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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #876

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #876

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
Anger and contention is the way of life for many people, but it only takes one soul who is slow to anger to make peaceful results in the midst of a mob of ill hearts. Proverbs 15:18
Good Morning
2 Corinthians 2:12-17 – After all the exhortation of comfort, suffering, forgiveness and faithfulness the apostle Paul turns our attention to the reward. While God is molding you and me into the likeness of His Son, He is preparing us for future ministry. Well we say future in the sense that it will be at a later date, but future with the LORD is always present since for Him; He is ever present and the apostle Paul calls us to be ready at all times for ministry. 2 Timothy 4:1-5.
Even when the LORD opens a door of opportunity we can find that we are a bit fretful. Like the apostle we may be looking for a support group or some one person whom we have confidence in. Then when the moment can wait no longer, you take charge and move on; on your own, but not alone as the apostle soon expresses thanks to God for the victory that is always in Christ; who is the way, the Truth and the Life. John 14:1-6.
These passages in 2 Corinthians are pleasant to my soul. I hope these are for you as well. Here is what I mean; in all things pertaining to the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are to seek at every moment to put on the LORD Jesus and make no opportunity for the flesh to reveal itself in our walk. Romans 13:14 and Ephesians 6:10-18. This is being dressed in the power of God, now how is that for a wardrobe?
Continuing; this is like being dressed in the finest clothing available and perfumed in the finest oils too. Those who are being saved simply enjoy your company. Those who are perishing see you in the same clothing, but it is offensive. These people observe the girdle of Truth, the breastplate of Righteousness, those shoes of Peace, your shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit along with the your helmet of Salvation and your Prayer. To these people your aroma is not sweet; but of the bitter taste of judgment and of the wrath of God, the aroma of war and the dead. John 3:16-21.
So in this, I see that in my life there is a lot of pain and suffering, much of which… no one sees and seldom hears falling from my lips. Most all of this suffering is through choices; foolish choices which I am personally responsible for.
Yet, God is faithful who will not allow you or me to suffer beyond our ability to handle it, but will always provide an avenue of escape. 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. So if we are and I do; preach Christ, let us not do it as to peddle a temporal piece of merchandise; but seek always to speak the Word of God out of sincerity, from a sound mind, a pure heart and a faith unfeigned (genuine) as there is no other gospel then the genuine gospel of the grace of God. Ephesians 2:1-10.

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