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Friday, September 17, 2010

The Devotional

What Does Papa “J” have to Say?

The rich and famous have a treasury, but of no profit. They seem to build up what they cannot retain and retain desires they did not ask for! This is not the way of righteousness, precious in the sight of God are the righteous who are delivered from false desire. Proverbs 10:2-3

Ever feel like you are digging a hole with no possible chance of reaching the bottom? This is sort of the way I feel about this subject of meaning, or purpose and reality of life. The subject is overwhelming, bookshelves, bookstores and libraries all across the globe are filled with books related to this subject. God states clearly from the Holy Bible that all you and I need for a great understanding of purpose of life is to look at one book; The Bible, also to know reality is to know Jesus the Author of Faith in God. Hebrews 12:1-2 THAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE! Looking as some scripture we see that God says to soul, that if he or she desires happiness then to seek wisdom and understanding. Proverbs 3:3. There can never be meaning and purpose of life if a person does not know how to be happy in life. Our souls wrestle with reality, what looks real may not be real so how do I know the counterfeit? The only way to know is to come to Jesus Christ. The true rest for the soul who has no rest over reality is found in Matthew 11:25-30. The apostle John sums it up this way. The Bible is sufficient to solve man's problem! John 20:30-31 and John 21:25.

The Gospel of John

John 19:38-42 No longer will the world see Jesus as the sacrificial LAMB of God. His Body is full of death now needs help. Help from those He died for. Help from His disciples, the secret ones as well as those who publicly show their faith in Him like Joseph and Nicodemus. Along with these two men, the mother of Jesus and His disciples prepare His Body with myrrh and aloes for the tomb. At birth He was wrapped in hand me down rags to live. At death He is wrapped in the cloths prepared for tomb and death.

Jesus is our Passover LAMB, if we had the time we could follow the Exodus of Israel from Egypt and see how Moses was commanded by Jehovah, the Old Testament Name of Jesus to prepare a lamb, one without blemish, a male of the first year. Exodus 12:1-14. We could also track the events in heaven as Jesus Christ our High Priest prepares for us to receive our eternal inheritance. Hebrews 9:11-15. We will see Him again, the KING is Coming. Revelation 19:16

Yes, for a brief moment in time it would appear that Satan and his army of demons and people of darkness have won. Many people today believe that God is dead, even people who claim that they are Christian, that when put to the test of scripture fail to understand. Jesus Christ is not on the cross, He was taken down by man and placed in the tomb. Do not fear, He did not stay in there. “Up from the grave He arose, with the power of God and triumph over His foes!”

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Look at the Book #289

The Devotional

What Does Papa “J” have to Say?

Proverbs is all about skillful living, the young man who excels in a sport will make any father or mother proud. Skill does not come from a greasy heart, nor is there any wisdom in the heart that is fat with ignorance in the knowledge of godliness. Proverbs 10:1

The meaning of life and the reality of it is the most important subject that mankind is faced with. Why am I alive and is it real? If a person cannot put these two thoughts at rest in their lives the spin off can go in every direction. Some people become passive and some aggressive and what is alarming is that both characteristics produce a starved soul. Yesterday I indicated that the soul who reads the Bible and who does not believe in God can gain nothing from the word of God to find meaning and purpose, but that unbelieving people will find that the sacred writings of religions and cults will be attractive. I did not explain this so today I will try. The Bible is not sacred, it is HOLY and SACRED! (Big difference) This simply means that the Bible is set apart from other religious writings. Religions and cults understand this perfectly, that is why you will find the Bible (The Living Word of God) as a “backup” reading in their bent beliefs. The Bible is God inspired and written by men and women who were under the power of the Holy Spirit to write as God guided them. Simply sacred writings are Satan inspired and written by men and women who are influenced by a demon spirit. 2 Peter 1:16-21. The second epistle of the apostle Peter explains this detail. In a quiet moment take the time to read this epistle. More tomorrow.

The Gospel of John

John 19:31-37 Crucified among thieves, on a hill that He created. Death in this manner does not come easy. Crucifixion was a method of torture, punishment and ultimately death. On any other day the person or persons crucified would be left to die to the bitter end. But as you read, the Jews are actually providing favor by speeding up their deaths in having their legs broken. Pilate agrees with the request of the Jews and the Roman soldiers go into action.

