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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Look at the Book #469

A Look at the Book #469

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #469

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

I love the LORD God, I love His Word and I love you. Yet it is not necessary that you love me. But I will do all I can to point you to Jesus that you might love Him as I do! Then we will love one another and that will be joy! John 16:9-17


The ocean storm will make the water look as though it is boiling, yet that water is often; bitterly cold. But take the same boiling condition to the water spout; those bubbling moments come from a bottomless geyser, unlike the storm that comes from above this water is steaming hot and woefully scalding. Both of these conditions are driven by pressure that is generated by heat. Here is the point! Both of these conditions belong to creation and creation belongs to God who created the heavens and the earth. HAVE WE FORGOTTEN THIS? The answer is alarming since most of the peoples we live among in the world believe in some form of evolution. Even many so called Evangelicals have a miss guided belief regarding creation. The cause, like boiling water; faith in God these days is nothing more than a surface storm on the oceans of unbelief or a momentary eruption from a pressurized geyser when peace, safety and prosperity are threatened. This is not biblical faith and it does not please God. So what does biblical faith look like? Hebrews 12:2 – now I just heard you say; “I don’t want too look to Jesus” and yes, therein lies the problem and why the faith of population today; flat lines when the heat subsides. Biblical faith is nearly dead; not just in this nation, but around the world. Are you part of the problem?

1 Peter

1 Peter 1:17 – Do you call upon the Father? Most of us would say yes; “Yes I talk to God!” Peter here says; “if” (and I suppose you do) call upon the Father then; be careful how you present you case to Him. I am sure that Peter is reminded of the parable that Jesus spoke of in Luke 18:9-14. We would like to think that our work for the LORD exceeds the righteous efforts of others, especially those who may appear to be ungodly in our eyes. By the way it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of God who is Holy.

1 Peter 1:18 – Anything we may have to offer God in the way of redemption comes from resources that are consumable; like silver and gold. Peter calls these offerings aimless conduct developed by the traditional religions of ungodly parents. The world around us is full of ungodly and disobedient parents. No doubt you and I are one of them so why should we think that our righteous efforts are good enough to pass through heaven’s gate and be treasured in heaven for some future time when we expect to go there?

1 Peter 1:19 – There is but one Redemption for the souls of mankind; purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. John in His gospel explains that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the only way for you and me to come to the Father. John 14:1-6 with Jesus speaking to Thomas. I believe this Truth and so should you. Not because I believe it; but believe this because it is the only work which will not be smoke in the Father’s eyes when you stand at the judgment seat.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Look at the Book #468

A Look at the Book #468

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #468

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Simply taking a word out of the dictionary does not make the word or the meaning extinct. Call it a fault or a weakened condition of the human nature and even a disease, but do not call sin; SIN! God says; liar, liar… pants on fire! Revelation 21:8


This weekend is Memorial Day, and it is necessary to say a little about why we have a work day in every year set aside as a day of honor for a few good men and women; including the United States Marines. Memorial Day, which falls on the last Monday of May, honors the men and women who died while serving in the American military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. If the moon begins to rise over this nation as it has over many European nations; the Bald Eagle, a symbol of American valor, strength and power will vanish. One such effort of promoting this vision was accomplished during recent campaigning for public office. You may remember the round circle; inside the circle was a white half moon circle within a blue background and placed over the American Flag. Well, does this mean anything? If one could ask any dead combatant who gave his or her life for the opportunity to sustain our national heritage and freedom you might just hear what you know is true but afraid to face. I see this gesture as plainly as Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans saw: NENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. Daniel 5:13-31. His kingdom was given to the Medes and the Persians. I do hope you have a nice weekend, but I also hope you will pray for our troops and for this nation.

1 Peter

1 Peter 1:13 – Have you looked around lately? Our loins are fat with over indulgence, our minds are alcohol soaked with last nights deeds of darkness and then we seek to worship God in religious nonsense. We cannot rest upon the grace of God or experience a full hope that God will bring us to the revelation of Jesus Christ when He returns for His Saints. It seems today that most of the churches of Jesus Christ are at best… disobedient children.

1 Peter 1:14 – Living in the presence of God our Father requires obedience. This means that we must stop conforming to the lusts of the world by claiming to be ignorant. You and I are not ignorant. If you are born again and I trust that you are, then you know the Truth which is able to set you free of ALL the bondages of the world around you. If you are not set free and you are a believer in Jesus then it is as simple as this; “You are a disobedient child of God the Father.

1 Peter 1:15 – I do not see in this passage the word; “strive” but I do see the word; “called” in that the One calling you is HOLY, thus He expects us to have a conduct like His. In the power of The Holy Spirit, He has equipped us to be Holy like Him. Romans 12:1-2 and many passages in the Old and New Testaments exhort us to be Holy. This is why 1 Peter 1:16 says… “Because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” Leviticus 11:44, 45; 19:2 and 20:7

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Look at the Book #467

A Look at the Book #467

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #467

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Ever search for the meaning of Life? No laughter please! Life should contain the follow verbs: Perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, and true. All of which are found connected to the Law of the LORD. Psalm 19:7-9. This too has an object… the One who fulfilled the Law. Philippians 3:17-21 and 4:1


The disciplined life of any person in the military is in general, absent of the word; excuse. Why did you do this; Seaman Smith? Well Sir… “That is an excuse mate! Tell me the truth, I want the truth!” Our lives are accountable; yet we as a nation have tossed accountability in that trash can found in Romans 1:18. Daily the ungodly and unrighteous cram more and more of the Word of Truth into this dumpster and the religious churches of our day are found sitting on the lid. Is there a reasonable end to this thought? There is a reasonable end to everything mankind does, but is that the end to reach for? Absolutely Not! The attributes of God are invisible but clearly seen. What? The eternal power, or we could say His Divine Authority (Deity) is revealed. Jesus who is the expressed image of God the Father has clearly revealed God to the world Hebrews 1:1-4. So just where are you headed today? Are you headed for the dumpster to toss away the Living Word of God, or do you plan on devoting yourself to prayer. Pray for this nation of ours where many are professing to be wise but have become fools. Today Romans 1:18-32 is a gauge or pattern that we as a nation of people strive to follow. Fervent Prayer is the only solution to destroy this template and if you are of those who claim to be of the remnant. Then for the sake of this nation –I exhort you; Discipline yourself to pray without ceasing under the authority of your church leaders 1 Thessalonians 512-22. Of course if your church does not have this authority – get to one that does.

