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Friday, March 8, 2013

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #911

by Jesse Abel

Thoughts from Papa “J”
There is a difference between wisdom and education. Think about it for a moment or longer if you need to. Wisdom comes to you and me through experience, at every crossroad and at the entry of every unknown city or doorpost. On the other hand education is limited to what is learned and is not practical at the crossroad, in the city or on the other side of the door post. Proverbs 8:1-11
Good Morning
I thoroughly enjoyed travelling through the epistle of Second Corinthians and I hope you did as well, maybe you even took a side trip or two as the LORD led. The blessing of being in the Living Word of God goes beyond my ability to express. Most times I am full of joy while I devote this time and share it with others. For example; one of my favorite chapters in Proverbs is chapter eight. In this chapter one can actually see the Holy Spirit expressing the rich reward of practical wisdom.
Proverbs 8:22-36 – Do you observe the humility and the challenge of wisdom in these verses?
• Wisdom is submissive to God, saying to you and me that wisdom was a possession of God at the beginning of Creation.
• Wisdom is inferior to the Wisdom of God saying that wisdom was established by God from everlasting (eternity) before time began.
• Wisdom was instructed by God to understand “depth and the power of moving water”
• Wisdom was taught how mountains and hills were erected and settled.
• Wisdom observed the need of dust; in the beginning (Genesis 2:7)
• Wisdom viewed the creation of the heavens; the circle of containment, or we could say a closed system that is functioning today as that very moment in time when God revealed to wisdom His Creative Power. Wisdom states… I WAS THERE
• Wisdom has a voice, explaining and instructing to you and me that God has set limits on all that He Created.
• Wisdom says that all of the seas and waterways have limits and that these do not overstep the boundaries that God has established unless God commands otherwise
• Wisdom also rejoices with a wonderful relationship with God, developing skills of a master craftsman, delighting daily with Him and rejoicing in His inhabited world.
• Wisdom has delight in sharing with you and me the things it has learned from God.
Now what do you think? Wisdom being subject to the omniscience of God has learned things about God that many of the inhabitants of Creation are still seeking to understand. Proverbs 8:32 says: “Now therefore, listen to me, children, for blessed are those who keep my ways”.
Proverbs 8:33-36 – gives ample encouragement and warning all who choose religion over wisdom. Wisdom is not the Holy Spirit, but when both Wisdom and the Holy Spirit are at peace within your soul you will find that blessing and grace are from the ONE who Created Wisdom on the day that HE Created the heavens and the earth, John 15:26-27 and 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
Rejecting wisdom is rejecting The God of the Holy Bible. It is a SIN and a crushing blow to one’s soul by replacing a love for life for a love for death.

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