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Friday, July 29, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #511

A Devotional Look at the Book #511

by Jesse Abel

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

I would say that the School of the Resurrection is higher, more trustworthy and nobler then any school of higher learning and the apostle Paul would agree… Philippians 3:1-11


In March of 1983 sailors began reporting for duty at the Electric Boat Shipyard; I was among them, just about twenty to twenty five of us. My duty station would was yet to be named; USS Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 709) a Los Angeles 688 Class Submarine. When I first saw the ship it was nothing more than a steel hull in a shipyard dry-dock. In October 2005 Louise and I drove to Norfolk, Virginia to witness the retirement of this submarine from active duty. There we stood, many of the men of the first crew along with their wives and family. We watched as the last crew of the Rickover filed one by one off the ship and stood single file on pier. The Union Jack was lowered and the Colors too. The ship was now officially retired from active duty. The flag was given to Mrs. Hyman G. Rickover. The pride of these sailors of old and of her last crew is not the pride of being able to say that we are submarine sailors. No! The pride is in the truth that we served together from beginning to end, our mission touched a bit of this countries historical freedom. Yet today because of political rhetoric and poor housekeeping another group of men and women are getting very close to destroying the two hundred thirty five years of Commissioned Independence that witnessed the first submarine launched; the USS Holland (SS 1) in 1897 and commissioned in 1900. This first sub was decommissioned in 1905. There is now a national witness of future freedom which will be observed by the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. We watch and wait as do our families of this lands future orders to stand for freedom or die as slaves. We shall live to see which way God will move the pendulum! James 4:13-17.

2 Peter

2 Peter 3:1-2 – Have you ever thought that the writers of the epistles could have been more specific or even wrote longer, more explanatory books? According to the apostles Peter and Paul; this was not necessary since the writers of the Old Testament took on that God ordained ministry. God used the New Testament writers; His apostles to command us to study the entire Living Word; to be diligent and to be approved of God. We have this assignment and responsibly to do the biblical work of rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Are you? 2 Timothy 2:15.

2 Peter 3:3-4 – Scoffers? Are there really scoffers? You do not need to be a biblical student to know the answer. Even people who have never cracked open a Bible scoff. There are some who still believe that if you accidently drop the Bible it will hit the floor; turn into a snake; bite them and they will die. That is simply walking in the epitome of their selfish lusts. Yet, there are the knowledgeable scoffers and these are the ones referred to by the apostle. The ones who study to fulfill their selfish lusts in order to confuse and distort the Living Word of God and there many who do just that.

God’s promise of His return is not slack and in verse 4, the apostle Peter sets this principle in motion by causing man to come face to face with eternal truth and earthly truth. Men say; “Where is the promise of His coming? Since the fathers died, all things continue as before”! These forget that at the beginning of creation; time began to tick, tick, tick away. This alone limits man to know the fullness of God’s promise; God is not slack, but man’s understanding IS.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #510

A Devotional Look at the Book #510

by Jesse Abel

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Even though a person like Sir Thomas Moore describes the peaceful existence of an Island called Utopia; the place does not exist on earth or in the heart of mankind. However; God who created the universe and your soul will personally give you peace as a gift of His love. Romans 5:1-5, Why? Because Romans 5:8 applies.


Sandbank and Dunoon Scotland are located in the area of Scotland called the Firth of Clyde near Holy Loch. Both small towns are within the walking distance of 2.5 miles. While serving on submarines in the late seventies I made several trips in and out of Holy Loch. Our ship was assigned to SUBRON 14 (Submarine Squadron Fourteen). Sandbank was the little town that most of the sailors would go to for liberty, but many hiked the distance to Dunoon as this town was much larger. I was a young believer in Christ at the age of 35 and was interested in finding a church that knew the LORD. During our own Bible studies and prayer time we looked to the LORD to help us find such a place and before long, one Sunday we walked into an old church building because the music coming from inside was familiar. “A child of the King, a child of the King; with Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King” Folks; it does not matter where you are on this earth, if you seek the Father’s family you will find them. You will find them in the Word, in prayer and in fellowship. When you meet and speak with them they will forever be written in your soul as brothers and sisters of Christ in you; the only true hope of glory. Colossians 3:10-11. These three truths of God and His saints are the same truth that has motivated the Church of Jesus Christ for two thousand years; the same truth that the apostle John shares with us in 1 John 1:1-4

2 Peter

2 Peter 2:18-19 – Do you remember that earlier we said that false teachers use the same criteria to deceive people as Satan does and we referenced 1 John 2:15-17. Here in this verse we see this deception again with the added adverb; licentiousness. Sometimes I wonder why this seems to happen to people who seem to be pillars of faith. If you look at the last couple of decades, names will come up of pastors and teachers who have fallen.

My thoughts are satisfied by this: Counseling people who are rescued from the licentious and lascivious actions of the unbelieving world is serious and spiritual. The battle is no battle at all if the person who counsels is a slave to any of the corruption that the one being counseled is seeking to find victory over. Two similar bondages will merge and the deception grows greater for both to overcome.

2 Peter 2:20-22 – I like the example that the apostle uses here; “pollutions” we walk about in air pollution everyday and our immune system, liver, kidney and lungs take the brunt of this pollution. But over time; blood, asthma, liver and kidney diseases develop and the health goes south. So; on the spiritual side of Life in Christ, if we are weak because of our personal relationship to Jesus, or the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Like the revolt of the blood, lungs, the liver and the kidneys there will be a spiritual revolt that does not end well. We have a responsibility to stay pure and holy; if we do not; our leadership and ministry is doomed; meaning that as a dog returns to its own vomit and a sow having been once washed. Will as both do… return to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. 1 John 2:1-27. I believe that the apostles Peter and John are writing on the same subject. Anti Christian conduct!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #509

A Devotional Look at the Book #509

by Jesse Abel

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

The backslider is like a scoop that digs up good and evil; but a person who seeks the righteousness of the LORD is like the plow that tills the soil and produces a good harvest. Proverbs 14:14


In an earlier devotional I wrote about being in a foreign port; at the time I could not remember the country but it was France and the city was Nice. A few of us sailors were standing in line to exchange the American dollar into French francs. There was no such thing as a Euro dollar in those days. Sailors around women are dumb! You didn’t know that did you? Standing a few persons in line ahead of us was this young blonde girl and she was very pretty. As sailors we made a couple of comments (I was not a believer at this time) but really that is not an excuse to be a poor representative of the United States of America. An older gentleman standing behind the teenaged girl turned to us and replied in very clear; American English… “I am thankful that you believe that my daughter is good to look at and that she is a well developed young woman; likewise you men should be thankful that I am a mild mannered person, who will politely ask you this once, to control your tongues!” We made a very quick apology! Now, who but a bunch of sailors would not know that it is dangerous to run your tongue in the currency exchange line? There are no nationals in these lines; they are all foreigners and most of them speak English!