1 Peter

1 Peter 1:12 – God reveals His attributes to those who search. Men like Josh McDowell who had once claimed to be a staunch or loyal atheist. Who studied the Living Word of God to prove it wrong; only to find that there was no excuse for his beliefs, who then wrote that very good argument for Jesus Christ and the inerrancy of the Scriptures. While I do not put Mr. McDowell in the category of a prophet, I do what to use his experience of people like you and me who certainly in times past have struggled with the issues of the meaning of life.

It is not complicated as some try to make it. God has an eternal inheritance for anyone. The thirty-nine books of the Old Testament reveal the search of the prophets of the past who daily sought out to know the truth. Thus we have the twenty-seven books of the New Testament that report the findings of the truth these men found. Now that I am older, the LORD is helping me recall many of the things that men have taught me in the past. One such saint of God said this; “The apostle Paul went into Damascus for three years to study the Old Testament. After those three years he returned to His God ordained ministry with the Pauline epistles in his mind and ready to write when God the Holy Spirit so moved him.

Now I do not expect that if you are an unbeliever to jump on board with this just because I said it. But this I know for sure. If you seriously ask God to reveal His invisible attributes to you. You will see Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is and will always be the perfect Lamb of God who has been rejected by many, but who remains ALWAYS ready to explain the work and the Will of God to you. John 6:27-29.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Look at the Book #466

A Look at the Book #466

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #466

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Who is worthy of such sacrifice to give to you what we may not be willing to give? Yet, it is done; we mourn but not as those who are without hope. This hope then will over shadow the remainder of our days and the joy of the LORD will be our future. Not because of whom we are, but of whom Christ Be! Revelation 1:8 and John 3:30.


In a wrestling match there are two opposing strengths usually of equal talent and power, yet it is not the qualifications that win the match; the battle is won by assurance, endurance and faith in the objective. For the wrestler the suffering is physical and mental and any small flaw in these two factors of life is enough to cause a keen opponent to overcome and win the battle. Many human or secular parallels are used by the apostle Paul to help us understand just as many Spiritual Truths such as we find in Ephesians 6:12. It would be a failure for me to focus; just on verse 12 of Ephesians 6 and make some sort of theological statement, so what should be the victory in any study of the Word of God. Assurance that all the context of the Living Word of God is absolute Truth – (Ephesians 6:10-20). Endurance to study the Living Word of God showing that one is approved of God – (2 Timothy 2:15). And certainly not least; but faith in the object of the Living Word – (Hebrews 12:1-2). This is the work that overcomes the World. Jesus explains this much better in John 16:1-33, please take the time today and read this chapter.

1 Peter

1 Peter 1:9 – It is impossible to imagine that faith has an end, therefore do not think that this is what the apostle is communicating here in this short verse. At the end of a rainbow we are told by secular beliefs that there is a pot of gold waiting for the one who finds the end. We know that this is an impossible task but many people desire to believe in the impossible; huh! Here the apostle Peter is saying that assurance of faith has a result, being the salvation of the soul and along with this salvation is the inheritance that is incorruptible, undefiled and reserved in heaven for you. 1 Peter 1:4

1 Peter 1:10 – How great is the truth of this salvation? The prophets have asked God and they searched the Scriptures of their day diligently to know the full story of this good news. As God revealed these truths to them; they too wrote as the Spirit of God gave them the ability to write. Throughout these extensive searches we see that there are only a few spiritual elements needed to bring home this truth, these are; the time, the Spirit, the sufferings and the glory.

1 Peter 1:11 – The proper Time of Christ, the Spirit of Christ; the sufferings of Christ and the glory of Christ, thus we determine in truth that it is not about us; but it is all about Christ. Each of these elements endure the test of time and secular mankind, each defeat the plan of Satan and each establish the Plan of God for you and for me to follow Christ for the glories to come when our faith is finished (or better put; perfected) in the manner that the apostle Peter shares with us in this first epistle of his.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Look at the Book #465

A Look at the Book #465

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #466

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

We are often found suffering! Still most of this affliction is minor. But who is sufficient for the suffering of a deep intensity? This sufficiency can only be handled by Jesus Christ who will comfort. Pray then for this comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:1-5


When peace like a river attends to my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; What ever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say it is well with my soul. This hymn has always consoled my heart when life makes a bend in the road. Most of us know a story or two about the writer of this hymn. Horatio G. Spafford, but let me recap for a moment in this anyway! His first recorded affliction was the lost of his son who died at the age of four in 1871. Then soon to follow was the loss of his fortune in the Chicago fire of 1873. Then just ten years after the loss of his son, he sent his wife and two daughters ahead of him to Europe on the SS Ville du Havre. This ship and another; a cargo ship named Loch Earn collided and the SS Ville du Havre sank. His wife Anna survived and sent him a telegram saying only two words – “SAVED ALONE!” It is said that Mr. Spafford who was on his way to join his wife; was inspired to write the hymn as his ship passed near to the area where his two daughters died. Later they would have three more children; another son who died at infancy and two girls, Bertha and Grace. Later still, he and his family moved to Jerusalem and developed an American Colony to help the poor and needy of Israel. While we look at this event of the past and realize that God’s Plan is better seen from our present moment in time, we must also realize that there are those whose present moment of suffering is now. So for this moment we morn with them, for this moment we reach out to comfort them. Still there will be a day in time when the tears will cease and the comfort will erupt in praise to God as suffering becomes the precious gem stones refined in the furnace of God’s Mercy as He intended.

We certainly do not see these gems presently since they are in their rough cut stage. There is much work of endurance, patience and faith to labor through. God is sufficient; He will see His people through all bends in the road and He will produce from the Faith of the Chief Cornerstone other gems of faithful people who wait on Him to do His perfect work. 1 Peter 2:4-10

This will be all for today… please pray for the comfort of our church family! Amen.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Look at the Book #463

A Look at the Book #463

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #463

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Speaking of workshops; I have been retired for nearly two years and I have yet to find the time, or the retirement! But of course in old age – One loses many things!!!


