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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Look at the Book #288

A Look at the Book #288

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

What Does Papa “J” have to Say?

Scripture reveals thoughts and motives that are found in the heart. In Proverbs it is not the heart that is naive, but the knowing mind that lacks the will to understand the danger. To God who sees the heart, both the seduced and the seducer are accountable to Him. Proverbs 9:13-18

Here are some questions that haunt the heart of man daily. What is the meaning of our life? Why do we exist? What purpose is there in life? There may be other related questions you may come up with, but I think we can place all of these concerns about life into two categories. One: Meaning, and Two: Reality. Also, if we are to answer these questions there is the other side of the coin. “Can I find the true answer and how do I know the truth when I see it?” For the unbelieving person, there is little hope gleaned from the words of the Holy Bible. But, for other “so called” sacred writings people will find promise, now why is that? Are these sacred writings more effective than the Holy Bible? What about those of us who believe? Many saved persons fail year after year to learn the meaning and reality of life. For example; it took twenty five years for John Newton, the person who wrote the song, Amazing Grace, to understand the meaning and reality of life. Another individual that comes to mind is John Bunyan the author of Pilgrim's Progress, for over twenty years he struggled with these same issues. Now if you are honest with yourself, (believer or unbeliever) you have or you are struggling with these thoughts. Reconciliation, Faith and Grace is the answer. 2 Corinthians 5:1-21, look for more tomorrow.

The Gospel of John

John 19:28-30 The Living Word of God clearly explains that Jesus Christ knew that He had power to keep Himself alive and that He had power to lay His life down. Jesus also had the power to take it up again. John 10:17-18. Jesus goes on to say in this portion of scripture that He received this “command” from His Father.

This power you might notice, goes beyond the needs of the physical body. Jesus knows it is time to lay His life down because everything that He came to do as the LAMB of God is completed at this moment in time. But His body is dehydrated and His physical need cries out to be satisfied. “I thirst!” We could say a lot about sour wine and dehydration, the bottom line, it is heart stopping, like drinking poison.

What a wonderful joy it must have been to Jesus, the LAMB of God to know before passing into death that His time on earth is fulfilled according to the Father's Plan. As He steps back from “time” and returns to “eternity” the words; “it is finished!” are heard in throughout creation. Psalm 22:19-22 provides this truth and the whole Psalm shows clearly the work of Christ as finished both in earth and in the heaven. Even notice that Matthew 6:9-10 seeks for the Father's Plan to be fulfilled.

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