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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #764

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”

Is it not the root of the problem? The radio, the lights and in some cases the television; all on! Distractions to make a person feel safe; yet these are the very things that cause unrest in the soul. Our sleep is the sweetest when safety is placed in the hands of the LORD and His confidence will be your own, He will keep your foot from being caught! Proverbs 3:23-26 and Psalm 119-105-112

Good Morning

Yesterday we briefly looked at regeneration from the Book of Genesis in conditions before the fall of mankind, but there is something to mention about the perfectly created beginning. Everything in the Creation Account is made perfect after its own kind. A rock does not become a god or produce another rock, yet a bird has no desire to become a god, but does reproduce another bird after its own kind. Thus, regeneration is limited to a God created statute for each created being or thing and cannot be altered; not altered, but it can be broken.

This can be a detailed study, no doubt some of us would be interested but I think it better for all of us if I moved on. God created humankind after His own image. Genesis 1:26, so initially we were created to have dominion over creation in the image of our Unchanging God. The account of the fall of mankind changed all of that, and earlier this morning I had laid all of this out on a couple of pages, but it is just too much spiritual meat for those of us who are still being weaned on the milk of the Word.

Looking at our condition now from Genesis 5:1-3; after the fall of Adam we have a genealogy, note the change. “In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. He blessed them and made them male and female and called them Mankind in that day, note the capitalized word referring to the image and likeness of God. Now notice verse 3, everyone born after the fall was born in the image and likeness of Adam. Now for the first time regeneration for mankind is not only required physically but it is also required Spiritually too.

John 3:10-21 is the discourse of Jesus to demonstrate the love of God that brings salvation (regeneration) to who so ever will believe the testimony that God sent His Son into the world to restore mankind, to the intended Mankind originally supported by God in the Creation of the heavens and the earth. The Deeds of Regeneration in the heart of Mankind prove that this is accomplished by God who is personally involved with those who believe, while the deeds of those who do not believe produce death, for in Adam all die. Romans 5:12-21

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #763

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”
Every created object is the performance of the Wisdom of God. Every challenge to HIS Handiwork comes from the unstable wisdom of man whose eyes are darkened by deception. Keep sound wisdom in view and discretion will return to your life and peace will prevail in your soul. Proverbs 3:19-23 and 1 Corinthians 2:6-10

Good Morning

Jesus in verse eleven here in the third chapter of John’s gospel continues to give testimony of what it means to be born from above (regenerated) so let me take this time to explain what I understand about biblical regeneration which is I suppose is a technical word that has the power to reconnect fallen mankind with our Holy Creator. For this we need to take a journey away from John Chapter three to the wonderful book of Moses called Genesis.

Located in this Book are all of the doctrines (Truths) about our God. Whatever is being said from the mouth of all preachers, teachers, scribes and religious digits (symbols) throughout the world must find solid foundation in the Book of Genesis, if not then what is being said should be dismissed as false.

Creation is the most exciting even in the history of the universe, the event is so exciting that the Holy Spirit can hardly contain Himself to tell this story over and over and over again, in fact every new day is a regeneration of creation, yet most of us do not even think in these daily spiritual terms. So before we get to Genesis we must stop at the Book of Proverbs 8:22-36. Some might argue that Solomon is speaking of wisdom only in this chapter and I would simply say that without the Holy Spirit’s involvement here the Wisdom of Creation could not be told. John 16:13-15.

Okay, now to Genesis; any person with a little bit of biblical knowledge knows that God took six literal days to Create everything that is created and that on the seventh day He rested. God took account of all that He had done in six literal days and said the completed work was very good (perfect). Since the beginning of Creation, the seven day cycle has never been successfully challenged. As diversified and complex as the thoughts of God and Creation are; we humans can only justify… ONE GOD and HIS ONE CREATION; all else is FALSE.

In the context of Genesis 1:1-31 and Genesis 2:1-3 we see our One God revealing to One His Creation the Three distinct Persons of the Godhead that identify Him as the One and only Creator. God who IS: Who surveyed the existence of nothing; God the Spirit who OBSERVES: an earth without form, a vision if you will but void of detail of anything but the reflection of much water, God who SPOKE: the first day into existence.

The physical manifestation of God is the Person Jesus Christ, without Him nothing would have been created. Colossians 1:9-18 explains the preeminence of Christ. The apostle John identifies the Living Word of God as the LORD Jesus Christ. John 1:1-4; 14-18 and 1 John 1:1-4. Joy, joy, more joy! This little observation, at least for me and I hope for you as well is producing an abundance of joy in my heart.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #762

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”

Do you have favorite things in your personal life that few others know about? If you are honest with yourself the answer is emphatically yes and the effect of this burden is not good since no doubt it is sin. The wisdom of Proverbs 3:13-18 is the antidote.

Good Morning

John 3:1-36 – For some of us these passages are very familiar and yet I have never found the Living Word of God boring, I pray that this is true for all of us, even for those who like Nicodemus say things like; “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born? His questions to Jesus are not as dumb as one might conclude.

We do a lot of things in life from an unprepared platform as in when someone makes a statement our reply needs to be correct and not a response from emotion or a lack of subject matter. Nicodemus is prepared to stump the words of Jesus or at least catch him in a lie. Notice with me that the LORD Jesus is fully prepared with His answer to Nicodemus, answers that stump Nicodemus. Notice his reply in John 3:9.

Physical birth begins in the womb filled with water where the baby grows full term. Now I do not know all of the physical attributes of giving birth, but I do know that a seed is planted and life begins at conception. I believe that when Jesus explains to Nicodemus that one must be born of water that He is referring to this physical process of giving life, procreation. By the way all of us go through this process; if hatched we would not be reading or writing, but we might be flying or crawling in the dirt.

Interestingly Jesus does not stop with the explanation of physical birth; He goes on to talk about another birth; Spiritual or Spirit birth. This is the second birth which is called by Bible teachers; Regeneration. Jesus then is explaining to Nicodemus that he must be born physically and that he must be regenerated (born) Spiritually. Please note; Nicodemus is at a loss now for words; in all of his religious upbringing he has never heard such a thing and folks so it is with every religion in the world today. No one hears from the so-called religious leaders of churches all across the world… YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN; or SPIRITUALLY REGENERATED.