2 Peter

2 Peter 2:12-17 – Moving into verse 15 is like stepping into the life of Balaam, in fact; the apostle Peter uses the character of Balaam as an example of biblical depravity. As with all of the Word of God; this is serious; I do not know of one prophesy of Balaam that sounds corrupted. So this brings to my mind some critical issues. The four prophecies of Balaam concerning Israel and the Messiah are found in Numbers 22:5 through Numbers 24:1-25.

This can mean that God uses an individual who is motivated by the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life to expound from the Living Word of God, biblical truths that the world of people like Balak fine offensive and at the same time confuse and misguide the saint. God calls such activity a reward of unrighteousness. Notice too, something that may be overlooked by many, the apostle Peter clearly states that Balaam like all false teachers had forsaken the right way and went astray and then Peter says that it took a donkey speaking like a man to restrain the “madness of the prophet”. I take this to mean that Balaam was a true; but false teaching prophet of God.

Verse 17 – These men are wells without water; when you hear them speak they do not satisfy the soul of the listener but they do confuse that soul. A storm brews in these men and carries them from one false issue to another and I believe they know that the gloom of darkness waits patently for their arrival. Ask me if I think I covered this subject well…? NO, I do not believe I did!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #508

A Devotional Look at the Book #508

by Jesse Abel

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

The road map to life in general is not written on the back of your eyelids, so STAY AWAKE! Proverbs 20:13


In the early sixties I was on a destroyer that was visiting Italy, we were in Napoli; the time of our visit was less than 20 years after the end of WW2 and there was still evidence in certain places of the war. One of those places was an orphanage and here are some of the things that I remember as a young sailor and unbeliever. The ship was asked to participate in the renovation of the orphanage and I joined about fifty others to go and do the work. Fresh water came to the orphanage by a tanker every day, but we sailors were not allowed to drink it for at least two reasons. One: It belong to the children; and two: it was not safe for us sailors to drink. After the group of children filled their drinking containers; the remaining water was used to wash clothing and dishes. The water that remained was used up by the children to take baths in three available tubs. Another thing that I remember about the building that housed these young people was a couple of rooms in the basement. One was a conference room with table and chairs still in place covered in thick dust; the other was a locker room with the names and ranks of German officers still on the lockers. The building had been used as a sub station or headquarters for the Nazi forces in that area until the allied forces took control. This seemed to me then, as a step back in time; but in my thoughts currently, I think that we as a people of the world have not changed for the better as some would like to believe and even teach. We still have war, orphanages and headquarters focused on this axis of evil. WHY? Mankind loves darkness rather than the Light because their DEEDS are EVIL; John 1:1-13; 3:16-21 and Revelation 20:11-15

2 Peter

2 Peter 2:12-17 – We were discussing the doom of false teachers, but here in the referenced text we will move on to the depravity that characterizes these men and women. The apostle Peter under the influence of the Holy Spirit states that these people are natural minded; such as; found in Jude 1:10 being corrupted by the influence of the natural mind and having no control of God the Holy Spirit and who are condemned by their own devices.

These people work for wages of unrighteousness. These are strong words of warning for those who fulfill the conditions of these passages. Peter says that these men are like loose threads on a tightly wound ball of yarn and that their main purpose in life is to snag other threads and tangle as many as they can by carousing among those they are close to and those who are nearby. They do this in plain sight as well so this means that their deception is very convincing.

Having eyes full of adultery! We want to think this is adultery in the natural state and while it may be a part of the picture, the larger part is the adulterous practice of spiritual adultery since they use the word of God to cover their ongoing obesity for sin. Day and night they do not cease to sin in which they entice others to follow their ways. These having unstable souls likewise seek to cause the souls of others to be unstable as well. In other words; these folks are teachers; but they are teachers who train others to practice unrighteousness; these are called accursed children; I find it interesting that Peter refers to them as children! Which leads us to the next verse for tomorrow, if the LORD tarries?

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #507

A Devotional Look at the Book #507

by Jesse Abel

A Devotional Look at the Book #506

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

At the Throne of God is absolute Wisdom, at the Right Hand of the Throne of God is applied Wisdom and in the courtyard of the Temple of God is Spiritual Understanding. Psalm 84:10


The world we live in is cruel and abusive and we do not normally experience the full extent of this evil dimension. What I am about to tell you is real, I tell you because the Peace of God which surpasses all of our understanding in these moments is there to help. Philippians 4:6-7. On one of the submarines I was on the Chief of the Boat claimed to be a Buddhist. We both were Chief Petty Officers and on most ships we are a close group of middle managers who are devoted to the ship, the crew and each other. Once in Scotland while we were boarding a jet to come home, he had set it up for me to be stripped searched for drugs by the Scotland Airport Security. You see I was the ship’s protestant Lay Leader; I held Sunday Services and weekly Bible Studies while the ship was at sea. The Chief of the Boat did not like Jesus so this was his way to persecute Him and ridicule me. A strip search is just what it means; you are required to strip off all of your clothing and stand before a group of men while they inspect you. While they did this another opened my duffle bag and found my Bible and some notes on the top of the clothing; the Chief of the Boat was standing only a few feet from this incident and said; “anyone with a Bible is always up to no good”. With this thought in the inspector’s mind; he turned the duffle bag upside down and all the contents spilled out. Everyone laughed; I was there, but it was as if I were a spectator; I felt peace and I felt protected so I just stood and watched as it all played out. When it was over; I put on my clothes, repacked my duffle bag and boarded the plane for home. Before it was time (90 days) to board another plane and return to the ship for another submarine patrol; the Chief of the Boat fell ill and he was replaced. To God be the glory!

2 Peter

2 Peter 2:10-11 – Well there is for sure, much that I do not know about the doom of false teaching; but what I do know is that we must be cautious. As I have said many times; I love the Word of God and I am always interested in saying a thing or two about the wisdom of God. One thing I have strived to do is to be correct and to always back up what I say with scripture. One thing I learned is that the only real test of Truth is how one presents the Gospel. Sort of like this; if the gospel you hear from the pulpit extends to the lust of your eyes; or the lust of your flesh; or the pride of your life; then you should be looking for another church. 1 John 2:15-17; I also want to note that this section of 1 John is written to qualify our spiritual estate of salvation. 1 John 2:12-17 in context.

