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Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Devotional Study of the Living Word of God - Revisited

by Jesse Abel

I am leaving for New Jersey at 6:30 so I dug up an earlier devotional. Have a blessed day in the LORD.
Take Note #71
by Jesse Abel

Psalm 119:51 Most everyone likes a good joke, but there are those days when you know that you are the reason for the laughter, ridicule and scorn. But compared to the eternal law of liberty that we have in Jesus, this momentary light affliction will pass, this meditation is sweet to the soul.

Good Morning

The average teenager from the age of thirteen to fifteen listens to well over ten thousand hours of hard rock music. That was ten to fifteen years ago, now children are brought into this arena at the age of eight through things like MP3, cell phones and other gadgets aimed at destroying the young minds of our children. I am not opposed to technology, but I am opposed to those people who use this technology to destroy the minds of our young people. Ten to fifteen years ago the amount of time wasted listening to this kind of music was 500 to a 1,000 hours shy of the total amount of time spent in school from the first through the twelfth grade. Today the average child spends more time with text messages, cellular phone talking and taking pictures then the average business person does as they go through a day. Add the time listening to music and the time of a child is not only wasted in this technological environment, it is also very evil. You could be thinking! How does all of this play out in the large scheme of things? The battle for control of our children is very real and the devil is driving that school bus. We let our children on board that bus daily, when we fail to control and disciple them. (Proverbs 22:5-6).

Acts 15

Acts 15:35 Teaching and preaching the Word of God. There is not another method available to the church of Jesus Christ to instill the characteristics of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control in the souls of God's saints. If your church is not filled with men and women who are teachers and examples of being occupied fully with the Holy Spirit, then as a saint of God you will not experience all that God has for you to enjoy.

Acts 15:36-38 The thought of strife in the church may be alarming to some young believer. But for those of us who have been around awhile we know that strife can happen even when your seeking to do a good thing. Most strife is caused by one person being filled with the Holy Spirit and other who is not. God will use this moment to test one or both of these people. It depends on the spiritual awareness of both to avoid these sort of conflicts, but far to often this is not the case. There always seems to be things of the past that sit on the back burner until one or the other say in their heart. “I've had enough” and the strife begins.

Acts 15:39-40 We should take the time to notice that the Holy Spirit is not mentioned from verse 35 to the end of the chapter. The Holy Spirit does not cause strife and He does not promote any attributes of the flesh. As mentioned earlier the fruit of the Spirit of God is developed in the heart willing to abide under the authority of the Word of God. For John Mark, he failed to do this; and for the men who allowed him to be a part of a ministry work it crippled them and eventually destroyed their friendship. That is not God's intent, ever!

Now if you do not have your bible with you, the following is a link you can go to and find the verses of scripture I have referenced herein. Bible Gateway at:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #905

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
When is the last time your eyes have witnessed satisfaction with the world around you? If you are honest, your answer is – never! Yes, this was Solomon’s conviction also. Thus hell (Sheol; the world of the dead) does exist and does suffer destruction (Abaddon; lost). Proverbs 26:3-12
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 11:16-21 – In conclusion of yesterday; while we live in the flesh we do not war in the flesh; remember that the apostle is talking about spiritual warfare in the 2 Corinthians passages. Look again with me Romans 13:11-14 and Galatians 3:26 – 4:7; and 2 Corinthians 10:4-6.
2 Corinthians 11:22-33 – When is the last time you heard of a testimony of suffering for the witness one has in Jesus Christ? Many leaders in our Christian economy (way of life) in the United States of America today have abandoned thoughts of persecution and suffering. In fact; the thought of suffering for anything is simply out of the question. Their mindset is service, worship and the love of God; but not the Gospel which is always being attacked by Satan.
Zechariah 12:10-14 – One day soon all of Israel will see the LORD and they shall mourn for Him who was pierced. Israel set aside evangelism for religion. They also replaced persecution for idolatry.
Psalm 110:1-6 – Jesus is coming again, a truth that is watered down with reformed theology. Yeshua or Joshua, there is no “J” in the Hebrew language; however it was inserted into the language about 500 years ago to help with pronunciation. Jesus will sit at the right Hand of God the Father until the time appointed by the Father just as the song “Messiah” explains “and He shall reign forever and ever”.
Isaiah 59:20-21 – There is a Redeemer (Yeshua) Jesus who is God’s own Son. For the Jew and for the Gentile, the LORD says that this is my Covenant with the people of Israel; today this command is also for the Church. My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth. Shall not depart from your mouth or the mouth of your descendants… from this time and forevermore.
Isaiah 9:6 or 9:5 in the Hebrew Bible are stunning words, again Handel’s Messiah captures these words and spreads the good news. Unfortunately, Handel follows a slightly misleading translation of the first term that has a comma between Wonderful and Counselor. In the Hebrew (Pele’-Yô‘ēts), the two words belong together, since the first is in the construct state. The English term doesn’t seem particularly divine as well, but in Hebrew pele is used only of God, never of man. Isaiah’s other writings make it clear, using related Hebrew terms about God Himself: “O Lord, You are my God. I will exalt You, I will praise Your name, For You have done wonderful things; Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth” (Isaiah 25:1); “This also comes from the Lord of hosts; He is wonderful in counsel and excellent in wisdom” (Is. 28:29).
Isaiah 52:13-53:1-9 – The sin bearing Servant, the One whom Israel hides the face from, even today in churches all across this land the churches of Jesus Christ are blatantly caving in to the gospel of demons as we looked at recently in 2 Corinthians 11:12-15

So why have we looked at these important passages that Israel failed to witness to the world that “Jesus Saves”? Because it is obvious to me that many (not all) of the churches of Jesus Christ are fleecing the flock of God’s Son with the promise of loving God without going through the suffering for Christ that is associated with the gospel of Christ. 2 Timothy 3:10-17.
Some of this material comes from the Christian Jew Foundation:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #904

