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Friday, January 24, 2014

The Devotional – 1413 – Biblical Words and more Honey!

The Devotional – 1413 – Biblical Words and more Honey!

Proverbs 24:13-14 – My son, ear honey because it is GOOD, and the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste; so shall the knowledge of wisdom be to your soul; if you have found it, there is a prospect and your hope will not be cut off.


 Comments and challenges

The section of Proverbs above is excellent for finishing up our brief look at the wisdoms of the world around us. Before I continue I have noticed several typographical errors in past devotionals… I do apologize, and will seek to be more cautious as I travel through the cutting and shaping of every future paragraph.

In the 2 Samuel 1 passages we discovered that Solomon was blessed with being the wisest of men, also he was one of the wealthiest men of his time too. I wonder how we view the man and the blessings afforded to him by God. I suppose there are some who could be jealous, some who think that God plays favorites or that God is even some sort of magician. However, if you mind is bent to think these sort of things or any other thing that distracts from the truth, then you are “out of line” and stand in the judgment of condemnation with the world around you.

Character and integrity are not blessings from God as God is not a respecter of persons, Acts 10:34 and the book of Proverbs clearly expresses this truth. Also, if the character of a man or woman and the integrity that unfolds from them were blessings of God then these attributes would not change. For example; the wealth and Wisdom of Solomon did not fail in his life, only his character and integrity did with the knowledge of using his blessings to sin.

This is the importance of the last few days of looking at the four known wisdom revealed to mankind in time. Let’s review what those wisdoms are: (1) The Wisdom of God (2) the wisdom of angelic beings, (3) the wisdom of the world, and (4) the wisdom of man. We started to look into this because of a conversation I had with someone a few weeks back regarding the location of Satan’s place of existence.

I think in order for you and me to understand something of this that it is necessary to first have knowledge of God, of angels, of the world and of mankind. No one would attempt to be an engineer of a train if there were not first some training; for sure I would like to know where the brake is located. Even in this brief study I have become fearful that I am in over my head once again and the train is out of control!

Now there is scripture to back up all of what I am saying or intending to say, but for the sake of ending this today and seeking to prepare for more training in another state today, I must move quickly on. God is Holy set apart from all of the other wisdoms, yet He does reveal much. Deuteronomy 29:29 for example, also God is One and yet He reveals His Wisdom through His Son and the Holy Spirit – the Gospel of John explains much of this.

Man’s wisdom is primarily dependent on the other three, if the mind is God conscious all three wisdoms work in the person. If not then the person is limited to the wisdom of the world and angelic wisdom. Reference to this is the entire Word of the Living God, just pick a section and study. Angelic wisdom, speaking of the fallen angels is located in the realm identified in Ephesians 6:12 – For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Paul in his epistle of 2 Corinthians speaks of being caught up to the “third” heaven, the place where God is so this explains to us plainly that there are two other heavens. My thoughts on this have always been, but these of course are my thoughts and are subject to failure. (1) The first heaven is the universe around us, that which we can see (2) the second heaven is the principalities and powers of darkness that rules the world’s wisdom. And of course the apostle clearly explains the existence of the third heaven. 2 Corinthians 12:1-6.

The wisdom of the world is a separate wisdom, the world system is a system of good and evil or that which God forbad mankind to involve him-self with. Genesis 2:8-18. The Tree of Life is the Wisdom of God and God gave mankind this Tree to sustain man’s life eternally, Genesis 2:20-24 and Revelation 22:1-5. Satan and his fallen angels control the world in good and evil. First they disguise the world’s good in the cloak of religion 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 and there are plenty of people who are taken in by this counterfeit system of godliness.

And finally there are those people who are bent to do evil, rejecting God and everything pertaining to God and even these people can resemble some form of godliness but they deny the power of God through strong unbelief such as recorded by Jude in his epistle. These are our brothers and sister, neighbors and others in life who allow Satan to arm them with cruelties that have nothing to do with God, but are simply worshippers of self.

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