Many artists and craftsmen have created abstract statutes of gods and paintings; even using the signs in the heavens. They use the customs and traditions of their nations and a mix of the Word of the Living God. These are merely abstracts of the real thing and have no intrinsic value. Notice how the LORD explains this to Jeremiah the weeping prophet! Jeremiah 10:2-5. Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; their customs are futile or vain, their crafts are made of wood, silver and gold and their labors are keen and intense. Much time and thought is expended, yet the statute cannot walk from place to place under its own power, nor can the painting jump off the wall where it hangs. Do not be afraid of religion because it cannot do any evil but separate yourself from religion because it likewise cannot do any good. When knowledge and experience fail, do not let the performance of an idol be your guide. Where then can you and I find real answers and comfort? By knowing that there is none like the LORD, He is Risen and He lives for you. Jeremiah 10:6-10. Do not be foolish thinkers; the gods have not made the heavens and the earth; these idols and those who create them will perish with time (under heaven). Jeremiah 10:11. At 6:01 pm on May 21, 2011 you like the rest of us will know that false religion does no evil or good. Then at 6:02 pm pick up your Holy Bible and read Jeremiah 10:12-16.

1 Peter 1

1 Peter 1:3 – The word “blessed” expresses the thought of multiple action and the apostle Peter is saying that God is to be showered or covered in blessings. You know how it is when you love someone and seek to cover them in kisses and hugs (some of us get carried away at this), but carries the thought that God does not demand blessings from us, but He is so awesome in mercy toward us that He receives abundant blessing. Why? Because God is real and so is the Resurrection of His Son. Jesus Christ is Risen from the dead and He lives, this is the living hope of all who say within their heart. “Bless the LORD O my soul and bless His Holy Name”.

1 Peter 1:4 – Imagine if someone were to give you an inheritance! Would you not be having expectations of someday having access to the reality of the gift? Do not say no! Like some who might say they just want to be a doorstop in heaven. Since you flatter yourself with thoughts of being the gold doorstop in charge of all the silver ones! This is not imperishable thinking but corruptive and you may be surprised at what is reserved in heaven for you.

1 Peter 1:5 – Enjoy the LORD, we are kept by His power through faith for salvation and I hope you are as happy about this as I am; even happier. I do not have to keep my salvation; God who gave me this awesome gift is keeping it for me. I have faith in God because He keeps His Resurrected Son in Heaven with Him. Living proof that God’s promise is faithful, God never fails; 1 Corinthians 13:8-13.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Look at the Book #462

A Look at the Book #462

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #462

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Would you have pity over a pile of dust in a working man’s workshop? You might consider the compassion of God who knows that we are nothing more than dust in a pair of shoes. Psalm 103:11-14


There is nothing like a good cup of coffee and a peanut butter sandwich to go along with it. That’s my story and I am sticking to it since the peanut butter is appearing in various places on my keyboard. This messy event reminds me of any saint who fails to observe his or her holiness to serve the LORD in the power of the Holy Spirit. They leave a track record of sin in everything they touch. Recently I was sharing an experience of walking by faith with a person. Another who was not a part of the conversation but was within earshot said; “Oh! Were you drunk at the time?” to be taken I suppose as jesting. This raised a concern in my mind and I reflected back to other times this same person made disparaging remarks. Also this caused me to think! Why do people who are called by God to be light in the LORD spread the fruit of the flesh (contentions and jealousies)? Often with one half of their conversation they are fleshly, but who are just as ready with a smooth comeback; seemingly in the Spirit of (gentleness) to take some of the fire out of their tongue. Walking in the Spirit in not an option in my Bible… it is a command and the command carries a penalty if not obeyed. Galatians 5:16-26; if you are concerned about the penalty, please read verse 21. We are called of God to live a life in the Fruit and power of the Spirit (only), we are not called of God to mix the flesh and the Spirit together in some sort of sharp tasting salad that encourages heartburn.

1 Peter 1

1 Peter 1:1 – A little background! The apostle has the disbursed Jewish nation in mind; he calls them pilgrims who are scattered throughout the lands surrounding Israel. This does not mean that he is ignoring the Gentile Saints since in 1 Peter 2:10, the Gentiles along with the Jews are pilgrims who are looking for that city who’s builder and maker is God and he plainly refers to the Gentiles as those who also obtained mercy at God’s appointed time.

1 Peter 1:2 – I believe that this epistle continues to teach the saint of God the foundational principles of faith and work. We will see this as we move through this wonderful epistle. He introduces us to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, a work that you and I need in order to be involved in everyday blessing and reward. We are the elect; a positional foreknowledge of God the Father. The open calling of God is to any “Thirsty soul” and to the “whosoever will” Psalm 42:2; 63:1; 143:6; Isaiah 55:1-3 and John 3:16 and all of John 4.

Biblical faith/work is not an “easystreet” carpool where a bunch of saints pile into a van and travel to a ministry sight and perform spiritual work. True Spiritual work is conforming to sanctification and obedience to the Spirit in each saint of God as they allow the Spirit of God to produce in them the same faithfulness of Christ work as He shed His Blood for you and me. For my understanding this is true faith at work.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Look at the Book #461

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #461

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

If I were a dress maker I would use a pattern and make a new dress and if I were peace maker I would pray and use the Prophesy of Jeremiah as a template. Jeremiah 6:14


Some have said in the past that I use too many words in the devotional and they do not have time to read so they don’t. To accommodate I shortened things up; I have noticed other devotionals that come my way must have had the same readers since those writers did the same. Here is my take on this! Read your Bible; then you will not have to waste time reading blogs devoted as help tools to encourage people to study the Holy Word of God. The fact is that it would be so much nicer for this nation if people would simply read and study the Holy Word of God. The simple godly life of yesterday is available. (Say what?) I said the way of life that you and I seek is available. Take a solid look at Jeremiah 6:16-20 – Thus says the LORD: “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ Also, I set watchmen over you, saying, Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’ But they said, ‘We will not listen’. Therefore hear, you nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them. Hear O earth! Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on this people, Even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not heeded My words, Nor my law, but rejected it. For what purpose to Me comes frankincense from Sheba, and sweet cane from a far country? Your burnt offerings are not acceptable, nor your sacrifices sweet to Me.” Now it is your turn to say that we do not sacrifice these days nor do we give sugar cane to God. True, but we do sacrifice our babies to demons through abortion and give away our riches to foreign countries. Enough said!