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
It is more tolerable for a stubborn horse and a dumb mule than it is for a fool. A slight touch of the whip will send the horse forward into battle and the bridle will guide the donkey to the command post. But the fool needs a rod of reproof and still he or she may not respond and go down in defeat. Proverbs 26:3-12
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 11:16-21– It is not hard for a writer to think that he or she is a fool and I like what the apostle Paul who wrote most of the epistles in the New Testament has to say about his speech. With all of my typos and words left out, I feel like a fool. Thus many times when confronted with a word or two left out of what I am seeking to say; I say, “go ahead, at least treat as a fool, so that I have something to boast a little about”.
Proof reading is not one of my strong suits. The truth is; I don’t even have a Sunday suit that I fit in any longer… it has shrunk! This is enough boasting in that it does not glorify the LORD, but is of the flesh. On the other hand, I am so excited about the Righteousness of Jesus Christ; in Him I can go to the Throne of God, Roman 13:11-14, but this grace does not stop here. While present in Christ with God the Father, I can speak to Him in the Power of the Holy Spirit. I cannot express to you the ‘JOY” of that season of time, you have to experience this for yourself. Scripture backup! Galatians 2:20 and Galatians 3:26Galatians 4:7.
Now there are a multitude of passages that present this fellowship with God, in Christ; and in the Spirit. But it would not do you much good if I checked it out and left you to just reading the passages. No I should not search out the matter for you, unless of course you are on welfare and do not speak English. If that is the case; email me and together we will search out the matter. The Living Word of God is just that; LIVING. God will use a verse of scripture to communicate to me concerning a certain thing, but most likely He will use another verse for you to get that same point across.
For example; the gospel message is the same for the Jew and the Greek, it is to everyone who believes in Jesus (personally). His Righteousness is revealed to the personal faith of the Jew (Israel) in the same manner as His Righteousness is revealed to the personal faith of the Greek (Gentile). It is the Power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16-17, one person’s faith being from a Jewish background and another person’s faith being from a Gentile’s background. John 3:16 works for the one and Ephesians 2:8-9 works for the other.
If we cannot go before the Throne of grace and speak to God freely, then we must be in the flesh, because flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, 1 Corinthians 15-50. To speak to God we must either be in our glorified state or in Christ’s Righteousness. Therefore no one in the flesh can stand in this unrighteousness (Isaiah 64:6) and expect God to hear his or her prayer. Now we know the mechanics of this with verses of scripture like Psalm 19:12-14 or Psalm 66:16-20, even 1 John 1:9. Yet we need to take serious our time at the Throne of God and go beyond those mechanical steps; by being in Christ and in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #903

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Some would argue that a person does not have a human spirit; these folks do doubt have seared their conscious. Solomon reminds us here in Proverbs 25:28 to reread his earlier statement in Proverbs 24:30-34. The slothful person is like the sluggard and the fool, who has no God and no purpose in life. Also this is a definition of apostasy as seen in today’s national economy; 1 Timothy 4:1-5
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 11:5-15 – Now here is one of those subjects that cause a lot of confusion in the church and I am sure that some who read these devotionals which are averaging between five and six hundred viewers daily are waiting to see what I may or may not say. So while I prepare to stir up a hornets nest by way of definition of who is an apostle and who is not, I will sound dogmatic. For to say (humanly speaking) who is an apostle and who is not, cannot be said unless you are and apostle and there is only One who speaks today. A hint – Hebrews 1:1-4
Therefore, since there is no living apostle this side of eternity we have to reference scripture, understand what scripture reveals and believe the scripture because scripture is the Living Word of God which is able to reveal everything we need to know that pertains to life and godliness. Notice what the apostle Peter has to say and how he directs our attention to faith in God; 2 Peter 1:1-4
Some will argue that we do not have an apostle today (this argument has no scriptural reference) and some argue that the lineage of apostleship has passed from pope to pope over the centuries based on two portions of scripture. Matthew 16:13-20 and John 21:15-19. Whatever side of the argument you choose to take; this is the material can promote and develop false doctrines of deceitful workers; those whom the apostle Paul identifies as false apostles.
Why should I feel led to say this (two reasons). One: if apostleship were to be handed down through time, then the apostle John qualifies (he, like Peter did not retire from ministry, as the world turns; this is big news today) but John lived longer and wrote the book of Revelation and yet today many religions and cults reject the book of Revelation.
Here is the rub! Apostleship, like all ministries is of Divine Ownership. Today our Apostle and High Priest is the LORD Jesus Christ. Notice Hebrews 3:1-6. The writer of Hebrews clearly compares the faithful household of Moses, the servant of God (Old Testament doctrine) with the faithful household of Jesus the Son of God (New Testament doctrine). He shows us plainly that while Moses still speaks, our faith in God now is to rest in the Son of God who is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession of faith. Hebrews 3:7-19.
If you are a partaker of this heavenly calling then you are confessing your faith in the One whose current ministry is to call you and me out of the world of false or counterfeit religions and doctrines developed by men and women whom the apostle Paul calls false and deceitful who cunningly transform their messages of darkness into light, partial truths (scripture out of context). Not that Spiritual Light that God promises His saints, but the light that seeks to confuse and defraud the religions of the world. Satan is the one who resembles an angel of light, he has many who follow him.