Now this basic statement of Jesus to Nicodemus in Verse 10 agrees with my statement above; “you are a teacher of Israel, and do not know these things”? Jesus continues; “we speak what we know, and know these things to be true, thus we testify what we have seen and experienced, but many do not receive our witness of this Spiritual Truth. Jesus moves from religion to a personal knowledge of this witness in the regenerated soul of every one who receives this truth. See you Monday!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #761

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”

If one were to ask for a definition of the word “discipline” it would be humanly wise to go to the dictionary where words like control, training and molding are used to describe the effort. All of the descriptive words give insight; but there is one important word missing. God disciplines through LOVE and fathers who love God do the same. Proverbs 3:11 and Ephesians 6:1-3.

Good Morning

The previous days were to build a platform for beginning today to talk about what it means to be biblically “justified” in the sight of God. Justification is the most important topic of the Holy Bible and we would all do well to study the subject and not just take my words as the good news. The Living Word of God which is the Holy Bible states clearly that a person in order to be justified must be; “born again” or as the literal Greek rendering is: “born from above”.

The best description of how to be justified is found in gospel of John chapter 3 so we will go there and see what God has to say on the subject; but first a little background on the worlds religious view of justification. Religious leaders, denominational and independent religions fall into the same category of a certain man that came to Jesus. His name was Nicodemus and like him these religions believe in justification by good works. You understanding is that if you are good and do good works, God will open the gates of heaven and let you in.

Jesus on the other hand has a different message and Nicodemus knows this, however and because of his fear of being exposed to his Jewish friends and clergy contemporaries, he visits Jesus at night time to see exactly what it is that Jesus is saying about the matter of being justified by God and enter into an eternal relationship with Him.(By the way, this is going to take several days to get through so hang in there)

Another side note: Someone I listened to in time past said that we must learn to give the good news of justification to someone, which if you were on an elevator that you could give ample information to the person in less than 30 seconds, the time between two floors. Well I do know that God can use whatever we say because His Word does not return to Him without accomplishing His purpose, but I come from the South and it takes me longer than 30 seconds just to open my mouth with; “Hi yawl”
Well, back to the context: Nicodemus calls Jesus “Rabbi” or as we would understand “Teacher”.

Nicodemus is a leader, a Pharisee and a ruler, he too can be called a teacher or Rabbi, some have argued that Nicodemus called Jesus Rabbi in a sarcastic tone of voice using Greek grammar to prove their point, yet I do not see this, but I do see skepticism and anyone who is unbelieving on any subject would be a skeptic. Pointedly he says to Jesus; “You are a teacher from God for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him”. John 3:2. This is a strong challenge for Jesus to prove Himself to Nicodemus.

Now here is an important point: “Jesus does not change the subject as some have said” Jesus clearly explains to Nicodemus that in order to understand what Jesus is doing presently in His Ministry to the Jewish Nation that person must be born from above to see the kingdom of God. In other words to see Jesus is to see the kingdom God through the regenerated eyes from above.

The one thing that is easily forgotten when using this text of scripture is that this period of time is still in the dispensation of the Jew, the church age has not yet begun, or to more readily see this we could look at Romans 1:16-17. The Good News of Justification by faith came to the Jew first (but as a nation, rejected) and then came to the Gentile, so the message that Jesus is giving to Nicodemus is that if Nick really wants to see the kingdom of God… he must first be willing to look face to face at Jesus.

More, more about Jesus… more, more about Jesus! More of His saving fullness see; more of His love who died for me. A hymn of Eliza Hewitt (1851-1920)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #760

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”

There are only two sets of eyes in the world around us; the one set is conceded and above the law and above all that it views. The other filters everything seen through the majesty of God’s love and departs from the intentions of all evil. Proverbs 3:7 and Jeremiah 17:9-10.

Good Morning

Now this will sound a bit farfetched, the fact is that it happened so long ago that I have forgotten a bit of the detail. One morning when less than a teenager I was walking with my dad on the way back from a long walk on the beach in Florida: we had walked the beach but we were returning home on the sidewalk next to a busy road. Someone crashed into a telephone pole behind us.

As my dad tells the story, that after all of the commotion subsided he began looking for me but I was nowhere to be found and that he thought that I had ran home. (No doubt this would have been the normal thing for me to do as a fear stricken soul. You know, run to safety and be saved from a potential danger). Not finding me, my dad decided to leave and go home too, however he heard me say. “Get me down from this roof” and according to his story there I sat at the pinnacle.

I honestly do not remember if I was on a roof, but there was a small “A” framed overhang in front of an entryway of which I supposedly climbed up and then needed help getting off of. Now what has this to do with “Justification”? There are some things that this story brings out that will help.

The accident is not the subject, just the vehicle that engages the story. The subject of the story is that there is some truth and some fiction. I distinctly remember the walk with my dad and the accident, but I do not remember what might be nothing more than a fabricated story that my dad was always at his best doing.

The world around you and me is full of fabricated truth; yet for those of us who have come to know that the Truth of God which is found in Jesus Christ is not a fabrication of facts; we see and understand that the detail of His Life, His Death and His Resurrection is vividly true and trusted.

No matter whom I am with or whatever it is that I am doing, The Resurrected Christ is there, I know this simply because it is etched in my soul. All other events and things in life are partly true and partly false (a platform of unstable fact and fiction cascading from the mouths of people). Thus I am not like Pilot who said to Jesus; “What is Truth”? John 18:38, I know that Jesus is the Truth… John 14:1-6.

Also, fabricated stories, partly true and partly false are always explainable, but hardly ever fully believed, soon the story itself fades away into the archives of the mind and if resurfaced, one could readily dismiss the event as nothing important enough to build a religion on.

We will continue with this again tomorrow, but in the meantime and if you have the time; please read this story of God about His Son Jesus. John 19:1-42 and John 20:1-31. This may take some time to read, but it is a better read than anything you have recently read and this ONE is true and written with you in mind because God loves you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #759

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”
When we put our heart into the matter at hand, we usually become very good at determining a good outcome. Thus trusting in personal ability surges to the peak of performance! Stop now and think about it; what if we placed that same confidence in the LORD? Proverbs 3:5-6 says that God’s direction is smoother still… His path is better.

