was glorious too.

 Yet when you think about that moment in time when Moses went to meet the LORD on Mount Sinai; Exodus 34:1-35 you quickly realizes that the ministry itself has no glory, only ritual and death. The Glory of the Old Covenant is the One who promises redemption through the Law and the Sacrifices. Only God is Glorious.

This is the ALMIGHTY God; El Shaddai, so when the thoughts of one’s mind go to the source of all majesty and power, two events play out in our focus. One: From age to age He is still the same; the thought of this alone sends chills and awe flooding and overwhelming our mind.
The second event is the thought of lifting up a voice of praise, as so the flood from the mind spills out of the lips with words like; “I will praise and lift You High, Almighty God.

El Shaddai! Oh my! Is that a Beautiful Name or what? If there are any words in the Holy Bible that bring my eyes to tears it is the Hebrew words. El Shaddai and Abba! These two words are miles apart, and in our passage in 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 we see the two pulled together. One the power of God revealed in the countenance of Moses and the ministry of the New Covenant revealed by the Son who is the Spirit of God.

Notice if you will that the ministry of the Spirit removes the veil of the ministry of death when one turns to the LORD Jesus by faith. Now that isn’t this liberty? The Son of God the Father is the LORD who is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is liberty. Do you have liberty today?

We have; by faith the glory of God revealed in us by His Son, our face is unveiled. The result of this is that we are a daily witness to the veiled faces of those under the ministry of death; these veiled faces see us being transformed into the same glorious image of life through the Spirit. Delivered from the glory of death revealed through the Old Covenant, into the glory of the New Covenant by the Spirit of the LORD who guides us into all Truth. John 14:15-31.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #878

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Have you ever used a punching bag for exercise? It is fun if you can get the rhythm down. Occasionally there are relatives in one’s family that one might like to practice that rhythm on. Then the Word of the LORD comes to mind and God’s solution is far better. Proverbs 17:10
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 3:7-18 – As many know I started writing in 2008 and through these brief years the stories and events of life have unfolded in many ways. Stories of military life, home life, firefighting, medical emergencies, the birds (fatso and skinny) and a host of odds and ends that I hope have been encouraging.
We all have stories and what is exciting is to be able to take these everyday experiences and mold them into something interesting for others to say within themselves. Wow! This has happened in a similar way to me or someone I know, but I never seen it in that light God is involved; interesting!
There is no greater story or event in history than the events of God in history, but we really do need to know that; YES while God has revealed His love, mercy and grace throughout history. He is also revealing His love, mercy and grace to YOU, every day and every moment. When we go through a day we need to be conscious that God is in the action and moment of each day with us.
It will take a day or two to go through this section of scripture. (That’s okay; God is in it!) There is more here than I fully understand (praise the LORD for that)! But of what I do understand; this is one passage that explains the revealed GLORY of God throughout history. An overview of the glory of the Old Covenant and the continuing glory of the New Covenant, yet there is at least one prerequisite to look at first.
One would think that the apostle or someone could believe in “progressive revelation” in the context of these passages and that would be totally wrong. Deuteronomy 29:29, Hebrews 1:1-4 and Revelation 22:18-19 prove to all of us that every jot and tittle from the law or the grace of God is complete and will not change. Matthew 5:18. Progressive revelation does not exist in the Holy Bible.
So the stories we read from the Holy Bible, the comments we hear from preachers and teachers of the Holy Bible. The comments we hear or read from the multitude of commentators of the Holy Bible all have one purpose and that is to reveal to the world that Jesus Christ is the same; Yesterday, Today and Forever. Hebrews 13:1-9.
Now someone out there may think differently, but if you do then you are not arguing against my words, you are arguing against the words of Jesus Christ and His Words to the apostle John on the Island of Patmos around the year AD96; Revelation 1 through Revelation 3. Now we should be ready for 1 Corinthians 3:7-18.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #877

