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Friday, September 10, 2010

A Look at the Book #285

The Devotional

What Does Papa “J” have to Say?

Where does one find wisdom? Notice! Wisdom is as close as the corner delicatessen! Wisdom is prepared by God, fresh everyday. Step into His deli and understand the fresh aroma of meats and wines, breads and condiments. Fear the LORD and enjoy God!

If you have read any of these devotionals you know that I have a certain disgust for religion, the main reason is that Satan hides in religion and disguises himself as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:5-15. Now, if religion were the only place that he used to spread his deception then we could isolate his methods and quarantine his activity. But Satan is not like a virus on our religion only, he is much worse than one expects. Satan hides his deception in art, intellectualism, education, philosophy and psychology. In other words; Satan is into corrupting everything that you and I do to live life in the pursuit of free will and happiness. Our challenge is not to fight Satan and his deceptive ways with our human strengths and intellect. Our human effort fails in these two major areas. One: We do not have the physical power to overcome him. Two: We do not have the mental resources to subdue him. We have looked at this before, but we need to look again. The grace of God is extended to the humble, not the proud, therefore we are to resist the devil by submitting to God then the devil will flee. Isn’t it neat to know that we can draw near to God and that when we do, the devil flees the scene? James 4:1-9

The Gospel of John

John 19:5-16 Pilate has a decision to make about Jesus. He is not fully convinced that Jesus needs to die for what the Jews are accusing Jesus of. The world sees Jesus as the man that Pilate saw that day. Religion on this day of His death saw Him as an intruder, an insurrectionist and one who made false statements about deity.

What does this say to us today? Religion sees Jesus through the eyes of Satan so religion leaves Jesus on the cross being crucified over and over again. Every Sunday religion crucifies Jesus, hangs Judas and releases Barabbas. The world around this religious nonsense watches and says why does religion do this? Look, He is just a man and does not deserve death! This deception is of Satan and it is his attempt to neutralize the gospel of grace.

There are those who have a relationship with Jesus Christ, these are the ones who are called by God to look beyond the nonsense of religion and the foolish indifferences of the world. So if you are one of those who is looking to Jesus beyond the sacrifice, then you know Jesus as the Risen Savior and you have heard Him say as He stands in the assembly of the saved, “Peace be with you, receive the Holy Spirit and follow Me. Do you have peace? Are you living in the Spirit? Who are you following? John 16:33

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