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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Thought for the Day - 012

That word “IF”! Now (if) one could find a way to not use it; what might be the outcome of that? A treasury of wisdom, a silver lining of knowledge and a wonderful understanding of the fear of the LORD.  Proverbs 2:1-9

Comments and challenges

Pictures of times gone by are comforting to review; I can remember looking for something in the attic or basement and then come across a box where old pictures are stored. Relatives of long ago and pictures of old cars, buildings and plots of land and as the memory recalls a familiar face not seen in years; you find yourself wiping away a tear or two. Awe! such good times we had together! Yes there is little else that compares to search for an old trinket in the middle of a box of pictures.

The value of living life can be evaluated from the parable of the Lost Coin. There is no one that I’ve met that will not help to search diligently for something lost. Sometimes we spend endless hour looking for a coin, a tool, a key or some other object that is in many cases… right before our eyes. Luke 15:8-10 highlights our daily oversight of the lost. Not the coin, but the LOST. These men, women and children are right before our eyes, yet we are seemingly more interested in the lost coin.

Ever had the opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with someone and see the repenting heart make a direct connection with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit? It is just as Jesus illustrates in these parables found in Luke 15, the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the Lost Son. The joy is overwhelming and unexplainable in human terms.

One of the very real characteristics of a child of God is the countenance of a joyful heart and it seems evident to me that many of God’s children (believers) have no joy. We seem to tumble and stumble our way around our little circle of influence with no thought of living in the “Joy of the LORD”. Could it be that one of the reasons is because we have stopped searching for the lost?

This brings me to the chapter of Luke, Luke 14:25-35. As God’s children we have not left the details of life; or the father, mother and children. Nor the sister and brother, the uncle or cousin; no Jesus is not talking of our physical hatred and departure from these wonderful folks, but He is talking of hating and leaving their way of life, which was in fact, your ways of life before Jesus changed all of that for His Mercy and your grace. He (Jesus) replaced your sin and suffering with the joy of forgiveness.

Salt is good, if it has not lost its flavor, just as joy is good if it has not lost its flavor. But like the salt that is no longer salt, even the dunghill will remain a dunghill. He, who has an ear, let him hear.


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