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
I am not alone in this, especially if you are over fifty years of age and saved; you will see the many plans you’ve made. You will also see that those plans; when rolled upon the LORD, the direction and outcome were always completed in His Righteousness. Proverbs 16:3-9
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 3:1-6 – Before getting transferred to my next duty station (at sea or ashore) I would seek to find out as much as I could about my new assignment. Sort of a heads for the future you might say! Knowing some of the people that will be there and knowing a bit of the history of the ship or shore station always helped in the preparation of the new tasks ahead.
Here in Paul’s writing to the Corinthians we see similar thoughts or concerns racing through his mind. It is not as if he has never written to the Corinthians or been to the church at Corinth; he has, so in truth he does not need to provide them with letters of commendation from others, nor does he need any from them, he knows them and they know him. Yet people do change as do religions; but Christ is not a religion.
In fact; if our relationship in the gospel of God were a religion, then letters of commendation would be necessary, but the apostle knows that those in the Corinthian church are of the Household of God and not some household or public religion of the day. Pen and ink religions are always updating their doctrines and recertifying their credentials just as the world continues to do, even today.
So believers in Jesus Christ (not just the church at Corinth) are epistles of Christ. We are living letters of commendation to the world and to the world’s religions that what we believe in is not found on tablets of stone that can be destroyed or changed when found flawed. Our faith is found in our heart, that God through the Person of Christ has purged us from sin (the flaw) and that our testimony or epistle is not in the letter of the Law which kills, but in the Spirit who gives life.
This sufficiency then is not of our self to be thinking that we have acquired or achieved some plateau of godliness. This sort of human thinking is the very thing that discredits the testimony of a religion or a fleshly minded believer. Those who believe that his or her selfish behavior has contributed to the ministries of the New Covenant have failed to understand what the apostle says in 2 Corinthians 2:12-17.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #876

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #876

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Anger and contention is the way of life for many people, but it only takes one soul who is slow to anger to make peaceful results in the midst of a mob of ill hearts. Proverbs 15:18
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 2:12-17 – After all the exhortation of comfort, suffering, forgiveness and faithfulness the apostle Paul turns our attention to the reward. While God is molding you and me into the likeness of His Son, He is preparing us for future ministry. Well we say future in the sense that it will be at a later date, but future with the LORD is always present since for Him; He is ever present and the apostle Paul calls us to be ready at all times for ministry. 2 Timothy 4:1-5.
Even when the LORD opens a door of opportunity we can find that we are a bit fretful. Like the apostle we may be looking for a support group or some one person whom we have confidence in. Then when the moment can wait no longer, you take charge and move on; on your own, but not alone as the apostle soon expresses thanks to God for the victory that is always in Christ; who is the way, the Truth and the Life. John 14:1-6.
These passages in 2 Corinthians are pleasant to my soul. I hope these are for you as well. Here is what I mean; in all things pertaining to the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are to seek at every moment to put on the LORD Jesus and make no opportunity for the flesh to reveal itself in our walk. Romans 13:14 and Ephesians 6:10-18. This is being dressed in the power of God, now how is that for a wardrobe?
Continuing; this is like being dressed in the finest clothing available and perfumed in the finest oils too. Those who are being saved simply enjoy your company. Those who are perishing see you in the same clothing, but it is offensive. These people observe the girdle of Truth, the breastplate of Righteousness, those shoes of Peace, your shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit along with the your helmet of Salvation and your Prayer. To these people your aroma is not sweet; but of the bitter taste of judgment and of the wrath of God, the aroma of war and the dead. John 3:16-21.
So in this, I see that in my life there is a lot of pain and suffering, much of which… no one sees and seldom hears falling from my lips. Most all of this suffering is through choices; foolish choices which I am personally responsible for.
Yet, God is faithful who will not allow you or me to suffer beyond our ability to handle it, but will always provide an avenue of escape. 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. So if we are and I do; preach Christ, let us not do it as to peddle a temporal piece of merchandise; but seek always to speak the Word of God out of sincerity, from a sound mind, a pure heart and a faith unfeigned (genuine) as there is no other gospel then the genuine gospel of the grace of God. Ephesians 2:1-10.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #875