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #902

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
If a good name is not a priority in one’s life, love and favor of an honest countenance will be absent. Should a person with a marred name and countenance seek change; his or her legacy will remain by most of their acquaintances; unchanged. So great riches like silver and gold cannot purchase what cannot be had Proverbs 22:1. The exception: John 10:7-18
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 11:1-4 – I recently had a conversation with someone who expressed a belief that God existed, but that Satan did not. This is a common belief among people who have witnessed more evil in life than good and who seek to personally rise above those evils. You may think just the opposite would be true, but without going into an in depth explanation let me just say that if one’s personal platform of life is self-righteousness rather than the Righteous statutes of God, than the Word of God means nothing to them.
People with a self-righteous outlook are church goers. Many of these folks fellowship in churches like the one found in Corinth, our own neighborhood churches all across the United States today are loaded with self-righteous well talented men and women who are considered upright citizens. Most of the sixty-four plus sins that are recorded in the first epistle are still being addressed in his second epistle. Comparing 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 with 2 Corinthians 6:11-18 I see the apostle addressing the same sinful pattern and his call for the church as a whole to separate from unholy lifestyles.
Church leaders have but one purpose, to present their congregation to the LORD Jesus as holy to God. When deception is evident in the church, the leadership will become godly jealous. Pastors and teachers within the biblical framework of the church have one purpose and that is to present the church of Jesus Christ as PURE and HOLY or as the apostle here expresses as a chaste virgin.
Please understand, our sins are covered by the blood of the LAMB, but this does not give us permission to continue to live in deception. Deception is identified as the one and only serpent that deceived Eve in the Garden. Genesis 3:1-24. The serpent is none other than Satan who has disguised his true identity. There are preachers who preach this gospel of deceit whose God is their belly. Philippians 3:17-21
We are looking at a small section of scripture here in 2 Corinthians 11, yet it is no small thing to God when people are deceived into believing that they are set apart from the evils of life because Satan does not exist. Deception is a well-used tool by Satan and he has successfully used this platform to convince many he is nothing more than a myth. Why? Because God is not perfect and needs the help of self-righteous people, these people willingly ignore the purity of the gospel of Christ which was first revealed in Genesis 3:15.
I am sure that as we move through these verses in 2 Corinthians more about false teaching will be revealed. Satan does exist, many good people are deceived by him. Monday when we look at the remaining verses in this chapter we will see that confusion often develops in the hearts of men and women who are oppressed by much evil because Satan is able to take that evil and transform himself and his works into the resemblance of righteousness.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #901

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
What does it mean to shut ones ears to the crying of the poor? Some would say that things are different now and that we have the poor on most every street corner. True, but it is the first responder who has shut the ear; that son or daughter who is selfish, they too will cry one day soon. Proverbs 21:13
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 10:12-18 – If we compare our service with people who pride their effort as superior to those around them, then we are no better off than they. This trait of human life is common among those who are positioning or posturing for status or recognition in the world. No doubt you have run into a few of these men and women in your lifetime. The scripture section we are looking at this morning is often overlooked; this also is spiritual warfare.
Years ago while leading a ministry there was a bit of contention from one who frequently made the comment. “Lead, follow or get out of the way!” this statement has no place in ministry in that what is actually communicated is; “you are not leading the way I think this ministry should be lead so buckle under and follow me, or just get out of my way because I have purposed in my heart to take over”. This sort of action by any within the church family goes beyond the limits which God has appointed. One solid study of 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 will help understand this.
So what is the sphere that the apostle Paul is exhorting us to stay within? It is the gospel of Christ! Remember what the apostle said in 1 Corinthians 1:17 “For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with words of wisdom (wisdom of words), lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect”. Therefore; there is little to boast about. Selfishly extending our effort into another man’s ministry is not a labor of love; it is just another failure where spiritual warfare was able to place a wedge of division.
Faith is increased when the sphere of the gospel is enlarged in regions that are opened by God; not by trying to boast or preach in another man’s sphere of accomplishment. This does not mean that we cannot speak within the framework or authority of another man’s ministry; it simply means that we must be protecting the authority of this ministry and the gospel of Christ as God leads. Note: Isaiah 65:13-16
We tend to forget, the apostle has used the statement found in 2 Corinthians 10:17 before in his first epistle to the Corinthians 1:31. For me I find that there is no greater joy for me to experience than to be expressing to God the Father that I stand before Him in the Righteousness of Jesus Christ and in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Whether in ministry or my own personal walk; this I will glory in and nothing else.
In our brief overview of 2 Corinthians I notice something that I have not thought much about in times past, so by way of example I will try to bring it out. Ever write a letter to someone? Of course you have. Have you ever had to follow up that letter with another one? No doubt you have. Ever make references to that original letter? Yes again; no doubt you did. I am seeing many references in this second epistle to remind the church at Corinth to stay spiritually sound and to avoid spiritual warfare that seems to flourish within the church family. We should strive to stay within the framework of the gospel of Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:22-23.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #900

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Many of us like to “pay back” when a wrong is caused by someone. God identifies all aggressive action as evil. How then can you pay back? Do you have a tool or weapon stronger than “evil”? The answer is; to both questions, “you cannot pay back, nor do you have a stronger weapon” so wait! Wait for the LORD and He will save (deliver) you. Proverbs 20:22
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 10:7-11 – In the early days of prison ministry we were meeting with several churches for a weekend of evangelism with a ministry that is still active today even though many of those original leaders are retired now. That weekend there were hundreds of volunteers from all across the U.S. and it was one of the first times that I was exposed to the various beliefs within the universal church. Well to make a longer story short which is often hard for me to do, we’ll move to the next paragraph.
On this particular Saturday we all ate lunch in the prison cafeteria, we were sitting eating our desert when two women volunteers came to our table and very quickly anointed our foreheads with oil. My response was that I stood up and wiped off the oil with my napkin and said, “what in the world are you doing, anyway?’ They said that they were being obedient to the gospel of Mark 6:13 and the Great Commission section in Mark 16.
Later when our afternoon ministry was complete, I was reading those events in Mark and even a passage in the epistle of James and determined that the two ladies were out of line with anointing people with oil and went searching for them. One of my companions was with me and he always seemed to know when he needed to step in and give me a word of wisdom.
“Jesse, why are you searching out these two”? “Well, I want to set them straight, I don’t like the fact that they put oil on my head, I didn’t need it and I am not sick with sin!” “Jesse, you’re not going to change their mind, they are not going to apologize and by the time you figure that out you will be in the flesh”! “Hmmn, I Thought, he is right again” so I said, what can be done about people who are ignorant? “Maybe” he said; “they are not ignorant, maybe you are? Why not first find out if they are believers? This too, is an impossible task since there is no outward appearance that defines salvation that one might look at.
Here in our text this morning I see a parallel to that experience in the prison years ago. While the thought of placing oil on someone’s head was foreign to me, it was very normal to those who practiced such a thing. So I let it go and chalked it up to experience. Our outward appearance and actions do not make us believers in Jesus.
Personal faith dictates that we belong to Christ and this same faith is working in those who we meet daily; yet they may have a doctrinal belief that differs from what we consider normal, in fact; differences are the norm, it is the gospel that does not change Romans 1:16-17.
The apostle Paul has not changed the subject of his exhortation he is still referencing spiritual warfare. Anytime we challenge the authority of one’s relationship to God we are walking on thin ice. I know as you do that this sort of activity within the church is not healthy. Communication and edification is not for the destruction of the fellowship, but for the building up of “one another” in the Righteousness of Jesus Christ our LORD.
So in verbal and written communication regarding the Living Word of God you will find people who have variation in doctrinal authority, sometimes these efforts seem terrifying to us. If we are less than careful, our communication about such matters can be destructive, even contemptible. Yes, we must protect and contend (Jude 1:3-4) for our personal faith, our family’s faith and the faith of our church family; the limits of which will be the topic of another day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #899

