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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #886

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Personal pronouns are found in the Holy Bible because God is personally interested in you and me. Spiritually He is at work in our personal life to reveal His Son to those who live in darkness by our personal faith. Galatians 2:20 and Romans 13:14.
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 5:9-11 – If you are reading from the NKJV there are seventy five words in this portion of scripture, but there are several volumes of doctrinal teaching here. For example; there are truths regarding the total depravity of man in that there is a judgment for believers for the things done in the flesh. Verse 10
There is the Eternal Guarantee of being saved forever; verses 9-10. There is the promise of reward and the just reminder of a loss of reward; verses 9 and 10. Also there is the purpose of the church to present the “Bride of Christ” as perfect or mature; verse 11.
Believing people anticipate a hope of being with God forever, therefore these folks make it a goal to present their faith before God at the “Bema Seat” also known as the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ. Notice I used the word “faith” and not “works” as there is another judgment pending for unbelieving people. Revelation 20:11-15 which is a judgment of works without faith in the Person of Jesus.
What is this faith? Someone may ask. Faith is confidence in God, confidence in the Spirit of God who reveals Jesus Christ, (Faith, not sight) 2 Corinthians 5:5-8. Also we see the eternal state of our soul. To be absent from this body of flesh is to be present with the LORD. We see the challenge to be holy or Christ like, verse 11.

We see that “election” is not the “selected” of a certain group of religious beliefs that teach an “after-market” or “counterfeit” election who are set apart for eternal bliss. What we see is the sovereign act of God and the predetermined foreknowledge of God who gave His Son Jesus to be the Lamb (Sacrifice) of God. Those of us who have confidence in Him, are the chosen; John 1:12 and John 3:15-31.
In other words if you do not stand at the Bema Seat of Christ in eternity; you will stand at the Great White Throne Judgment of all unbelievers and unbelieving religions of the world. You see in this small section of scripture the position of Christ over His Church. Knowing this, we should persuade all believers to walk in Wisdom.

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