Notice if you will: The lust of the eyes is a prosperity gospel; the lust of the flesh is a legalistic gospel and the pride of life is a contemporary gospel, or new age. Satan has a gospel that will appeal to anyone who loves the world which is passing away. But he who is willing to do the will of God abides in Grace forever; there is only one gospel. It is this: For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age. (Please take the time to read Titus 2:11-15 on your own) Also see Acts 20:24

If you are not being taught to deny ungodliness and to live soberly in this present world, then the gospel you are being taught is tainted with the false teachings of doomed pastors and teachers. 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 and 11:5-15.

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #506

A Devotional Look at the Book #506

by Jesse Abel

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Water on a duck’s back…? If you find some let me know; and have you found that needle in the hay stack…? Better off to search for God since the water, the duck, and the iron and hay… all belong to Him as also; the oil for the duck’s back and the magnet for the iron! Job 11:7-9 by human effort; God is past finding out.


World Wars: WW1 lasted five years; WW2 lasted six years; the Korean War, three years of active fighting but still a threat. Vietnam War, said at one time to be the longest war for the U.S. was eleven years; but the longest war and still active is the Afghan War began in 2001 for us Americans. Americans, just looking at the last 100 years from July 28, 1914 to this very day have been involved in some foreign war for forty of those years and this does not include events like the Bay of Pigs and various other actions in the southern hemisphere. The example of just one country, but we have no peace; even worse, the history of war in the world around us would clearly show that the world has never known peace since the fall of Adam. So God is true; while every man is found a liar. There are wars and rumors of wars constantly, we seek peace but there is none to be found. Disaster upon disaster; rumor upon rumor, yet the vision of the prophet and the law of the land does not prevent desolation after desolation, Ezekiel 7:23-27. What is the problem? Go into any country, as I have said before; the country sides are full of common people who seek peace and many national leaders promote peaceful agendas. The ruler (king) of Tyre and all of his subjects and allies are the problem! “Say what… Jesse?” Take the time to look into the three chapters of Ezekiel, chapters 26; 27 and 28. This kingdom represents the satanic counterfeit kingdom of the world we live in and God is not pleased with our knowingly ignorance toward His call to repent; but you and I can be thankful that He is longsuffering toward us. 2 Peter 3:14-18. Jesus is coming again… are you interested?

2 Peter

2 Peter 2:7 – Sometimes I question integrity and so do you. “Righteous Lot” how can this be? Do you know the story of his life? Greed caused him to part from Abraham his uncle. Worldly pleasure drew him to Sodom and Gomorrah. Daily he allowed his soul to be tormented with the filth of impurity and the lifestyles of the sexual immoral. He did rescue the angels of the LORD and he did fight back the crowd of Tyre representatives. But like many of us he was not strong in the Spirit and his flesh worked ruin within his family.

2 Peter 2:8 – Yet the apostle Peter under the inspiration and guidance of God the Holy Spirit acknowledges Lot as a righteous man. So righteousness and integrity are not measured by the standards of the world’s counterfeit system that are designed and operational today by the king of Tyre (Satan). Ezekiel 28:14-19. Thus it is God who delivers man from sin and from a life-style that is wicked.

2 Peter 2:9 – Are you not full of joy knowing that it is the LORD who knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation and to reserve judgment until the Day of Judgment on the unjust. The doom of false teachers will have a moment in court. The teachers of those gospels of works, prosperity and the liberalism will suffer and the godly will be delivered; true righteousness is then based on faith alone in Christ alone in that we are called by grace. Ephesians 3:1-7

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #505

A Devotional Look at the Book #505

by Jesse Abel

A Devotional Look at the Book #505

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Dumbing down, or smartening up; now these are phrases we can learn from, in fact; learning takes effort. To be dumb or to be wise also takes time to mature. In the thirty-five plus years that I have studied the Bible, versions have gone from college level reading to the fifth grade reading level. Now just what direction are we going? Don’t say: “I dunno!”


Without the detail; submarines are complicated machines, but it only takes one qualified person to save a crew and bring the ship to the safety of the surface in times of watertight integrity and other emergencies. However; this does not mean that any one qualified individual can fully operate the submarine; no, it takes a qualified crew. Lets take a look at the word “qualified”, it is a word of past tense authority meaning that some completed action has taken place that puts that person in that position. Now let’s look at John 1:29; “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold!” The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” The word underlined, “takes” or “taketh” is a past tense verb with the authority of completed action. How is this; since Jesus is just beginning His earthly ministry and in roughly three years He will die as the Lamb of God? God’s Plan of redemption is completed in eternity; not in time. God answers this thought in Isaiah 46:9-10. Now Jesus is seated in Heaven at the Father’s right hand; He is back in eternity and His work; completed in eternity is fulfilled in time. The Holy Spirit, who is just as qualified as the Son and the Father, now guides the church in time into all truth. He speaks with the same completed authority of the Godhead who qualifies the church to move the gospel of Jesus Christ forward in time to the lost and dying world around us. Notice Matthew 5:13-16 you are the salt and light (qualified). Yet, I feel that in these days we have allowed preachers and teachers to dumb us down with unflavored salt and thus providing bushel baskets for heads of their congregations rather than helmets. Ephesians 6:17; but in context Ephesians 6:10-20.

2 Peter

2 Peter 2:4-6 – It seems to me that these passages and the epistle of Jude do not get much attention. Even the hell fire and brimstone preachers of the past avoided these verses. If these passages are referenced at all we tend to categorize false teaching by placing it in these three areas; cults, liberalism and legalism. Yet critical it is; if what we are teaching and preaching is not producing a walk of righteousness in Christ; in those sitting under our authority.

Here again we see words and phrases that point to completed action; God did not spare the angels who sinned, these beings are chained and in outer darkness in eternity. Time for them does not exist so there is no hope of change and so it is with everyone in time who is teaching falsely, and eternity will be the proof of this, not time.

