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Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #860

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Some like to tell tales, tales are the evidence of compromised truth. In other words the facts are obscured in the tale. The revealing of secrets in never good so it better for you to observe the lips that flatter and move on, rather giving ear and comment and then becoming an associate. Proverbs 20:19
Good Morning
The half has not yet been told! Does that statement get your attention? Well how about this; if the oceans were ink and every man a scribe by trade, the events of God in our daily life written out on paper would drain the oceans dry. A Popular hymn, titled The Love of God.
There are many people writing about the love of God. Some are godly people, some are religious people, some are irreligious and there are some who write about His love and don’t know it. The fact is that if you search out the written words of people the workings of our Creator are EVER PRESENT.
However; for someone to take the time as a prospector to pick and shovel over the written words of people in general it would be unfruitful, since the flakes of truth that can be found could never express God’s love in the same manner that God reveals through His Son; the LORD Jesus Christ.
We are in the Christmas Season; to say such, does not take much to send people into a fit of anxiety since we are being molded (young and old) to believe and promote the season as a holiday experience rather than a supernatural one.
Say what? I say we miss out understanding the Supernatural Love of God and as a result we miss the blessing of the birth of Jesus Christ which for over fifteen hundred years has been a tradition in the month of December. (I believe that Jesus was born in the month of October on a day during the Feast of Tabernacles)
Beside that personal interjection, let me just share with you Luke 2:25-35 and the man Simeon. This man was as most of us know very old and he was waiting for two things to happen in the remainder of his life on earth. One that he would witness with his physical eyes the LORD’s Christ (Messiah) and two; to die in the comfort and peace of this witness.
If you read and study (for what good is reading if you do not study what you read) you will notice that the context of this section of Luke is about COMFORT. The name Simeon is from a Hebrew word, meaning HEARING. The Greek words for Consolation and Holy Spirit are very similar; Comfort and Comforter.
Simeon heard from God the Holy Spirit that comfort was coming to Israel, he also was comforted by the Comforter that he would not see death until the Messiah arrived.
Notice Simeon’s most precious words after taking the Messiah in his arms. “LORD, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of ALL peoples, a light to bring revelation to the gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel”. Luke 2:29-32.
Here is the rub! If you have Heard of the Comfort of Israel by the Comforter and believe in the Peace that He alone provides, you too have seen God’s Salvation. The light and the revelation to the gentiles are the Birth, the Death and the Resurrection of the LORD’s Christ. There is no greater love; no one can appropriate this love without the Peace of God and the Comforter of God, Simeon could not and neither can you. Do not make a worldly mistake and die without HIM.

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