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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Look at the Book #485

A Look at the Book #485

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #485

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

How many ways can the heart cry out? The number and design are like seashells found on the local beach. Yet the thoughts of God and His wonderful works toward us are too numerous to count. Psalm 40:4-5.


Recently I was at a construction site working with a couple of men. The two were in conversation with the owner of the property and they were talking about the death of someone the three of them knew. I was not a part of the conversation but was busy digging a hole. In general the two men and one woman became so involved in the subject of dying that they scared themselves and went off in three different directions as if they were being chased by a ghost. I know some of us would think that I should have stepped in and provided some comforting words, however the whole matter happened so quickly that it was one of those; after the fact moments that it came to me that I could have said something. The soul that has NO HOPE is the soul that is afraid to die! The soul that is not satisfied with the LOVE of GOD is a soul that is void of hope. The apostle James in his epistle says that we have no problem boasting about tomorrow, in fact; this is just what these three were doing until they stumbled over a mutual acquaintance that died. Life is SHORT TERM. Life appears for a while like hot steam in a cold atmosphere. James 4:13-17 people who do not know God’s love cannot say; “If the LORD wills, we shall live and do this or that” simple truth; but profoundly scary to the unbeliever!

1 Peter

1 Peter 3:18 – Well now! Here is a portion of scripture that will put our minds to work! There is no greater joy that life can experience then the joy of knowing that your sins are forgiven by the suffering of Christ, who suffered ONCE for sins. The JUST for the unjust; or the HOLY for the unholy; yet if I understand this verse, it is forgiveness (justification) plus forgiveness (sanctification); that gets us through the pearly gates; forgiveness (glorification). Christ Himself brings us to God; there is no other way (John 14:1-6) since we have now been made alive in the Spirit.

1 Peter 3:19-22 – Oh! Oh! Maybe I should let the pastor deal with the next four verses especially verses 19 and 20 that have no references to glean a thought or two from. Well we do know that during the time of physical death; the three days that Jesus was in the grave, that He was busy revealing to those in Abraham’s bosom; that HE even though dead like them… He was alive. In other words; even in death; Jesus was still preaching the message His Father gave Him. Those saved… heard the message and followed Him.

We also know from the gospel of Luke 16:19-30 that there were saved and unsaved souls in this place identified by the LORD Himself. And at the death of Jesus the earth quaked and many of the dead appeared in the city. I don’t know about you but I find this all very exciting and comforting. Jesus leads the way, because He is the Way; the Truth and the Life. He is Justification; Sanctification and Glorification and if you and I do not have this assurance, we might well be like those three in the earlier paragraph… run the ghost is coming! But no; we are not like them; we have been baptized in the Death of Jesus, therefore we too will be raised with Him in His likeness.

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