God has provided proof of eternal action by revealing to us New Testament saints events like the flood when only eight righteous souls were delivered. God also provides evidence of what happens to nations who are filled with all kinds of immorality and debauchery. Question: Did the flood or the fire and brimstone from heaven come upon the earth because people were being taught to live godly lives or because they were being taught (dumbing down) to live wickedly? Awe; go ahead and answer the question, since you and I may only have a minute or less before the return of the LORD. Even so; Come LORD Jesus. Revelation 22:20-21, but of course; one would need to believe in the Revelation of Jesus Christ; would they not?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #504

A Devotional Look at the Book #504

by Jesse Abel


A Thought for today by Papa “J”

A young man sits in a prison cell for robbery; his first crime of thieving began at the age of five. Like it was yesterday he remembers well; that nickel he took from his father’s nightstand. Sin is always crouched at the door and we should rule over it! Genesis 4:7


Several men who read these devotionals are qualified submarine sailors, retired mostly; but some are on active duty. It is a real blessing for me to compare our submerged experiences with practical applications of God’s marvelous grace. For the submariner there is no greater command then to hear the Captain order the Diving Officer to; “Take her down!” These men represent a standard of excellence of life under the waters of the world that most peoples never see or experience, yet this is not why I like to write about them; or even remember them. These men are friends and they are men of God whom I have worshiped and prayed with. Imagine this: The depth of the submarine is far below a depth of five hundred feet; the silence is eerie except for the buzz of fear that is racing through your heart. Just a short time ago some other submarine fired a torpedo and we evaded it with devices of evasion. As brothers of Christ we band together and pray and a Psalm comes to mind. “If it had not been the LORD who was on our side; let Israel say – if it had not been the LORD who was on our side, When men rose up against us, Then they would have swallowed us alive, when their wrath was kindled against us. Then the waters would have overwhelmed us, the stream would have gone over our soul; then the swollen waters would have gone over our soul.” Blessed be the LORD, who has not given us as prey to their teeth. Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the LORD who made the heaven and earth. Psalm 124.

2 Peter

2 Peter 2:1 – False prophets among the people; even as there are false teachers among you; we need to understand this statement; “What people” and “you” define two separate dispensations. One: the Jewish dispensation; the witness of the Law and the Prophets; and two: The Church dispensation; the Grace of God appearing to all future generations. Romans 3:21-24 and 1 Peter 1:9-12; Ephesians 3:1-7 and Titus 2:11-15. To disregard this division of God’s Plan is to deny the LORD, or to teach a dogma that is contrary to the revealed Truth which will bring about swift destruction.

2 Peter 2:2 – One could conclude that their teaching is okay since they are still vertical and so is their congregation but this term “swift destruction” does not readily apply to physical death; but it does apply to immediate spiritual loss; the same condition applies here, as God’s message to Adam in; Genesis 2:15-17. One of the evils we face as a teacher of the Living Word of God is; blasphemous statements. And, you would say; “I would never make a blasphemous statement from the Word of God while teaching or preaching. If we mix dispensations without defining our purpose, we are making statements that are blasphemous.

2 Peter 2:3 – People in positions of authority; church, corporate or municipal do sometimes covet their positions to the point of exploiting their congregations, employees and subjects by deceptive practices and words that sound correct, but in truth are nothing but confusing lies. So deceptive are these people that they are very pleasant to be around, but seek to know this. Their pending judgment is very active with each word they speak; in other words; God does not fall asleep at the wheel, while these teachers blaspheme His Plan by denying the LORD.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #503

A Devotional Look at the Book #503

by Jesse Abel

A Devotional Look at the Book #502

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

National profit should be for the good of the nation. Yet today we experience bloodshed at all national levels satiated with dishonest profit. God does not tolerate; nor can our hearts endure much longer. Ezekiel 22:13-16


God has blessed me with the opportunity to visit many foreign countries. You might say that all of my travel is the result of being in Navy, but in my heart the Navy was just the vehicle that took me to and from these places. I also went to the Ukraine on a temporary missionary trip in July of 2004; seven years ago yesterday, is the day we returned home; having left on July fourth. The one thing I notice most about all of this travel is the desire for peace among the nationals of all these countries. Here is the point! Peace is not passive; in order to have peace nationals must be willing to walk the walk. Among the paths of peace there is only one path that truly works for all nations and that path comes equipped with a pair of shoes. Ephesians 6:15; and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; The real battle that the world faces is the spiritual war we all face daily, soon this current battle will be over when the LORD returns and sets up His millennial Reign, but while we wait for His return we; (His saints) must wear the armor provided. There are two feet to be shod; on one foot is the gospel of peace with God that we all experience when we are born again in accordance with a personal relationship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The second foot is to be shod with the gospel of the peace of God that we all experience when we as saints walk in the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit who guides us in all truth. John 16:13-15 and 1 John 2:4-11. See also Romans 10:15 and Isaiah 52:7, there are many other passages that exhort us to walk in peace and truth, but I warn you; it is a peace that you must be willing to walk; since your shoes will not wear out. Matthew 16:24-28.

2 Peter

2 Peter 1:16 – Fabricate; to make up for the purpose to deceive, this is a powerful tool used by many. The nearest comparison I believe to this effort today is the pharmaceutical industry which promises a peaceful existence with the potential of committing suicide and a host of things that are worse than simply being depressed. Yes; the gospel of Jesus Christ carries NO deception. The gospel is made known the moment you believe the eye witness accounts of men like the apostle Peter, John and others. 1 John 1:1-4.

2 Peter 1:17-18 – We often talk about the joys of experiencing the power of God unto salvation. By the way it is the same joy that the apostles witnessed at the Mount of Transfiguration Matthew 17:1-13. Here is something to think about! Where does this joy of the saints of God come from? The Father is WELL PLEASED with the Son, thus this joy of the Father spills over into the hearts of all believers even to this day; such a joy we cannot fully comprehend to explain… it then is as the Word of God says! Joy inexpressible full of glory, 1 Peter 1:8

2 Peter 1:19-21 – A word of prophesy is not and never will be based on the doctrines of men who bend and twist the word to satisfy their own personal appetite and I say that many today do that. Only the revealed word of God as interpreted by literal understanding and spiritual guidance will cause the day of the LORD to come alive in your soul, then and only then will the morning star rise in your heart. It is interesting the use of light here in these passages. One light is a reference to a light that reveals pending judgment (light that shines in the darkness) while the other light is like a bright star that rises brighter and brighter as our new life in Christ grows. Such thoughts are too wonderful for me, yet I seek as I hope you do to; to know more about Jesus.

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Devotional Look the Book #502

A Devotional Look at the Book #502

by Jesse Abel

A Devotional Look at the Book #502

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

The idle and worldly mind is a back road journey to the camp of the down-trodden. However the highway of the upright is an expressway of good character and integrity. Proverbs 15:19


Our ship was Med-moored in Naples, Italy; it was around two in the morning and I was the duty master-at-arms (the ship’s duty policeman). I got up to make a trip to the bathroom and stumbled over a box in my pathway to the “head”; a Navy term for the bathroom. The box was a full case of cigarettes (40 cartons) or eight hundred cigarettes. Being sleepy it did not come to mind that this was trouble for me, but after returning to bed; I could not sleep as the case of cigarettes kept coming to mind. Then it hit like a bolt of lightening; Italy and cigarettes… someone was up to no good. I leaped out of bed and put on a pair of pants; running topside to the main deck I saw our ship’s store leading petty officer in a small boat with three cases of cigarettes heading for the harbor. The ship’s store leading petty officer was a good friend. He was eventually discharged from the Navy for his actions that early morning in Naples. Besides this man, there were two others who became involved; the quarterdeck watch and his messenger who purposely turned their back to the whole event. Here is the rub: The sailor in the small boat with a couple of Italians and the cigarettes was in a full dress uniform, the men on watch were all in full dress blues. The Naval vessel; a destroyer sat proud in her berth. Me; I was in a tee shirt, dungaree pants and barefoot. Character and integrity can be a cloak or disguise for the murderer and the thief. 2 Corinthians 11:5-15.

