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Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #827

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”

Writing is like sitting in the sand at the beach and building a “sand castle”! That even the words we sit on have a supporting role. Is this a puzzle or an enigma for you? Fear not the Book of Proverbs will provide the skill for every task of life. Proverbs 1:1-31

Good Morning

In a few days we citizens of the United States of America will vote for a leader whom we trust to be the President of the United States of America for the next four years. Just to type those words are breath taking to me and like most of us we are proud to be citizens of this great nation.

This morning I would like to take a few thoughts from a prayer of Dr. Billy Graham; one of America’s finest men. The entire prayer of this man was sent to me by a cousin in Kentucky. She and I spent many days as young people playing in neighborhoods that were safe and innocent. Today it is no longer safe to be a child in any neighborhood.

No matter who fills the office of President of the United States of America, Americans need to return to prayer. We need to pray for God’s direction and His guidance. Some may be saying; well why is that? Today we call evil good and good evil. God says “woe” or “caution” or “stop it” to this conduct. This conduct has a consequence.

As a nation we have lost our balance of right and wrong thus the pendulum of our understanding of spiritual matters is far from center and our values of life are affected. Liberty and happiness is at the lowest level in our national history. We gamble needed resources in government controlled lotteries and we reward the lazy with welfare, Medicare and I don’t care.

We kill our unborn babies and wipe our mouth with the bloody napkin called choice, or more palatable; we murder the innocent and the guilty and call it abortion or justifiable. We breathe the polluted air of profanity and we legalize every expression of pornography. We raise undisciplined children who murder their peers and we say; “well, we did not spank them to build their self-esteem” how did that happen?

We have coveted our neighbors wife, his possessions and have willing broken his family and excused this activity as ambition. We have wrecked our homeland by ridiculing our forefathers and their insight of freedom and worship, men and women who were enlightened we have tossed aside for darkness.

We have wadded up our Constitution and tossed it into the recyclable trash, hoping that the recycled parchment will soon be a law or a tax. What shall we call our new constitution? Ohmyicare or Ohshouldicare. Yes, I agree Dr. Graham, we as a nation must repent and pray… it only takes a spark to get a fire going. I also like what Job 5:1-27 has to say about chastening and restoration.

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