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Friday, June 29, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #742

by Jesse Abel

Psalm 19:5 – If you are married you will recall the day when you said; “I DO” or “I WILL”! In the preparation of that day you sought to make it the finest hour of your lifetime; also your desire to be strong and look your best was top priority. God does this for the sun each morning… just for you.

Good Morning

The Great Depression was a worldwide economic meltdown starting in most places in 1929 and ending at different times in the 1930s for different countries. It was the largest and most important economic depression in world history, and is used in the 21st century as a benchmark on how far a modern economy could possibly fall.

The Great Depression originated in the United States; historians most often use as a starting date the stock market crashed on October 29, 1929, also known as Black Tuesday. The end of the depression in the U.S. is associated with the onset of the war economy and World War II, beginning around 1939.

The majority of the countries in depression set up relief programs, and most underwent some sort of political upheaval, pushing them to the left or right. In some countries, the desperate citizens turned toward nationalist demagogues – the most infamous being that of Adolf Hitler setting the stage for World War II in 1939.

Allowing myself to take the position of being an alarmist, pessimist or whatever you choose to call me really makes no never-mind to me. I am reminded from scripture (Matthew 16:1-4) that Jesus is critical over the fact that we are a forgetful and a knowingly ignorant people.

There are many demagogues in the world today, they come in all colors, sizes and shapes; some even like basketball. So what or who is a demagogue? I like the biblical definition; but first the secular one: A person who appeals to the emotions and prejudices of people in order to gain political power. Of course we need to clarify another word in this definition and that is the word “prejudice” An opinion for or against something without adequate basis.

Strange isn’t that the world is searching “without adequate basis” for a demagogue. This is not strange to God, nor does it take God by surprise. The biblical title of this man is “Antichrist” Translation of the Greek word antichristos is substitute messiah. It is no secret the world along with the United States of America is rejecting God. As this process continues there will have to be a substitute or counterfeit god (messiah) to fill that void.

Getting back to being a pessimist or alarmist, I wish that I were just that… some crazy old fool of a man full of nonsense. Of course; I could be and some of you will say that I am.

However; the Holy Bible does not teach, preach or predict lies and my words are not founded on emotion or prejudices, but on the solid rock of faith in God and His Word. The Holy Bible prophecies the Good News; Jesus died for your unbelief. But wait; there is more Good News; which is that Jesus is The Christos or The Messiah, who is Risen and coming again. Peter makes this confession, how about you? (Matthew 16:13-20).

At no extra cost… read 1 John 2:18-23

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #741

by Jesse Abel

Psalm 19:4 – Have you ever thought of our galaxy as a tent or a home, when I read this verse I am reminded that God who loves His Creation has measured our place of existence in time. The sun and all of the planets obey Him. If these did not… you simply would not exist!

Good Morning

This is not bragging but I have done a lot of traveling and last evening in our church service I was challenged to think about my experiences as a young believer. In Spain I met a man who operated a mission for the U.S. Military, the Christian Serviceman's Center in Rota, Spain. In Sandbank, Scotland I met a guitar playing pastor. In Ukraine I met a Russian Navy sailor who was and is now pastoring a church there.

To visit these places and to meet these people was somewhat like a homecoming, once met these folks and their families it became as if I had known them all of my life. Why is that? We knew Jesus who in turn knows His sheep. John 10:25-30 now the best part of this is that because they are family, I will see them again because Jesus has given us eternal life.

There is a second part to the challenge of last evening, one that has been on my heart a long time and I have even mentioned it a time or two in these devotionals. God is not pleased with His church on American soil these days. We simply go through motions of honoring God, we toss money at programs, policies and promises in the name of God and expect God to spend it and solve our national economy, our national abusive behavior and national sin. God is not looking for our money… HE DOES NOT NEED IT!

Please notice what it is that God needs: “If I were hungry, I would not tell you; for the world is Mine. And all its fullness.” This comment is from God, it is in the middle of His exhortation to us saying that what He needs or desires, His people are not providing. Psalm 50:1-23.

Read the Psalm when you have time and note that God does not need our feeble resources, He owns it all. “Now consider this, you who forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there is none to deliver. Whoever offers praise glorifies Me; and to him who orders his conduct aright, I will show the salvation of God”. God is looking for His church to return to Him in our day of trouble, then He will deliver us and we shall glorify Him. Is there no remnant, is there no balm in Gilead. Jeremiah 8:22 The United States of America is in trouble; our only hope is to return to God who will change the destructive course we are on.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #740

by Jesse Abel
Psalm 19:3 – The voice of creation speaks loud and clear in every language. So how is it that so many people fail to hear this truth? Romans 1:19-20 identifies the problem. Take a moment; read it and weep if you are one of those who suppress this truth, if you are not, then rejoice for you are not ashamed and the just shall live by faith. Romans 1:16-17.

Good Morning
When a sailor reports to his first submarine he has enough knowledge about submarine duty to earn the title given to him when he graduates Submarine School. The designation (su) is attached to his rate, if he were a Third Class Quarter-Master for example; his written rate would look like this; QM3(su).