Good Morning

After a summer shower, after the thunder and lightning subsides and all is normal again, the peace that follows seems to exceed our understanding. Yes we just had one of those showers pass by this morning. It is quiet and peaceful now; even the birds of the air are still. Maybe all of our local creation is waiting to see if the final boom of the thunder has passed. There is no rustling of the leaves, no rain and even our two dogs have returned to their normally calm personalities.

There is ample biblical evidence that God who created the heavens and the earth and all of the weather patterns on the earth uses the elements of His creation to draw people to be aware of His close presence to us twenty-four/seven. The question: personally is… do we believe that He is that close? Well there is a verse or two in the Holy Word of God that says, yes God is that close; for example: Acts 17:27 is one verse but the context surrounding that verse reveals the miss understanding of the unbelieving world and not just the area of Mars Hill in Athens, Greece. Acts 17:16-34.

Also there is another verse, one that our pastor just used this past Sunday that brings another thought about God that much of the world refuses to believe. Psalm 139:17-18 provides ample evidence that God is personally interested in YOU! Yep! I just wrote that personal pronoun that identifies… you. Go ahead say it isn’t so; or you can be like that silent movie actor who said when the silent movies became vocal “another fine mess you got me into… Ollie”. Of course you have to be old to remember – Laurel and Hardy. What I mean is we actually know that God is close at hand since we always blame Him when something goes wrong.

So we live by personal choice to disbelieve in a Personal Creator and this is so very wrong. God loves YOU. Now get this! God does not love you through the filtered eyes of your personal understanding of love. He loves you clearly; without spot or wrinkle, you see when Jesus died and rose from the grave, He died for all the sin of the entire world and He had your sin and my sin in mind, thus all sin is accounted and paid for by Jesus’s death and resurrection. This is biblically called justification and I will be spending some time to talk to us about this wonderful Truth in the days to come.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #758

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”
Two pillars support the archway of a stable person’s heart. The first one is MERCY and the second is TRUTH. Just as the neck supports the head, these characteristics will support one’s integrity; not only in our daily dealings with man, but also in our daily walk of faith in God. Proverbs 3:3 and Acts 24:16

Good Morning

A pass down log is a current events ledger used by the military and other agencies to provide accurate information to the oncoming guard or control room. In a pass down log a person should find all of the mechanical and operational information that has transpired during the period covered by the previous administering guard or watch. If a person needed to look back over a period of time, like a month, year or a longer standing event, that person by just knowing a date could read the events of times past and be ready to give an accurate account of that day in history.

In the Library of Congress and in many libraries all across this nation one can find many pass down logs of the events of this nation. Both military and civilian scribes have penned their way through every event, the unique thing about and the men and women who have written is that; not one of these men or women have been able to write about an event… before it happened. NO, NOT ONE!
Two significant truths about God’s Pass Down Log:

1. God commands; “Remember this, and show yourselves men; Recall to mind, O you transgressors. Remember the former things of old, For I am God and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done. Saying, My counsel shall stand. And I will do my pleasure. Isaiah 46:8-10

2. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants – things which must shortly take place. And he sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John. Please read, Revelation 1:1-8

God has a very unique Pass Down Log. All of the events; pass, present and future are recorded and proved to mankind who lives each event in absolute accuracy, the world does this and calls God a liar and without going into a great debate, God simply says that if you doubt the wisdom and fore knowledge of God then it is simple. You are a SINNER full of idolatry… for the Jew first and also the gentile Isaiah 46:1-13 and 1 John 1:5-10.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #757

by Jesse Abel
The Devotional – A look at the Book #757

A Word from Papa “J”

Have you ever forgotten where you placed your glasses? That is of course if you wear glasses; sunglasses are especially easy to lose; most times these are found on the top of the head. The Word of God is usually close at hand, but in the heat of any needed moment, misplaced too. Head knowledge of Proverbs 3:1-2 is no good, put His Word in your heart.

Good Morning

Have you thumped on a watermelon or pushed on the end of a cantaloupe for ripeness and freshness. Some folks spend several minutes thumping, pressing and inspecting a piece of fruit. Finally when found the perfect one is placed in the basket and off they go. By the time a dozen or so customers do this; all of the unripe fruit feel ripe and the whole lot is sold without a struggle. By the way, I hope you wash off your purchased fruit before eating it! (No extra charge for this warning).

There is a lot on talk these days about apostasy in the churches: One of the methods current today is to reinvent Christianity and running close on the heels of this is a pastor’s ability to compromise Truth. The church of Jesus Christ is being thumped and pushed by every human thought, every technological tool and every worldly expression known to mankind at this present time in the churches < 2,000 year history.

In other words the Church of Jesus Christ, especially here in the United States of America is ripe for every kind of false teaching and this nonsense is showing up in contemporary Christian music. Also café type churches where one can have a bagel and cream cheese with coffee while listening to a watered down Sermon on the Mount. I am not light hearted about this; in fact the knowledge of this brings tears of sadness and grief to my heart.

Can anyone tell me that while spreading the cream cheese that one can take notes or read a bit of scripture? You may well say that neither of the above is necessary for lay people, well guess what? There is no such term used in the Holy Word of God as lay people; God’s children are disciples and saints who study the Word of God, just like those in Berea, Acts 17:10-15.

Jesus Christ is the Vine and His Father is the Vinedresser. If a so-called Christian is not abiding in Christ in accordance with Biblical mandates and doctrinal guidelines, then that so-called Christian is not being protected as John 15:1-8 describes. In other words; it is Jesus Christ and His Father who test the fruit of the vine; who presses and lifts up to prune our walk in faith. A reformed church cannot do what Jesus has already done. John 12:32.

The sweetest Name I know is Jesus, like the song we seldom hear today. “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; There’s just something about that name! Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain; Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all heaven and earth proclaim; kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but there’s something about that NAME”.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #756

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”

Many have thought themselves to be wise by viewing life from the bottom up, but like a good song director who instructs; “you tenors and baritones need to get on top of the note” it is likewise better to view life from the top down for this is practical wisdom of value. Ecclesiastes 7:1-29- 8:1.

