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Friday, July 1, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #491

A Devotional Look at the Book #491

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #491

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

“A man is about as big as the things that make him angry” Winston Churchill. “A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult” God the Holy Spirit in Proverbs 12:16 (NIV)


I sometimes feel as if I am on a schedule and that I am always a little behind. It is like racing down through the corridor of time only to find that time is always one or two steps ahead of me. This I believe has a lot to do with my mental attitude, of course; I know I am not alone in this so I thought I might say something today about the need to slow down and enjoy this beginning weekend holiday. Independence Day in 1776, the birth of a nation and with all that entails this God ordained event we Americans have enjoyed a freedom and liberty that most all nations of the world envy; even today in our hour of darkness. We have crime, abortion and immoral waves of sin. We as a nation have lost our way; we are a step or two behind freedom; behind our national heritage of raising children and behind a strong moral standard. Our streets are littered with the evidence of a decadent society that has given itself over to a socialism that feeds most of us with molding bread and contaminated water. Yet we will make a noise this weekend; not in rebellion against our failing economy as we ought, but a noise of agreeing with our national condition. OUR national flag… “Old Glory” hangs limp in the shame of the stolen blood of our unborn heritage; when it once hung proudly in the purchased blood of the brave. Make no mistake! We are a bit behind freedom’s schedule… But God who gave us our nation is ON TIME and you just may be around for His soon arriving judgment. Lamentations 1:1-2

1 Peter

1 Peter 4:15 – We as saints of God through the Blood of Christ our LORD are not exempt from living in the world and there is no guarantee that we will live apart from the circumstances of crime that is all around us. However, under the power and direction of God the Holy Spirit we are commanded by the apostle Peter to avoid being a murderer, a thief, and evildoer or a person who meddles in the affairs of others. “Oh! I would never do that; I am a Christian!”

1 Peter 4:16-18 – If the statement; “Oh! I would never do that; I am a Christian” were true then verses 16 through 18 would not be necessary. In the name of God; “which is said in small letters these days” it is past time to let judgment come first to the household of God since most of the religious effort in this land does not obey the gospel of God. I really do not want to discuss all of the ecumenical nonsense of liberal or legalistic beliefs. Why? Because it is these various bents on theology that promote the very things identified in 1 Peter 4:16 or Romans 1:18-32. So… my personal evaluation of this is that even the most saintly of us get to heaven by GRACE so just what does this say about the ungodly when they stand before the judgment seat of God?

1 Peter 4:19 – So let none of us who name the name which 1 Peter 1:16 says for those of us who bear His Name (NIV) suffer in accordance with the crimes of the world. But let us be willing to suffer according to the will of God. This means that we are to commit our souls to God… have you done this? We willingly dedicate our children to God at birth; so if you are born again then in a similar manner you have dedicated your soul to the grace of gospel of God; therefore live in this to God who is faithful.

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