2 Peter

2 Peter 1:12 – We are drawing closer to chapter two; where the apostle will exhort each of us to be aware of destructive doctrines, the doom of false teachers, the depravity of false the teacher and their ability to deceive. But first a few more statements from the apostle as he exhorts us to be diligent; even as he approaches death to ensure that we remain established in the present Truth. This whole section; 2 Peter 1:5-15 is exhorting each of us to stand on the platform or foundation of FAITH. Not churchy faith, liberal or legalistic; but on the faith that belongs to Christ and is shared by all those who belong to HIM. Titus 1:4 and Hebrews 12:1-2.

2 Peter 1:13-14 – For many of us who because of age or some overshadowing terminal condition there is this urge to continue sharing the Living Word. I am not approaching old age; I am sitting here in the thick of it! And as long as God permits I intend to utilize His daily protection to keep reminding you and me about Jesus. The tent that the apostle refers to; as I am sure that you already know is his earthly body and he is basically saying that as long as there is ink in the well and as long as his fingers are capable of writing his goal will be to ensure that you hear the TRUTH.

2 Peter 1:15 – Do you hear the Truth these days? “Genuine faith involves three factors. The first: regeneration by the work of Jesus Christ (being born again) Second: The Holy Spirit who produces spiritually in each of us individually and the Third: Training in Righteousness 1 Peter 1:22-25. Take heed to passages of scripture that teach and exhort; then do as the apostle Paul exhorts in Philippians 4:8-9. Dissipation has creep into many churches under the cloak of reformation which seeks to move the church away from the truth of personal regeneration. 1 Peter 3:9.

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #501

A Devotional Look at the Book #501

by Jesse Abel

A Devotional Look at the Book #501

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Webster’s definition of polygamy: the practice of having more than one wife or husband at the same time. God’s definition of polygamy: SIN! Bob Newheart’s remedy: STOP IT!


Have you ever said out loud or in your heart? “I doubt that!” Here are just a few people in the Holy Bible who expressed uncertainty or doubt; Sarah, Abraham, Gideon, John the Baptizer and Thomas called Didymus. I would like to place our focus on the person Thomas and see what he is all about. Most of the Greek and Hebrew words for doubt are based on the premise of uncertainty or partial belief in a single subject or event. In John 20 we find our Risen Savior in a brief conversation with His disciple; Thomas. Here is the point; The Greek word Didymus cannot be translated as doubt. It can be translated “twin” or “double” so the question quickly pops up; where is Thomas’s twin? Since no one has produced a twin for Thomas in the history books many have said that Thomas had a double mind (doubt). Having a double mind is a bit stronger than the doubt of uncertainty. Two strongly opposing minds focused on one complete subject in one person. (Ever meet anyone like that?) Thomas called Didymus; John 20:24-29 this is not the conversion of Thomas, but it is the narrated event, record by the apostle John of Jesus our LORD removing the double mind of Thomas and replacing it with singleness of mind, heart and purpose in the Risen Savior. Religion and false teachers; try and tempt the double minded, while personal one on One communication with God provides all the wisdom needed to have singleness of mind in the Risen LORD. James 1:2-8

2 Peter

2 Peter 1:9-10 – The characteristics of fruitful and spiritual growth that we briefly looked at yesterday are most important for you and me as disciples of Jesus Christ. Each of these spiritual attributes provided are to give us an eternal identification as a child of God. Yes, it is a miracle that God has rescued us out of the domain of darkness and placed us into the kingdom of His Son; Colossians 1:13, but with the grace of every miracle comes the personal responsibility of spiritual growth.

Notice that the apostle places this responsibility on each of us personally. He does not place in on the church, a denomination or doctrinal teaching. Thus, it is the personal responsibility of every believer in Jesus Christ to not allow blindness, doubt or forgetfulness (James 1:21-27) to interfere with the initial cleansing of salvation. Doing so opens the door to legalistic, liberalism and reformation. All three of these views neutralize the power of God the Holy Spirit which confuses our godly calling and election. Be diligent, and then you will not stumble.

2 Peter 1:11 – Can you not see this or anticipate the entrance of heaven. You have taken spiritual growth seriously being diligent in every good work, feeling the virtuous power of the Holy Spirit at work in you; Mark 5:30; Luke 6:19 walking with the LORD. Gaining knowledge and experience in your spiritual gifts. Learning self-control and patience as God leads us to be more holy and godly. Being kind and tenderhearted to the saints and disciples around you and expressing agape (love). It is the entrance that we all seek and the words we want to hear. Matthew 25:23.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #500

A Devotional Look at the Book #500

by Jesse Abel

A Devotional Look at the Book #500

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Papa J’s rules for Livin #8: Think about it! Failure is learning what to do before success happens… so don’t give up!


The military has a language of its own and in using the Navy as an example; let’s look at a few words that are common to these men and women who wear these uniforms with pride. Bulkhead this is not a door outside leading to the basement; but a wall within the structure of the ship. Overhead this is not that bird flying over head, but it is the ceiling over your head. One last one: bight this is not the curve of land in the coast, as you stand on the beach for a view, but in naval jargon it is a loop in the mooring line. When ships dock; deck hands (sailors) will use the mooring lines to bring the ship to a safe docking position at the side of pier. To do this the mooring line is fastened to bollard on the pier and the cleat on the ship. (Whoops, two more words) The bight in naval language is when the rope is laying on deck and is looped in a circle. Someone standing in the circle is said to be standing in the bight, a very dangerous place to stand when a sudden movement of the ship will cause the rope to tighten. If someone is standing in the bight; life and limb is threatened. The stories of peg-legged sailors are not as glamorous as fighting with man eating whales and sharks, but more like a sailor ignoring the warning of standing with one foot in the bight and losing his leg up to the knee. Here is the rub: Satan disguises himself as an angel of light; 2 Corinthians 11:4-15. There is the light of the world; the light of religion and the Light of Christ; as we study this upcoming section of Second Peter, let us be prepared and alert for Satan is a roaring lion who uses deception to take a bight (bite if you will) out of your walk with the LORD.