The two who were crucified with Jesus were still alive, their legs were broken. This meant that their legs could no longer support the weight of their bodies and their diaphragm could no longer work properly. With their lungs shut down the men suffocated and died within the hour. As you know that when the soldiers came to Jesus, they saw that he was already dead and to prove this a spear was thrust into His side.

Plasma is one half of the composition of blood, at death the red cells, white cells and platelets separate from the plasma, this causes discoloration or blotching in the skin and when the skin is punctured the blood cells and plasma will drain from the body separately. But is this important for us to know here? Well yes! The Plan of God in fulfilled by the LAMB, His sacrifice is complete and Scripture is fulfilled; The power of His death was not at the hands or will of man. It was the purpose and plan of God. Psalm 34:20; Exodus 12:43-51 (The passover lamb) and Psalm 22:16. The eye witnesses certified this truth. John 21:24-25

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Look at the Book #288

A Look at the Book #288

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

What Does Papa “J” have to Say?

Scripture reveals thoughts and motives that are found in the heart. In Proverbs it is not the heart that is naive, but the knowing mind that lacks the will to understand the danger. To God who sees the heart, both the seduced and the seducer are accountable to Him. Proverbs 9:13-18

Here are some questions that haunt the heart of man daily. What is the meaning of our life? Why do we exist? What purpose is there in life? There may be other related questions you may come up with, but I think we can place all of these concerns about life into two categories. One: Meaning, and Two: Reality. Also, if we are to answer these questions there is the other side of the coin. “Can I find the true answer and how do I know the truth when I see it?” For the unbelieving person, there is little hope gleaned from the words of the Holy Bible. But, for other “so called” sacred writings people will find promise, now why is that? Are these sacred writings more effective than the Holy Bible? What about those of us who believe? Many saved persons fail year after year to learn the meaning and reality of life. For example; it took twenty five years for John Newton, the person who wrote the song, Amazing Grace, to understand the meaning and reality of life. Another individual that comes to mind is John Bunyan the author of Pilgrim's Progress, for over twenty years he struggled with these same issues. Now if you are honest with yourself, (believer or unbeliever) you have or you are struggling with these thoughts. Reconciliation, Faith and Grace is the answer. 2 Corinthians 5:1-21, look for more tomorrow.

The Gospel of John

John 19:28-30 The Living Word of God clearly explains that Jesus Christ knew that He had power to keep Himself alive and that He had power to lay His life down. Jesus also had the power to take it up again. John 10:17-18. Jesus goes on to say in this portion of scripture that He received this “command” from His Father.

This power you might notice, goes beyond the needs of the physical body. Jesus knows it is time to lay His life down because everything that He came to do as the LAMB of God is completed at this moment in time. But His body is dehydrated and His physical need cries out to be satisfied. “I thirst!” We could say a lot about sour wine and dehydration, the bottom line, it is heart stopping, like drinking poison.

What a wonderful joy it must have been to Jesus, the LAMB of God to know before passing into death that His time on earth is fulfilled according to the Father's Plan. As He steps back from “time” and returns to “eternity” the words; “it is finished!” are heard in throughout creation. Psalm 22:19-22 provides this truth and the whole Psalm shows clearly the work of Christ as finished both in earth and in the heaven. Even notice that Matthew 6:9-10 seeks for the Father's Plan to be fulfilled.

A Look at the Book #287

A Look at the Book #287

The Devotional

What Does Papa “J” have to Say?

There is a Family Bible in most homes, yet there is no fear of the LORD. If that bible were opened beyond the family tree, one could observe the Tree of Life. Learn to Fear the LORD and lose the fear of death! Aw, go ahead scoff at this and bear the consequence. Proverbs 9:1-12

Have you given this some thought? Romans 5:1 is a statement of the foundation that all of the saints of the past, present and future stand on. Jesus stated to His disciple Peter in Matthew 16:18 that Peter's confession of faith in God the Father is the solid rock (a foundation) of faith where you will find the eternal Church of God. The writer of Hebrews states that this same faith is the only faith that pleases God. Hebrews 11:6, also the writer of Hebrews states that Abraham experienced faith in God, Sarah too! And he goes on to talk of many other Old Testament saints. All of these saints and the saints of the Church of God today are the foundations of a Holy City who's builder and maker is God Himself. When Jesus came into the world, the world was prepared to receive Him. Hebrews 10:5-10. He first authored, then provided the way to do the will of God, and that is for the people of God to live by faith. This Faith then does not belong to you or me individually and it is not the common human faith that we all express from time to time. This faith is first found in Jesus Christ in the fulness of time and it is freely given to all who will respond to God through this gift we so often abuse, called Grace. Ephesians 2:4-10.

