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Friday, April 5, 2013

The Devotional #015

A Thought for the Day
The Word of God has many warnings regarding sin and the Book of Proverbs is one book that reveals to you and me that there are sins of the flesh that first ruin the PERSON, then the COMMUNITY and then the NATION. Those sins are directly related to the immoral conduct of mankind. In the greatness of folly this peoples and this nation have gone astray. Proverbs 5:1-23

Comments and challenges

Recently in our little town in the “Quiet Corner” of Connecticut as this area is called (that is the Northeast corner) two well-known town men died, I do not what to talk about the details, these are normal events in the life of any town in the United States of America. But I am one who always seeks to see the hand of God in the everyday life of all people. It is He who is and who will always know what is going on and nothing in life or death ever catches Him off guard.

Even we like the nation Israel express false proverbs; speaking through the Prophet Ezekiel; Thee Almighty God explains to Israel that the fathers of the land have consumed sour grapes (false or counterfeit wisdom) and have fed this lie traditionally to their children which resulted in much bitterness as the children matured. This condition in the nation of Israel in those days is much like the condition of our nation today. This information is found in Ezekiel 18:1-18. So what may this have to do with the two men in our town who are now deceased?

God knows those who belong to HIM, He also knows what it takes to belong to HIM and the remaining chapter of Ezekiel will explain this, (Ezekiel 18:19-32) so my point is in the soul of mankind and its destiny since for these two men, eternity, destiny and the Truth of the Holy Bible are already realized by them. Ezekiel 18 is a great passage of scripture; that for me is an open door to this spiritual side of life which we seldom see or think about.

For example; God clearly is concerned about physical life and what we do with it. Physical life is a gift from God to the SOUL which was created by God when you were conceived by your mother and father before you were physically born. Because of sin we are delivered into the world with a nature to sin in the same pattern established by our parents and the traditions of our homeland. This is basically the subject of the first half of Ezekiel 18.

The second half though is God’s personal response to the souls of His chosen nation, but not to just them alone; but to our nation as well as to all nations of the world. Our soul is the only link that connects us to our Creator. It cannot be severed by any human being. You and I belong to God by soul, not by body and it is simple really. God has a compartment somewhere in your personal body where He has put the soul that belongs to HIM. Do you know where it is? No, you do not! Yet and it is not God’s will for you to destroy it, but you can; but again you cannot get rid of it. Only God can do that. Hebrews 4:11-13

There are two men in the Holy Bible who died and you can read the whole context but I am interested in only one verse. Luke 16:19-31, my one verse is Luke 16:22 both men died but both men went to separate locations within the realm of the eternal world. I understand that “Abraham’s bosom” does no longer exist with the resurrection of Christ, but there still remains this wonderful truth that to be absent from the body for the saint of God, is to be present with Him. 2 Corinthians 5:8

So this is my point! I do not know the eternal destiny of the two men who recently passed from this physical earth; but I do know that their souls are very much ALIVE and seated somewhere in God’s eternal PLAN. They are either in the grave with many unrepented souls, or they are in the presence of their Savior. While there is still hope for the living and if you are reading this, you are among the living… if you need too; CHANGE YOUR MIND about God who owns your SOUL. Romans 10:8-10

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