2 Peter

2 Peter 1:5 – So now; for this very reason the apostle Peter encourages us to give diligence to our faith. Not diligent faith in a building or a favorite chair within the building. Nor is it a faith in one pastor of a church or four or five according to the numbers of need and ministries assigned within the church. This faith is not as common or collective as that. This faith that the apostle is referring to is; “personal faith” your faith and mine; or the “like precious faith” that is he refers to in 1 Peter 1:7. A faith that will be realized in praise, in honor and in glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ when He returns or when we go to be with Him in eternity.

2 Peter 1:5-7 – The attributes or characteristics of this faith are not the tangible things like the silver and gold ornaments found in religious paintings, statues, candelabras, chalices and other outward appearances of piety. No; not one of these artificial attributes or characteristics will make it through the trial of fire. The foundation of faith is already laid; which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11. You and I are responsible along with church leaders to build on this foundation; a faith that is rewarded. 1 Corinthians 3:12-17, but be careful of what you build.

Virtue; God’s standard of trust in His Spirit. Knowledge; God’s standard of knowing Him. Self-control; God’s standard of waiting on Him. Perseverance; God’s standard of enduring through trial and temptation. Godliness, brotherly kindness and love; God’s standard of peace with Him and peace with mankind; an expression of agape love. The daily work of every believer in Jesus Christ is to build his or her faith in these attributes, if we do this the Living Word of God clearly says that we will not be unfruitful or barren (useless) in the knowledge of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:8.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #499

A Devotional Look at the Book #499

by Jesse Abel

A Devotional Look at the Book #499

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Young folks believe that to enjoy life is to have everything in one place; older folks know this to be untrue since each day is a treasure hunt; for the car keys, glasses…. and teeth to finish that half eaten sandwich! Ecclesiastes 12:1-8


Who controls you? Is it you, or your neighbor? Maybe it is the government, or maybe a church! Is it money or the lack of money? Could it be a new movement or some old one like the town grange? We all seem to have something to pursue that distracts from being alert to plunder on a national scale. The distraction is so severe that it begins with us (you and me). Then those in our families follow in the distraction; which of course finds footing in our communities; in our local, state and national government. The process is slow, even pleasant at times taking many years to develop; like the lullaby song sung each night to babies to put them asleep. Even like the baby; we will be disturbed from time to time and in our wakeful moment we cry out our displeasure. It’s your fault God, or if we would just get rid of so and so (tar and feather that one and send him or her out of town). Or, let’s replace the government with some grass roots thinking, and then we hear… “lullaby and good night, with roses bedight; with lilies o’er spread on babies wee bed; lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed… lay thee down now may thy slumber be blessed”

I am reminded of a field; but first this. Proverbs 24:29; there is no matching lullaby to render to those who by purpose are putting us to sleep. Notice the rest of Proverbs 24:30-34. “I went by the field of the slothful and by the vineyard of the man devoid of understanding; and there it was, all overgrown with thorns; its surface was covered with nettles; its stone wall was broken down. When I saw it, I considered it well; I looked on it and received instruction: a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest; so SHALL your poverty will come like a prowler and your want like an armed man”.

God is not asleep… He sees what we do in our slumbering fitful sleep; He also sees what must be done to correct our national, local, family and personal short fall. God does rule over all nations and the little kingdoms within the nations. 2 Chronicles 7:14 and 20: 6. WAKE UP! Is His call to all of us; we have given ourselves over to mongrels that have eaten up our liberty and freedom. Our homeland is fast becoming the property of those vicious wolves and hounds that have been breeding for years for this very purpose. Turn and repent people and God will rescue us; it is a promise that He desires to make happen. Without His intervention; this country has NO HOPE!

James 4:7-10 – Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep (repent)! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the LORD, and HE will lift you up.

Why is this so hard for us to do? Maybe our necks are as hard as our hearts… nations of the past no longer exist because of this hardness condition. I have searched as best as I can and I see no future for this nation in any portion of the Living Word of God… so maybe THE TIME HAS COME; and I am just writing to the WIND?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #498

A Devotional Look at the Book #498

by Jesse Abel

A Devotional Look at the Book #498

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Life is not a performance; maybe this is why there are so many people out of work these days! It would be so much better if we would learn to put on Christ and make no provision for the flesh. Roman 13:11-14


See if you can guess what organization these prominent Christian leaders of a bygone era are speaking of? Josiah Strong: “No doubt; during no one-hundred years in the history of the world have there been saved so many thieves, gamblers, drunkards, and prostitutes as during the past quarter of a century through the historic faith of [this ministry]”. Charles H. Spurgeon: “if [this ministry] were wiped out in London, five thousand extra policemen could not fill its void in the repression of crime and disorder”. Booker T. Washington: “I have always had the greatest respect for the work of [this ministry] especially because I have noted that it draws no color line in religion”. Well have you come up with the name of this ministry? Does the name William Booth help (1829-1912) he and his wife Catherine founded and organized the Salvation Army. Today this ministry is found in 111 countries and continues to reach out to the neediest within these countries and they still present a clear gospel to those they come in contact with. This ministry is a difficult outreach and a word or two from our prominent Christian leaders today may be just the encouragement the ministry needs to carry on as a faithful witness. This reminds me that the apostle Paul and Barnabas were encouragers too. Acts 11:19-26 and Colossians 2:1-10

2 Peter

2 Peter 1:2 – Multiple grace and peace to you; it seems that we read these words often, thus becoming like water rolling off the ducks back and the duck does not even get wet! We by ignoring the power of the words become dull of the available blessing that the phrase contains. Let’s notice a similar statement by a man who was so touched by the God of Daniel that he had to tell everyone. Daniel 4:1… “Peace be multiplied to you” (Nebuchadnezzar’s decree to the known world) Daniel is an interesting book; I hope you have time to read it.

2 Peter 1:3-4 – I notice the same tone of voice here in this epistle as in his first; in 1 Peter 1:3-4. Wishing that we had the time and space to unpack all that is here. For example; if it were not for divine power, there would be no living hope. If there were no resurrection, then we would not have today all things to live a godly life because the Holy Spirit would not have been given as a partial inheritance. John 16:5-15

Our Father by His divine power has put everything in place for you and me to live in grace and peace with Him and by grace and peace to live in the world around us. Our inheritance is eternal and incorruptible; it is reserved in heaven with each of our names on it. All of God’s promises are ‘yea’ and ‘amen’ and we have escaped this world of corruption. Are you living in the light of God’s multiple grace and peace? If not; then you need to repent. Ezekiel 14:1-23 may help. Our outer garments of self righteousness may look good on us; but it is what we harbor in our hearts that become an abomination to our God and the LORD Jesus Christ.