The (su) designation stands for “Submarine Unqualified” The QM3 has one year from the time he reports on board his first submarine to become qualified or to change the designation from (su) to (ss) the designation for “Submarine Qualified”.

Along with what the sailor has learned from submarine school and the on the job training received on the submarine and the final testing by qualified men on the submarine the sailor will be justified to wear the coveted silver dolphins. It is hard work; most make it, but not all people who try do.

To be qualified or justified for eternity with God is just the opposite. One cannot train and earn a title to enter heaven. All persons are disqualified; the Holy Bible says that all fail for all have sinned. None do right, no one understands, they are roaming out of the way; what they do is unprofitable work that does not please God. Romans 3:10-18.

Why? Romans 3:23 says: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
God does have a plan for you and me to be justified or qualified for eternity. In truth, as the Holy Bible does not lie; He has provided the way through the Death and Resurrection of His Son Jesus. Notice Romans 3:21-22. The work of being with God in eternity is already completed;

Why? Because Jesus is risen and there; thus Jesus is the end the Law for righteousness to all who believe Romans 10:4. There is then no work, no study, no long nights trying to learn by hands on training. Jesus has completed all the necessary work for us and when we personally believe, He will give us a new designation. Saint! From “sinner” to “saint” not because of who you are, or because of your special status; but because Jesus loves you, died for you and rose again for you.

Jesus says clearly to not let your heart be troubled over this; Notice John 14:1-6 if you believe in God (and you do) believe also in Him (He is God), thus He is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to God the Father without being “justified” through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #739

by Jesse Abel

Psalm 19:2 – This Psalm gives me great joy to read, to meditate on and to share. What sort of conversation does Creation have day and night? Only one I believe! The King is coming! O friends the King is coming again! Creation knows this truth better than we do. Psalm 96:11-13 and Isaiah 55:10-13.

Good Morning

How exciting it is for me to mediate on the thoughts above. I was going to write about some other subject this morning, but I am so filled with joy over the conversations of Creation that many verses of scripture are popping out of my mind. I wonder if that is what preachers call, “chasing a rabbit” after all a rabbit qualifies as God’s Creation!

Psalm 69:34 – Let the heavens and earth praise Him, The seas and everything that moves in them. I know I can get carried away to the extreme with this and do not want to do that; but I am so caught up in the thought. The noise of Creation; if we could only understand is all directed at praising God.

Isaiah who loved his country meditates on God’s love for Israel and calls his countrymen to consider this; God has not forgotten them and that they will not forget Him. This truth is not based on Israel’s righteousness, but founded on God’s forgiveness and redemption. He goes on to say that when this happens that the heavens will sing and that the lower parts of the earth shout in victory. The mountains will sing as will the trees of the forest. Wow! Isaiah 44:21-23.

David goes on to say in Psalm 19:3-4 that mankind has no excuse for not understanding Creation. That there is no speech or language on earth that cannot understand the language of Creation. When Creation speaks and we ignore, it is not because we did not hear, it is because we have rejected the Creator and replaced Him with idolatry. Don’t be a “tree” hugger!

I know I have been all over the place with this thought of Creation, yet I also know that we give little thought to this daily, while daily Creation gives every moment of its time to praising God. This is what Psalm 19:1-4 is saying to me. Also the world around us is saturated with the praise of creation, yet WE REMAIN DULL OF HEARING.

Obedience, disobedience; how significant are these two sides of the same coin of thought? When is the last time you heard of a flower murdering another flower, or a tree aborting the birth of another of its kind? You never have, nor will you ever… only humans are capable of disobedience to God, their Creator. ALL THE REST OF CREATION is obedient to His command. Please have a joyful day in the LORD… you will be glad you did.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #738

by Jesse Abel

Psalm 19:1 – What joy and confidence it is to look up to the heavens and cast your eyes on God’s amazing Creation. The expanse of the heavens express the Glory of God and the work of His Hands reveal His Wisdom and love for us.

Good Morning

Some years ago we went to Washington State for a temporary teaching assignment while employed at Electric Boat in Groton, Connecticut. As we approached the Seattle/Tacoma Airport we were able to see Mount Rainer, a very impressive sight poking into the airspace just below our plane.

In May of 1966 as an unbeliever, my brother-in-law and I tried to partially climb this mountain (without climbing gear, but with a beer or two). We did this to impress our families who were on a road a few hundred feet above watching. As we approached the road where our families were we began talking with them and bragging on our climb. “See you worry for nothing” those could have been my last words.

Instantly the ground fell out from under us, we were in a landslide. The ground seemed to be running away from our feet. We began to run seeking just to stay vertical, my lungs began to ache for air and rest, instead of the dust and in a short time I was exhausted. My brother-in-law screamed; “I can't run anymore” and with that he was gone from my side.

I kept running, but soon I went down too. Rocks were flying everywhere. As I went downward I passed a small tree and attached to the tree was my brother-in-law. He made a grabbed for me but missed, but I was able to grab his leg and held on. It seemed forever, but finally the rocks and dirt stopped moving and things became very quiet and still.

