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Monday, March 24, 2014

The Devotional – 1439 – Honeycomb!

The Devotional – 1439 – Honeycomb!

Proverbs 24:13-14 – My son, eat honey because it is good, and the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste; so shall the knowledge of wisdom be to your soul. If you have found it, there is a prospect (latter end), and your hope will not be cut off.

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The last time I took a bite out of a honeycomb will be my first. What about you? It is not common these days to find honeycomb in the market and it is not something readily available at the local candy store. On the other hand there is a lot of honey around and a variety of products that contain honey.

If you think about this in the way Solomon has you might be surprised that the same is true about wisdom and knowledge. There is little use of Wisdom in the world around us; much like the honeycomb, it is available but hard to find. Of course if you go to a college or university the shelves drip with knowledge; but little wisdom.

At one of our services in church our pastor was sharing that one of his favorite chapters in Proverbs is chapter 8. I wanted to shout since it is one of my favorites too. Notice if you will Proverbs 8:12. “I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge and discretion”. The world around us has this entirely backwards.

The world around us teaches the young to depart from the foundation of family and church. The world teaches the young person to taste the knowledge of life from contaminated sources of that ooze from the current technology of the world. 

Now it is your turn to say; is not technology applied wisdom? NO! Technology is a mechanical art or science developed for the purpose of disseminating knowledge or to make life easier without wisdom. The wisdom of technology has long ago lost all ability to be prudent (sound judgment and cautious practices) and all of the technological products are not managed well by those who own them. 

In this thought: Wisdom being the container of knowledge, like the honeycomb being the container of honey! If the honey bee bags up pollen that is contaminated, it will produce contaminated honey and in the same way; wisdom is contaminated by a lack of sound judgment and poor parental caution.

The table is set for the future of our children who are dining on contaminated knowledge from objects that have no fear of God and have only a love for evil. Talk to any child today who has one of these gadgets in their hand and you will quickly see that you are not getting through to them. They are as Proverbs 8:13b describes, full of “pride and arrogance and the evil way”. What is in your child’s hand?

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