Good Morning

Some days it is easy to write, the words seem to build up on paper faster than one can type, and then there are other days; like today when the allotted time fights against all thoughts and the words seem trapped at some bottleneck in the brain. This reminds me of yesterday; I was on my way to Braintree, Massachusetts and in Rhode Island the traffic ahead of me began to slow down and soon all traffic stopped.

Without a clear view of what was happening; like all the rest I waited. Soon in the South bound lanes there appeared a motor cade. As many as ten police cruisers and several police motorcycles preceded what I think was a funeral procession. This must have been a very popular person; maybe an underworld kingpin at the least or at best some dignitary, what grabs my thought is that it may not have been a funeral at all; easily it may have been the pomp and circumstance of just being a kingpin or dignitary since the same type of vehicles are used for living and the dead.

Whatever the case the power of this moment in time was evident. Hundreds of people just north of Providence were stopped. Traffic at that moment; the curious and the not so curious stopped to watch what they could not fully see or comprehend. Then I was reminded of a coming day; one that is on the horizon, maybe even in our lifetime.

News from the “top”! “For the LORD Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, and with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air. And thus we shall always be with the LORD. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. This is only comforting to those of us who believe it. If you don’t it is okay to shutter and shake.

Not only on the north side of Providence (Divine Guidance) will traffic stop, but by Divine Guidance and purpose; God will stop the business of the entire world to allow the curious and the not so curious to witness the next prophetic event on God’s calendar; the rapture. Let God speak to you from 2 Corinthians 15:50-58 while the traffic is still moving; just don’t text anyone.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #755

by Jesse Abel
A Word from Papa “J”
If you are willing; The Word of God leads a person beyond self-righteousness. God will replace this wickedness with the Joy of the LORD, or just continue to ignore Him and your wicked way will snuff out any Light you may have and all hope of eternity will dissipate like an empty cloud. Proverbs 13:9

Good Morning

Malachi wrote his prophecy around 400BC, today we are about 2,400 years removed from that oracle of his to Israel. What is an oracle Jesse? The dictionary in front of me, The Merriam-Webster defines the word as a divinely inspired message. We do not have divinely inspired messages today from God, so not believe what you hear from people who claim that they are prophets, seers and other such falsifiers of biblical Truth as The Truth is in Jesus. John 14:6.

With that said and getting back to Malachi. God loves His Church as much as He loves Israel. For nearly two thousand years He has nourished us with solid men of God who have used sound Biblical principles to interpret the Divinely inspired messages of the Holy Bible. But in these later days we are seeing men and women in the pulpits all across the nation who do not TEACH biblical Truth.

In 2 Timothy 4:1-22 the apostle Paul makes it clear to Timothy and to every man whom God has ordained to be a minister of the oracles of God to preach the WORD, to be ready at all times and seasons to preach the WORD, to be convincing, to be rebuking and to be exhorting with endurance. For the time will come when people will not endure the longsuffering of a faithful minister of the Living Word of God; that time the apostle Paul was speaking of was on the horizon then and is in our face today.

Today the “called out ones” the church is no different than the “called out ones” Israel of Malachi’s day. Loved of God, yes! But we like Israel have polluted our offerings; Malachi 1:6-14. We have corrupt communicators of the Word of God because we have not taken to heart the messages of God, Malachi 2:1-9

Churches today are full of infidelity and treachery, with only a remnant of the Spirit of Christ visible. We divorce ourselves from wives and family and from God and say that God is pleased with us. We have the gall to say that our evil is good in the sight of God and that He delights to pour out grace and mercy on us. No! The justice of God awaits the coming messenger. Malachi 2:10-17 and Malachi 3:1-7 that all such churchy nonsense will be judged. The King is coming again and soon.

We rob God in many ways and not just with our resources, our self-indulgent ways have stolen the nation from Him as well; the United States of America today robs God through the lust of eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Then we go to church and like the harlot we wipe our mouth and say we done nothing wrong. Now there is scripture to back everything I have said.

Our current spiritual state is like that of 1 John 2:12-24 and Proverbs 30:20. It is time for me to move on, but first; take a look at Malachi 4:1-6 there is approaching a Great Day of God. He is coming again, not as a suffering Savior, but a conquering warrior. He will trample those who have trampled His love for His church, and if you be one of them it will be a dreadful day for you, but a glorious day for His remnant. Even so come LORD Jesus. Revelation 22:20-21.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #754

by Jesse Abel
Psalm 19:14 – When if ever have you asked the LORD to accept your words of meditation? Most people meditate, but few ask God to accept their words. Some ask the dead religious icons of the past, these popular dead people are not God; they do not have a voice, nor can they hear so why should you be dumber than a created stone? Luke 19:28-40

Good Morning

I have been touching on this from time to time in these devotionals and it is comforting to see recent articles in Israel My Glory (a semi-monthly periodical) agreeing that the Church in the United States of America is caving in. Replacing the doctrinal pillars of faith like; The Virgin Birth, Inerrancy of Scripture, The Physical Death and Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ with doctrines of abandonment of foundational truth, otherwise known as apostasy.

What does apostasy look like today; some pastors and teachers who are called of God to preach and teach have errored by mixing Darwinian evolution into their interpretation of Genesis 1 by agreeing with the dogmatic claims of scientists that it took millions of years for creation to happen. This position has caused many young people to depart from faith in God. These young people conclude that if one cannot believe in God’s literal account of creation, then why should they believe the rest of the doctrines.

Another form of deception impacting churches today is churches that are “market driven” contemporary theology is pointed in this direction. The truth of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is preached but the truth that one must be “born again” is left out. Thus these churches are not interested in the salvation of the “who so ever will” but everyone is marketed for praise and worship and loving God from an unconverted heart.

This is based on the belief that only the elect will be saved and that there will be no real translation (rapture) of the saints in this dispensational time, but that the elect will muster up the goodness of the world and make the world acceptable for the Second Coming of Christ. This approach reforms the use of biblical truth by applying or mixing the world’s wisdom to doctrinal truth instead of the utilizing the weapons of biblical truth in the war for the soul of mankind. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

I do not claim to have the answer to this growing problem in Christendom here in the United States of America, but this one thing I do know; the pace of irreligious people today exceeds the pace of religion and God dislikes religion. Matthew 23:13-24. We need to stop this religious cleansing the outside of the temple while maintaining a heart that is full of extortion and unrighteousness. Are these signs of the end times visible in our day; Matthew 24:1-51? The answer is YES!