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Is your automobile thirsty this morning? Does the cost of fuel stagger those futile attempts of your mind to understand? Return to the LORD! Isaiah 55:1-13 and John 10:7-18 (Abundant Life, Is available!)
Good Morning, a side thought!
It was nearing 2 A.M. our depth was four hundred feet and our speed was 15 knots. It was time pump the sanitary tanks. The Officer of the Deck ordered the Diving Officer to reduce the ships speed to six knots and proceed to 125 feet. As the ship slowed to 6 knots and leveled off at 125 feet I noticed that the ship was very sluggish and kept sinking. I found it impossible to maintain the depth.
At least two human errors were reported that morning as minor adjustments to buoyancy must be made while at any depth. Water temperature and other factors like flushing water to the sanitary tanks cause weight changes. Anytime there is a depth change the buoyancy weight of a submarine will change and require an order from the Diving Officer to pump the variable ballast tanks to sea or to flood the tanks with more sea water to maintain neutral buoyancy.
The order to move water on the ship is given to the Chief of the Watch by the Diving Officer; on this morning the Chief of the Watch was busy teaching one of the unqualified crew members on some qualification point and was paying no attention to the orders of the Diving Officer or his duty station. Also, his elbow was leaning against the flood valve and he totally filled the forward ballast tank. While we might find fault with the Chief of the Watch, I too was at fault since I made no attempt to gain a response from the Chief of the Watch acknowledging my orders.

At fifteen knots (twenty four miles per hour) the extra weight was masked by the speed and as soon as the submarine slowed to six knots (less than 10 miles per hour) the ability to control the depth of the ship was nearly impossible. We may want to reprimand the Chief of the Watch, but there are at least two others in authority in the control room. The Diving Officer and the officer who has the Deck and the Con (overall command) also there are at least three others in the control room who need to aware or vigilant. It is required by all on station.
Here is the Rub! As responsible humans we are nationally weighted down with sin and not paying attention to our duty stations of life! God consciousness is given over to self-consciousness.
Husbands and wives have lost their united way as ONE for the selfishness of TWO. Children have no parental authority and at a very young age develop emotional revolts in their heart towards authority that drain our national resources through government programs.
These revolts become a variable weight that increases in their soul because their father (the chief of the watch) is not paying attention. The mother who normally seeks to balance the family is too busy with other areas of interest to notice. Our leadership no longer sees the basics of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as a meaningful goal and our national heritage of a strong Constitution begins to crumble. Shall I go on? I am beginning to run out of writing room.
There is little blessing while God is cursing! Leviticus 26:1-46, but there is a promise that as a nation we should seek to claim TODAY. It is a promise to Israel, found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and there is nothing in the context of this verse for another nation to claim. However; God is still teaching national humility in the Church. Notice James 4:1-10, these words proclaim that God promises are the only cure for national worldliness through national humbleness and a return to God.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #874

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
It is so simple that most of us will overlook it; self-righteousness in a matter is not trusting in the LORD. Thus the outworking of self-righteousness is sin. Psalm 37:1-8 and Proverbs 3:1-8
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 2:3-11 – No doubt that we have all been affected by the sin of others and no doubt we have affected others for the sin of our self. As broad as sin can be we have trouble talking about it openly and I think that this lack of willingness to face sin head on is our way of expressing a “no fault” attitude. Let me explain my thoughts.
The Living Word of God explains that sin is an act of war against God and God only; Psalm 51:1-4, but it also teaches us that when we sin it touches and harms the people around us; such as the events of the life of Korah and his entire family. Of course some of will say; isn’t this a bit extreme? And the answer is… all sin is extreme!
In fact; while we can easily admit to being a sinner, we are very quick to say things like, “yes; I am a sinner saved by grace” and the truth is, the statement is true and as a result there is usually no further comment necessary. For some of us this becomes a license to sin.
The unsaved is like a person who has a weapon before he or she has a license to carry it. Once saved you get to carry it openly, but the results are no different even if the verdict in one’s mind is. So there is a problem with sin and Dennis Swanberg once doing an imitation of Don Knotts said in the voice of Barney Fife. “What shall we do with sin?” Funny… this is a good question, but it seldom gets an answer.
Suffering, comfort, consolation and salvation in chapter one of 2 Corinthians and we now find in chapter two that the apostle is adding the words “forgiveness and love” to the original recipe (the apple pie) is necessary, if left out one might see the work of a very good looking pie and one that may taste good too. But it will lack the wholesome work of tenderheartedness. Ephesians 4:3
Forgiving is one of our most difficult obstacles. Once a person asked Corey Ten Boone if she had forgiven the Germans for her imprisonment and the deaths of her father and sister, her answer was yes. The person then said; “well do you have any documentation concerning your arrest or release, or any news articles of the hardships you and your family suffered”?
Her answer; “well yes I do, I keep this information safe in my desk over there”! and the person said; “well Corey you have not completely forgiven those who caused this suffering; since at any time you choose you can go to the desk and reflect on all the sorrow and pain of those days and it will all come flooding back on you”.
So I think that most of us can talk a good story about being forgiven, and if we are we are truly forgiven. Ephesians 2:8-9 are our “go to verses” but mostly our story falls short of the mark and that would be Ephesians 2:10. Yes it is necessary to discipline the sinner, but it is just as necessary to forgive them as well. It is naïve to believe otherwise since Satan is aware and is the master of sin.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #873