Looking back on this scares me even to this day. Both of us suffered bloody hands, ankles and bruised egos but that was all. One rock of five pounds could have killed us. Many larger ones bounced over us or rolled right by within inches.

Life without Jesus is a landslide and death is always nearby; but praise God. In 1975 on May 20th. The LORD Jesus reached into my fallen state of life and rescued me from the rocks and the stoning I deserve. John 8:1-2. His Mercy followed me through my fallen life and spared me. His grace rescued me and keeps me saved in His raised life. John 10:26-30.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #737

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional – A look at the Book #737

Psalm 119:119 – What is dross? Very much like the tumble weed in the bad lands of the West, wandering aimlessly throughout the country. If you love the Word of God, you may find yourself praying for some tumble weed you know. “That would be good”!

Good Morning

Adrian Rogers once said that the Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God cannot keep you. This statement is true since there is not a place on earth or the universe where man can go that the Power of God is not available. Grace, like all of God’s characteristics is immutable because God is Omnipotence. Hebrews 13:5-6

Many of us have favorite places in scripture to bring this point home and personal. As a submarine sailor of the past; Psalm 124:1-8 works well for me. God’s relationship with all of us is personal, yet our faith in Him is common, Titus 1:4 and Jude 1:3.

We should be very thankful that we share in the common grace of God through salvation and faith, this is what makes us like minded, yet unique or as the apostle Peter says in 1 Peter 2:9 a chosen nation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and His own special people. I find so much joy in this I can hardly think of it without tears. As Psalm 124 works for me in this, another portion of scripture works just as effectively in you; wow!

I have this red cup that I drink coffee from most mornings. It doesn’t mean much to anyone else but me, in fact my step-daughter will challenge me with the thought of being the so called “challenged” person that may or may not be the subject of the cup. The words on the cup say; “You are special today”; whatever the case. I am special… not because of who I am or what the words on the cup say. (No extra charge here) I like to drink from this cup because it is bigger than the others.

We are special and personal to God, He proves this simply; in that He never leaves us or forsakes us. If He had not reached into the mire and muck of our lives and lifted us from that life, then we could never sing the songs of the redeemed, “Love lifted me” or “The love of God, so rich and pure, so measureless and strong”. Salvation is by grace through faith. A common truth from God that is personally available to all because of His great love for us that is rich in mercy. Ephesians 2:1-11.

Remember, I will pick up again on Monday, June 25, 2012 in the meantime, keep looking up our redemption is nearer today than ever before.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #736

by Jesse Abel
Psalm 119:164 – How faithful we are to take our medications at the times prescribed. So why is it that we tend to be so unfaithful with prayer? Could it be that we are a drug influenced society, rather than being a Spirit filled special people. 1 Peter 2:9

Good Morning
Just sharing a moment of the past and my inner heart: I remember being at Disney in Florida with my daughter Stephanie a few months before she went home to be with the LORD. She passed away from leukemia at the age of five. She was riding in one of those bumper cars with her brother and she wanted to drive it by herself.

Being too weak to steer and effectively break she finally allowed Patrick to go with her. As I watched them pass by I noticed her blond hair that had been thinned out due to chemotherapy and a little bald spot on the back of her head. She looked like the little old lady from Pasadena dashing down the road singing the following song. She did not know him; but she loved that song by “Little Jimmy Dickens;

 May the bird of paradise fly up your nose; the chorus:
"May the bird of paradise fly up your nose"
"May an elephant caress you with his toes"
"May your wife be plagued with runners in her hose"
"May the bird of paradise fly up your nose"

She sped through life, but she managed to bless the hearts of many on the way. Her birthday is coming up on July 28 and she would be 34 years of age. In her short time she learned much about life and just before she died she said to me. “Why does everything I love have to die?” How do you say to a five year old that everything dies because of sin? You don't! But you do point them to Jesus. Not for her, but for me: Genesis 3:17-19 rings loud and clear in my heart.

A dear friend who’s name is Betty was used of the LORD to share Jesus with Patrick and Stephanie, today Betty is very ill and may soon be with Stephanie and a few of Betty’s loved ones and husband. When the time comes you have no choice; you must give them back to Jesus. I guess that Betty brings a number of memories to the surface for me this day and is the reason of my thoughts today of Stephanie. God’s grace is sufficient. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Shortly before she went to be with the LORD in February 1983, the door to her room was closed and I heard her talking. I knocked on the door and opened it expecting to see her and the person she was talking to. I found only her and said, “Who are you talking to; I said” Her reply in very matter of fact way was; “I'm talking to Jesus!” Physically she dies, but she is alive forevermore with Jesus. I know this, because Jesus, by like-minded faith has given me peace and comfort over her and He is taking much better care of her.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #735

by Jesse Abel
The Devotional – A look at the Book #735

Psalm 119:75 Faithful is God who afflicts our nation with disciplines. Trustworthy are His judgments and righteous are His ways. Not thoughts to destroy; but thoughts of peace and not evil; giving our children can have a future hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Good Morning

Matthew 25:1-13 – The parable of the wise and foolish virgins. Now if we were to isolate this parable from the rest of the chapter we would be missing some very important truth about the desire of God to let us know about the future. While we are not to know the day, the time or the year of the LORD’s return we are to know that He can come back at any time… soon!