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #753


by Jesse Abel
Psalm 19:13 – If we fully understood the error of our walk in this temporal life, we would not need to be cleansed from those secrets faults and eternity would not matter. Praise God that His Plan for our redemption is founded in His Righteous Son. It is no secret that He is the Sinless Sacrifice for our sinful secret. Hebrews 10:5-10

Good Morning

Some years ago when I was a member of the local fire department we were fighting a blaze in one of the local barns. There were no animals in the barn just a bunch of equipment; tractors and farm machines. I was stationed at first on a water gun and it was my job to knock down large pockets of fire which were normally objects like tractors. One such tractor was fully involved, I aimed the gun and shooting water at 100psi from 30 feet away was like hitting the tractor with a 3”50 shell. (You gunner’s mates of the old navy warships will have a clue). I hit the tractor broad side and it rolled like a free ball on the basketball court as the flames seemed to chase after it.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is reveled from faith to faith; as it is written, the just shall live by faith.” Romans 1:16-17

The statement about the fire and the fireman’s water gun is true, an experience I will never forget. We look at creation with the understanding that God has given to all of us permission to use His creation in ways needed to enjoy, protect or destroy the objects of life. For a simple example; if the conditions were right we could have used that same water to wash the tractor and make it shine for another day. The fire could have kept us warm on a cold day. It takes human faith in God’s creation to fully understand to use creation in all of its capacity.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 Thus there is a time and season for everything under the sun and it is a God given assignment to figure out these labors; which ones bring out temporal living and which ones bring about temporal suffering. However life does not begin and end with just this. What profit has he who labors for this alone… none at all?

God has taken this one major step further, something which you and I cannot do. He has given us time on the planet, a planet in which HE has made EVERYTING beautiful in its time to reveal His Plan and to provide us hope. As you read earlier I hope; Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. Now in verse 11, He has placed eternity in our hearts.

You see whatever God does it is done forever; meaning that His power supersedes the power of creation; the temporal elements of water and fire prove this to us daily.

His power which thee apostles were not ashamed of is that same power we proclaim today; while we perish in our temporal body; redemption in Christ, we proclaim His power in Jesus Christ to rescue and not destroy. He could very easily destroy us just as I did the fire and the tractor with water.

The unique thing is that God did destroy the earth with water in Noah’s day. (Genesis 6, 7 and 8) Yet God’s covenant to creation is that this will not happen again by water. In the meantime His power is enabled to deliver us individually from this pending eternal death to life everlasting because His power is directed at the restoration power found in Jesus Christ His Son Hebrews 10:5-10.

Let us not forget the element of fire… there will be another total destruction of the earth, including the heavens this time. The Day of the LORD is not far away, temporal time is running out. Read 2 Peter 3:10-13, be ready and keep looking up in order that you will not be ashamed at His appearing.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #752

by Jesse Abel

Psalm 19:12 – Fire which never says enough, Proverbs 30:1-33 reminds me that the wisdom of Agur is describing a search for the cleansing of error found in the heart of mankind and revealed in an obedient but fallen Creation being held in the grip of God’s curse. Genesis 3:17-19

Good Morning

Recently in the local prison we have been sharing a study on being Secure in Christ. The study guide is published by New Tribes Mission of Sanford, Florida. I would like to share this morning with us a thought that comes from lesson four of this study guide. It reads: “God made man manager over God’s creation, but man did not submit to God’s authority”. End of quote.

Is mankind today; “dull of hearing” Hebrews 5:11 or is there a lack of preaching the word of God in seasons of time that call for a certain Word from God? Have we stopped rebuking, exhorting and convincing our fellow saints with all long suffering? Have we placed on the dusty bookshelf the sound doctrines of the past because our young future saints have itching ears?

I heard a contemporary song just over two years ago in a church that we attended then. It went something like this. “You are God; You are God, You are God” Let me ask just a simple question here. Does God have to be reminded over and over and over again that He is God, I THINK NOT, but to give minimal credit to the song… MANKIND DOES.

From the fall of man in the Garden we have rejected God’s authority, and true there have been seasons of time when we have been submissive. But let one small dart from Satan come flying at us individually or as a nation and watch our submissiveness go out the window. Exodus 14 through Exodus 15 records the Red Sea Crossing. What a miracle for all of Israel to witness and be a part of. Yet three days pass and when fresh water could not be found, in Exodus 15:24 we witness the people Israel murmured against Moses and God.

Submission to God for you and me and our nation is at best; only partial and mainly rebellious. Is there a deliverance from this dullness of submission to God’s authority? Well, I am glad you asked! Yes there is… His Name is Wonderful, His Name is Counselor, His Name is Mighty God.

Isaiah 9:6 – For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder, and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

We know from the New Testament writers who were listening to the Holy Spirit that this Man is Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God and He alone qualifies to rule over Creation because He alone is fully submitted to God and totally obedient. Believing in Him is our first step of faith that qualifies us to be partakers of His Righteousness and Authority. Hebrews 3:7-15.

As believers in Jesus we must be willing to hear with our ears what the Holy Spirit teaches and then our ears will not become dull or itchy. Matthew 11:1-19 is an event that unfolds in the life of John the Baptizer when he failed to rest in faith. In Revelation 2 and 3 there are seven challenges to the seven churches all ending with these words. “He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches”

We should get back to the basics 2 Timothy 4:1-5.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #751

by Jesse Abel
Psalm 19:11 – Warning! Watch your step please! The Palmist David and the Holy Spirit write these words and thousands of years later this same Spirit of God speaks to us today. Every edict (decree) is feared (in awe) by Creation and rewarded. As a disciple or servant of the LORD, we should seek the same reward.

Good Morning

On a submarine the crew is taught that the submerged ship is completely safe and out of harm’s way when it operates in want is called a “safe operating envelope”. As you know, an envelope is normally rectangle, having a top bottom and two sides. Basically for the submarine the top and bottom pertain to proper depth, not to shallow and not to deep. The sides; not too fast and not to slow, there is still yet another factor and that is to know the surroundings outside the envelope.

