A Devotional Look at the Book #551
by Jesse Abel
A Thought for today by Papa “J”
Personal and National Sin: -- Psalm 119:93 Can the Laws, Precepts, Statutes or the Words of God change like the laws, precepts, statutes and words of human government? Believe it or not the answer is… NO!
Good Morning
Many thoughts run through the country these days about the uncertainty of the future. This uncertainty prods me to talk about direction or purpose in life. It is a staggering thought to know that almost every person I talk with including many within the local church do not have a clear purpose for living life. This along with my love for the Word of God; challenges me daily, to say a few things that may direct our focus on Him whom we do not see; instead of the temporal sights of false authority that we do see. To move in the direction of looking upward rather than looking forward we first must understand that our world is spinning out of control. We have been living in the last days for nearly two thousand years and it does not take much wisdom to know that we are a lot closer to the return of the LORD Jesus than we were yesterday. Reformed theology! How does that work? Reform the Word of the Living God? If Jesus says that He is coming again and that we should be looking for His return; then why are so many pastors of churches asleep at the wheel? The words in John 14:1-4 they belong to the LORD, but somehow our attention span for truth is somewhat like a sound bite in commercials on the television. Someone teaches TRUTH and we hit the MUTE button. In order for us to have purpose in life we must KNOW that this estate here on earth is temporal and full of good and evil. The LORD sums this up much better with these words found in Matthew 5:17-20. We could memorize these words; but it is far better to live them out with purpose. He is coming again and we are given the promise with purpose to look for His return.
2 Corinthians
2 Corinthians 5:9-11 – I remember times on ballistic missile submarines when we would fire training missiles. We would go to the southern areas of the Atlantic Ocean and fire four missiles, the location of this area was only known to most on the ship as longitude and latitude; you know some little spot in the world surrounded by water. For that event it was not judgment day for the spot in the ocean it was judgment day for the performance of the ship and her crew.
Now there is a lot that goes into this event. The expense of the trip, the missiles, the weather, the atmospheric conditions aboard the submarine after the launch of the missiles, watertight integrity, the weight of the ship before and after the launch and a host of other considerations to numerous to explain here. All of this material and conditional aspects of a military training event will be evaluated and given a grade of pass or fail. When the ship passes there is great elation from all members of the crew. When the ship fails; it means more hard work and another chance to prove their military worthiness.
NOTICE: We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive the things in the body. (Is this the personal body of you and me; is it the body of the church of Jesus Christ or is this a combination of both?) I believe both. The submarine has a skipper and exec and a crew and together the ship has power and great potential. The Godhead contains the Commander, the Executor and the Crew; 2 Corinthians 4:7 also helps us to see that we cannot live with purpose in this life if we fail to live apart from… one LORD, one FAITH, one BAPTISM and ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL; who is above all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:3-6. Yet, at the judgment seat; we personally and corporately will not get a second chance since the judgment will not be evaluated on human works; but by the utilization of the treasure in these earthen vessels… individually and corporately.
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