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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Devotional – Who is He LORD?

The Devotional –

Comment: Yesterday I mentioned that Northern Kingdom, Israel and the Southern Kingdom, Judah had many warnings of the pending judgment of God in the years before the Assyrian invasion of Israel and the Babylonia invasion of Judah. Many of the Prophets were pre-exile as early as 850 BC. 125 years before the Assyrian invasion of the Northern Kingdom. And 260 years before the Southern Kingdom fell to Babylon invasion. This is a simple fact of history when one studies the Old Testament. Thus it is my opinion that there are similar expressions like mine from godly men who are scholars of the Holy Bible speaking in our land today. At least for the last 65 years as we have been eye witnesses of the crumbling freedoms of our nation. The two major things that are very visible to any man of God are these. Idolatry is on the increase and as a result of this, immorality is making rapid advancement in our society. As a nation; instead of waking up to this we are being lulled to sleep by secular humanism, which is the religion of unbelieving man.

Devotional: John 9:35-41 – What is true vision, true vision according to Jesus is LIGHT (forgiven), and blindness is DARKNESS (unforgiven). Most of us know the events previous to John 9:35-41. The man who was physically blind and receives sight, yet Jesus reveals to him that he is still blind.
The Holy Bible and the Words of Jesus are TRUTH about the LIGHT, this is the witness that John the apostle reveals for us in John 1:6-13. We must remember that the Holy Bible is CONTEXT about The Christ/Messiah, but all too often (like the scribes and Pharisees) we personally desire to reject the LIGHT, that is; until the TRUTH of The Christ is revealed by the WORD. If you believe the WORD then you are agreeing with the context of John 1:1-5 and you see that Jesus is WORD OF TRUTH.

Jesus asks the man that was physically blind but made to physically to see, “Do you believe in the Son of God?” Observe of the man’s response is spiritual blindness. “Who is He LORD that I may believe in Him?” “You have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you.” The eyes of the spiritually blind are opened and now he is both physically and spiritually acknowledging his belief in The Christ.

Most people do see The Christ, but their spiritual eyes remain shut to the TRUTH, the WAY and the LIGHT. Such as those Pharisees who were with the seeing blind man. Knowing their blindness they said to Jesus, “Are we blind also?” The following is a clever statement by Jesus, “if you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, ‘we see.’ Therefore your sin remains.” Remember that the LIGHT continually shines in the DARKNESS and even though it is seen, it is not comprehended as we read in the first chapter of John.

In closing and looking at John 3:19, the condemnation on all of mankind is that LIGHT has come into the world, and mankind loved DARKNESS rather than LIGHT, because their DEEDS (religious works) are evil. If one remains in their manmade religion they may see the LIGHT but refuse to believe the LIGHT thus they remain blind and condemned.

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