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
It is amazing how we can be so like-minded in faith, joy and godliness but so different in life, liberty and happiness!
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 1:15-2:1 – We are accountable for our words, our deeds and our actions; again this is not new information to any of us. Yet when it comes to owning up to these works we tend to disconnect our self from that responsibility by blaming others. This accountability is to God and man. Acts 24:16
Where or what are we to do? Well, if we claim salvation by grace through faith then we have a plan, God’s plan and one that is always resting in the person of Jesus Christ. The plan is that we would express the grace of God through our faith in God. I confess that I do not always do that, in that my plans are sometimes selfish and bent on pleasing me.
Pleasing self is opposing God, one look at Jesus and His ministry to the people around Him reveals that His faith rested in His Father and so too should our faith rest in God who we claim as our Father. Jesus did not rely on faith in people, but He did marvel and comment on faith when He observed it in people. Matthew 8:10.
So I believe that the apostle Paul in our passage of 2 Corinthians 1 and 2 is saying this as well. That God provides his sons and daughters with comfort through suffering, sincerity and confidence in our relationships (both with God and man) through a working faith. The writer of Hebrews expresses this same thought with the idea of a faith/rest in Hebrews 4:1-8.
If we are not resting in the promise of faith in our position in Christ our yes and no response to these critical issues of living life will waver and be unstable. Even James the half-brother of Jesus expresses the same thought in James 1:2-8 as he explains how we are to profit spiritually through the trials of life in Christ. So here we have two or three writers expressing that our yes and our no responses to godliness should be taken serious that is assuming that you agree that faith rest is godliness in action.
No person is to have dominion over the faith of another and it is simple really in that if my yes and no is personal, I can destroy the faith of another. My yes and my no then should always be in godliness, for in godliness there is great gain because we are fellow workers in the joy of the LORD and by this our joy is standing in a strong and likeminded faith with others.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #872

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
I don’t know how true it is and maybe it is because I am like the rest of us who use only seven percent of our brain power. Also I hear that smart people still have more than eighty percent of brain power sitting in reserve. No doubt we who have the Holy Spirit utilize His gifts in the same manner; we are not prudent, we are a wasteful generation. Proverbs 14:8-9
Good Morning
A friend and pastor used to say, “We are a needy people!” and it is true. It does not matter about your status in life: A butcher, a baker or a candle stick maker, we all have needs and when we think on the issues of needing we are prone to focus on the material items. We worry and fret and yet we read in the gospel of Matthew that God meets the needs of His Creation. Then the LORD speaks very plainly; if our Father meets the needs of creation, why do we expect that He would forget about our needs? But to seek first His Kingdom; Matthew 6:25-34
Our Father does not forget; if anything it is you and me who forget how direct God is when it comes to meeting the physical needs of all peoples, especially those of His household. Philippians 4:10-20. Now I have heard most of the arguments regarding the needs of the saints in that we are to focus on the spiritual needs rather than the physical needs of life in Christ, since the physical needs vary from person to person.
For me; I sort of look at this subject as the recipe for an “apple pie”. The recipe has a main ingredient “apples” now that is an eye-opener… who would have guessed? Although I have heard of a poor man’s apple pie made with saltine crackers instead of apples. Now if the recipe were only pie crust and apples, or pie crust and saltine crackers the pie would be sour or salty. Also needed is sugar, flour (not including the crust), lemon and maybe a raisin or two and sometimes white icing, all of which make for a good and tasty pie, even the one made with crackers.
Here is the point: The apostle begins in 2 Corinthians 1:8 with a familiar phrase of his; “for I do not want you to be ignorant brethren. His desire for us to know fully that life is full of trouble, trouble is a necessary part of the recipe and sometimes we seek to personally leave it out. Trouble is so demanding that it can demand of us, life itself. Being a part of the recipe makes us depend on (TRUST IN) God and not in our own ability or strength. Now I know you know that, but at a critical moment we tend to forget.
So there is the physical trouble that comes our way which is backed and funded by Satan’s fallen spiritual plan and he has complete understanding of his recipe to affect our physical existence. Then there is you and me who rely on our own ability to survive an evil attack. NO, NO, NO! The apostle Paul reminds us of a wonderful truth. Yes we may feel the sentenced death on us, but we are to stop trusting in our own efforts of survival and trust in God who raises the dead. Satan may have the funds to ruin your day, but Our God shall supply all our need according to His riches in glory. Philippians 4:19-20
You see; Satan has no glory in His recipe, he has no resource to obtain it! As we have been studying in Acts that when we are in trouble and when the church prays for us, even those who are thought to be doomed to die are released from the sentence of death by the power of supernatural deliverance, we only need to trust in the power of the resurrection. There is no greater power than the supernatural power that belongs to God; He shares it with us and this Glorifies God. Acts 12:5-20 God uses every resource available to personally meet our need.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #871