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Most of us have a keepsake or two; for a man it could be an old pocket knife that granddad gave him and for a woman, possibly a locket with grans picture in it. These are more valuable to us than one of those bricks out of Fort Knox. Wisdom has been around a lot longer than our keepsakes and what did we do with Him who gave it and what did with do with the wisdom? Proverbs 19:8
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 10:1-6 – So the past two days was special for me to search the scriptures, I enjoyed the weekend and who knows I may never get beyond verse six of this chapter in 2 Corinthians as I feel led to reflect on Saturday evening and the Bible Study we had at church. Our pastor is presently teaching from Exodus 14 and the passages associated with Israel as Moses prepared them for their next event which was crossing the Red Sea on “dry” ground.
I have to talk about this because it really goes with the spiritual war that believers face daily. Now truly I will not do as well as our pastor did that evening. I was so struck by what he said that I failed to take notes, not that my notes are excellent, even when I do take a note or two. As a believer in Jesus Christ it is a joy to know that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior and that He is my personal victory over sin, Satan and the state of death. I truly hope He is yours as well.
However, as a believer we always have Egypt (the world) Pharaoh (Satan) and the chariots (Satan’s officers) in pursuit of us, now I am not sorry for what I am about to say, so listen up! Mostly we are like the Israelites in verses 11 and 12 when they saw Pharaoh and the chariots coming for them as verses 9 and 10 reveal, they complained bitterly to Moses. Then Moses sounding more like the grace of God in action, then a man full of retaliation; responded with four interesting statements. (1) Do not be afraid; (2) Stand still; (3) See the deliverance of the LORD, and (4) you shall not see these Egyptians again forever.
Now why was I so struck by this teaching on Saturday? There is an event unfolding in my personal life that fits Exodus 14:13 (Moses response to the complainers) and based on my comments of yesterday helped me understand that the battle we face daily is God’s battle; our ability to be in a battle such as the one described here in Exodus 14 is really not our own. The battle is God’s from the very beginning; our response is to stand in faith; moving forward in His deliverance and not looking back since there is nothing left to see.
Here is the rub! Are you apprehensive of an event in the near future? The answer is: “Yes I am” and “No” I am not talking to myself here, I am talking to the both of us. If we are not apprehensive about something in our physical future, then there is not a physical future since we would be pushing up daises (a task of every resident in the grave). We are challenged in Exodus 13:14 to do as Moses explained to the Israelites. “Stand still and see the salvation (deliverance) of the LORD. Note too Ephesians 6:10-18.
God will accomplish for you today what you cannot accomplish on your own. All of the power you and I can muster up to solve the problems of the circumstance of life is simply a power that appears for the moment to be very brave and admirable, yet this power is not effective, since we will see that enemy again and again in our own strength. Note the continued response of Moses. For the Egyptians you see today you shall see again NO MORE FOREVER!
So it should be clear to us that there is one subject that we often overlook when we face off with the enemy. The one thing we lay aside is faith in the Righteousness of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 6:10-18 or the shorter comment of the apostle Paul in Romans 13:14.
For me personally I was able to recognize that the personal event that appeared on the horizon the night before was solved the following morning after prayer; salvation (deliverance) took place in victory. While the circumstance (Egypt still lingers in the background) the commander and his officers are defeated and in this circumstance I will see them no more.
All of what I have said, I see in 2 Corinthians 10:1-6, though we walk in the flesh (and we do), we do not need to “war” in the flesh, so STAND STILL our weapons are not of the flesh (carnal). Our weapons are “Mighty” in God. He is the One who destroys the strongholds. Verses 5 and 6 are the result of you and me standing in the Righteousness of Jesus Christ and in the Power of the Holy Spirit, this is faith in God in the heat of the battle.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Devotional - A "Special" Look at the Book