The basic difference that I see in the ten virgins is the ability of five to retain light, while the others have no way of preventing darkness to prevail. So some have argued; are not all ten virgins and thus by analogy believers in Christ? Well no; the unbelieving religious world is capable of having virgins too. So I believe that Jesus is referring to five who are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit and those who are religious and filled with the spirit of darkness.

How does this parable impact our walk with the LORD as we look to the future? We as children of God; that is those of us who are begotten of God through death and resurrection of our LORD Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3) are waiting; with confidence in the power of the Living Word of God to one day soon, see the door shut on this dispensation of time.

When the stewardship of the grace of God ends, the marriage feast of the Lamb will begin in heaven and judgment will begin here on earth. Now the five virgins who were able to trim their wicks and have enough oil enter the marriage feast, Matthew 25:6-7. The foolish virgins go out to purchase more oil. Religion will still be alive and well here on earth. Note and interesting statement by the apostles in Acts 8:20 please read the context, Acts 8:14-22.

In the past I have always thought that Simon the sorcerer was saved yet because of his worldly view, failed to understand grace. But I believe that with the help of this parable that Simon and the foolish virgins are simply religious. Folks who have knowledge of the truth, but who do not have the truth resident in their souls by faith, they are unsaved.

Now I am not through with this, so I will continue tomorrow. Also as a side not; we will be on vacation from Thursday, through Saturday so there will not be a devotional on Thursday or Friday.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #734

by Jesse Abel

Psalm 119:162 Most of us are treasure hunters; some looking for a temporary moment of entertainment and some are like this psalmist who has found a treasure that endures the length of eternity!

Good Morning

Getusetavit! (Get used to it!) When I first heard that phrase I was listening to my wife talking about some critical thing she was explaining to her children. As the years past and those children grew, got married and had children of their own. “Getusetavit” sort of faded out of her vocabulary.

I had all but forgotten the phrase. But, recently the family was all sitting together after a Sunday meal and out of the youngest daughter's mouth as she was talking to her son, I heard her say; “getusetavit”. My first subconscious reaction was “I heard that before”! I was reminded that adult life takes the child out of the family, but also that this same life will not take the family and tradition out of the child no matter how old the child is.

This made me think too that when we come to know Jesus personally, He makes us a part of His Family and He challenges us as children growing up that His grace is sufficient for our everyday walk with Him. And, He as the loving Father that He is says to us. “My grace is sufficient for you”.
2 Corinthians 12:9 – is a unique passage and the words are identified in my Bible as the words of Jesus to the apostle. Earlier in the chapter the apostle Paul speaks of a man in Christ (Himself) who was taken up to the third heaven who came to visions in the LORD. Do you think that this is where the apostle heard those words recorded in this verse?

My answer is no; since the apostle clearly says that what he saw in Paradise and heard are not expressible legally on earth. Does this raise the eyebrow? It should; since we who are nearly two thousand years removed from this event in the apostle’s life are more tempted these days to brag about, visions and such from the pulpits all across America.

2 Corinthians 12:5-7 – Across America today, we are a needy people and we are missing the mark. We have nothing to brag about except our infirmities. Men who stand in the pulpit and desire to be looked upon as some sort of biblical icon are found in the epistle of Jude, take a moment and read Jude’s warning. Then if God permits; return to the sufficiency of God’s Amazing grace and getusetavit! Notice Jude 1:24-25. My grace is sufficient for you.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #733


by Jesse Abel

Psalm 119-49-56 – Have you ever thought of God's Word to you as a Covenant? This Psalmist did! Here he calls on the LORD to recall His Word to His servant in that all of his hope in resting on the absolute promises of God. There are many promises in the Word of God, and not one will ever fail. Failure comes out of the heart of those who have no hope!

Good Morning

After the death and resurrection of the LORD Jesus, his disciples went back to their trades as fishermen. Most of us learn to be good at what we do and find fulfillment or satisfaction with a task at hand. Even in the midst of mourning and suffering, work helps to restore normality to life, so we give thanks to God that He has given us purpose in life. Thus practical wisdom is not only important but needed to keep us from depression of life; Ecclesiastes 7:1-14.

The sailors in a small boat are well seasoned, but they did not catch one fish that night and as morning broke they noticed a man on the beach whom they could not readily identify until that Man spoke. Life is distracting when the heart is heavy and added depression moves in when the efforts to move forward fail.

If we were to stop here, we might be satisfied as some with saying; “that’s life” or “that is just the way it is; grow up and get on with it” yet in every circumstance of life, God is there to rescue the moment, do not throw in the towel as these disciples were thinking of doing. They had returned to the basics of life, scantly attired and although the scripture does not record, their conversation no doubt was returning to that of the sailor’s jargon.