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
The Holy Spirit stays within the Authority of His Office when He Speaks. John 16: 13-15. Isaiah explains in Isaiah 11:2 that His Official Authority includes wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, fear and delight. All of these attributes are available in-part to those who hold the office of the Gospel in their heart as TRUTH. Romans 8:23
Good Morning
In 2 Corinthians 1:5 we read; “for as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ”. I think like you, now just what does this mean exactly and while there is only one interpretation, God allows for His Word to cover many applications and this is one of those verses that does just that; that in suffering there are many life events that qualify.
The suffering of Christ in His ministry on this earth was not just in His final day and His Death at Calvary. Many religions zero in on this event and religiously focus on the three to six hours of His passion. Now don’t get me wrong, there is not one human other than the God/man Jesus; the Messiah who could have endured this moment in time without personal sin. Isaiah 52:13-15; 53:1-12.
Also, which we seldom consider are the thirty plus years of His life. Walking about just as you and I do and taking in the conditions of the heart that people presented to Him each day. We only see what was recorded by His disciples, like when Jesus saw the unbelief of His half-brothers. The doubt from the lips of John the Baptizer and His disciple Thomas and so on.
What about His omniscience in that He knew the heart of everyone He came in contact with. Like the woman at the well, Mary Magdalene and His disciple Peter who would deny Him. He knew the love that His disciples had for Him, even the sinful hate of Judas who misunderstood Him; just as we understand the love and misunderstandings of people around us, but because He is God, He DID NOT SIN when these faltered, as we personally do so often when we hear words like; “don't take it personal I was only kidding!”
So there it is really. Christ’s suffering was complete from the moment He stepped into humanity until the moment He returned to Heaven HE SUFFERED the sin of people around Him, yet He Himself DID NOT sin. But this is what He did in sins place. He comforted, consoled and saved us sinners.
Now the excitement that comes to me in this is that in the next verse, verse 6 the apostle says that his hope for us is confident, as we will see as we study these things that we are called to be partakers of is the very same ministry, the ministry of comfort and salvation through suffering.
Paul's confidence is in this way in that if we are partakers of the sufferings of Christ then we are also to be partakers of comforting or consoling others. You see then NO ONE can comfort another, if the one providing comfort has not suffered in the same way that Jesus suffered such hostility against Himself. Hebrews 12:1-11. This form of discipline is to train us to resist sin, the sins of self and the sins of others. A discipline that can only be administered by God.

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #870

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”

People have been sticking things in their noses, lips, ears and tongues since time began. This is not the image that God intended for us people. His Plan is that we should be putting on the LORD Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to mar HIS IMAGE. Romans 13:14.

Good Morning

Someone asked me recently how it is that I can write most everyday about the events of life in Christ and my answer is that I find great peace and comfort in doing so. I have trouble and tribulation just as we all do. I cry over people who are ignorant of biblical truth and utilize the volumes of nonsense that the world teaches to inch their selfish ambitions through life and end up no further than the end of their (drive) way when their life is spent. Psalm 31:9-10

There are only two ways to draw close to the LORD; one is through prayer and the second is the study of His Living Word. Is it necessary to think about that statement? Yes it is! Every statement made by mankind is worthy of scrutiny, so when you put the words of man to the test you might find that there are additional thoughts or priorities to consider. One priority is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and one thought might be the desire to communicate with our Creator.

