by Jesse Abel
A Word from Papa “J”
Counsel, sound wisdom, understanding and strength; In 1 Corinthians 3:6 we are reminded that we are the temple of God. The only way to keep your temple upright is by listening and responding obediently to the four pillars of the wisdom of God. Proverbs 8:14.
Good Morning
Sometimes it is necessary to step to the side and just watch as a spectator. Today is one of those days. A while ago a storm came through our area and it was real interesting to watch our two dogs react to the storm. Now this is nothing new as it has happened many times in the past with pretty much the same result.
Our two pets hear the thundering booms of lightning, long before the storm gets close, so by their reaction I know the storm is approaching. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy lightning and storms. I will often go out in the middle of a storm and watch the sky turn dark and on the comfort of the porch watch the rain and lightning. Not so for the dogs; especially our dog “Sally”. She is a black greyhound, but she is so afraid of a rain storm that each time I think she will die with fright.
Somehow she makes it through the storm, just like the rest of us, but the panic that goes on in her mind during the storm is so great that it knocks all of the energy in her body for a time and she just drops and sleeps it off for about an hour; fact is she is sleeping right now, but I hear more thunder approaching. Hunter on the other hand, our male dog and a Corgi is content just being under a footstool or other piece of furniture and if possible one that I am in or very near to.
For most of us the storms of life affect us in similar ways and the epistle to the Hebrews helps us face these storms by seeing Jesus Christ as who He is; the Author of a better Covenant, better sacrifices with better promises, better blessings, better confidence (hope), a better witness (testament), a better resurrection, a better future country and better results.
If we do not experience in our walk of faith this progressive strength found only in Jesus Christ then we are pretty much like our pets who weather the storms in the fear of God’s wrath while seeking to be obedient to the Law and with the fear in being condemned. But if we have come to Jesus and understand that to be justified in Him is to walk by faith in Him we will be blessed with the knowledge that since the dawn of time men and women have walked by faith in God and not by the Law of God. Hebrews 10:26 through Hebrews 11:7
The obedience of faith is the result of believing in Jesus Christ who obeyed the Law of God, and became the sinless sacrifice for you and me; without this faith it is impossible to please God.
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