The Gospel of John

John 19:25-27 The death of Jesus Christ is imminent, many people are standing around and watching the most important event in the history of mankind unfolding. As there are at every scene of trauma, danger and death there are people who are there as spectators and perpetrators. Often unnoticed are the love ones who are standing nearby who in the midst of the crowd feel empty, lonely and hopeless.

It is as if Jesus takes a time out from His suffering and death, He pauses to look at those who cling to the final moments of His life. Jesus eyes are fixed on John, His disciple and He directs His mother's eyes to John and says; “Woman, behold your son!”, then to His disciple; “Behold your mother”. These two statements are often overlooked but notice that Jesus is taking leave of His life and life's responsibilities. We too, must die to self and live for God.

Looking a little deeper into Jesus and His concern we can see a couple of important issues. One, Joseph, His step father is missing, possibly dead. Two, Mary His mother, at the death of her Son, will become homeless. John 19:27. These are important moments, things that may have been discussed with John and Mary before this moment. So the timing of His statement is not an afterthought, but more to say to them. The time is come, I must depart and you must do your part. Are we really doing our part these days as saints of God? Matthew 25:31-46
A Look at the Book #286

The Devotional

What Does Papa “J” have to Say?

The table of wisdom has many search-able solutions to a good life, but the complainer does not seek wisdom and when disciplined will bite and scratch like the hatred of a caged cat. Even the just man can fail, but when instructed you've gained a friend. Proverbs 9:7-9

What does David Brainerd; William Carey; Adoniram Judson; Robert Murray McCheyne; David Livingstone; Hudson Taylor; Mary Slessor; Jonathan Goforth; Charles Thomas Studd; Amy Carmichael; Eric Liddell; Jack Wyrtzen; Sophie Muller; Jim Elliot; Nate Saint; Ed McCully; Roger Youderian; Pete Flemming; Elisabeth Elliot; Rachel Saint and Chet Bitterman have in common. These are but a few men and women who willingly surrendered their lives for the gospel of God. Some suffered greatly for the gospel, some surrendered their lives for the gospel as martyrs, but all spent their lives surrendered to the upward call of God in Christ the LORD. It is the love of God that compels us to follow Jesus. If One died for all and He did, then we who are alive should live no longer for self but for Him who died and rose again. This is the message of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:12-21. All of these people and many more who lived by faith, also died by the faith that the apostle Paul shares with His readers in Romans 1:16-17. We should really search our soul in these days of Christian apathy and ask our self where we are on the scale of faith in God. We seem to have plenty of faith to live, but little faith to die. Now would that be for Christ or for self?

The Gospel of John

John 19:17-24 There a few words to describe the events of nearly two thousand years ago. No one can give an eye witness account. There are no pictures, no videos and no instant replays for the umpires or referees to judge the questions that arise in our heart. We read that He bearing His cross went... and in many minds the thought of God sending His Son to such a death is way out from human thinking.

The truth is that this event does not need an instant replay, nor a judge to set the record as true or false. All that is needed is FAITH a faith that comes from God Himself and given to those who believe. It is the same faith that has been around since the dawn of the history of God and man. Hebrews 11:4-7. A faith that is handed down from generation to generation, not by the works of man, but by the promise of God. His Hand of Faith is extended to you, have you accepted it?

There will always be those who divide His garments of Righteousness for selfish purposes and there will always be those who gamble with the Truth. Also there will be those who are called by God, these are the JUST and these are the one who are said to be living by faith. The same faith found in the life of Christ. The suffering, the Praise and the Posterity of Messiah is in His death and resurrection. Psalm 22:1-31. There is a greatness about the sacrifice of Christ that we often overlook. This greatness is God's Grace working through Faith. Hebrews 9:16-28.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Look at the Book #285

The Devotional

What Does Papa “J” have to Say?

Where does one find wisdom? Notice! Wisdom is as close as the corner delicatessen! Wisdom is prepared by God, fresh everyday. Step into His deli and understand the fresh aroma of meats and wines, breads and condiments. Fear the LORD and enjoy God!