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
A fool with his lips will sell his soul for less than the cost of a piece of bread, not knowing or believing that his soul is of a greater value than a King’s fortune. A fortune that King Jesus paid as a ransom for that soul for the Kingdom of God, Proverbs 18:7 and John 12:44-50.
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 10:1-11 – I have rushed along in chapter 9 to get to this chapter concerning the war that the saints of God are involved in. It is true that our world is fallen and in the hands of the enemy. The commander in charge of this war on earth is Satan, his army of officers is all of the fallen angels that followed Satan’s sin of pride, and they were cast out of heaven before God fully created the earth. The battleground was established as the earth at least six thousand years ago as a result of Satan’s fall of pride and mankind’s sin failure of faith in God. Genesis 3:1-24.
Most nations and people groups do not believe in a Creator, therefore they do not believe in a Deceiver, but all people groups and all nations have something or someone to worship. These people are the foot soldiers of Satan in general and do not hold any absolute values of truth. Therefore they are willing to believe in a liberal or counterfeit truth. They have not read Psalm 19:1-14 which is the everlasting or universal gospel spoken of in Revelation 14:6.This brief description of the sin of the world around us is a constant condition day after day.
This belief system for those within it is not a close system; unlike the system or platform that Satan and his officers operate from. Their platform or system exists between heaven and earth. Ephesians 6:10-12. These fallen beings have no chance for redemption, their destiny is sealed, Revelation 20:7-10. However; the people (foot soldiers) who live in darkness have been shown a great Light. Notice what the LORD Jesus has to say in John 12:46; also note Isaiah 9:2; Luke 4:12-17. Those who live in darkness have seen a GREAT LIGHT.
Now 2 Corinthians 10, while this counterfeit system is in force and focus, called darkness; the exhortation of the apostle is to those men and women who have been delivered from this darkness and by faith in their Creator are now in the Kingdom of God through (or in) the Righteousness of Jesus Christ. These men and women live now by faith in the LIGHT of the gospel who is Jesus Christ the Lamb sacrifice or RANSOM of God.
People of FAITH in God are called the CHURCH also we are called by God; as sons, daughters, pilgrims, saints, believers and disciples. We are a work in progress Nation whose builder and maker is God Himself. Also God says that we believers are to walk in the Light and not in darkness,
Ephesians 5:8-14. I said all of this to lead us up to the apostle’s words to the Corinthians about the spiritual war that we believers face daily. We are at war with Satan, his officers and his foot soldiers.
Note too, that the counterfeit world that lives in darkness is not at war with Satan, these folks are on his side. Yet and because of darkness in their soul they are in a battle with God that is already over. God’s Son; the Lamb is now Risen and judgment on the sin of the world is covered in His Blood. Revelation 4:1-11 and 5:1-14
The Lamb on the Cross was the King the Cross; John 19:17-22, the battle for your soul and mine was won roughly 2,000 years ago when Jesus, the Son of God, said; ‘IT IS FINISHED’ John 19:28-30 and one day soon the knees of all the living and the dead will make one move that will demonstrate to the glory of God the truth of salvation. Acts 4:10-12; Acts 10:43 and Romans 14:11; Isaiah 45:22-23 and so many more. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is LORD to the glory of God the Father.

Friday, February 15, 2013

The devotional - A Look at the Book #898

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
There seems to be a “petition epidemic” in our country these days. Every .org and every bleeding heart wants your petition and contribution. While the agenda or item of interest is a blight or cancer in our society and needs corrective action. Most petitions are simply ploys to get more funding and continued noise making. Thus I like Proverbs 15:8 Prayer works better than a wicked sacrifice.
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 9:1-5 – Continuing on with these verses, we hear time and again for men and women and families to give; not grudgingly, nor of necessity, for God loves a “cheerful giver”. Previously we looked at a few of the obstacles that clutter the pathway to give to God in the only way that brings glory to Him and blessing to us. Obstacles will never go away and one way to approach this fact is to praise and thank God for the obstacle. No doubt, you have heard that before too!
Giving to God is necessary; here in 1 Corinthians 9:7 most of us only hear the last half of the verse; NOT GRUDGINGLY OR OF NECESSITY, FOR GOD LOVES A CHEEFUL GIVER. The whole verse is quoted and comment is made, yet we overlook: “so let each one give as he purposes in his heart”. What does this first part of the verse reveal that we often overlook. For me it reveals that the giving of one’s self is the firstfruits of giving. This thought is well established in the earlier chapter.
The prospect of giving and the thought of prosperity in giving are difficult subjects to convey from the pulpit, difficult to write about and difficult to place for us to place in the heart. The truth is that all of the Living Word of God is difficult to place in the heart when the purpose of doing so is not established first. James speaks in his epistle this way. “Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save (deliver) your soul (through the obstacles). James 1:21 and you can read on through verse 27.
The words that James uses; “filthiness and wickedness” may not seem to you and me as filthy or wicked intentions at all, but whatever is in the heart that takes the place of God’s “purpose” at that moment of decision steals the joy of giving and stirs up the “grudge”. Also, all of us enjoy the results of answered prayer, I have never met anyone who after a prayer in giving say; “gee, I hope God will not answer my prayer because I need these funds for something else” this would certainly be grudging and show a lack of a cheerful countenance.
No doubt we will cover more of this on Monday since it is such an important thought. Not only in giving to God but within the context of blessing in all things that pertain to the grace of God. Grace is a primary subject within our context of scripture, notice verse 8; God is able to make all grace abound toward YOU. There is grace just in the reading of these words in verse 8. Why? Simply because the verse explodes in many references of the Holy Bible that promises that God will meet all of our needs in or through His Son who is our Righteous standing before God. Matthew 6:1-34

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #897

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”

Only saints can backslide, when we return to the world our heart is filled with the old ways of unbelief. Turn and draw near to God, repent and be filled with His good things. Proverbs 14:14 and James 4:7-10

Good Morning

2 Corinthians 9:1-5 – Superfluous… have you ever known a preacher to be excessive about giving, well if you have been to more than one church in your lifetime, no doubt you have. It is very hard not to be and I think that the apostle who has been leading up to this point in his epistle realizes his own excessive effort to remind the Corinthians of the pledge of support they made just the year before.

Giving is a difficult promise to keep, the willingness to give is in the heart of most of us, but the action of giving is often mechanical, reaching for the check book, the envelope, the wallet or whatever one may use to keep those personal effects in. Then while the mind is negotiating the amount, there are the distractions within the budget, the distractions within the household and the distractions of your help-mate if you have one; all of which is in the heart weekly.

Now in the Corinthian congregation is the reminder of the pledge that was presented to the church the year before and apparently the apostle received good supporting promises that when he returned the following year to accept the pledge all would be ready. I am sure that the apostle, having read the earlier epistle of James has this principle in mind that is found in James 1:21-24. He was so confident of these promises that he used the church as an example to encourage other churches to give. In this epistle he is stirring up the Corinthians to remind them to fulfill their bountiful promise before it turns into a grudging obligation.