Can you grab the moment when the disciple John said to Peter; “It is the LORD!” O my! What a joy to be hit with; it must be like the joy of knowing that when fellowship is restored to the sinner who acknowledges his or her sin and the Holy Spirit says; “Hi, I’ve missed talking with you”.

Then, we go through those moments of loving discipline when the LORD says through His Spirit. Saint; do you love me more that your work? Saint, do you love me? And thirdly; Saint, do you really love me? Yes, yes, yes LORD; I love You; You know I love You and His response is… “Feed my Sheep!”

There is so very much more in John 21:1-19, but I felt that we needed this little challenge today, I know that I do; it is so easy to look inward to self and think that we are the only ones going through the task of living. That simply is Satan’s lie to move us away from our LORD. Notice that later in the life of these apostles they say the following.

We were eyewitnesses of His Glory… 2 Peter 1:16-21

We have seen and bear and declare witness… 1 John 1:1-4.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #732

by Jesse Abel

Psalm 119:159 – There is no doubt; the writer of this Psalm loves the Word of God and all revivals begin with a turning point in the mind. God will sharpen and reward your loving obedience to His Word. Hebrews 4:11-13

Good Morning

I have said this before; but everything is worth repeating as long as it is not rote or mantra (like a chant). I like all words that have integrity and I love the Word of God. I sometimes wish that I understood more, but as the apostle Paul has said; “By the grace of God, I am what I am”. 1 Corinthians 15:10.

Words expressed by people tell me a lot about them, words tell me about bitterness of the mind or joy of the heart. Words tell me if folks are suffering, if they are stressed, if they are at peace with God, if they are at peace with their neighbor and most importantly with themselves.

Every day we are challenged to express the things going on in our mind; emotions, directions, motivations and declarations are all a part of our daily routine. And what we have resident or anchored in our heart; this will govern and reveal the true character of the person. For example: a person, who is bitter, will from this platform express bitter emotions, directions, motivations and declarations.

Words express what you see in the eye of the mind and the mind will always express the heart. Many of us are so wrapped up in protecting our self-image that there is another side to this, the side of the hypocrite. All one sees is the mask, either the happy face, the sad face or the placid one, but not the true one. This is an evil for another devotional!

Unbelievers in the gospel of Jesus Christ are trapped in all the above; but what is sad is… there are many believers in the gospel of Jesus Christ who are trapped too. Not many people (believers and unbelievers) today are concerned about these things and most will not look you in the eye when they talk with you about integrity of the heart. Many avoid godly conversation Ephesians 5:8-21.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #731

by Jesse Abel
Psalm 119:145-152 – Does your heart cry out for God? O! I hope it does. His statutes are peaceful to the soul and His Testimonies are evidence of His faithfulness and love for us. Early I will call upon Him for the day ahead; He hears and delivers me by revealing His loving kindness. Not only to me, but even to those who persecute me because He rescues me.

Good Morning

Someone asked me once about physical exercise on submarines. How does a person stay fit with four full meals a day? The fourth meal on a Naval ship is called midrats, or better titled midnight rations. Midnight rations are sometimes foods that are left over from the evening and lunch meals; but can be soup and sandwiches.

Sailors can expect a full breakfast, lunch and dinner along with the midrats each and every day. With all of that food and no exercise, problems with health and weight can develop, that is; if you are inclined to be at every meal served. Most men miss a meal or two during the day because of sleep, or preference.

This helps, but what really helps is daily exercise. Larger submarines have a small workout area, but others simply have a work space area that is big enough for a person to run in place. The best method of running in place is to have a piece of rope about ten feet in length and a bicycle inner tube. Tie the rope to some solid object, then to the tube. Then get inside the ring of the tube, take the slack out of the rope and tube and start jogging against the tension of the tube.

Now that works real well, in fact; if you cannot afford one of those treadmills from five hundred to a thousand dollars at the sporting goods store, a bike tube and a piece of rope is less than ten dollars and I think it works better.

One thing I miss is midnight soup and sandwiches and a glass of milk, maybe I should try that at home here? I wonder if I can talk my wife into getting up and making another meal. Hmmm! Is there a rub in this? God has purposed everything that man does to be beautiful in its time. So in time, man can and does enjoy living even in times of peace and war., Ecclesiastes 3.

Also, God has placed eternity in the hearts of all; we are to enjoy the gifts that God gives us, especially the gift of eternity with Him. That gift is better than life itself. 3 John 1:2-4.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #730

by Jesse Abel
Psalm 119:46 The Psalmist says that he is confident of the Righteous and Justice Statutes of God, so confident that he is willing to speak to the national leaders of his day. Our national heritage was established by men of like-minded confidence in God. Where are they today? MEN!

Good Morning

Recently I went to the zoo with my wife and grandson, we watched a couple of elephants playing in the water. According to the elephants; life is good, splashing and playing, much like we might do if we were in the water our self. One elephant completely submerged herself which I thought was remarkable for such a large animal. Pleasure and complete satisfaction was written on the faces of these two as they enjoyed the moment.