The unbelieving world around us is an environment of good and evil, in fact; evil was so prevalent in Noah’s day that God destroyed all of the inhabitants of the earth with that world-wide flood. Now I know you do not remember it since you were like me. “Not there”, but if you’ve not read the events of that day, or if you’ve forgotten some of the detail you will find the read in Genesis 6 through 8 when you have time, please take that historical journey with Noah and his family and animals who were spared.

Genesis 6:5 explains to us that God sees the intentions of mankind and that the thoughts of mankind are to do evil… CONTINUALLY. Now if you are a person of the world you no doubt do not believe this. The reason of your disbelief is because you are outside the safety of the decrees of the LORD, or His safe operating envelope. God’s safe operating envelope is shaped a bit differently than that of the man-made submarine. His has six sides.

“The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul, the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever and the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether” Psalm 19:7-9.

Do you think I am wrong about this? Creation has and is surviving and being rewarded now for over seven thousand years. Yet and because of good and evil, mankind drops off of the planet every seventy or eighty years; Psalm 90:1-17 a Psalm of Moses records our failure to be safe in the edicts of the LORD.

As believers in Jesus Christ we learn to take comfort in God’s protecting decrees, and yes you may be thinking; “shucks man” you’re still going to die like the rest of the world in seventy or eighty years so what’s the point? John 3:16 gives a loud and clear answer, God’s safe operating envelope begins here for those who have, no hope in the rest of His decrees.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #750

by Jesse Abel
Psalm 19:10 – God exceeds our feeble attempt bring out the best or reveal the extreme since He governs Creation with His law, testimony, statutes, commandment, fear and judgments. These are a better gift of God to have, than the finest gold and sweeter than the best honey.

Good Morning

Do you consider yourself as one who endures? Endure what Jesse? Well like enduring a banana split on a hot summer day… you know; the slurping, the goo and the ooze as you try to conquer the melting mess. This is a battle for you alone to win or lose while the eyes of the crowd with you watch because your greedy pleasure refuses their help.

The salmon swims upstream in order to keep her species going, some die in the battle going forward, yet enough survive to lay eggs, but these also die after planting their seed. There is therefore a struggle in all that is done on earth and no matter what the struggle eventually it is followed by death.

Death for most people of the world around us is very scary. If you talk with people on the subject, some become so irritated they have to leave the conversation. Once at a funeral I gave the eulogy for a man I did not even know. I was by an extreme stretch of the imagination a relative. I had no clue of what to say until I looked into the casket and saw that he had a military background. The man was alone in life, a few relatives on my brother’s wife side and no friends.

I said a few words about military life in general and how this man must have known military discipline; discipline that his family could be proud of. I also talked to these few family members about eternity and explained that for this member of the family he already knew more about eternity than they did. Two of the women got up and ran out of the room.

There is this battle; the battlefield is located in the soul of everyone and without exception it is fought in the soul of all mankind. Satan fights God for the claim he has on the soul of the unbelieving. And God reveals victory to those souls the Truth that Jesus has won the battle and paid it all. John 1:12-13 says it this way.

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right (authority) to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name. who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

So the banana split is good, even on a hot day. Go ahead have one but do not forget that God has planned your eternity with Him; don’t allow the heat of Satan’s plan to destroy and to murder you. God plan is perfect.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #749

by Jesse Abel
Psalm 19:9b – No one likes the daily judgments of living life since many are unjustly provoked. Yet when applied by the Hand of God through the administration of man; these are faithful expressions of God’s Love. Proverbs 13:14

Good Morning
I grew up in Louisville, Kentucky and like so many of us I have pleasant and unpleasant memories of those days. These are some of the pleasant memories. The smell of fresh baked bread from a national bakery nearby and the oil and coal odors that seemed to hang around the train tracks also nearby.

About a week ago, one of our grandchildren was over to help out with some chores, as she entered the basement through the outside door I heard her express; ummm! I said, “What’s up”? “She responded; I love the smell of the basement” and I said, “yes” basements have unique smells” and she responded, “no not all of them, I have always liked the smell of your basement, it reminds me of you and grammie”.

Isn’t God wonderful, what I mean is what if God had not given us a nose, how would we ever know the depth of our capacity to love one another? Odor and the nose go together like the warmth of a glove on a cold hand. What I mean is that when your mind acknowledges the memories of the past, most of them are pleasant, especially those that are associated with smell.

Have you ever considered why the aromas of the past work so well in our daily life?
“Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the LORD smelled a soothing aroma. Then the LORD said in His heart, I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination (intension) of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I destroy every living thing as I have done. While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, And cold and heat, And winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” Genesis 8:20-22

Since the flood of Noah’s day, God has preserved the aromas of the world around us to remind us of His faithfulness to all generations. God reminds us daily of His love and presence with us and one of those reminders is through the gate of the nose. Don’t break the nose of your youngsters with the selfish ambitions or intensions of an evil heart (which you have) but be willing to sacrifice what you have; that the aroma you leave behind is one that your children and grandchildren are willing to follow. Do not be a hater of God as the world is promoting today, the effects of which are evident, even to the third and fourth generation. Idolatry has an aroma. Exodus 20:4-6

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #748

by Jesse Abel
Psalm 19:9a – When a person fears something in life it is normally because the object of fear is tarnished or tormented in some way. The object of faith in God is God Himself. He is without blemish, He is Holy; thus our fear is; Awe LORD God. Psalm 119:161
Good Morning
If someone were to ask: Just what is it that you believe as a believer in Christ?