Now if you are honest with yourself, in some way you and I have experienced the bottom line here and that would be if you’ve missed it… a grudging obligation. Now we like to believe that we; when it comes to giving that we have all of our priorities in line and that nothing is going to rock that boat and many of the obstacles that are mentioned above are null and void. However; just let the first wave hit. A special missionary need, a broken piece of church equipment, a new or revised building plan! Anything that falls outside of the norm, even those things that we know that are coming up soon, it seems that these surface before “Freddie is ready”.

So what is the solution? The answer tomorrow!

In the meantime: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY LADIES, you too MEN!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #896

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
We can get emotional over just about anything that enters the heart. Sometimes we set these things aside and our heart is hardened (sick even). Too much emotion is also not wise so where do we draw the line? Proverbs 13:12 Not before or after but when the need springs up.
Good Morning
When I was a teenager I caddied almost every day in the summer months while school was out. On mornings just as the sun was popping up I would leave the house on my bike and meet up with a friend and off we would go to the local course which was fifteen miles away. Sometimes when I would make the trip alone, I was more focused on the country side; noticing things that are always there every morning but not in focus when someone is with you.
I find a parallel in this; in that when two or more people are reading the Holy Bible a distraction is there too. It could be most anything, a desire to get through the passage and on with the commentary or any number of things, like noises or the lack of noises. So, here is the point! When I get alone with the Living Word of God and allow fellowship with God to take place, all sorts of wonder and joy develop. Much of what I am seeking to say here is found in 1 Peter 1:3-12, especially verse 8.
2 Corinthians 8:16-24 – I reckon that one of the hardest subjects to understand in the Word of God is the subject of giving. I believe the percentages of those who give as unto the LORD are still less than ten percent in any given congregation. This tells me that church leaders do not understand themselves this very important promise. A promise which most church denominations have developed into a doctrine (tithing or not to tithe, the question but not the answer).
We are two-thirds the way through this chapter and while the subject appears to be giving and along with the commentaries of like-minded people we never step outside that framework. As such we could be missing the very reason that makes “giving of one’s self; first” the key to the joy of giving; a promise of 1 Corinthians 9:6-15 coming up soon. Now in our highlighted section this morning we see that the giving of self is still the content of Paul’s conversation to the Corinthians.
For me, Titus is a strange individual, someone who the apostle Paul is seeking establish or reestablish as a brother and fellow laborer in the church at Corinth and in the gospel of God. Throughout this epistle the apostle seems to be justifying the work of Titus. This justification actually began in his first epistle, 1 Corinthians 16:3 here no names are mentioned since at that time, those who would take the trip to Jerusalem with the money was not yet known.
If you take the time to study this event in chapter 8 you will see that this is no small undertaking of the apostle. You will find that the apostle Paul has for at least one year travelled from city to city to collect money for the Jerusalem church which was suffering extreme persecution at the time. I believe that a delegation of men (one or more) was selected from each church. Faithful men who demonstrated to their church leadership that they, first and foremost had given of them self to the gospel, thus they were qualified for further ministry work.
Remarkably, Titus is the only one mentioned to the church at Corinth by name at this point. So my point is that; at the least, Titus is and has been a focal point with Paul and the church. Someone who at one time may have been untrustworthy but now is trustworthy; do you know anyone like that? Now if you named a name other than starting with yourself, you are already in trouble with James 4:7-12. Something that the unbelieving pick up on, very quickly.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #895

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
One can spend a lifetime being instructed; in fact I have known some elderly people who have attended institutions of learning their entire life and yet do not listen to a rebuke or a reproof of discipline. The word of the Living God calls this mindset… STUPID – Proverbs 12:1
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 8:8-15 – Today there are very few of us who speak with a commanding authority. Even many pulpits today have men and women standing in the sweet spot, speaking words of wisdom like; “let it be! Awe just let it be”
The Holy Bible has a better Word, even when the writers who are moved by the Holy Spirit speak without direct revelation there remains the commanding authority of God in the Person of the Holy Spirit. The entire epistle to the Hebrews speaks to us about such things; JESUS, better than the angels; a better High Priest, a better Hope; a better testament; a better covenant; better promises; a better sacrifice; a better country and a better resurrection.
So when the writers of the New Testament express the doctrines and promises and the challenges of God to their readers they are doing so through the resources and provisions contain within the Person of Jesus Christ who excels in the giving of Himself beyond anything that man can comprehend. Jesus Christ is the pattern for giving of oneself first, before anything else can be given. There are no exceptions to this.
Yesterday I feebly attempted to express grace from a human perspective (I have not seen in all my time a good man made definition of grace). Today we will attempt to see grace from God’s point of view. The apostle Paul says clearly, “For you know the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:2
We have trouble understanding this, well at least I do! How rich was Jesus Christ before His physical birth into this world. Well, neither you nor I can know that; but here is a thought! If you could gather up this world and its content and then gather up all of the universe that our eye can see and place it into your hip pocket and call it your own possession, then you could have some clue as to what Jesus gave away temporarily to the likes of you and me when He enter life physically through the womb of a young girl named Mary.
Now did you stumble over that word “temporarily”? I know that I did typing it simply because it can imply a lot of thoughts that breed doubt or confusion; like… “Well if it was only temporary and He knew that after His death and Resurrection He would get it all back, does not this neutralize His sacrifice of giving? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Actually it is a highlighted moment in time that expresses great promise for the future. Luke 19:9-10
Now the Corinthian believers had made a promise of support to the churches at Jerusalem that they needed to keep, the apostle Paul is merely reminding them of this responsibility, and yet there is a very important spiritual connection and message that we often overlook. When we come to Jesus (rich or poor, beggar or thief) we come Him and give Him all of this DARKNESS and in return; He gives us LIGHT. Do you not see that LIGHT came into the world through JESUS to take our DARKNESS away. Now since we are in the LIGHT, we need to be sharing that light with those who live in darkness.
The pattern for giving is JESUS CHRIST in that what He gave up is restored to HIM beyond that which HE had before and so it is with HIS saints. He gives us LIGHT, in order that we give LIGHT to others and in doing so our reward is MORE LIGHT. Now I do not know at this point if I am making any sense, but to me it is very clear. Sort of makes me want to dance (I cannot dance) and shout (I can shout) okay, I just scared our dogs… fatso and skinny (the birds) did not mind.
So laying the nonsense aside; when it comes to giving as unto the LORD, we must be first willing to give of our self, as Jesus did. Personally what I have, it is nothing worthy to have, it is full of Jesse and that is pitiful, but in contrast; what Jesus has given me makes tears of joy run down my face that I cannot contain; now I want to give that away to whoever will have it! I wish to share it because JESUS is the only One worthy to share. So!
As it is written: “He who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack” 2 Corinthians 8:15 and Exodus 16:18, thus what I have in Jesus is yours.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #894