If you have read any of these devotionals you know that I have a certain disgust for religion, the main reason is that Satan hides in religion and disguises himself as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:5-15. Now, if religion were the only place that he used to spread his deception then we could isolate his methods and quarantine his activity. But Satan is not like a virus on our religion only, he is much worse than one expects. Satan hides his deception in art, intellectualism, education, philosophy and psychology. In other words; Satan is into corrupting everything that you and I do to live life in the pursuit of free will and happiness. Our challenge is not to fight Satan and his deceptive ways with our human strengths and intellect. Our human effort fails in these two major areas. One: We do not have the physical power to overcome him. Two: We do not have the mental resources to subdue him. We have looked at this before, but we need to look again. The grace of God is extended to the humble, not the proud, therefore we are to resist the devil by submitting to God then the devil will flee. Isn’t it neat to know that we can draw near to God and that when we do, the devil flees the scene? James 4:1-9

The Gospel of John

John 19:5-16 Pilate has a decision to make about Jesus. He is not fully convinced that Jesus needs to die for what the Jews are accusing Jesus of. The world sees Jesus as the man that Pilate saw that day. Religion on this day of His death saw Him as an intruder, an insurrectionist and one who made false statements about deity.

What does this say to us today? Religion sees Jesus through the eyes of Satan so religion leaves Jesus on the cross being crucified over and over again. Every Sunday religion crucifies Jesus, hangs Judas and releases Barabbas. The world around this religious nonsense watches and says why does religion do this? Look, He is just a man and does not deserve death! This deception is of Satan and it is his attempt to neutralize the gospel of grace.

There are those who have a relationship with Jesus Christ, these are the ones who are called by God to look beyond the nonsense of religion and the foolish indifferences of the world. So if you are one of those who is looking to Jesus beyond the sacrifice, then you know Jesus as the Risen Savior and you have heard Him say as He stands in the assembly of the saved, “Peace be with you, receive the Holy Spirit and follow Me. Do you have peace? Are you living in the Spirit? Who are you following? John 16:33

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Look at the Book #284

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Wisdom has no father or mother, but wisdom does have children. Having a proper fear of the LORD is the genesis of wisdom and life. Proverbs 9:10. Have godly wisdom and your soul will live. Reject it and your love for death will drive you to darkness Proverbs 8:32-36

Jobless people are all around us and many who have work cannot provide sufficiently for their family or for themselves. This is one terrible circumstance of life, but it is compounded by another problem and that is this social bend in the road that we are taking. The people of our nation as a whole believe in social equality and this is a deception. This belief has been around for a long time, it might surprise you to know that it began with Satan and he spread his social agenda to the entire human race through Adam and Eve. Take a look now at some of the comments made by Satan to himself and to Adam and Eve. Notice also that he is still providing this corruption to the heads of government and to the heads of household this very day. Lucifer said in His heart, I will be equal with God in heaven and earth. Isaiah 14:14. This is a socialistic statement. To Adam and Eve Satan said if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will be like God Himself. Genesis 3:5. This is social injustice in the disguise of property ownership. Satan has stolen from God what belongs to God even to the point of weakening the nations. Isaiah 14:12. Even religions are corrupted by him 2 Corinthians 11:5-15 wake up people of the United States, return to God or lose your right to own property.

The Gospel of John

John 19:1-4 What do you like to do when it comes to relaxing, you know what I mean don't you? Being able to unload the days concerns and just think about nothing, nothing at all! Jesus is not in that position at this moment in His life. His most sensitive moments in life are upon Him. If you have ever felt the welts that appear after a beating from a belt, you would still not know the effects of scourging. This severe form of beating would be from someone who could inflict injury to the point of death, and death would be better than to live.

To add to His suffering, in cruel mockery the soldiers who were there made a crown of thorns, you have heard this story many times, yet the shock of His suffering always seems fresh to us doesn't it? The night is cold, the soldiers smell of the stench of battle and burning firewood. Their breath is hot and pungent with mocking hatred as they hail Him, King of the Jews. Oh! Could this event also be a thorn and reflection of our sin in the eyes of our LORD?