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #497

A Devotional Look at the Book #497

by Jesse Abel

A Devotional Look at the Book #497

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Acts of love must be proven on the home front; before you take your act to the neighbor; or your gift to church Matthew 5:21-26


I think that the next epistle we will be looking at will be the Second Epistle of Peter although I have not confirmed this with the LORD in prayer as yet. I have thought about it a prayed a bit but still I am not sure since this epistle talks explicitly about false teachers; their doom, depravity and their deceptions. Which as I see this as a significant problem that the world will face as the Day of the LORD draws near. However, there is a portion of scripture in Second Peter that challenges my thoughts every time I read it and I thought I might say a word or two about this before we begin. But; beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the LORD one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. For me, I see this statement as one that neutralizes time from eternity. Time simply does not exist in eternity; therefore the apostle can say that God is not slack in His promise that the Day of the LORD is coming. Well, stepping to the side of the framework of this epistles’ main theme and applying this to our prayer and communication with God our Father, we ask God to answer our prayers based on a timeframe and not based on His eternal will. At church today we touched on this very thought that our prayers and communication with God ought to be based on the Will of God, rather than our own timely schedule. For example; Jesus did not come into our world of time to do His will, but the Will of His Father. John 5:24-30. All prayer to the Father is based on what we hear; what we judge worthy of prayer and usually based on what we believe to be righteous. However; we should have the same mindset of Jesus; to do the Will of the Father. We also touched on this same principle in Sunday school; to do the Will of Him who sends us as in being eternally minded with responsibility, rather than being time minded without eternal responsibility. John 6:34-40

2 Peter (Yes; I prayed about this epistle)

2 Peter 1:1 – The apostle Peter awaits martyrdom and as I become older I find myself waiting on the day ahead when this life in time will be over. There are some important points I believe for folks of any age to consider here in this epistle about physical death which can also be found in the Second Epistle of Timothy written by Paul as he too awaits physical martyrdom. Of course, we may not die and glorify God in this way, but we shall all die and that is my point.

We could say that the apostle Peter has a history of not fearing death. As you remember the arrest of Peter by Herod who intended to put Peter to death after the Passover as he did to James the brother of John earlier (Acts 12:1-19). You remember how he had to be awakened by the angel who was going to set him free that evening. We should have this same mind as it is found in Jesus Christ also. Hebrews 12:1-2. So what is the motivation for dying? It is the same as living; we have a heavenly hope; and there will be better resurrection. Hebrews 11:13-40.

All of which is based on the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, a faith of the same value as that of Jesus Christ. Now this is important and I know in time I have not understood this as I ought. Faith in God is not something that we muster up in the flesh and offer it to God as a sacrifice (Cain’s offering). The apostle Peter explains clearly that faith is precious (as of the same value as the faith of Jesus that pleases God the Father). Protect your gift of faith; you’ll be glad you did!

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #496

A Devotional Look at the Book #496

by Jesse Abel

A Devotional Look at the Book #496

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

God never calls the qualified. If He calls you and He does; you can count on it. He will qualify you to do things His way. Your way is laced with darkness. Psalm 119:105


We do like our brands do we not? Levi Jeans, Kellogg Corn Flakes, General Mills or Nike; somehow brand names feel better, look nicer and taste better; brands also identify us, like the emblem on a golfing shirt or those rivets in your jeans. Jesus Christ also understands the importance of identity and He has designed a particular look for each of us, John 13:34-35. With this love; we are branded as disciples and those around us will know that we are His.

Consider this event in the life of Harry Ironside a missionary in China. He was translating the New Testament into Chinese and employed the help of a Chinese Confucianist and a Chinese literary scholar; the work took a very long time and he got to know the men very well. After the work was complete Mr. Ironside said to the two of them; “Now I wish to ask you a question.” “Has not the beauty of these New Testament writings come alive and touched you and would you like to become a Christian?” The Confucianist replied; “Yes, Christianity does appeal to me. I think it presents a most wonderful system of ethics I have ever heard of. I believe that if I ever met a Christian, I might become more interested in becoming one myself.” “But” exclaimed the missionary! “I am a Christian!” “You?” replied the scholar. “You a Christian?” I hope you will not take offense, but I must tell you that I have observed you and listened to your conversations from the beginning. If we understand the New Testament, a Christian is one who follows Christ; and Jesus said; “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” You cannot be a Christian, for we have observed you talking in unkind ways and when the checks do not come from your homeland on time you become dreadfully fearful, yet the New Testament claims that God will supply all your needs. No you cannot be a Christian, but we would like to meet one, then we could become one too.” Pierced in his heart, Harry Ironside fell to his knees, he broke down and sobbed out a confession asking God to forgive him; and then he turned to the scholar and the Confucianist and asked them to forgive him of his selfish identity. A few days later the Confucianist remarked; “Well perhaps we have seen a Christian after all.”

1 Peter

1 Peter 5:12-14 – Considering His help, Silvanus; the apostle states that he has written briefly, exhorting and testifying that the words read are inspired and are the true grace of God and that all who are identified in Christ; stand in this grace. This is an awesome thought in that you and me along with all the men and women, who are in Christ or have ever been in Christ, stand in the same grace.

The apostle is also thoughtful to mention his wife and son, in that they send a greeting to us readers, this too is awesome; imagine being greeted and accepted by people who we will someday meet for the first time who welcomed us a couple of thousand years before. In sincerity; I find the thought of this exciting.

The kiss of love is not the one we see expressed on the cheeks of friends or relatives these days. The reason I say this is that those kisses do not contain the peace of Jesus Christ in most cases. Just ask Harry Ironside; if you could.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #495

A Devotional Look at the Book #495

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #495

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Want to break up a crowd of people? One police officer carries a monastic alb with a hood. In a secluded area he dons the alb over his uniform and then looking like a religious monk begins asking for donations. In most cases the crowd disburses within minutes!


Dawson Trotman founded the Navigators in 1934; his ministry today reaches out to many military men and women. At the age of 49 he wrote a little book titled, “Born to reproduce” His message was to reach one person at a time and truly this is still a popular approach to sharing Jesus Christ with others even today. Dawson gave his life rescuing a girl who was drowning in Schroon Lake. The girl survived but Dawson went home to the LORD that day on June 18, 1956. The person who spoke at Dawson’s memorial service said; “I think that Daws has personally touched more lives than any other in our time”. That man’s name is Billy Graham. In 1965 when I was an unbeliever, I was standing in a friends’ home in Oahu, Hawaii; my friend Tom was introducing me to his mom and dad who had come for a visit. Tom was a Sergeant in the Air Force and he was saved which I knew but did not understand. Tom’s father said; “excuse me Jesse but I need to watch the person on the television. His name is Billy Graham; I believe he is the last prophet this world will see before the return of the LORD”. I did not have a clue as to what he was talking about, but today if I could I would be able to rejoice with Tom and His father who are both gone home to the LORD. Here is the point… it is not the men and the women of our past, who certainly played major roles in bringing us to Christ. The point is that we all have the same ancestral roots. We have the same Father that Jesus has. 1 John 3:1-3

1 Peter

1 Peter 5:7-11 – One thing that I have had to do with this epistle; which is something I should be doing all of the time is re-reading portions that I have already made comment of. I am surprised at what is missed, so I have taken to promise myself to back read and forward read rather than going verse by verse. We seem to use this 1 Peter 5:7 passage as a catch all for all that we care about including aunt Suzie’s “Q”. But I think the verse is not that general.