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
I heard someone say just the other day in an argument with their boss that payback is hell. This is nothing new; in Solomon’s day the quote went like this. “If the righteous will be recompensed (rewarded) on the earth; How much more the wicked and the sinner”. Proverbs 11:31
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 8:1-7 – I would say that well over ninety percent of Americans (not counting illegal immigrants and hidden terrorist cells) do not understand poverty. The ten percent of Americans that do (and that number is increasing, rapidly) know what it is to be in deep poverty. Now apply this poverty problem to people who do not know God, THEE ONE TRUE GOD of the Holy Bible. Those who trust in false gods commit crimes of terror, crimes of self-preservation and crimes of aggression and persecution.
It is the church of God that will experience the first effects of those crimes listed above. All through the book of Acts as the church began to grow and prosper after the resurrection of the LORD Jesus and after the dispersion of the saints in Jerusalem, any issue with a city or country (economic or political) was first taken out on the church and in John 1:1-5 and John 3:16-21 we see the reason why. Even as the past sixty five or seventy years have revealed, the people who claim the God of the Bible as LORD have suffered to the point of death, but first through extreme poverty.
The history of the true Church of God is brilliant with joy resulting from persecution and poverty. Darkness will never comprehend the “Joy” of a person or a group of people who are abiding in the LIGHT of the grace of God. Notice verse 1 of this section of scripture. The apostle Paul clearly reveals what makes the Macedonia believers who are in deep poverty a joyful people. GRACE and I know someone is thinking; grace? What is grace? Grace of itself is nothing to those who live in darkness, but for those of us who live in the LIGHT, grace is the experience of JOY.
Grace is the GOODNESS of God who revealed to the world, that His Son Jesus would die as the Lamb of God who takes away the SIN (darkness) of the world. John 3:10-21.
Grace is the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God bestowed on all who believe that God’s Son died of the Cross of Calvary for their personal sin(s). God speaking through Moses and Paul we find this statement in Romans 4:17-25.
Grace is the ACTION of God provided to every believer in Jesus Christ; to the Jew first and also to the Gentile that we live in a time when the grace of God is revealed, expressed and lived out in all corners of the world. Without the outworking of the grace of God, Jesus would still be a mystery. Ephesians 3:1-21.
Grace is the CHRIST of God, not just to the Jew and the Gentile believer, but also to the world. He is King of kings and LORD of lords, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He is Messiah. Isaiah 9:6-7 also Isaiah 53:1-12
Grace is EL SHADDAI who is GOD ALMIGHTY, He is not the moon god, the sun god or any of the gods proclaimed by darkness or erected by mankind. He is: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” Genesis 1:1. Also; In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:1-5.
Finally, Grace is GRACE in. That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of Life – the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us – that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write that your JOY many be full. 1 John 1:1-4
Grace produces JOY when darkness produces suffering, grace produces abundance in poverty in that people give first of themselves and then in liberality of what may remain. This richness is not found in their ability to give, but in the GRACE of God who provides. 2 Corinthians 8:7 we should; or better yet, do abide in this very same grace. What a JOY!

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #893

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Yesterday the verses in this section should have been from Proverbs 7, what a hoot! Looking now briefly at Proverbs 8, one needs to be careful since it is easy to say that wisdom is the Holy Spirit but I believe this is an error, notice Proverbs 8:22-31. The Triune God is Eternal, while all of these verses indicate a beginning.
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 7:13-16 – There is no greater experience than fellowshipping with the saints and no greater joy to have than when a congregation comes around an individual or a family that has been through a moment of intense suffering of some kind. Every church knows this experience and every seasoned saint has at one time or more been the recipient of this fellowship of love.
These are moments of grace in action, the results of answered prayer, the outworking of the kingdom of heaven at hand. The blessings of these times are innumerable, where the restoration is not just the superficial mask like the one below. There is simply no greater joy for believers when the comfort of being with brothers and sister in the LORD is lived out in truth.
I have done a brief search of the history of Titus and do not feel that any of it is worthy of comment. What does seem pertinent to me is that he was well known in Corinth and Crete, where in Crete he became the bishop. Some also argue that Timothy is Titus, not that there is a name change but that Titus can be a shortened informal name. However 2 Timothy 4:10 rejects that thought.
So Titus was a man, faithful to God and good companion of the apostle Paul. Yet we see that even though he has the qualifications of a church leader, there could have been a time in his life when things were not that way at all. There seems to be a bit of apprehension in the words of the apostle Paul as he waited for the arrival of Titus in Corinth. How would they receive him? I see a similar apprehension of Paul in the book of Philemon. Notice the plea for Onesimus that Paul presents in Philemon 1:8-16
Also as you recall Onesimus had wronged the church in Philemon’s house, was caught and place in prison with the apostle. History indicates that Onesimus became a bishop in Ephesus and later martyred. The point that I wish to make is that believers are saved from the sin of the world by the LAMB. Their histories as sinners are evident. But more importantly is their history as saints who would willingly die for their Savior; Jesus. Saints do not need to hide behind a mask, since the life they live in the flesh, they live by the faith of the Son of God. Galatians 2:16-20.
The picture of the two masks did not print, but hopefully you get the picture???