If someone were to ask that question here are seven truths that should be readily on your lips:
1. I believe in an empty tomb: Matthew 28:1-8 – After sharing this; add a little something you know about the risen LORD. Like Jesus is alive and seated this very moment in heaven with His Father.
2. I believe in everlasting or eternal life: John 3:35-36 – Those who believe in Jesus are removed from the present wrath of God on those who do not believe.
3. I believe that my sin is forgiven: Romans 3:21-26 – all people of all nations, cultures and tribes are guilty of sin; no one is exempt, except those who believe in Jesus.
4. I believe that the Bible is the Truth and the Living Word: 1 Peter 1:22-25 – this wisdom and knowledge comes from God alone who has revealed this in these days through His Son Jesus. John 1:14
5. I believe in the Holy Bible (Book) Authored by our LORD and Creator: Hebrews 1:1-4 – continue to provide ample evidence of the authority and authenticity of the Bible. It is the only reliable truth one needs.
6. I believe in a Helper who indwells me who is God the Holy Spirit: John 14:13-18 – the Holy Bible says that only believers in Jesus Christ can have this wonderful help because the world does not know or believe in Jesus Christ, therefore they are without excuse and without help.
7. I believe in a Savior who is coming again, who we will be with forever: John 14:1-6 – He will replace this broken, sinful tent that I call home with a new and sinless mansion and I will be with Him forever.
Pray and share these truths with your loved ones, with your neighbors and co-workers. You will experience the joy of the LORD and they will experience a future “glad” day in Christ as the Holy Spirit brings this truth home to them. John 16:8-11.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #747

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional – A look at the Book #747
Psalm 19:8b – What a joy it is to accept and respond to the commandment of God through the eyes of the soul who has been adopted by grace of God. The first four verses of Third John provide working knowledge of Matthew 22:36-40; ”To love God with your whole heart mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself”

Good Morning

When a person looks at the past to parallel some current thought, it is sort of like rummaging through a cluttered attic. Sometimes you never get through the first box you open. This can be good or bad, or as Mr. Monk might say; “could be a blessing or a curse”. It is good to know where all the boxes of cursing are; labeling helps! So what is it that I am going to say here?

We all carry past circumstances of life, stored in the attic of our mind. One does not have to go on a hunt though to have any one of those boxes pop open. For a good example; yesterday my wife and I were sitting at breakfast having a bowl of cereal. I was eating Cheerios and one of the little “O’s” popped out the bowl and of course I popped it into my mouth. Immediately my mind raced back to that of a five year old eating those little “O’s” off the table cloth.

These “O’s” taste the same today as then and somehow the retention of the taste, the vision of mom, the feet dangling off the chair kicking the wrung and the little boy all came back. There was my wife and I sought to explain, there could have been a hundred others… it was unexplainable, only I could experience the moment.

When reading the Word of God, I sometimes find verses of scripture that will do the same thing, for example; the first Psalm I memorized from the KJV was Psalm 1. I was going to memorize all of the Psalms ‘you know’! Of course I never got to Psalm 2. Yet every time I read or think of Psalm 1, I am reminded that over thirty-five years ago that Psalm (manna) was as tasty sweet to my soul as is to this day… I praise the LORD, His mercy endures forever.

Psalm 1 as I recall (with a little fill in help from the NKJV)

Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, or sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, who meditates in that law day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in its season, whose leaf there of shall not whether, but shall prosper. The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff that the wind drives away. Thus the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, or sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #746


by Jesse Abel

Psalm 19:8a – There is nothing like the heart that rejoices in living; if you’ve never experienced this kind of heart, there is only one reason for your despair; you have discounted the “statutes” of the LORD!

Good Morning

Before Submarines, my second ship was the USS Forest Sherman (DD-931). It held the title of being the “First and the Finest”. To the officials of the U.S. Navy it was just that; the first of her Class of destroyer and the finest one because it was to be used only as a “show boat”. The ship saw little action throughout her career and was seen at most naval events on the East Coast to display the modern day Navy.

Just after commissioning in 1958 it was sent around the world and for one year the ship visited ports of call that most military ships do not go to. In those days the nations of our world were eager to see the United States military. In most cases a visit like this would boast the economy of some local hamlet and people were friendly to American sailors.

I when on board in 1963 after the cruise around the world; All of the brass was bright, the paint nearly perfect. The uniforms of the men topside were neat and the stenciling of their names over the left pocket of their shirt and the right pocket of their pants was perfectly placed. I know this first hand. In those days I was a deck hand, Boatswain’s Mate. Yet on the inside; the ship was like any other, full of military worldliness and corruption.

In 1982 the ship was decommissioned and sold for scrape to the Fore River Shipyard, just 10 miles from Boston, MA and since then the Forest Sherman Foundation has sought to keep the ship for a memorial, but the Navy that was once very proud of her has finally said in 2011. NO! Truly a story for another time!

The prophet Hosea has an experience with his wife Gomer that I will seek to make a comparison with the events above. Gomer displayed herself in glamour and beauty; the top model so to speak, but she ends up a prostitute and immoral. Her life landed in the hands of a bankrupt world, ready to sell her for scrap slavery.

Yet, God provides Hosea with strength; strength that forgave her, to remarry her and restore her as his lovely bride. The restoration of Gomer is a perfect picture of God's grace over each of us. Like Hosea, Christ has regarded our helpless estate. Through His blood He reclaims each of us personally who by faith receive His gift of Grace and then He adopts us into His family. Hosea 1:2-9 will give us the picture of Hosea's worldly family. The book is fourteen chapters of Gods compassion and desire to restore sinful Gomer who is the nation Israel.

The redeeming power of the church of Jesus Christ is available to the United States of America who today resembles the prostitute who is found in the beds of all cultures today. She wipes her mouth and says I’ve done nothing wrong;

Because we have failed to see that the Statutes of the LORD are RIGHT, there is little rejoicing of heart in our nation. God's compassion and desire is to restore a nation like Gomer to the joy and fellowship of His family through Justification, sanctification and glorification. This grace will always be available to the end; even the sure hope of Israel proves this. Do not give up your hope, return to the Church Americans of the United States.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #745

by Jesse Abel

Psalm 19:7b – We are surrounded by testimonies of the LORD, even CREATION reveals that GOD’s testimonies as UNCHANGING, the definition of the word SURE. And the word simple, means seducible. Mankind then has no option… either believe God by faith or be seduced!

Good Morning

When it comes to candy and ice cream I am like the kid who never gets enough, even at the ripe age of old, which I have seemed to pass, I can be a bit overboard. Once, recently my eye caught hold of some tempting piece of chocolate staring at me and not at the little youngster who was heading for it. Being somewhat closer than the child (that’s a good thing, remember I’m older) I grabbed hold of that piece and had it half eaten by the time the sour look came from him. Another sweet and sour moment!

