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Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #583

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #583

by Jesse Abel

Papa J's rules for Livin #6

Luck and fate should be banned from daily usage. Neither of these words serves any purpose under the sun since both are words of ignorance to satisfy the most ignorant of peoples. Psalm 85:1-13

The Devotional

I knew a little girl who had a life goal at the age of five to graduate from high school. As she approached this age she began to talk about that big day in the future. As the months marched toward her sixth birthday she saw the only two dogs she ever knew die and said; “why does every thing I love have to die?” I thought… “How do I answer her?” As the winter approached and the snow fell, she would asked to play in the snow to make “snow angels” her little red snow suit and red and yellow scarf were always soaked when she finally decided to come in and hot chocolate would be her next request. Christmas came, then New Years of 1982, then she graduated from the local high school in the town where we lived. She was five and one half years old then and by February 21 during the early morning hours she went home to be Jesus and I found my self asking the question that she already had the answer too. Why does everything we love have to die?” If you suffer as many do by the loss of a child, then of course you have asked that question, but this I know… I will see my daughter again. We think that this time on earth is all there is, but; OH how wrong we are! The Holy Bible clearly states that our life is but a vapor, appearing for a short time; in time. Far better it will be to be with Jesus Christ; my daughter and all those who love Jesus at His appearing. This will not be a temporary comfort like the vapor of life that appears then vanishes before all is said and done. This appearing of Jesus and the saints will be eternal. What does that mean; it means that we will never be separated again since eternity is not a past or future partiality locked in time; eternity it is always present and will never fade away. I shout… Praise the LORD! The man who really understood this was Moses… Read Psalm 90:1-17.

2 Corinthians 12

2 Corinthians 13:1-6 –The apostle’s authority has been questioned by the Corinthians and there are a few reasons why. I sort of look at this in simple terms, certainly others who have studied the ministry of Paul and his traveling can zero in on a more historical foundation. In simple terms; if you have sent a child on to college or had one or two move out from under your authority? Then you know the problem. Or maybe you are a young adult who has move out!

Now you are subjected to the views of the world around you and parental authority is on the back burner of your thinking… you need to watch the stove; parental authority could be boiling away! So in the simpler way when “the” authority is absent the mind absorbs the “sub” authorities of other entities. Doubt, fear and other emotional responses flourish and many young people lose the flavor of their upbringing.

When one loses the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ… this is no small thing; hardest of heart is critical. Verses 5 is not questioning the fact of salvation justification; but that of salvation sanctification. Moving from ones steadfastness in the sanctifying work of God the Holy Spirit will disqualify your walk since you no longer walk in the Word. This is because anything that distracts from the authority of Scripture is darkness; darkness well equipped to harden the heart of those occupied with it. So then who is disqualified… those who have not moved from a firm foundation or those who have? Now I know you know the answer to that question. 2 Corinthians 13:6

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