It has been a while since doing a book study and lately, even for my own spiritual growth I feel the necessity to study one of the epistles of the apostle Paul. I do not expect the study to be in depth, but it will be detailed enough to help us in areas of weakness… and we all have weaknesses. If you have said in your heart that you do not have any weaknesses then you have already proven to yourself that you DO since pride always reveals it’s self before destruction. Proverbs 16:18

Now if you have been around a church (a teaching church) then you already know about the apostle Paul and many of his companions. So I will not go into all of that; but of course if you are not in a church that teaches such spiritual and needed training. Please GO FIND ONE and learn of the Power of the Resurrection through the men of the Old and New Testaments. This is God’s desire for you. 2 Corinthians 5:1-8.

Well you may have guessed it? We will be in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians for the time being. Our world today is at unrest, even those of us who believe in the death and resurrection of the LORD Jesus Christ may need a boast in the comfort of God, His promises and the assurance that God is on the Throne. He is God, He cannot be anywhere else than where He is; The Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3. We fail to see God’s Plan because we fail to pray and communicate with God through His Word.

In nearly every epistle of Paul, his opening statement is; “Grace and peace from God our Father and the LORD Jesus Christ” and I suppose we could take the time to search that out, yet I say to you that if you are interested in the grace of God and the peace that follows, search it out for yourself, then you will say like the apostle; “blessed be the God and Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of ALL comfort. This is the joy of communicating with Him.

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #869

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
The rule of law is that there is an exception to every law. Some folks; being knowingly ignorant (egotistic and selfish) do not look for exceptions; they simply wipe their mouth and say… “I’ve done no wrong” these people, both men and women trod over their victims without thought of the consequence. Proverbs 30:20
Good Morning
I once knew a man of terror, a business man in his late fifties and in the two years of our connection I was witness to the departure of twenty six people under his employment (more than one a month).
Most of these people were fired and the other six simply quit work because they could not work under the conditions of his egotistical ambitions.
This person never bothered me and I truly believe that he feared God and knew that my Fear of God is of love and peace with Him. This man’s fear was more like that “knee knocker” Belshazzar of the Babylonian empire along with the Medes and Persians found in Daniel 5:1-6, anyway there is a point to all of this and here it is.
God intends for each of us to be at peace with Him. Truth is that He alone has made every provision for you and me to know His peace which goes beyond our capacity to understand. Say what? I said that the peace that God offers to each of us goes beyond our ability to understand it. Philippians 4:6-7
You may be saying; well if that is true and I want to believe you, then how can I know that God is interested in providing me peace when I do not have the ability to understand Him? That is a good question, but it is easily answered by Jesus Himself in the gospel of John, but before we get there take a moment and ask God for help.
On our smart phones, computers and tablets we find that with some difficulty we can use these devices without much guidence, but that we are just barely getting by. If we really want to use them effectively we must use the available “help” applications to fully be compatible with the device.
Jesus explains to His disciples in John 14:25-31 that He is going away. To these men this was devastating news; their peace of being with Him was taken away and replaced by fear. Jesus did leave and we all know this. After all it is part of the Truth that we believe and provides Salvation, yet we need HELP!
The gift of God to all who believe is the Holy Spirit who is the Helper who makes alive all of the words of Truth. The Holy Spirit is more than a “Help app” on some device that man has invented.
The Holy Spirit is God, the gift of God to all who believe in Him thus we have peace with Him, not because we understand His peace but because His gift to us is He Himself and He Himself reveals it. His guidance to that knowledge is fulfilled in Him alone. To seek some other method to understand anything of God is foolish and falls short. Isaiah 64:4; 1 Corinthians 2:9 and 2 Corinthians 5:5
Now if you do not look at the scripture then you are not looking to the “HELPER” and while you may believe it, your belief has no power to go beyond the surpassing truth that God provides and you will miss the blessing; at least read 2 Corinthians 5:5

