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Friday, October 19, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #818

A Word from Papa “J”

If we as the people of this nation had to renew our citizenship once every four years I would imagine that in 2008 thirty six percent of us at voting age could no longer call the United States their homeland! Only 64 percent voted and on a school grading scale a 64 is an “F” so I wonder will we fail again? Proverbs 19:15 we reap what we sow!

Good Morning

Sometimes when I find it hard to put things together on paper I take some time and look at military web sites; ones of the past ships that I have served on. It is very interesting for me to do this, for example; there is LT Sears who was our gunnery officer aboard the USS Gearing DD710 who has written four books about the Navy. The last epic Naval Battle; At war with the Wind; Such Men as These and Pacific Air. While I’ve not read or recommend any of these books and yet having knowledge of the man I would say his material is worth the read.

At the 129th U.S. Naval Institute Annual Meeting and the 13th Annapolis Seminar the then, CNO; Admiral Vern Clark gave the opening address. During the address he spoke fondly of Commander Holmberg who was the Commanding Officer of the USS Gearing when Clark was and Engineer aboard as a LT(jg). The short version is that Captain Holmberg was instrumental in the Career of Admiral Clark, since Clark got out the Navy after his initial tour but came back in at the urging of his friend and former Captain.

It is stories like these that keep Americans free. The lives of military men and women who take the fight to the enemy, today is different than in those early days of my life and the lives of the men and women that I have had the pleasure of serving with. Today we have let our guard down; September 11, 2001 and September 11, 2012. Eleven years to the day has significance. Eleven, eleven, eleven; let me be blunt. ELEVEN! Not a film; but ELEVEN!

Today we do not have leaders that will be able to write history without telling a LIE! Today we do not have leaders who at some annual meeting in the future will be able to say that he or she was inspired to go the distance because of other leaders with integrity, today we are a nation failing, fainting and fatigued with cover up, confusion, corruption and a compromised set of values.

Hey, maybe some of you are saying, why don’t you get off the subject Jesse? No, no that is not going to happen until we repent as a nation. And if we don’t repent, well I suppose I will stop then too since there will not be anything produced from this nation worthy to write about. As I have said before, my heart aches for the lost freedom that this nation once enjoyed! Our children do not know anything of our past, thus freedom as it once was is lost. Jesus puts it this way… Matthew 18:6-9.

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