Meditate on this!
there more than one truth in the world around you? Maybe you have not
thought about this, but there was a day when Pilate the governor of
Jerusalem did and said to Jesus; “what is truth?” Jesus identifies
“truth” as His Voice and if you hear His voice… you know the Truth. John 18:37-38.
was reading an article in the March 2012 issue of, the voice of the
Martyrs and I find that there is an alarming battle going on. This is
not a battle that we are ignorant of here in the United States of
America, nor is it a battle that believers are ignorant of, but it is a
battle that we believing and unbelieving sweep under the rug and claim
that it does not exist. Dr. Tom White writes this small paragraph. Indonesia
is the most populous Muslim nation in the world. Although the
Indonesian constitution guarantees religious freedom, Islamic radicals
have gained influence in all levels of government during the last twelve
years. In the last two years, at least 59 churches have been attacked,
burned or vandalized. In addition, the Ministry of Religious Affairs is
now considering a bill that would further limit the ability of
Christians to practice their faith. If enacted, the “Religious
Tolerance” law would regulate proselytism, religious holidays, funerals,
religious education and construction of places to worship. The sun
may still be shining over “Ole Glory” these days; but I sincerely
believe that there is an emblem that has surfaced just over two years
ago that is prepping the citizens of this nation to envision a merging
of religion and government much like that of Indonesia. The emblem is a
circle of blue, with a half moon over red and white stripes, currently
used at opportune times by influential people within our current
James 4
course the paragraph above involves people and nations, life and
property, freedom and liberty. All people of all nations are affected in
various degrees by this war. Yet this is not the wars and fights that
the apostle James is referring too in this chapter. Yet these wars and
fights come from the same source. The battle that has gone on since the
beginning is the war between our Creator and the created being God
identifies as Satan.
Now we do not have time to go into the fall of Satan when he was the anointed cherub called Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-19 and perfect when created in Ezekiel 28:14-19;
that is perfect until iniquity was discovered in his heart. Also note
that at the moment this iniquity was discovered, Jesus who is God
dethroned Lucifer as the anointed cherub and shot him out of heaven like
a bolt of lightning. Luke 10:17-20. But there is enough scripture here for you to do a study on your own.
1-3 – The battles referred to by James are from our own source of
reference; you know those emotional desires of selfish content. We often
come away from a conversation or encounter with someone with thoughts
that build strong illusions of being mistreated in some way. Our minds
race with murderous convictions, coveting thoughts of gaining the upper
hand the next time of encounter. This inward practice of wound licking
derails our ability to pray. The battle is not the LORD’s but our own,
then when we do remember to pray our direction of prayer is not outward
to glorify God, but inward to spend on our own selfish pleasure. God
does not answer these prayers, can you blame Him?