by Jesse Abel
What Papa “J” has to say! #39
Have you given it much thought? The issue of sin has been dealt with… Jesus died for our sin; all of it: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and He has risen, indeed! Luke 24:34 this is wisdom and understanding that will deliver you from prevailing evil. Proverbs 2:11-22
The Devotional
October 1, 2007 or four years and three months ago I began saving the daily devotionals. It all began in July of that year as a small study lesson for our church group which met on Wednesday evenings. By October, I was aware that people were interested in short stories and biblical truths found within those events. Not knowing how to get started; I asked the staff of Turning Point if I could add a few comments to Dr. David Jeremiah’s daily devotional and send these attachments and his devotional to people within my little circle of friends; they agreed and this is how it all began. Changes have occurred almost every year and it seems time for another change. Mostly the past changes were not major since it is hard to change something that seems to work well. You know the saying; “If it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it”! So, over the course of this month I would like to hear from you folks of what changes you might like to see and please don’t be bashful. It may take half of the year to get off the ground with this, but if the LORD tarries and if it is His Will then it will benefit all of us.
Ecclesiastes 7
Ecclesiastes 7:15-18 – I do not recommend this, nor does Solomon; yet he says that he has observed “all things” during his days of vanity. The thrust of this verse carries a lot of thought, purpose and need in the life of God’s people in general. For example; how does a young person who accepts the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ at an early age observe all of the things of life, without stepping into the mire of vanity for a season of time?
Solomon has a purpose in saying also; “don’t be overly righteous or overly wise and also do not be overly wicked or foolish since the extremes of these characteristics promote a premature death in some cases and a prolonged death in other circumstances. We are often critical of the vanity of Solomon and are found being less critical for those children and others within a church family that are walking in vanity. The point is that Solomon says… do not think lightly of this matter, grasp hold of it and hold on tightly. Go ahead… ask the question! Why?
The answer: “A person may step into a pile of vanity from time to time, or even for a season of time, but note that he or she who fears the LORD will come forth as Solomon did and be delivered from the early or prolonged grave of legalism and liberalism. I have a friend in a church nearby who was saved at the age of four, he tells me that he has never had a beer or smoked a cigarette and that he strongly envies people who have. This envy has wrecked his ability to relate to people; even his marriage struggles. Jesus came that we should have abundant life; yet some of His children are afraid to use the talent given to them. Matthew 25:14-30.
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