In these days of our lives one might wish that they could experience the same kind of blissful existence, yet I see another elephant, one that we do not like. Our world is changing rapidly and we need to remind ourselves again and again that life for the average American has already changed. Our street corners are not safe, just over night in our capital city there were seven shootings… all separate incidents (unrelated). Two of the shootings were fatal.

Yet, these shootings are just a small part of a more grievous national problem. Abortion, same sex marriages, education that teaches that one does not have to be smarter than a fifth grader. Laws that become more liberal daily; not by law makers, but by greedy legislators who operate by the seat of their pants. It is a sad day in the United States of America, our leaders have no knowledge of righteousness and justice and most have closed minds to the righteous standards of God and country.

This elephant is becoming the national symbol of our prosperity as it resembles the political framework of the nation today. A symbol fully submerged in high taxes, low employment (a national blight), sinking revenue, shameful scandals, corporate crime and a national debt that is even embarrassing to a teenager if he or she took the time to notice. Yet ever so often this scandalous elephant raises it head from this polluted political water and says “all is well just leave me alone”

Before we see a famine of food in our land, we will see a famine of the Living Word of God. Oh! Oh! We see that already, don’t we! Amos 8:1-14, his vision, before destruction. Amos 9:1-10.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #729

by Jesse Abel

Psalm 119:45 Shackled is not an experience for the most of us, we do not know what it is like to drag a chain around daily. Or do we? There is this area of the mind, a mental attitude so to speak where my spirit can feel the weight of sin, I've no liberty to move about. My soul says;” I will seek the precepts of God, and He alone will set me free!”

Good Morning
Here are some questions that can creep into our personal minds. Is God enough? Psalm 32:1-5; Can God meet all of my needs, spiritual, physical and mental? Psalm 32:6-7; Is it weakness in life that causes me to be burnt out? Psalm 32:8-9; does the weight of troubles cast an unwanted shadow over my life? Psalm 32:10-11.

It is not easy for us to admit that most of our day is spent ignoring God and that His Truth will be the only trustworthy source of victory. One cause is that the world around us has so many ways to distract. Like emotional, clinical and chemical just to name the top three; here is the rub.
All of us have used the emotions and the physical and mental solutions; we have even used drugs, legal and illegal and if you seriously look back at those efforts to right the sinking boat all we observe is the waste and the boat still leaks and capsizing is still a threat. The world around us has no solution for the problem that personal sin causes.

Now I am not against doctors, lawyers or even the candle-stick maker. God has blessed all of these professions in life to do good and when used properly the outcome is often very good. We ought to use the professional benefits of life, remembering that when we use them they are used in a world where “good and evil” exist. And now it is your turn to say; “O Bausch, Jesse!” does good and evil really exist in today’s world? Without controversy; Yes!

Human good and evil is the breeding soil for sin to grow; it grows like weed in your garden of life. Genesis 3:17-19

God alone provides; victory over good and evil by removing sin. What is sin? Sin is failure to come to God for the only solution that overcomes; despair, loss, failure, pain, suffering, life, and death by trying to solve our sin problem without His help. The thirsty soul will seek refreshment from God because He alone is the genuine contentment that provides peace in the soul and the satisfying joy of His personal touch in your life. We can lose sight that God is not only necessary, but He is also enough. With Him we are more than conquerors. John 11:17-27 and Romans 8:37-39

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #728

by Jesse Abel
Psalm 119:43 Trusting in the Word should never be taken as routine or mundane. This would be a loss of faith and respect in biblical reverence! A word of biblical truth spoken with faith is like an ornament of gold framed in a picture of silver, Proverbs 25:11 thus our words are remembered and retained as sweet to those who hear.
Good Morning

Written in the Song of Solomon are the words; “Because of the fragrance of your good ointments, your name is (like sweet) ointment poured forth; Therefore the virgins love you” (Song of Solomon 1:3). Now just what is this Shulamite woman saying to this Jewish man named Solomon?

Very few of us are so highly esteemed that when our name is spoken there is an immediate peace to flood the heart of the hearer. The closest we can come to understand this is observing a new born. There is no contest with a child fresh from the womb. Love, joy and peace fill the hearts of all who are near to this gift of life. Psalm 127:1-5

So the innocent grow and time changes the innocent; integrity increases or decreases, health and soundness of mind begins to develop. In all; nurture and admonition are a father’s responsibility in the training of children to become peacemakers. Don’t be fooled by liberal ideology of “village” responsibility as some promote. Yet fathers and mothers fail don’t they?

Failure causes our heart to ache over children who are left by the wayside like so many empty bottles and food wrappers at the side of the road these days. Blessed are the families who are challenged by “challenged children” especially the families who pull together and nurture those who are branded by the world as an ointment less refreshing.

As parents we must be willing to nurture our children biblically if this good ointment is to develop in the soul. Yet again I say; this counsel does not come from the world… it comes from biblical training in righteousness. Remember the word “nurture” earlier, the word is found only once in the Holy Bible, it is the Greek word “parakathizo” it means to “sit alongside” Ephesians 6:4 (KJV).

