Psalm 19:6 – People want to mock God by the denial of His existence, even attempting to say that Deity is a created object like the sun or the moon. Balderdash! If the sun or moon were a god, would it be restricted to a controlled or limited orbit?
Good Morning
The other day I went to the doctor for a muscle pull in my back, as we talked I explained to him another concern and said; “I seem to yawn a lot at times, why would that be?” We talked then about my sleep time. I said that I usually go to bed around 9pm and get up at 4:30am during the work week. “Hmm, he said I think you are fatigued”. Now there is a word that I have not heard in a long time, I know that I am tired, but being fatigued takes the problem one step further.
This causes me to think about our nation; what I mean is… is our nation fatigued at being free? No one seems to stand up for liberty and justice, or stand in the gap between freedom and socialism. This gap was once wide and well protected, but today freedom is being merged with socialism to the point that many cannot explain the difference. We have very few people defending our Constitution, but we do have many unworthy and less noble minded people sitting in offices of the nation who are page by page shredding it.
We are becoming a nation of “dozy dolts” the definition: a bunch of sleepy nitwits. I reckon I have had to become literally fatigued in order the see the nation in that condition. I am reminded of something the pastor recently said. He said that when he prepares a lesson for the congregation that the LORD will often give him an opportunity to experience the trials associated with his message. This gives me courage in God and in His faithfulness revealed through the men and women who are instrumental in my life, in other words I see God at work.
Integrity does not come by the seat of the pants; integrity comes from our faithful God who always provides wisdom through the study of His Word. He will not send you or me out into the world without experience and without being equipped to handle the moment. Ephesians 6:10-20. Judges 6:36-40. I do not know of any person in the Holy Bible who is a stand-alone type, like some the men in movies of the recent past.
So what have I said here? Someone has said that the United States of America is a sleeping giant; that is wrong thinking. The nation is not asleep, but it is fatigued, the giant is awake but can do nothing until we return to God and let Him use what we experience today for His glory tomorrow. Romans 8:28-29 is used out of context a lot, so one more time should not hurt, since the principle is applicable.
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