A Devotional Look at the Book #516
by Jesse Abel
A Thought for today by Papa “J”
I have trouble with people who are unreasonable, illogical, self-willed and self-centered. But then I noticed that I was standing in front of the mirror! James 1:21-27
If you have ever been a firefighter or known one, then you have heard the term; bunker gear. This is the protective clothing that firefighters wear when they enter the dangerous fires that destroy homes and cause death. The weight of this gear and the air tank is nearly fifty pounds of extra weight; so when climbing ladders in an emergency, the weight and anxiety can be immediately exhaustive. How then does the firefighter accomplish his or her task? By trusting in the clothing and gear; believing in the training and having faith in the other firefighters around them. Biblical faith has the same attributes; the only difference is that biblical faith is spiritually stronger as God the Holy Spirit indwells each born again believer. For example; stepping into a fiery furnace will cause the firefighters air tank to heat up and breathing hot air is heavy and unpleasant. Then when attacking the main source of the fire your helmet shield begins to darken and melt and the sound of the fire is like a roaring lion. You want to run, but you stay… most likely praying for that familiar pat on the back to retreat to a cooler part of the building. The scene safety officer orders everyone out of the building and the outside crew is already knocking the fire down from all sides with water. Here is the point! As believers in Christ our LORD we are given; if you will, “bunker gear” to fight fiery battles. Daniel 3:19-25. Most of us do not put this gear on as commanded by God and we become casualties rather than the faithful, trusting and believing fighters that God intends us to be. Ephesians 6:10-18, many churches today have a lukewarm theology regarding Satan and his fallen army of murderers, liars and deceivers. We need to repent from this sort of theology and put on the LORD Jesus Christ; who was the fourth Person in Daniel 3; and make no provision for the flesh. Romans 13:11-14.
2 Peter
2 Peter 3:14-18 – I hope you have enjoyed as I have travelling through the epistles of the apostle Peter. We all can identify with this man of God in some ways. We sin as he did, we cry as he did, we love the LORD as he did and of course we die as he did. In Christ as a martyr or in God’s time of calling us home we children of God have this good thing in common that we are pressing forward as he did. Being diligence and blameless, knowing that the longsuffering of God toward us is salvation justification, sanctification and glorification; the fullness of Christ in us. Ephesians 3:14-21.
I like also what Peter has to say about Paul as in the course of their ministries had some issues differing in theology, but not in the gospel. I think as children of God we can get so bound up in our thinking that; “Hey! It is my way or the highway”. There is but one gospel and the Oneness of this gospel is very evident in the lives of these two men throughout the New Testament as is their differences to the Jew first and also to the gentile. Those who fail to see this truth working in the harmony of the death and resurrection of Christ twist the gospel and their teaching; we need to avoid such men because their destruction is sure.
Knowing these things we are challenged and charged by Peter to be steadfast and beware; we are warned to avoid the error of these wicked men and their teachings. We are also commanded by the apostle to grow in the grace and knowledge of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him is the glory both now in time and eternity too. Amen. Matthew 6:8-14.
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