We need the counsel and mercy of God; we do not need counsel without mercy from the ungodly. Psalm 103:1-22 helps us to understand God’s love for us. Seek His kingdom while it may be found, His kingdom is located in the great sacrifice of His Son. Isaiah 55:5-6.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #727

by Jesse Abel
Proverbs 1:7-9 – Being afraid of God and fearing God is two separate issues. If one is afraid of God that person is ignorant of Him. On the other hand if one has a fear (awe) of God; that one is blessed with the knowledge of getting to know Him personally.

Many of us struggle with jobs that pay to little, families that require much and the stress of making both ends meet when the rope that binds is too short. There are many factors that bring marriages to the brink of disaster, but it is family management that does the most damage. Financial matters interfere when the income is poorly managed; then when confronted with this, communication is nearly terminated resulting in arguments and sin.

Financial and family management are the root cause of all marriage problems and sin develops causing a sincere loss of faith between the husband and wife. This hardness of heart leads to a lapse in sexual desire and then a breakdown in common interests.

Secular marriage counseling could care less to patch up a broken family or the bond of marriage. Secular counseling is only interested in the profit and loss statement of the business of providing counsel (good or bad). This only adds to the conflict of an already injured and strained relationship. Secular counsel is not a temporary fix to deep rooted problem marital struggles since it is often the final act in the struggle to survive.

In the past I have had opportunity to counsel men who struggle with the loss of family. Most were inmates in the prisons of Connecticut, in nearly every case; budgeting and management of the family matters caused these men to react in foolish and sinful practices, causing their incarceration. (Proverbs 2:1-22)

Looking into the third chapter of Proverbs, there is more to say about the skill of living life. Life is not happy even when we think it is; life without wisdom to live it has no joy at all. So this is what Solomon says in Proverbs 3:13-14. Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding; for her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, and her gain then fine gold.

These words seem odd to the one who is ignorant of God and remember… “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom”. Learn of Jesus and you will stay off the dead end streets of life; the only counsel one needs is to know the way that God has appointed for all of mankind to go. John 14:1-6.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #726

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #726

by Jesse Abel
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. John 1:1-2; have you ever given good time and thought about these first words in the first two verses of the gospel of John? Why is the word, Word capitalized and who is John speaking of when he writes “He” in verse two? The answer is… JESUS. Think about it! Because this is TRUTH it makes void all RELIGIONS that exist in the world TODAY.

Consider This

The average young person of nine through eighteen will listen to a minimum of ten thousand hours of this span of life listening to hard rock music. This is an estimate of twenty years ago and now children are brought into this arena at a much younger age as these young people who are in their twenties now consider it normal to plug in their child, rather than raise them up.

The plug-ins have become wireless through things like MP3, cell phones and other gadgets. Now I am not opposed to technology, but I am opposed to the aim that liberal media has taken to purposely destroy the young minds of our children. Twenty years ago the amount of time wasted in this age group listening to this kind of music was 500 to a 1,000 hours shy of the total amount of time spent in school from the first through the twelfth grade.

Today the average child spends more time with text messages, cellular phone talking and taking pictures then the average business person does as they go through a normal work day. Now add the time listening to music and you plainly see that the time of a child is not only wasted in this technological environment, it is also very evil. You could be thinking! How does all of this play out in the large scheme of things?

The battle for control of our children is very real and the devil is driving that alternate life-style school bus. We let our children on board that bus daily because we fail to control and disciple them.

Now here is a rub! How many of parents out there have placed the Holy Bible on those devices and how many parents love their children as God has designed? (Now I did not say that you do not love your child, I said; how many love them in accordance with the Living Word of God?) Give your children the opportunity to grow up as Proverbs 22:5-6 challenges parents to do. We cannot control technology, but we can control what is put into the mind of our young people.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #725

by Jesse Abel
We have been singing in a secular chorus for a few years now and I want to take this devotional back to the year 2010. As we were handed out our sheet music for the summer concert I noticed a song that caused me some very serious concern. I was willing to quit the chorus rather than sing the song. I argued with myself and with the LORD over the song for the months leading up to the concert dates. Finally I gained peace to sing the song, but it was not until I studied the content and purpose of the artist who wrote the song. So as you read the two June 2010 devotional, think about where we are today and where this nation is headed with the issues of moral decay in this country.

The Devotional – A look at the Book #233

“To late my time has come, Sends shivers down my spine, Body’s achin all the time... Goodbye everybody I’ve got to go… Gotta leave you all behind and face the TRUTH…” The song performed by Queen, written by Freddie Mercury carries a strong message to the world that these individuals lived and died in a world of “drugs and immorality. In the song Freddie states that he sees a little silhouette of man who is overcome by the devil’s schemes called “Beelzebub”

If you allow yourself to think about Freddie’s knowledge of sin, Satan and death, then you’ll understand his message and cries to his “mama” you may just see that Freddie knew he was suppressing the TRUTH. So Romans 1:18-32 really comes in loud and clear here. And as the disease of HIV takes over his body and destroys his life, he is faced with the reality of having to face the TRUTH on God’s terms and not the devil’s or Freddie’s.