As believers we suffer through a lot of sanctification that can raise major concern. You know; like God calls me a pilgrim and like the nation Israel my ancestors of faith are scattered all over this world. I wonder sometimes about them. God says too; that I have an inheritance, I wonder if it is gold, silver or wood and hay! God says I have a walk, a maturing walk with my Father, how am I doing? This walk consists of obedience to Him, to government, to my boss, to my spouse and on and on the apostle Peter points these things out as being a part of the whole in what he has entitled; Suffering for Christ.

Thus I am thinking that our aim should be like that of Peter, casting these cares on Him because these are the things He cares to develop in us as a crown of glory that does not fade away. Then he warns us to be self-controlled and watchful. That suffering for Christ is spiritual battle and Satan will attack when the guard is down. And since we are pilgrims these same things are happening to our other brothers and sisters all across the planet. These are the tears that God Himself protects because He cares for YOU! Even so; Come LORD Jesus!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #494

A Devotional Look at the Book #494

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #494

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Wisdom on earth can never overcome the Wisdom of God and collectively all of the wisdoms of the world contained in one entity faint at the revealed Wisdom of God. So why not simply trust Him individually and learn His revealed Wisdom? 1 Corinthians 2:1-16


There is the story of a little lady who was apparently bent over with age and arthritis. She often walked the streets near her house where she lived alone. Of course the streets took her to various places of need. You know the grocery, the bank and the post office. One day about a week before Christmas she was standing in a long line outside the post office. It was cold and windy and many of the line waiters were unaware of her, but one gentleman who was leaving the post office said; “Good morning, Martha, it is so cold here in line; why not go inside as I did and use the stamp machine to purchase your stamps?” “I know” said Martha, “but the machine won’t ask me about my arthritis! I’ll wait thank you.” Loneliness can be very cruel to us humans, in fact; the animal kingdom does not experience loneliness apart from what we humans force on our pets. We obtain a dog or a cat for companionship then go off to work and play while these pets set at home and wait patiently for our return. Well, I did not start this to talk about lonely pets; but lonely people. In the midst of a congregation; there are lonely people. Ask the LORD to point them out to you, as I am sure He will; then come alongside. Matthew 25:34-40.

1 Peter

1 Peter 5:5 – Young people! As an older person I look at the world around me and I see many young people; there are very few who submit to their elders. Many have placed a bobble head in plain view of their parents and elderly acquaintances that nods ‘yes’ continually while the heart is beating out the unseen ‘no’. Be careful young people, as you stand a slippery slope… some of you will be lost to the ministry of suffering for Christ and it need not be that way.

1 Peter 5:6 – Just as your prideful youth resists the authority of your parents and elders, so also will God resist you if you continue on the path of rejecting to be humble. Let me ask you; you expect your elders, parents and teachers to show humility in dealing with your young needs; should you not also be submissive to this same humility in submissive behavior to authority? To be humble is to have the ability to destroy the power of pride, which is a first step of experiencing the grace of God.

We all desire or seek popularity of some degree; we like to be heard, followed or treated in some special way. If we do this by selfish force, only those who fear your selfishness will follow you. This would not a large following unless you are a person with the characteristics of Hitler. Humbleness then is the path for everyone who confesses to God that their selfishness and prideful desires are nothing more than sin. Then when the time is right, God will exalt you. There is nothing better than to be promoted into ministry by Christ Himself; what is our subject? Is it not; Suffering for Christ?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #493

A Devotional Look at the Book #493

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #493

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

A missionary in retirement longs for the peaceful evenings in the villages, and with friends made during his years of service. Warm days and bubbling brooks remind his heart to ache. God reaches out to comfort. Now he is home. Look there the bubbling brook and here are some of his friends and Jesus! What can be better? Nothing at all!


Some through the waters, some through the flood, some through the fire, but all through the blood; some through great sorrow, but God gives a song, in the night season and all the day long. (From Isaiah 43:2) This song always brings tears strolling out of my eyes, but these are a strange kind of tear which may not be explainable since inside each tear drop are people whom I know. Some of these have past on to glory to be with the LORD; some live in darkness and do not know the LORD. Some are brothers and sisters who have lost their moms, dads, brothers, sisters and children… so my tears are not alone. I may on any given day mix my tears with your tears, or it may be just the other way around, you will mix your tears with mine. Here is the wonderful point. These tears are blessed and protected by God for everyone who uses these strange tears. How do I know these are blessed and protected by God? Isaiah 43:2 says so. The word in Isaiah 43:2 for burned is the Hebrew word kowba a protecting arched Helmet. Now in the light of that; read verses 2 again. Until all things are made new there will be tears; but God Himself will protect and bless your tears. And He will wipe them all away in His New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:1-7. I like to spell it… Jer-USA-lem! In the meantime, be patient as your reward is being protected by God Himself.

1 Peter

1 Peter 5:3 – Sometimes we miss the not so obvious; words like entrusted and examples. Maybe it is because we like to zero in on the obvious. Hopefully there will always be authority in the church and hopefully these men know that their position is ordained by God and not by a pulpit committee or some other man made effort that creates liberal lords and legalistic task masters.

1 Peter 5:4 – The results of all man made efforts to appoint an elder or pastor and teacher for the flock of God is destined to fall short of what Jesus intends for shepherding His flock. Notice Ephesians 4:11 concerning four spiritual careers. Apostles, evangelists, prophets and pastors/teachers; all of these are appointed by Jesus Himself. This is how the verse begins – “and He Himself gave some”

The Living Word of God is correct and many religions, denominations and false movements will not show up for the crown of glory. Why? Because the Chief Shepherd of the flock will personally know those whom He appointed to accept the call to be a witness of the sufferings of Christ. Christ suffered among His flock as He ministered in ministry before going to the cross. He suffered watching people sin against Him; He suffered their stories of illness, doubt and fear. He suffered their circumstances of life that left them empty and broken. The crown of glory is for those He called to suffer as He did, and He alone equips them for this work. Ephesians 4:12