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #868


by Jesse Abel
Thoughts from Papa “J”
The American Way of cash flow (We the people drive a financed or rented vehicle, on roads and highways that are taxed and bond assessed. Usually we are on the way to the gasoline station to purchase more fuel with our credit cards. Much of that fuel is expended going to the furniture outlet where we purchase on credit; stuff to fill our mortgaged houses) goes to government spending. Proverbs 22:6-7 as a way of life.
Good Morning
Soap box derby? Have you ever thought about driving one of those cars as a young boy or girl? When my dad returned from the war he promised that he would build me one of those cars to race in. There in our yard he placed two wooden horses and built what looked like a long wooden casket with a pointed front. That box sat on those props for several years without wheels it could go nowhere.
I am sure that my dad meant well, but he was tormented from the war, post dramatic stress syndrome had eaten a non-repairable hole in his mind and he became one hundred percent mentally confused about life and how to live and love. It has taken me at least fifty of my over seventy years to even consider that my dad meant no harm since so many things would prove otherwise.
In Ecclesiastes 7:1 – Solomon writes: A good name is better than a precious ointment and the day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth. This statement of Solomon is absolutely practical since the living must endure to consequences of those who laugh at wrong and get violently angry at right.
You may not understand what I am seeking to say, but that is okay since this is more of a self-help search of parental love than communicating something out of Philippians 2:1-4 as I first intended to connect with Ecclesiastes 7. It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, then to hear the song of fools. Yet I know that I am not alone in this, since many men and women feel abandoned by parents.
Well here is the rub! I am not looking for shiny shoes, sympathy or any of the “S” words found in the dictionary between the two. Yet I am searching (found outside of that “S” box) to understand Solomon when he says it is better to go to the house of mourning, then to the house of feasting. I suppose that as we live past those who die, it is the time after for us living to understand those who are gone.
Like when we leave the house of mourning and move on; wisdom follows us to the next event in time teaching us that the house of feasting is foolishness in action and in that house we have no choice but to live like the fool. This causes harsh and emotional thoughts in the mind that are strongholds of the devil.
Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with every temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:12-13.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #867

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Proverbs and Ecclesiastes is where I spend much of my time reading. Then occasionally I run to Psalms or Lamentations. If you feel that there is something missing in your daily communication with God, then find some portion in His Word that speaks to you and you will find that it is God who speaks through the writer or prophet and he is faithful to comfort.
Good Morning
I remember once as a young boy of leaving the movie theater. I was there with my cousins and of course their home was only part way to my home and by the time it came for our paths to separate we had turned our moment into a frenzy of fear. The fear was as a result of the movie Frankenstein.
Once my cousins were out of sight, lightning struck under my feet and I was running for all it was worth for my home another two blocks away. I decided to take (what I thought) was a short cut. The side walk where I was running had a hedge about three feet high and my mind said… “Boy! you can jump that hedge and save a couple of minutes”.
There I was airborne, reaching the height of the hedge when my black and white high top tennis shoe toe caught the thin wire running through the top of the hedge and like one diving into a pool I went face first into the grassy lawn on the other side of the hedge.All the change in my pocket spilled out. It was like falling off the fiscal cliff!!!
Are there any thinkers out there, or are the educated so heavy minded that the frenzy of staying within the simple building blocks of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are challenged with visions of “frankensteins” chasing them? I think it is time that the adult population of the United States of America, GREW UP!
You might think that I am angry or a bit bent, well maybe just a little. We seem to think that a commercial with “a pig” sitting in an airplane using his smart phone has more sense to talk nonsense to the flight attendant about paying an auto insurance bill then an adult and this coming from a company who claims it supports Government Employees. What?
We are children in adult clothes, our bodies look like an overstuffed pillow in its finest hour. We speak volumes of nonsense to one another and then we allow the liberal media to explain to us what is being said and sadly, before we have time to digest the words another commercial says.
“Folks, you may have high cholesterol so take this pill. The side effects will kill you but at least your blood will flow smoothly. We who manufacture the pill will take money from you or the pig on the plane so we can live happily at your expense!” Yep! Its BAH HUMBUG time again.
I believe the apostle Paul has something to say about this in his first epistle to the Corinthian church. You see I believe that the condition of our nation is not because of our ability to reason things out as adults (although it is a sign of the times) but because we are spiritually EMPTY of God’s love.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 is not about love and marriage as some religions believe, but it is all about living and maturing in the Love of God. Have you noticed what the apostle says about being a child in verse eleven? For me! I have a simple thought, must be because I have a simple mind! If when I become an adult and I have little to no conciseness of the existence of God’s love. Then how can I put away childish notions or “cartoon characters” I cannot! Simply because these are the only things I understand. Now you can have a Happy New Year! Or return to God’s love and have a blessed new year.