James 5

James 5:19 – Has anyone wandered away from the truth these days? Oh where do I start? From the little child who’s parents have split from the oneness that God ordained. To a community of peoples taxed with the choice of being immoral, rather than normal as a standard of life. Or a nation who has decided that God is no longer needed, nor is He to be trusted. All these peoples have turned and wandered from the truth. It is not any longer a question of who did wander away since the whole “head” is sick with spiritual dementia.

James 5:20 – This is a call for action… Pray for this nation! He who turns a sinner from the error of his or her way will assist in saving that soul from death, thus covering a multitude of sin. Also you will be involved with God who will save this nation from death as well. There are no more words to continue this plea since most all of them have already been said and we as a nation have not heard with our ears, nor have we been brought to our knees. That day is coming!

This concludes our brief study of James and I am saddened, we will move on but I intend to study it again in my personal time, I hope you will too. James the half-brother of Jesus Christ the Son of God… can you imagine the impact of this truth on this disciple of Jesus. “He’s not heavy… He’s my Brother!” Matthew 11:28-30 Is Jesus your Brother? Then talk with God about the things on your heart. It is said that James had knees that looked like camels knees. Why? Because; he was always on his knees communicating with His Brother, so what do your knees look like?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Look at the Book #460

A Look at the Book #460

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #460

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

The fly that bites is quick to escape the slapping hand. Another bite and another slap and the fly lives to bite again. Time and patience will avenge the diligent. God is perfectly diligent; He will avenge His Righteousness over any ungodly nation. Jeremiah 5:26-29


Which way do you bend your Bible if you read it? Do you take it literally, mystically or spiritually? Do you say that there is no such thing as a dispensation or an age of grace? Well in this; it would simply be better to not read your Bible at all. It is true; God does not live in time. But this does not mean that God does not KNOW time. God knows the very end of things from the very beginning of time, thus He knows times and seasons better than you know your own name. Isaiah 46:8-13 and Matthew 16:1-4. You who say that God has given up on Israel; how do you remain confident that God has not given up on you? God did not reject Israel forever; if you believe this then you may as well remove all of the epistles of Paul from your Bible, who along with the other apostles agree, Romans 11:1-36. What then; has Matthew 6:9-13 have to do with all this? God looks on the heart and He knows all the secrets of it. His reward is not in the repetitions of rote misunderstandings of His Word. His reward is for those who know that He has our needs available even before we ask Him, so God is time sensitive over the long haul of a dispensation, a season or even your small moment in time. We need to know that He is Holy, a rewarding Father and that His kingdom is coming again. That He will sit on the Throne of David and reign literally for one thousand years and that He even now meets all needs, heals all wounds and forgives all sin. This should not come as a shock to you; Jesus; at the proper TIME paid it all! (Get the picture) The Lord’s Prayer is complete in Jesus Christ. Come now; you who say that Jesus was put to death, I say that He was brought to the point of death and that He willingly gave up His life for you and for me because the TIME was completed. John 19:28-30. Death then could not have a permanent hold on Him because He is the Creator of Time. 1 Corinthians 15:56-58. It is God who controls time, not man. I could go on; but I must stop.

James 5

James 5:16 – Once in a church recently I was teaching on the principle of sin and I confessed to the congregation of some of the sins of my past as an unbeliever. A person who was recently saved at the end of the service said to me. How did I have the strength to confess my sin before the public as I did? He went on to comment that he knew his sins were forgiven but that he could never publicly tell others the things he had done as an unbeliever. Here is the condition: Do we view our sins from the human view of guilt, or the forgiven view of God the Holy Spirit? We can help each other in this healing process of guilt, but it requires the fervent prayer of the righteous saint. Are you the righteous saint that God might use to heal someone of guilt? If so;

James 5:17 – You will be for that person; God’s Elijah, and filled with the Spirit, who with a nature like the one experiencing the guilt will see that earnest prayer (true communication with God) will produce the Living rain on a dry and dusty soul smothered in the drought of guilt.

James 5:18 – Notice the endurance of the righteous person who prays; he or she may need to pray again like Elijah who literally prayed for rain and experienced the result of harvesting fruit in the earth. God’s will is for each of His saints to endure the work of the ministry. This patient endurance is always rewarded in strengthening the faith of the one who endures and also produces the maturing faith of someone in need. Therefore; be steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in the work of the LORD; knowing that you labor is not in vain in the LORD. 1 Corinthians 15:58.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Look at the Book #459

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #459

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

In the Kingdom of Heaven time does not exist, thus EVERYTHING that God does on Earth is done on time. We only need to wait upon the LORD and see. Psalm 37:3-6


From the simplest of events to the most complex, everything the military does is on time. For example; in most cases each branch of the military will eat at a certain time each day. Of course this would not be true in combat; even for a warship at “General Quarters” but in these conditions other executions of time functions take priority. Even sleep in most cases of military life is timed, but sleep will not be a factor while the enemy is at large. So let me ask a question here. Is time important to God? It is not a hard question to answer but because of religion and some theological views time become complex. There is not enough paper or ink to cover the issue of time in detail but here is a thought or two. For this country of ours we are nearly out of time and if time permits we will take a few days and see if we can place the cross hairs of correction over some of our time problems and solve them with God’s Will. There are sixty six words in Matthew six of a prayer that Jesus taught His disciples to pray. We should take more notice to this prayer and we will; God willing. For starters I would like to focus on God’s will in these last few sentences at these relate to time on earth. Matthew 6:10; it is God’s Will that His Kingdom should come here to earth and for His Will to overshadow our earthly will. Is it not evident that here in the United States we have forgotten the Will of God and that our time of prosperity and blessing is past? We have forgotten how to pray and many well meaning people believe that we should throw money at changing us back to a God Fearing Nation. Bah! Humbug! God simply wants us to talk with Him concerning our needs and sins, all covered in this portion of scripture and all cover in His will for any nation who claims to know Jesus Christ as the Lamb and High Priest. John 1:35 and Hebrews 5:1-14.