What a picture! The man Pilate has not turned his back on any of this, even he has given his approval to the events at hand. Like Pilate or a servant of the Roman army we have all done our part in causing suffering of the worst kind to fall upon the incarnate Son of God. With human evil we place thorns on His head with human good we place a purple robe of majesty over His broken body and say. “You know, I find no fault in Him”. Of course you don't, He is the perfect LAMB of God, He is coming again! Not as the LAMB, but as the King of kings and LORD of lords. Even so Come LORD Jesus. Revelation 19:16 and Revelation 22:20-21.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Look at the Book #283

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Notice this about wisdom; God teaches wisdom how to respond the the task at hand. The Jewish tradition of Proverbs 8:30 is not as a craftsman at God side, but as one brought up at God's side! You see God needs nothing to be God, He simply is. Proverbs 8:22-31

The more I look into the Word of God the more it seems that I am falling in line with what the apostle Paul says in Romans 11:33. I have been reading the Word of God since May 21, 1975 when the gospel of the grace of God lifted me out of darkness into His marvelous Light. The apostle quotes from Job 41:11. What is so interesting to me about this reference is that God asks Job a question; “Did I make a contract with someone who was before me? No! I did not; Everything under heaven is Mine! From this thought we can understand that God is the Contractor or the real Promise Keeper. Now, whether you care to believe this statement of God to Job is your personal business with God. A similar contract was made in that God prepared a body for His Son. Hebrews 10:5-10 and the volume of the Book we call the Bible is written of Him, for Him and by Him. It was written in order to provide the call of salvation by grace to all who respond to Him to be rescued from darkness and placed in the Light. No religion can accomplish this task, only God because salvation belongs to our God and His LAMB. Titus 2:11

The Gospel of John

John 18:28-40 We read these events of the trials, the mocking and the condemnation of Jesus and we think, O what a pity! Many times we are gripped with real heartbreak and our emotions of His passion is upon us. Our minds are finite and God in His grace has equipped us with emotion which resemble a relieve valve. These relief us of guilt, pride, anger, trauma and other revolts of the soul that are dangerous to our physical being. Mostly, these revolts of the soul are linked to the sin we carry in our heart.

It was necessary that Jesus should go the cross. If it had not been necessary His kingdom would have come to His rescue. He would not have been delivered up by the Jews and Pilate would have not said to Him, “What is truth” A couple of events happen in these last verses that are important for you and I to see and work with in our own life. This should help us to understand that God expects us to hear His Son, since His Son is the Truth.

One: Pilate does not expect an answer from Jesus about truth, if he did then there would be another response from Jesus and there is none recorded. Pilate asked the question and he immediately left and went back to the Jews saying, I find no fault in Him. Two: The world still condemns Jesus today simply because the world cannot find fault in Jesus either. The bottom line is that the world understands the robber like Barabbas and would rather deal with him, then to deal with TRUTH!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Look at the Book #282

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

To this point in Proverbs we have seen the promise of learning and loving the wisdom of God. To inherit wealth and to fill one's treasuries is what most of us desire, yet we live in poverty because our thoughts are not His thoughts, nor our ways His ways. Proverbs 8:21and Isaiah 55:8

Some day soon when the last breath escapes our body, in that very second of time, we will slip into eternity. Whoa! Should you read on? Or should the question be! “Are you and your loved ones ready for eternity?” Are you thinking... “I don't what to think about this morbid thing right now. Who knows maybe someone will find out that death is a disease and invent a pill so we can all live forever”! This is the ability of lying to oneself and the gall to believe your own lies. Notice what God says in Hebrews 9:27, so not only will you make this appointment with God who has already set that day for your meeting with Him, but He has already set up the appointment of the judgment to follow. Why? Because Christ Jesus the LORD is Risen. Based on your response to Him you will either live with Him in eternity, or by your own volition you will live in eternity with Satan. Notice Hebrews 9:28. For many people this is hard to get hold of because they are blinded by deception. The deception is threefold: SIN = Because a person refuses to believe in Jesus. RIGHTEOUSNESS = Because a person can reject Jesus, and JUDGMENT = Because one fears death and seeks to reject the appointment of death. Well guess what! JESUS is risen and He will judge the living and dead. So even if you are alive when He comes you will still be judged by Him. There is no escaping the judgment of God. Acts 10:42 and 2 Timothy 4:1

The Gospel of John

John 18:25-27 Have you ever stood shivering because of fear? Fear can make you shake uncontrollably. Add a cool night to this fear and your bones will feel disconnected. Peter the brave disciple who cut off the ear of one of the soldiers is trembling like someone who has no control over their body. The truth is that Peter had lost control, a meltdown of his physical, emotional and spiritual ability, he was unable to ward off a panic attack. Have you first hand knowledge of this? Then you know how Peter felt as his flesh denied His Savior.

