A Devotional Look at the Book #498
by Jesse Abel
A Devotional Look at the Book #498
A Thought for today by Papa “J”
Life is not a performance; maybe this is why there are so many people out of work these days! It would be so much better if we would learn to put on Christ and make no provision for the flesh. Roman 13:11-14
See if you can guess what organization these prominent Christian leaders of a bygone era are speaking of? Josiah Strong: “No doubt; during no one-hundred years in the history of the world have there been saved so many thieves, gamblers, drunkards, and prostitutes as during the past quarter of a century through the historic faith of [this ministry]”. Charles H. Spurgeon: “if [this ministry] were wiped out in London, five thousand extra policemen could not fill its void in the repression of crime and disorder”. Booker T. Washington: “I have always had the greatest respect for the work of [this ministry] especially because I have noted that it draws no color line in religion”. Well have you come up with the name of this ministry? Does the name William Booth help (1829-1912) he and his wife Catherine founded and organized the Salvation Army. Today this ministry is found in 111 countries and continues to reach out to the neediest within these countries and they still present a clear gospel to those they come in contact with. This ministry is a difficult outreach and a word or two from our prominent Christian leaders today may be just the encouragement the ministry needs to carry on as a faithful witness. This reminds me that the apostle Paul and Barnabas were encouragers too. Acts 11:19-26 and Colossians 2:1-10
2 Peter
2 Peter 1:2 – Multiple grace and peace to you; it seems that we read these words often, thus becoming like water rolling off the ducks back and the duck does not even get wet! We by ignoring the power of the words become dull of the available blessing that the phrase contains. Let’s notice a similar statement by a man who was so touched by the God of Daniel that he had to tell everyone. Daniel 4:1… “Peace be multiplied to you” (Nebuchadnezzar’s decree to the known world) Daniel is an interesting book; I hope you have time to read it.
2 Peter 1:3-4 – I notice the same tone of voice here in this epistle as in his first; in 1 Peter 1:3-4. Wishing that we had the time and space to unpack all that is here. For example; if it were not for divine power, there would be no living hope. If there were no resurrection, then we would not have today all things to live a godly life because the Holy Spirit would not have been given as a partial inheritance. John 16:5-15
Our Father by His divine power has put everything in place for you and me to live in grace and peace with Him and by grace and peace to live in the world around us. Our inheritance is eternal and incorruptible; it is reserved in heaven with each of our names on it. All of God’s promises are ‘yea’ and ‘amen’ and we have escaped this world of corruption. Are you living in the light of God’s multiple grace and peace? If not; then you need to repent. Ezekiel 14:1-23 may help. Our outer garments of self righteousness may look good on us; but it is what we harbor in our hearts that become an abomination to our God and the LORD Jesus Christ.
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