I first rejected the opportunity to sing that song. The more we rehearsed, the more I thought, and the more pain I found in my heart. My heart was crying. Crying for the Freddie’s of the world that are walking down the same path. I want you to notice something here; I want you to see how close we all are to the destruction of all flesh by being disobedient to the Righteousness and Justice of God.

It all starts with being disobedient to our parents. Romans 1:30, as you may recall, the parent of Adam and Eve was God the Creator! This is serious, so serious; yet many today will laugh and scoff at God and having no excuse for their disobedience when they face the TRUTH… What will you do when it is your turn to feel the shivers of death gripping hold of your spine?

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #234

Yesterday I wrote about a song; purposely leaving the title of the song out of what I had to say because I was motivated to say more about it today. The title: “Bohemian Rhapsody” I felt sure you knew the title anyway; but here is the RUB. Most of us would just accept the title and move on, but the title sends the same message as the song. In other words Freddie Mercury did his homework; he knew what his final message to the world was all about. He lived to it and died to it… personal accountable volition!

The problem was that it was too late for him, and he knew it. I believe that this song was his attempt to warn others. However, that did not happen either. Most people and the theater misunderstood and made a mockery out of the song. The song carries the message of killing a man (this part is left out of many of the versions that are around). What he is saying in the whole song is that he is responsible for killing himself.

The word Bohemian has the following meaning in the Webster Dictionary: A vagabond or wanderer. Like; a writer or artist living an unconventional lifestyle. The word Rhapsody the most significant meaning for the song is; a highly emotional utterance or literary composition. The song is emotional and truly a work of literary art. What is so vividly sad is that all of that talent in his early years was bent on gratifying his lust, the lust of his eyes and the pride of his life. 1 John 2:15-17. Wasted life and wasted talent! an alternate title, perhaps? Your option! You have the volitional freewill to take this to heart or reject it. The world is passing away a process that Freddie already knows as: TRUTH! Hebrews 4:12-13.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #724

by Jesse Abel
One every twenty seconds, three every minute or ninety every hour; the thought of anything reoccurring this fast is alarming even if it is legal. Yet, over the last 36 years more than this number of babies have been delivered to death rather than life. Fifty million plus potential mothers and fathers have killed their babies through abortion, yet some of these same people have gone to jail for killing their dog.

Should believers in Jesus Christ be bold about life, or should they be tucked away in some dark corner and allow them self to be treated like the mushroom? Is it popular to love Jesus or is it more popular to hate Him? You do not need much knowledge about God in the United States of America to know that the vast majority of the nation’s so called Christians are mature mushrooms and that the other minority hate God.

As a citizen… what are you; a mushroom or a hater? You may not know this by my strong words, but I love this nation, the people in it and if we were to meet… I love you too! But I am critically hurt by what I see us doing as a people.

We have wisdom, yet we use our wisdom for foolishness. I like what the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. I do not have good speaking techniques, but I do have a testimony of God. I do not know anything else among you, except that Jesus Christ was crucified for the likes of you and me. When I first started writing a few years back I did so with trembling fingers, weakness of thought and fear for the lack of experience. Thank God for His Mercy and Grace, since in my weaknesses I can now be bold.

As this time has passed and as God has allowed, I have talked about every subject under the sun. Yes I have used human wisdom and examples at times and felt the effects of this vanity. Yet, God was and is willing to demonstrate His love to all of us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our faith in God as a nation is on the verge of dying. Why? Because we have played the harlot with the Word of God and given our nation over to the wisdom of men; ungodly men!

Now I am not suggesting that if you are a believer in Jesus that you start running up and down the streets of your neighborhood and proclaim Him with boldness. This is not boldness, it is ignorance in the face of ignorance, or as some might want to say; shoveling it against the tide! It would be much more effective if we individually sought out the spiritual wisdom of the Living Word of God through prayer and discernment of national needs of the people.

The spirit of the American Revolution is still alive; but sleeping. We as a remnant of believers in Christ and in the United States of America need to wake up that spirit. Here is the simple RUB! Do we join some para-church organization, or spend money on bumper stickers, banners and yard signs? Do we march for this cause and that cause that is already saturating the land like the blood of the innocent or not so innocent?

NO! We need to STOP! We need LOOK! And we need to LISTEN… to the neighbor’s tears, the loud blare of the radio in a passing car; the mother or father who cannot control their children. The laws and disciplines of this land are down around our ankles and we are falling on our face, but not for prayer; but for failure.

Someone once said that, in a society like ours today, that programs, policies and promises are worthless since all three are hopelessly founded on unprincipled men and women who had they been there would have crucified the LORD of glory. (This is you and me not some political pirate) How do we then revive the American Revolution? Prayer! Prayer to rewrite programs, policies and promises as God will guide us. If we do not return to God, the Constitution of the United States of America will die and there will be no amnesty for the legal ignorant, but for the illegal immigrant.