Peter had lied earlier to the servant girl, John 18:17, now as the soldiers who were warming themselves at the fire with Peter began to take notice of the people around them, they too asked Peter of his allegiance to Jesus. Even the person whom lost his ear to Peter's sword and regained his ear by power of God the Father and the Hand of His Son Jesus said to Peter. “Did I not see you in the garden with Him?”

Lie if you will because a lie will deceive many who hear it. But the lie will not deceive God. How do we know this? Immediately the rooster crowed. John 13:36-38. God warns us continually of the pending day of judgment, while His warning may not be the abrupt sound of the rooster. He still calls out to us daily and if you respond to His call, He will answer you and show you great and powerful truths about your appointment with Him in the near future. 1 Corinthians 2:9. God is not the liar, we are. 1 John 1:5-10.

A Look at the Book #281

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

Failing to see that the wisdom of God is not dead but very much operational is to fall into the trap of global deception. The wealth of a nation is destroyed, the road of righteousness will be full of pot holes and justices will be socially corrupt. Proverbs 8:19-20

This weekend we are going to a Bible Conference, this will be very helpful to us in the future as it does address many of the problems that we are facing in the United States today. For example the problem of social justice which is a major theme of the conference and how that ties into the areas of our personal life of work, maintenance of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In the recent past we have bounced around the critical issue of our nation which we are about to lose. We have talked a little about the grace of God and we are now looking briefly at spiritual warfare. All three of these critical subject are serious, but many of us are not concerned or see the serious problems we face, many believe that government will come to the rescue, no government will fail. So we really need to wake up and stop pretending that all is well, that this is just a bad dream and as soon as I awake life will return to the way it was. Well guess what, “the way it was is the way it is”. Just as there is no such thing as reincarnation, there is no such thing as returning to the past. You and I are in this together, your here for a little while on this planet, if you are above the age of fifty, you may not be alive in 2025 and if you are your production will be at best a zero on the scale of one to ten. “So what” you say? We have committed adultery with the devil and the Living God is upset. Proverbs 5:1-13

The Gospel of John

John 18:19-24 The word of God is not some deep dark secret, the world around us is in full view and creation itself reveals the light of the glory of God. The judges and high priests who set on the thrones of religion and government do not get into these positions because they are dumb. Caiaphas knows Jesus and he knows the doctrine and His disciples, but what he knows he uses against Jesus. See verse 8 of John 18.

The high priests of religion and the judges of government today are no different than those during the life and ministry of Jesus. Religion is deluded human good and evil and so are the judges of the government over us. Most of us are satisfied with this because we have been taught to live within these two conditions as best we can.

You have heard and probably said this your self, “Well, I do the best I can”! Or “I can't do it all”! Well, no you cannot, nor are you expected to. Why, Because Jesus has done what no one else could do. HE IS RISEN! God is not dead, God's Word is very much alive, seated at the Throne of God at His Righteous right hand. The witness of His death and resurrection is as real today as the days in AD 33 when He died for your sins and mine as the LAMB of and was raise to life again three days later. The KING is coming, Jesus is the KING of kings and LORD of lords.

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Look at the Book #280

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

The wisdom of God has a specific endowment that the wisdom of man does not have. Do you know what that blessing is? The wisdom of man will often produce riches, but the Wisdom of God produces riches along with righteousness, huge difference! Proverbs 8:18

The discussion on grace is interrupted. Hopefully we will get back to the grace of God soon, but I thought it necessary to say some things about Spiritual Warfare since it seems that I am in the thick of it. The truth is as our pastor put it on Wednesday that the Church of Jesus Christ is at war. If you go to church and believe in Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior then you are at war with the devil and his fallen angels. The Church of Jesus Christ consists of people who are called out of the dead fallen world of Satan. Being called out they are placed by God Himself in the kingdom of the Son of His love. Colossians 1:9-14. Many of us do not understand this warfare and become victims of spiritual misconduct, and others who know something about this war can become casualties too. Also, believers can be caught up in helping the devil destroy another believer and not even know what they are doing. All said, lets take a look at Colossians 1:13. Notice that the words used by the apostle Paul are, past tense. This means that when a person is saved by the grace of God, that person is immediately translated from the power of darkness into the kingdom life, in Christ. God is not a war with the lost soul, John 3:16 and Ephesians 1:4-10 proves this. Satan does not contend with the lost soul either since these souls are already dead in the power of darkness and eagerly work for him. Ephesians 2:1-3. More to come.

