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Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Devotional Look at the Book #520

A Devotional Look at the Book #520

by Jesse Abel

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Stewardship can be defined as someone in charge of a large estate, or a group of managers who handle the affairs of an organization. If you give it some thought… discernment of current events also requires the sober mind of a good steward. Matthew 24:45-51


Most all of the submarine sailors I know enjoy going along with ship where ever it goes. On the surface, under the surface, running at top speed or just poking along through the water. Diving, surfacing, leaving or entering port; in all of these evolutions you will not find anyone who wants to get out of the boat. No; everyone seems quite comfortable being safe and secure inside the watertight bubble. This does not say that you will not hear complaining, since everyone I know; including me, complains at one time or another. But here is the point! All of the men on board the submarine are enclosed, protected and moving in a self contained vehicle of one, and each member of the ship is doing their part. You could say that they are enjoying a spirit of oneness (esprit de corps; the common spirit existing in the members of a group) sort of a vessel of life. Place another submarine in the water and change the nationality; this vessel is too characterized by esprit de corps, but this does not mean that these two vessels can operate safely together since one spirit in common in one group will not be the same in the other. Now this is how I understand the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; these two vessels of life; one of good and one of evil are at war with one another. The Good vessel of life seeks to rescue the perishing by placing those rescued in a separate Vessel (Tree of Life); while the other seeks to war, to murder, to steal and to destroy everyone in the evil vessel. Genesis 3:1-24 and Romans 5:1-21. An analogy is problematic in that while it may agree on some points; it will disagree with other points and this is especially true when it comes to the Word of the Living God. But for me it is these things that I have understanding of that helps me see God at work in the world. I hope it helps you too.

Ezra; the Book

Ezra 1:5 – It is time to take inventory? Should we be looking for conservative people; a tea party or a left or right winger? Maybe we should look for a group of supermen or superwomen to snatch back our country tis of thee! Maybe the answer to America’s problems are to invest borrowed money in new movies like those being produced these days that entertain folks that the coming “end times” is nothing more than a mere bump in the future road to a human utopia.

Yes; it is time to take inventory; but not of any of the above since these are mere band aids covering the puss filled sores of the evil pursuits of men and women who are in positions of authority in our land of the free; our HOMELAND. We have a need to call out to the fathers of this land who are standing on the Promises of God. Who are willing to be moved by the Spirit of God to HEAL THIS LAND! I just what to point out something because many will say; “Oh! This is for the Jews; this Old Testament stuff. Well! Howbeit simple to me that I find this nation in this Jerusalem settings… notice this! Jer-USA-lem.

Ezra 1:6 – So let us be of one mind and begin to encourage one another to stand up as the founding fathers did over two hundred year ago. Let us encourage one another by speaking truth to one another and meeting the needs of another. It will not be long until all we have left to give our goods and livestock, since our money; even a wheelbarrow full is about worthless. You know; sort of like the Egyptians during the famine. Genesis 47:13-26. But be careful if you use your prize wheelbarrow to haul your money around in. Someone may dump the money and steel your wheelbarrow.

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