James 5

James 5:13 – I love God and the Word of God. I love God’s camp where my wife and I can hang out with other brothers and sister in Christ. I find peace with God, confidence in His Word and great fellowship with the Children of God. What then is missing and why then to I cry with great overwhelming tears. It is when I go outside the camp and there, just on the outskirts of this heavenly camp I see you; your anger; your broken heart; your aggressive behavior and your eyes that reveal the pain of darkness and then; you rebuke me.

James 5:14 – So I say; Oh LORD, how long will a person avoid the truth? How long will my friend, loved one or my neighbor reject the truth? They see me daily giving you praise, they watch my lips speak well of You, but I do not think they hear the words. Matthew 13:13-15. Yet I will continually offer up prayer and communication to You because You add more grace and comfort to my life, even when the rebukes are stronger and it seems that I can no longer bear.

James 5:15 – This then brings light that this is the works of faith that God rewards, so do not forget to do these good things and share them with others of like mindedness. Give diligence always being fervent in Spirit and in serving; serve with the LORD’s Will. Let each of us reach out and bless those who curse and persecute, also do not forget to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those weeping ones. This is faith at work. Romans 12:9-21.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Look at the Book #457

A Look at the Book #457

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #457

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

The LORD has lifted His saints out of an evil system by the Atoning work of His Son Jesus. We were stripped of darkness given Light. He clothed us in His armor of Righteousness and gave us boldness in the Spirit. Attention! Soldier; you are a force that shall not be defeated! 1 John 5:1-5


One of the destroyers that I served on was the USS Forrest Sherman DD-931. At the present time the Navy would like to sell it for scrape, but there is an Association that is seeking to preserve the ship and make it a monument in Indian River, New Jersey. The Sherman is a strong replica of the gunships of our Navy ranking third in the hierarchy of surface ships; Battleships, Battle Cruisers and then Destroyers. She was the first of her class and sported this slogan: “The first and the finest” and being that everything is relative the ship was not the first destroyer, nor was she the finest one either, but of her class she did excel. The ship did see action throughout its twenty seven year history, but it was mostly used as the pride of the Navy and a “showboat” to many countries. It was a rough and stormy week as we headed for some foreign port. We were going to be part of a ceremony of awarding a fire truck to some city in need. The captain ordered the ship to be painted topside; this was an impossible moment for us deckhands. How do will we paint in the rain? Yet, with a brush in one hand and a rag for removing water before the next brush stroke we did as the captain ordered. No pictures were taken of the ship in port at the pier side ceremony, since the ship looked a little like it was in anaphylactic shock.

James 5

James 5:7 – Saints are not called to be patient, we are commanded to be patient, but I am learning that patience needs an object just as faith does. The believers’ faith is focused on the Person who is the Author of Faith. Hebrews 12:1-2 our patience is to be focused on the Coming Day of the LORD, or as we commonly refer to this day as His Second Advent. Having done a little gardening in my day I see the parallel that James is making in that the harvest is just as important as the planting of the seed. Jesus was buried; but He is Risen; He is the fristfruits 1 Corinthians 15:20-28… get the picture?

James 5:8 – In these critical days of our life it is crucial that we do not lose sight of this object of patience. Many religious efforts seek to keep people busy with works of ministry that have no lasting effect or blessing. Certainly we must do good biblical works, but it is first and foremost to be encouraged in faith and patience. This is the established criteria for a solid heart as the day of the LORD draws near. And what good is any ministry or work if it is not founded on faith and backed by enduring hope? Notice please – 2 Timothy 2:14-26.

James 5:9 – One of the quickest ways for me to fail in patience is to take my eyes off of Jesus Christ. We easily groan and grumble at the people around us. Now I don’t mean that we are verbally abusive; we often put on our holy face, we nod, and we look pious. We like to make each other think that we have their best interest in front of our own. Philippians 2:3 really puts this in perspective.

What does James say here? The coming day of the LORD is God putting things in order for the coming Millennial Reign of the Christ… “Behold the Judge is standing at the door!” But of course you knew that even as your thoughts were backbiting your brother or sister whom Christ rescued from the evil system.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Look at the Book #456

A Look at the Book #456

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #456

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Is where you are a today a place of peace with God? Or is there turmoil, confusion and unrest? The gospel of God means nothing to those who refuse to hear, meaning they by choice do not mix it with faith. Thus these men, women and children do not know peace. Romans 5:1 and Hebrews 4:1-2


With their children grown a couple decided on a long vacation. They chose to travel across country on as many back roads as they could. They also chose to stop regularly and absorb as much of the local culture as they could before moving on to the next unplanned destination. One day they received news from home that one of their parents was ill and they needed to return home. With evening upon them, they decided to find a motel and sleep for awhile and start fresh in the early morning. About three in the morning they returned to the road and began the trip home. They were about forty miles from the nearest freeway. Traveling down a straight but rolling hills back road, at a high rate of speed since no one else was on the rode a sense of fear began to creep into the man behind the wheel. It was as if God where telling him to slow down. He did back off his speed but this did not ease the building tension. His wife sensed his fear and said; “honey what is wrong?” The car was heading up one of those rolling hills. His response was; “I need to stop the car now!” and he slammed on the brakes. The wheels locked as he crested the hill and vehicle came to a stop within inches of hitting a little two year girl who had wondered out of the house and onto the road at the top of the hill. It was 3:35 A.M. Tell me this; those of you who believe that God does not know your very next move. John 1:43-51. Are you sitting under a fig tree or standing on a highway anticipating your next move… God knows it and for my simple mind; this is exciting!

James 5

James 5:1-5 – I sense that James the half-brother of Jesus Christ the Son of God has a bit of prophesy for us in these few verses. The first and second Advents of the Christ are one timed, but dispensational event revealed in the Holy Bible to occur at the fullness of time, known only to God the Father. I believe that someone said recently that Jesus would return on May 21st. 2011 at six in the evening. Well now! Have the rich been found weeping? Are the prominent people of the world full of the miseries of rotting wealth?

These things are coming upon the rich and it could be soon; but in no way are they weeping and howling at the present time. The rich are still collecting and spreading their collections in and among themselves. The laborers are taxed and the fields are still being mowed. Thus the frauds of the land by those who believe that they own it cause the cries of all suppressed peoples to reach the ears of God.

