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Monday, December 3, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #847

Just re-reading after sending I notice an error in the dating. Dating is always a critical subject when seeking to understand the movement of time. So here is the correction in paragraph 4, below "Good Morning" Do not run the numbers from 12/25 back to conception, if interested you would have to run the nine months back from the feast of Tabernacles in the Jewish month of Tishri which then puts conception in our month of December and the Jewish months of Kislev/Tevet.

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”
I have searched all of the resources that I have to try and identify the human writer of Psalm 117. The best that I can say is that it is a Psalm of Solomon, driving on this human highway one could miss the exit. This Psalm is TRUTH, it is God breathed and inspired and directed at ALL NATIONS. Hebrews 1:1-4
Good Morning
The two important kingdoms of this world are the kingdoms of God and His Son the LORD Jesus. I should remind all of us that it is not Handel’s Messiah (of which I truly enjoy singing or hearing) that stirs up my thoughts. It is the truth found in the Living Word of God that the kingdoms of God; His Son and of man came together for a season of forty years and the kingdom of heaven is still with us today. 1 Corinthians 3:17 and 2 Corinthians 3:17.
Since we have entered the CHRISTMAS season, traditionally occurring after Thanksgiving it seems to me that the LORD has purposed all of these messages to come together at this time and this led me to search out a ten year old calendar that I received in 2003 from the Christian Jew Foundation.
I am looking at this calendar now and in the month of December 2004 it is recorded as the months of Kislev-Tevet the Jewish calendar year of 5,765. The statement also includes this following bit of information.
“Most of Christendom celebrates the birth of Messiah on December 25, a date borrowed from paganism by the early Roman church. Many Jewish Christians believe, however, that he was born during the time of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles), in the month of Tishri, in the fall” circa 4 BC.
Life begins in the womb, so if you run the numbers from the pagan date of 12/25 back nine months we do land in the Jewish month of Tevet when the kingdom of God overshadowed the kingdom of man and produced the human Person of God whom referred to Himself as the kingdom of heaven.

This would be our month “October”. Luke 1:1-80 and Luke 2:1-52 a lot of reading, but for this devotional it is well worth it. In Luke 2:49-50, He knew where He came from and even today we have trouble understanding this.
Holidays are important to us, but we have lost focus on why God even allows these seasons of time throughout the year. Holidays are not for selfish gifts that spoil in time, all holidays point to the One gift that came from the kingdom of God to the kingdom of man, revealing to man that His gift is of far greater eternal value. This is similar what our Sunday Bible teacher had to say about this yesterday.
I also thought it somewhat amusing that he likes to read these devotionals sitting in a deer stand, forty feet in the air on a cold morning. I do not know if this has any spiritual significant attributes or not, or if it is any closer to the Throne Room, I am just so very thankful for his interest to read these humble attempts to glorify our God whose Plan is for us to know Him.
You know at forty feet in the air even the slightest wind will move you. Of course there was a day when he had it right at four hundred feet below the surface of the oceans of the world while on submarines. Proverbs 27:17

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