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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Weekly Devotional – Faith – Personal Meditation

A Weekly Devotional – Faith – Personal Meditation

Comment: This morning I was ready to deliver a different challenge to meditate on the Living God. However; based on current events I have changed my mind. We are all called of God to “Run the Race”, some Bible scholars preach or teach daily the need for every believer to fix their eyes on Jesus. He alone is the Author of personal faith in God. Yes, He obeyed the laws of the land and fulfilled the Law given to Moses, His Faith was in God, not the nation or the religion. We need to notice something in this thought that is very important for all of us. Jesus is the originator and the perfecter of FAITH, why then would we want to focus our faith on a religion or a nation as many of us do today in Christendom? God has called us (you and me) to run this same “race” that Jesus ran. Not only did Jesus run the race that was sat before Him, but there are many witnesses, like a cloud in the sky of people who have done the same. Hebrews 12:1-2. Are you in that cloud today?

Devotional: The days in which we live are EVIL, this is not a new message or thought, yet somehow it is a message that does not penetrate anyone’s mind these days. We are a nation of apostate Christians, we are living in times of ‘stress’. Christian men love themselves and money more than God. They are proud boasters, blasphemers. They are rude and reject parental authority, they are unthankful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, they are full of slander, without self-control and brutal. They are traitors of Christ faith, headstrong, haughty, loving the pleasures of the world rather than loving God who created them.

If the apostle Paul under the guidance of the Holy Spirit were talking about the unbelieving world, this would be a matter we saints might understand.  But, Paul is talking about those who profess to be saved by grace. If you do not know this already, I am referring to 2 Timothy 3:1-9, now notice verse 5 – having the form of godliness but DENYING its power. And from such people TURN AWAY! I will leave you to read the remaining four verses while I comment.

The destiny of man, at its very best is TEMPORAL, while man would like to think that he or she is improving by always learning. Without personal faith, they are NEVER able to come to the knowledge of the TRUTH. Every generation seeks to re-invent truth, then when invented they spread their cancerous lies into households, captivating people already loaded down with besetting sins and lustful passions.

We live in times of men with corrupt minds, they are disapproved by God concerning FAITH because they are temporal in projecting truth that they fail to believe themselves and their progress fails. Set your mind on things (Spirituality) above, not on things (carnality) of the earth, see Colossians 3:1-11.

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