Physically, spiritually and internationally the worlds’ indulgence in the fatted calf has caused many to become fat but these are not yet ready for the slaughter to come. How do I know this? It is simple really… I believe the Holy Word of God which is inerrant, which means infallible, which means; not capable of error. Any human effort to distort the inerrant Word of God is blasphemy and full of selfish error. These people or persons who belch out such nonsense should be put to death under a pile of rocks. But even God has a better message for them, Repent from this adulterous generation and be a true witness to the uttermost ends of the earth. Acts 1:7-8

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Look at the Book #455

A Look at the Book #455

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #455

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Collectively as a nation you might think that we could do something right! Just a personal thought about this; but God must think so too! Since with Israel and another nation His anger burns so fierce that smoke comes from His nostrils. Isaiah 65:5


We live in a complex world of disorder, even confusion. Listening to the news this morning the weather person and the news anchor were discussing things related and unrelated to the news. The anchor said that she has been married for seventeen years and has children. The weather person said that he and his male friend had the anchor lady beat in that they had been together for eighteen years. (There was a mechanically generated applause) What? What brought about these comments? The anchor person had noted that a married couple in the public eye was separating. This sparked the troubled mind of the weather person by reminding him of his parents’ divorce of which he was very bitter over. Broken hearts, confused minds and bent adherence to the code of ethics (integrity) seek to normalize, abnormal behavior. This is not what I think, nor is it a personal attack on any one individual. This is what God thinks and not just on one individual; but on a nation of peoples who now suppress the truth in unrighteous behavior. Take the time today and read Romans 1:18-32. This is the judgment of God on all nations who start out under the blessing of God, but in the end becomes disobedient to parents; verse 30 and who are now full of abnormal behaviors revealed in these last fifteen verses of Romans One. As a nation; we still have time to repent; will we be like Nineveh? If not we will end up like Sodom; or even Gomorrah. Awe, go ahead and laugh, but know this. This nation is not a just step away from natural disasters it is the local news these days brought about by the spiritual disaster of our nation. Money and grass root promises will not heal this condition, only prayer.

James 4

James 4:13-17 – The Word of the Living God is such an encouragement and comfort, if it were all I could do I would spend my day just walking through His Word. What would it take to explain to you and me that God is reasonable in all things? “Come now” or “Come on, lets take a look at your plans” We all have plans do we not? We often find ourselves looking for opportunity and now it is your turn to say; “so what is wrong with looking or even planning to do better or even to make a profit. Nothing and we should plan!

The problem develops when we boast about our future as if it were already a done deal. This sort of selfishness is not of God since our life is not in our control as we desire to believe. We cannot know what the morrow will have for us and to make plans apart from the infinite wisdom of God is nothing more that foolishness. Is it not true that if you reflect on many of the past plans, these are unfulfilled and dissipating? The death of a loved one or even the departure of a friend will often crush the future and you along with it.

Yes, we ought always to say in sincereness of heart that if the LORD wills, we shall live and do this or that. To boast about the future without including God who knows your future is what I call – top shelf arrogance! God calls it evil. The bottom line; we have allowed our thinking and planning to ferment in selfish ambition, then when the head clears from this hangover, self-pity takes over and knowing this to be true is the sin of self indulgence.

There is good news: John 1:29-34 God’s Plan for you and for me never fails.

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Look at the Book #454

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #453

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Religion is controlled by mankind and religion will always ignore the obvious. It is time for religion to shut up and hear that the restoration of the Kingdom of God is at Hand; made possible by the Resurrection of the Christ! Matthew 17:1-13


On one of the destroyers I was on; the USS Gearing DD-710 the First Class Petty Officers had their own private Mess. This was a compartment in the front of the ship where we could hang out during our off time; one of the rules was that we were not allowed to sleep in this room. We read, watched movies or television (if in port), played cards and even drank coffee and ate snacks. One boilerman first class ignored the no sleeping rule and most everyday would be found sleeping. The door to this compartment was always locked if no one was there, so one morning during some off time at sea, I unlocked and opened the door, it was a bit smoky inside and here was the boilerman sound asleep with his feet up on the table and his shoes were ablaze. The problem is that I woke him up and immediately he screamed in pain. His feet were blistering inside his burning shoes! Someone had gone in and found the man asleep and wrapped newspaper and a bag over his feet and set them on fire and walk out; locking the door behind him. (A padlock) The poor boilerman could not walk for nearly a month, but he did not sleep anymore in the First Class Mess. No one owned up to setting fire to the man’s boots, but there was only one who I suspected to do something so drastic. Many years had past since that day when I visited a certain First Class Cook in Bath, Maine in his retirement, who admitted to me that he was the culprit who did this deed. The heart of man is desperately wicked above our wildest imagination. Jeremiah 17:9-10

James 4

James 4:11-12 – There is evidence that we give little thought to these few verses here in this epistle. If we do not like a person we might find our self saying things like; “your ways are admiral” sort of a blessing laced with arsenic. This sort of conduct with our mouth is unacceptable even when we comment about the unbeliever. James is writing to us about our conduct among those of us who we know are believers in Jesus.

Notice what the apostle Peter has to say about our individual conduct with the brethren. 1 Peter 2:1-2. With malice, guile and hypocrisy we speak in envious ways that produce evil and break down relationships. We do this without the thought that Christ Jesus our LORD rescued us from this fire (James 3:6). Peter goes on the say that this sort of heartburn can be quenched, or put out. But only by the sincere milk of the Word. If you taste and see that the LORD is gracious, and you have, haven’t you? Then STOP speaking evil of your brother or sister whom Christ died and rose again for.

There is but ONE lawgiver whose standard is purer and higher. He is able to save and purify, or able to simply destroy. His ways are not our ways, neither are His thoughts like our thoughts. In Isaiah 55:1-13, this prophet shares with his readers opportunity for experiencing the abundant life that God invites His children to enjoy. This is a personal invitation that if acted upon by each of us will reap national blessing and eternal benefit. What’s in your spiritual wallet?