Our nation is celebrating a birthday of freedom and liberty that still today demands a high cost. Some greedy old man did not take that land by stealth 238 years ago. But strong and courageous men, who knew that by taking this self-sacrificing position; would be providing freedom and liberty to the future youngsters of a growing nation.

TODAY – my heart is full of pain, I could and do wish it were the simple massive heart attack, then I could go to sleep and be at peace with my living LORD, but no that is not happening and I am reminded of Philippians 1:21. I am also reminded of a secular song; “God, Bless America – Once More!” in that song those words are repeated over and over again and I’m reminded of old men and children begging for one more piece of candy. “STOP BEGGING AMERICA”.

When I was born, the United States of America was 166 years old and in the prime of her life, but remember… there is nothing new under the sun. From the beginning of her birth and in the course of her history; greedy men and woman have been taking what is not theirs to take. The DISH today is nearly empty. The sweet life we know is about to go sour.

So go ahead, enjoy your day, I will be there too, seeking to grab the candy at your expense; I will do it with a smile and a smooth word or two. And to someone whom I choose they will think I am doing a good thing because I will share a morsel of your candy with them.

Is there a rub in all of this? Well maybe or maybe not, but either way we are being seduced.

The United States must remain independent of the “Americas” a word that is being applied to our infrastructure as we seek to enjoy liberty today. The candy dish is the constitution and the “Americas” a socialist attempt to merge the whole Continent into one government. The Americas is the new candy dish and will replace the one that is nearly empty and broken today.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #744


by Jesse Abel

Psalm 19:7a – Is this not exciting and does not this verse of scripture and those remaining in this Psalm just thrill your soul?. The law of the LORD is perfect and Isaiah 26:3 says: “I will keep him in perfect peace who’s mind is stayed on Me”. Notice too; Philippians 4:6-9

Good Morning

Normally the Sonar Room on a submarine is eerie quiet, there is the hum of electronic equipment and other minor noises too but these become common to those in the room. It is those noises that are not common; these cause all concerned to immediately zero in and identify what is heard. While the sonar room is quiet, the ocean can be a very noisy place, full of life and each life can be identified by the experienced Sonar Technician.

On the other side of this are sounds of metal, machinery, steam, water cavitation and footsteps; these are not normal ocean sounds and it is these sounds that calls for the technician’s wisdom and knowledge to be sober and vigilant. Being sober is not always associated with getting drunk. The word is actually a word to bring a person’s mind to a serious state of awareness and of course awareness is associated with being vigilant.

Still the picture of the sonar room is not complete. There is another threat to a submarine under water. The listening ear is passive and what is described so far is the ability of the sonar equipment to listen like the ear to hear. Also, in the sonar room you will find equipment that is actively searching for obstacles. Like the bottom of the ocean floor or a mountain under the water.

Active sonar is the ability see objects with the ear. Well without a lot of detail all of this technology works because the men who operate the equipment are trained to be seriously aware of the dangers surrounding the vehicle they are in. These men learn to trust wisdom and knowledge rather than responding by emotion to the sight in front of them.

Now here is the rub: 1 Peter 5:8. The world is not sober or vigilant to the spiritual conflict that the apostle Peter is focused on in his epistle. What then is the condition of the world? Is it drunk and unaware; will from the casual eye one might answer yes. But I think not; more likely the world is not serious minded about the noise of spiritual things, thus the world is not aware of spiritual activity.

We have a charge from the Word of the Living God to study, this charge is found in 2 Corinthians 2:15. When I first heard of this charge I was thirty five in 1975. The words are the theme of the ministry of the man I had just met, Pastor Jay Chappell. He taught me to be sober and vigilant. While I still fail because I am not perfect, I have not nor will I ever forget; that sober vigilance comes by the hearing of sound doctrine taught by sober and vigilant men.

Church elders are teachers of Spiritual awareness; they are given the task to teach the congregation to be sanctified in grace and to able to walk in Truth. Grace opens the ears to be vigilant to the effects of the roaring lion in a believer’s life. And Truth is the active “ping” that prevents the devil from devouring his prey in the face of every obstacle he may place in front of you. Are you praying for your pastor today? The United States of America needs sober and vigilant churches.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #743

by Jesse Abel
Psalm 19:6 – People want to mock God by the denial of His existence, even attempting to say that Deity is a created object like the sun or the moon. Balderdash! If the sun or moon were a god, would it be restricted to a controlled or limited orbit?

Good Morning

The other day I went to the doctor for a muscle pull in my back, as we talked I explained to him another concern and said; “I seem to yawn a lot at times, why would that be?” We talked then about my sleep time. I said that I usually go to bed around 9pm and get up at 4:30am during the work week. “Hmm, he said I think you are fatigued”. Now there is a word that I have not heard in a long time, I know that I am tired, but being fatigued takes the problem one step further.

This causes me to think about our nation; what I mean is… is our nation fatigued at being free? No one seems to stand up for liberty and justice, or stand in the gap between freedom and socialism. This gap was once wide and well protected, but today freedom is being merged with socialism to the point that many cannot explain the difference. We have very few people defending our Constitution, but we do have many unworthy and less noble minded people sitting in offices of the nation who are page by page shredding it.

We are becoming a nation of “dozy dolts” the definition: a bunch of sleepy nitwits. I reckon I have had to become literally fatigued in order the see the nation in that condition. I am reminded of something the pastor recently said. He said that when he prepares a lesson for the congregation that the LORD will often give him an opportunity to experience the trials associated with his message. This gives me courage in God and in His faithfulness revealed through the men and women who are instrumental in my life, in other words I see God at work.

Integrity does not come by the seat of the pants; integrity comes from our faithful God who always provides wisdom through the study of His Word. He will not send you or me out into the world without experience and without being equipped to handle the moment. Ephesians 6:10-20. Judges 6:36-40. I do not know of any person in the Holy Bible who is a stand-alone type, like some the men in movies of the recent past.

So what have I said here? Someone has said that the United States of America is a sleeping giant; that is wrong thinking. The nation is not asleep, but it is fatigued, the giant is awake but can do nothing until we return to God and let Him use what we experience today for His glory tomorrow. Romans 8:28-29 is used out of context a lot, so one more time should not hurt, since the principle is applicable.