The Gospel of John

John 18:15-18 Do you claim allegiance to the gospel of God, are you a follower of Jesus Christ and have you done battle with the enemies of Christ? If you are saved then your answer would be YES! The battle to stay pure is a battle that is ongoing. Peter, in these few verses reveals the character of our heart in the heat of any moment in Christ. It is when we are confronted with a decision to follow Him or to deny Him.

It is possible to stay pure in these moments, there is another person present in these verses who is seldom mentioned in the context of denying Christ. That disciple is John the writer of this gospel. What is unique is that John did not deny his Savior, John even knew Caiaphas and boldly went into the courtyard while Peter stood at the door of the courtyard. Saved men and women do not have to fear, God has equipped them with His armor. Ephesians 6:10-20

Fear blocks the door of opportunity to enter, fear is a response to spiritual warfare, it is rejecting the power of God to overcome the advance of the enemy. Peter is not alone in scripture on this issue, you remember Elijah who ran from Jezebel, 1 Kings 19:1-10 and if these men of God can buckle under the advance of the enemy so can you and I. Please note: John did not buckle under the weight of the enemy. We will see the results of these two warriors of God in John 21 in a few weeks.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Look at the Book #278

The Devotional

What does Papa “J” Say?

How does one know if they have a good understanding of the fear of the LORD? Do you hate evil, pride, arrogance and a perverted mouth? If any of these dwell in your character then you lack the wisdom to fear God, now that's simple isn't it? Proverbs 8:13

Salvation by grace through faith. I will not try to convince you that I have the right answers to the gospel, but I know and believe in the One who does since He is the Author of our Salvation. Hebrews 5:8-9.We then should listen to His edification and not that of any man made religion. 1 Timothy 1:4. The question! Why would God be willing to deplete all of His resources to provide salvation to the entire world of people who are dead in trespasses and sin? One clue is found in Philippians 2:5-11. The cost of salvation to God is a rich reward for those who allow the mind of Christ to bring them to the same obedience of Christ to His Father. Again, the question. Why, since mankind you remember is dead in sin? Through the total depletion of God through the death of Christ, as believers, we enter into His workmanship (the cost). In the resurrection of Jesus Christ we are raised with Him to good works (the reward) in those who believe by faith. This God prepared from the foundation of the world that we should walk in these good works. We should see now that Grace is the Cost and Faith is the Reward, His Workmanship, a plan and purpose that shows up in the volume of the Bible and NO OTHER BOOK! Hebrews 10:5-10.

The Gospel of John

John 18:1-11 The passages we are about to look to are critical, many times we read these passage and we never get any further then the “passion of Christ” as He walks through the valley and the shadow of death. The garden, one of the many around Judea, called Gethsemane is a place that Jesus had visited many times. He spent hours in prayer to His Father, preparing for these final hours. Many people know beforehand that their death is imminent and they also know that there is pain and suffering associated with the pending death.

However, Jesus knew more about His death then the average person could ever know. He knew of the Power that His Father gave Him. John 10:18, even the power of Pilate in John 19:11. Jesus also knew of the joy associated to His death because of His return to His Father, bringing salvation with Him. Hebrews 12:1-2. Yes, there was suffering like no other has or will suffer as He did. But, it was not His beaten and destroyed body that caused His greatest suffering. If you've ever been beaten you know that after a while the pain is replaced with a numbness.

The suffering that Jesus Christ suffered for you and for me is found in Matthew 26:36-46; and in Matthew 27:46, also see Psalm 22:1-2 as He who knew NO SIN, became the likeness of your sin and my sin. The problem: I could ask you to take inventory of what your sin and my sin might look like to the Sinless Jesus, but it is a horror that only God Himself could see for that brief, but eternal three hours. Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice and gave up His Spirit. The veil of the Temple was torn in two, darkness cover the earth, the earth mourned His death, and rocks split in half. Oh! How I cry, because my sinful nature never sees the full horror of this, nor does it at times seem to care.