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Look at the Book #453

A Look at the Book #453

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #453

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

If possible; a nation might be found sending its’ unborn and elderly to war. While the stiff-necked, self-righteous and self-indulgent core of the population indulges in reality entertainment; all are empty stars of darkness. John 3:19


After retiring from a naval career my sons and I started a landscaping business. Imagine that! From the waters of the world’s oceans to the ground we walk on. Let me tell you; but I am sure you already know! It is much harder to punch a hole in the dirt then to punch one in the water. This was a good time for us as a family; as men we bonded some and there was even a few dollars to be made, but here is the heart of the matter. I believed that the three of us were saved, but now I know that we were not all grounded, or as the scripture reveals; we were not standing on a solid foundation of faith. We laughed and played the harlot with our relationship with God, in other words we were not serious and we had no endurance. James 3 and 4 reveal to me that those days were full of the untamable tongue. Blessing God out of one side of our mouth and cursing those around us who threatened our work. From a distance one day a saw a woman carrying a small baby in one arm and carrying a white bag. She was walking in an area we were preparing for a sidewalk, the steel mesh was laid and she was walking on the mesh. I was afraid she would trip on the mesh and injure herself and the baby. My yelling and comments to her were not measured with grace, but with a dose of worldly ignorance. As it turned out the woman was one of the daughters of the pastor of our church and she was bringing us coffee and donuts. You know as well as I do; we do not intentionally start out our day to hurt people, but if we fail to walk in the Spirit, there will be plenty of opportunity to mourn and weep.

James 4

James 4:1-10 – We do not express an anguish of heart toward the things of God these days. You may remember the man; David Wilkerson who authored the book, The Cross and the Switchblade. He writes; but these are not quotes, that the church of Jesus Christ is in serious trouble because we have no depth of faith. Our faith is shallow and our works are the cheap work of entertainment rather than the edification needed for the children of God in grace and truth.

The local church these days is full of prideful men and women who like to entertain their congregations with programs that can last a day, a week or a month that promote a mixture of religion and worldly venues that confuse people. Using the Holy Bible they entice a person to apply a thought or promotion that has little to do with the context of scripture surrounding a verse of the Living Word. Yet they will spend a full hour on that one verse of scripture in an attempt to convince the congregation to participate in some worldly effort to trap more confused souls to join in their entertainment.

The world around us lives in the power of darkness and much of that darkness has infiltrated the church of our God. These passages in James point to this truth; Humility is the only cure for Worldliness! It is past time for many leaders of our churches to stop laughing and start lamenting over the spiritual condition of their congregations. There is a day of judgment; even for the churches and I believe that this nation would not be in the worldly condition it is in, if men who were called by God would become like the men He intended them to be. Isaiah 56:1-12 sums it up!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Look at the Book #451

A Look at the Book #451

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #452

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

What you do not do today you will never have potential for doing tomorrow. Just ask any retired person!


Yesterday I indicated that I had more to say about the USS Searcher and yes I do, but for now this will be the last segment for a while. Only sailors know the term – Jack of the Dust. It is a title given to the person who issues food to the cooks daily, based on the planned menus. This was not only my title, but it was the work I did for many months on this ship. One evening I was looking for a case of frozen meat in the ship’s freezer, the freezer was a ten by ten foot room. We had been at sea just a few days and the freezer was full, I stacked boxes from one pile to the next and soon it became impossible to exit the door because it was blocked. To add to this the ship was in rough seas and the load shifted pinning me under a pile of boxes each weighing sixty pounds or so. My calls for help were not heard and I felt as if I would freeze to death since it was evening and soon people would be turning in or going to the movies. Fortunately for me the officers’ steward was expecting me to bring him the portion of food he had ordered for the officers’ meals. When I did not show up, he began looking for me. When he got to the refrigeration compartment he noticed the red light on indicating that the lights were on in the freezer. Of course when he opened the door he realized my misfortune. The officers’ steward was a big man, his last name was Carpenter and in a matter of moments he had tossed many boxes of meat out of the way and came to my rescue. I had been in the freezer for over an hour; I was unable to move so he picked me up and carried me out. Thirteen years later, unable to move out from under the weight of sin; The Carpenter came to my rescue and lifted me out of harms way and placed me in His Kingdom of grace and mercy. I remember both events as if it were yesterday.

James 4

James 4:1-8 – Do you have these words of scripture memorized? If not, give yourself the opportunity to try, you know real memorization is not rote. Real memorization is being able to make the subject or object a personal and vital part of your life. In other words; if you want God in your life, you must allow the two of you to become personal, likewise if you want His Word to be real for you, you need to become personal with His Word.

Notice what James is communicating to us here in these few passages. Submission is a personal choice. For example; God has submitted to you and me His only begotten Son who humbled Himself in obedience to the Father’s Will. Philippians 2:5-11. Submit to God and resist the devil; this obedience is the only cure for worldliness.

Draw near to God; I love those four words because these speak to my soul with encouragement and have a positive effect of drawing near to Him and of God drawing near to you. Just imagine this; God Himself drawing near to us. What could be more awesome? The passage is not just mere words to read, the words are real and so is the experience of being near to God. There is no greater joy and no greater personal experience then to be near to God.

Many times in a day a person may be found washing their hands, in the same manner one might find it necessary to confess sin continually even like the washing of the hands; so do not throw in the towel. Keep cleansing your soul and keep double mindedness away from you. Be of this singleness of mind! Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Look at the Book #450

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #450

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Imagine! Standing face to face with Jesus Christ and saying to Him; “What is truth?” But imagine this, that if you are still asking that question, then it may be that you have never heard His voice. John 18:37-38 and you could be a citizen of the; “Crucify Him” generation.


Inside the hull of the USS Searcher were some unique advantages that are not often found on military vessels. The ship was a man-of-war, but it had very little in the way of protection and it had no ability to be offensive. Yet, when the Bay of Pigs incident occurred we were on patrol in that area and we saw a little action with a couple of small boats. We even bullied a freighter and prevented it from entering port in Cuba. The small boats sought to force us into a shallow area called “Dog Rocks” with small arms fire but our Captain was well aware of the danger of these rocks and it all work out in our favor. Our only armament was a 3”50 turret located on the bow of the ship. We fired only one shell during the whole event and that was a shot across the bow of the freighter. Now for the advantages below decks; we had a game room large enough to support a ping pong table several card tables and a movie theater that could seat most of the crew. So when we were not fighting the enemy (which was mostly – never) we were found playing ping pong or watching movies. In those days movies came in containers of Army drab green (do you remember when?) and most of the films were what we called; “spaghetti westerns” since these were filmed in Italy the actors spoke Italian so the English was dubbed in. What a hoot! Hope you are not bored, I’m not done yet!

