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Monday, May 20, 2013

The Devotional -045 - Whose Angry?

A Thought for the Day – 044 – An overview

Who can say, “I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin”? The only ones who can know if they are without sin are those who have by faith believed God. Those who are walking in His Righteousness; Proverbs 20:5-11 and Romans 13:14.

Comments and challenges

Over the weekend I can usually come up with lots of thoughts to write about. Then comes Monday and do you think I can remember any of them. No, not one! Then I say, why didn’t I write it down? Even a short note on the subject would help charge the memory. What memory? I did write it down and now I do not know where the note is or even what I wrote it on.

What is our normal view of anger? Come on put your thinking cap on! Is anger a little boil over something but keeping the mouth shut. Maybe you pray and explain to God, “LORD help me, I am about to burst a bubble, shut that person up for me” or how about this one… here comes the car behind you and he or she speedily shifted to the slow speed lane to scurry around you; your mind flares in anger I’ll hurry and button up the space ahead so they can’t get in front of me.

This my friend is not anger, it is more like the uncontrolled tantrum of the child in you; anger is uncontrolled RAGE and hopefully you avoid it. Notice Exodus 32:15-20. Moses has just been with the LORD God on Mount Sinai, the LORD God had just fellowshipped with Moses over the giving of the LAW. Moses had watched as God wrote on the tablets of stone. The stones were loaded with the Words of God on both sides of two stones.

The scripture says that Moses when he saw the golden calf that the Israelites made that the anger of Moses became very hot (God explained to Moses what to expect on his return to camp; Exodus 32:1-14, at the request of Moses; God relented, but Moses burned in anger as he descended the mountain) and the work of God he casts out of his hands and the stones broke to pieces. We can be under the power of the Holy Spirit in one breath and under the power of emotional rage the next. It is that quick.

We should be aware that this first decent by Moses into the camp of Israelites, did not bring the glory of God into the camp as it did the second time, read Exodus 35:29-33. The setting of the first presentation of the LAW is that Moses and the Israelites failed. First with Moses who came from the meeting with God in a countenance of anticipated anger who no doubt was processing in his mind what he do if he found the people unprepared for his return. (Have you ever thought similar thoughts as you approached home)?

For me these passages speak volumes about absolute spirituality. We can and do seek time with the LORD and yet in the recesses of our mind we are anticipating the (known facts) that returning home will have with our little corner of world. When we come away from the LORD’s presence and He has spoken all of His Words, we return to our so called “real world” and immediately see that our anticipated thoughts are worse than expected. Anger and then Rage takes over and the Words of the LORD are broken.

Then we go back to the LORD and He says… “Well Jesse; another fine mess you got yourself into, here let’s do this again only this time clear your mind of those secret thoughts so when you leave my presence your countenance will be that of the fruit of My Spirit. Psalm 19:1-14 (especially verses 12-14) and Galatians 5:16-26 (especially verses 22-26).

Our countenance often ends the story, before the story has time to be told.

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