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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #760

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”

There are only two sets of eyes in the world around us; the one set is conceded and above the law and above all that it views. The other filters everything seen through the majesty of God’s love and departs from the intentions of all evil. Proverbs 3:7 and Jeremiah 17:9-10.

Good Morning

Now this will sound a bit farfetched, the fact is that it happened so long ago that I have forgotten a bit of the detail. One morning when less than a teenager I was walking with my dad on the way back from a long walk on the beach in Florida: we had walked the beach but we were returning home on the sidewalk next to a busy road. Someone crashed into a telephone pole behind us.

As my dad tells the story, that after all of the commotion subsided he began looking for me but I was nowhere to be found and that he thought that I had ran home. (No doubt this would have been the normal thing for me to do as a fear stricken soul. You know, run to safety and be saved from a potential danger). Not finding me, my dad decided to leave and go home too, however he heard me say. “Get me down from this roof” and according to his story there I sat at the pinnacle.

I honestly do not remember if I was on a roof, but there was a small “A” framed overhang in front of an entryway of which I supposedly climbed up and then needed help getting off of. Now what has this to do with “Justification”? There are some things that this story brings out that will help.

The accident is not the subject, just the vehicle that engages the story. The subject of the story is that there is some truth and some fiction. I distinctly remember the walk with my dad and the accident, but I do not remember what might be nothing more than a fabricated story that my dad was always at his best doing.

The world around you and me is full of fabricated truth; yet for those of us who have come to know that the Truth of God which is found in Jesus Christ is not a fabrication of facts; we see and understand that the detail of His Life, His Death and His Resurrection is vividly true and trusted.

No matter whom I am with or whatever it is that I am doing, The Resurrected Christ is there, I know this simply because it is etched in my soul. All other events and things in life are partly true and partly false (a platform of unstable fact and fiction cascading from the mouths of people). Thus I am not like Pilot who said to Jesus; “What is Truth”? John 18:38, I know that Jesus is the Truth… John 14:1-6.

Also, fabricated stories, partly true and partly false are always explainable, but hardly ever fully believed, soon the story itself fades away into the archives of the mind and if resurfaced, one could readily dismiss the event as nothing important enough to build a religion on.

We will continue with this again tomorrow, but in the meantime and if you have the time; please read this story of God about His Son Jesus. John 19:1-42 and John 20:1-31. This may take some time to read, but it is a better read than anything you have recently read and this ONE is true and written with you in mind because God loves you.

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