James 4

James 4:1-6 – What? Wars and fights among the saints of God, this should be unheard of, don’t you think? I think that it does not matter what you think since even if it is about us; it is not about us, but it is about the Spirit of God. Could this be an oxymoron? Lots of questions; so just what is the answer? The answers are found in verse five and six, but first this.

Desires and pleasures are a powerful tool of influence that works through the lust of eyes and flesh, many believers are trapped by this power and the out working of this carnal conduct is pride and covetousness for a sensual worthless reward that believers should never participate in. While you may not physically murder someone, you might gossip; yet both murder and gossip kill. 1 John 2:15-17 is a command to believers to not love the world’s system because it is passing away.

James would have us to think in terms of spiritual adultery rather than the physical act; in fact, the whole context of what we are looking at this morning is focused on faith and works from a spiritual perspective, which is the real meat of the Word of God. You do know, do you not that everything a believer in Jesus can do, can be done in the flesh and look like good biblical works. But in spiritual reality it is nothing more than; wood, hay and stubble. 1 Corinthians 3:5-17, this is the Apostle Paul’s explanation of the same issue. Well I’m not done since I’ve not pulled it all together.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Look at the Book #449

A Look at the Book #449

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #449

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

The reality of the death and resurrection of the LORD Jesus Christ is found in every book in the Holy Bible. This confidence is also written in the hearts of every believer in HIM. He promises Abundant Life to those of us who look for His soon return. Isaiah 55:1-13


The USS Searcher holds many memories for me since it was the first naval ship that I had duty on. After being on board for a few months I was given the duty of paint locker custodian. The Searcher had two paint lockers: (1) a locker that contained a small amount of paint for daily use and (2) a larger locker, (a room the size of a master bed room full of large five gallon pails of various colors of paint and paint products. I knew nothing of paint, nor did I have any clue about stowing things for heavy seas. The ship was getting ready for sea and the senior Boatswain Mate told me to make both paint lockers ready for sea. The small paint locker was the size of a walk in closet and was easy to make ready, but the larger room was overwhelming to me. I looked things over and decided that the person who was in charge before me knew what they were doing so I left everything pretty much the same as I found it. Bad idea! A couple of days at sea proved a disaster in the large paint locker, almost every five gallon can had found its way to deck and each one opened to expel the contents. After the seas calmed and the hatch could be opened the normally white room was now a very drab purple and the paint was deep enough to cover your knees if you stepped inside. That same Boatswains Mate who was going to throw me under the jail for painted shoes was now so mad at me that he would not even let me help clean up the mess. I think he thought I had demon possession, I certainly was thinking that about him.

James 3

James 3:13 – Being wise and understanding about anything takes some longevity and experience. I like what James says here, don’t you? Good conduct that results in good and godly works is not done by the seat of one’s pants. Longevity must produce meekness and what is meekness? Meekness is the ability to control the emotions and when we do, we gain time proven experience and what is experience? The answer is Spiritual integrity!

James 3:14-16 – If you apply bitterness and selfish emotion to the skill of living, the result of endurance and learning does not prosper, but what does gain ground in the heart is the overriding lie of disobedience to the truth. This is not wisdom that comes from above, it is self generated, it is an emotional revolt and it is demonic influenced. It is as the apostle Paul puts it in Galatians 5:16-17, it is a war within your heart.

James 3:17-18 – So what is the wisdom from above? Glad you asked! The wisdom from above does not wear two faces. This wisdom is the face of Jesus Christ to everyone you meet. It is the face of mercy and purity; the face of gentleness and peace; the face of good fruit, producing oneness of purpose, to produce seeds of peace with God and peace with people who are made in the likeness of God. James 3:9. After all; James; like Paul, write only to believers in Jesus.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Look at the Book #448

A Look at the Book #448

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #448

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to their works. Revelation 20:11-15 – An excerpt from the Plan of the Day; for the coming Day of the LORD.


I do not believe that I ever sought to describe myself as anything other than a culprit in my days as an unbeliever. On one occasion on the USS Searcher the ship was due to put into port on the next day, so the Captain did something thing that made me react in a very poor way. The night before he had received a message stating that my wife had delivered our first child, and he chose not to tell me until the next day when he held an arrival inspection of the crew at 10am. Standing in formation he approached me and in front of all the other sailors; he said. “Seaman Abel, your wife delivered a baby girl yesterday and here is a copy of the message that came in. I chose to give it to you today during my inspection.” I took the message and stepped out of ranks because I could not contain my composure. The Department Head Officer demanded that I get back in ranks and I refused. What could they do, throw me overboard? Later that day I handed the Department Head a request for leave when the ship docked. He refused the leave because I had broken ranks. I grabbed my Boatswains knife from my hip, grabbed his tie and cut it off his neck with a few undesirable remarks. I went to Captains Mast and the Captain granted my leave and the charges were deferred until I got back off leave. After this incident the U.S. Navy changed the regulation of wearing black ties with kakis for all officers and chiefs. I guess some good came from this incident, I know that when I made Chief some years later, I was glad…

James 3

James 3:8 – All of the Word of God is Yea and Amen, in fact; the Holy Bible is absolute truth and throughout the Old and New Testaments you will find the writers claim to the infallible riches of God’s Word and of their unworthiness to proclaim it. Isaiah for example says that he is a man of unclean lips. Isaiah 6:5 and the apostle Paul states clearly that he is the chief of all sinners, 1 Timothy 1:15. Try taming your tongue and you will get bitten. Ask any judge of the courts, or wait for the day of Hebrews 9:27!

James 3:9 – You do not have to look at your neighbor, or the clerk in the store. You do not even need to travel very far to find those who bless God the Father and curse the people who were made in His likeness. Just go look in the mirror, it is that simple. Accountability does not start with the “eye” of man, by the time the eye reacts to the picture the damage has already been done by the tongue.

James 3:10-12 – So I am sure you know all of this since you know your tongue, just as I know mine. We seem to paste on thick the wax of blessing, then along comes the tongue to lick like a flame that melts or spoils the image of blessing. This is the devastating effect of turning light into darkness. The same evil that prevailed in the Garden of Eden is reproduced daily in our lives by the tongue that sits inside a filthy cave, waiting like an asp for a moment to strike. This is not the work of faith, but it is the work of the flesh.