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #892

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Love the sinner, hate the sin; this we hear often. The wisest man who ever lived; Solomon has a lot to say about morality. One problem with our human nature, even as believers; we will lean to hating the sinner who repents and ignoring the sin that leads to the pathway of death. Proverbs 6:1-27
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 7:9-12 – Taking a look back to 1 Corinthians 7:6 we see that Titus comes to Corinth to visit with the apostle Paul and the church. It is interesting to me and even for further study to identify this connection of Titus to the church. The reason is simple really, he comes at a time when the apostle is commending the Corinthians about the sins of the church that were not dealt with properly, but now are.
In 1 Corinthians 5 we have the chilling story of immorality and the casting out of the unidentified involved person. In 2 Corinthians 7 we see the proper restoration of the church through the godly sorrow that resulted by having to deal with sin. Sin is one of the hardest things for believers to deal with; within the church and within our families. Harder still, even to write about it when within one’s own self sin can reign and has reigned in times past.
Now you say as a pious church person. “Not me; I am a sinner but certainly not to the degree of anything found in the Corinthian church”. Okay, let’s take a look at the bottom line. 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 and 6:9-11. Do you not see yourself listed in that lists of sinning souls? These two passages are only a partial list, dig deeper; I am sure you will find yourself as sinner in church.
Understand too that the apostle does say in verse 11, “and such were some of you” but take a look at Titus 3:3-7 a parallel statement that identifies the body of believers as regenerated and renewed through the Power of the Holy Spirit and justified through the grace of God through Jesus Christ our Savior.
Sin for the sinner is wrong; the sin of another will also harm a person who has been done wrong. Sin harms the church, sin ruins a community like Newtown and sin harms a nation like ours. Sin happens in the lives of people; people identified and people unidentified for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23
Forgiveness is a comfort that should happen to all of us; this is the only mercy that restores the glory of God in the lives of people. Oh the joy when Forgiven Saints are forgiven by saints in church. Proverbs 10:12; James 5:20 and 1 Peter 4:8.
And yes you are correct; I am not qualified to speak to you this way, so go ahead… get mad at me, now read Matthew 6:1-14 the Words of the LORD Jesus; He is qualified!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #891

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #891

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”

There is a moment of rest and a season of relaxation, but there is no excuse for an idle moment or a season of indolent behavior. Proverbs 6:1-19

Good Morning

2 Corinthians 7:2-8  – Seasons of sin in the church are not uncommon and neither is it uncommon to seek to cover up a matter. Even in our homes, communities and in our national or public circles we use at least two methods to hide sin. One; we do all we can to neutralize sin with a variety of excuses and two; we simply look the other way.

After all of the flack that develops from exposure of sin, there will be a time of healing; but many people fail to let the healing work, notice what the apostles says in verse 2. “Open your hearts to us”. This is easier said than done, isn’t it? Our reaction is outwardly; “Oh yes! Brother, I’ve forgiven so and so, but! That but is the closed door to the heart.

However, in the context of these passages we find every opportunity for us to open our hearts when true repentance is evident. Life under the sun as Solomon puts it is difficult at best.

Ecclesiastes 7:7-9 – Surely oppression destroys a wise man’s reason, and a bribe debases the heart. The end of a thing is better than its beginning; the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of the fools.

Life in the Son is far better; it is God who comforts the downcast, who releases the burden of guilt, who provides joy in the midst of tribulation. It is God who restores fellowship to all of His children who step out of line. If you have not stepped out of line with God then you simply are not His child and you have never felt His loving discipline or mercy.

In closing I have a different thought, a good friend, brother and pastor once said that God who is Eternal Life, grants Everlasting Life His children. If you are God’s child then the age you are matters little, doesn’t it? So live like you’re a child of the KING, He is coming again.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #890

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Lips smoother than oil, Solomon is not talking about “slick lips” he is speaking of enticement. Lips that is sweet, yet bitter as wormwood, apsinthos in Greek and lahanaw in Hebrew (calamity or poison). To the Jew or Gentile who makes contact with these lips without repentance; they shall slip into the abyss. Proverbs 5:3-5
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 7:1 – Since there are no chapter and verse divisions in the original text; verse 1 of chapter 7 really ties into the context of chapter 6. In our churches today we are simply afraid of expressions like perfecting holiness and of spiritual powers.
We have good reason; since many people have abused the Living Word of God with interpretations that are false. Not false because of a simple misunderstanding, but false because these men and women have purposed in their heart to bend the scripture to fit or fulfill a sinful, even unlawful purpose.
So if spirituality and holiness was a pendulum, one could easily see that there is power in being spiritual and there is power in being holy. Let me illustrate the pendulum as everything on the left side as being false, everything in the middle as being perfect and everything on the right, just as false as that on the left.
When I was praying I thought; what a wonderful opportunity it is to come before the Throne of God and speak. I will never in time, understand the wonder of God; His perfect Character, observing the needy man or woman praying (speaking) to his or her Creator. Wow, emotions in my heart explode into tears of joy.
Then I thought, how LORD; how is it that you allow us to come to you and then I thought further. Each moment of our communication with God is in the Personal Righteousness of Christ our LORD and each expression of our lips is purified in the Power of the Holy Spirit. John 14:12-18 and Romans 8:26
For me; this is mature holiness and powerful spirituality. If I seek to be holy by putting on clothing of a certain type; like some cults or some religious practices promote then I am out of balance with scripture on the left hand side of the pendulum, or if I shun being holy because I am afraid of the word or refuse to be overly spiritual then I am on the right hand side of the pendulum and ineffective.