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Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Devotional - jhn04

The Devotional

Comment: You might say that we are a well-lit nation, during the night time in most places there is enough artificial lighting that we are seldom in fear. Our automobiles are equipped with very good lighting and as well our homes, streets and various other buildings and establishments. Yet true and biblical lighting in and of itself provides two avenues of knowledge and that is where to or where not to place your steps in the physical realm of darkness and where not to place your steps in the realm of spiritual darkness. Both the physical and spiritual travels in life need LIGHT. For example we can understand the darkness of these TWO realms of reality from Proverbs 7:6-27 it is the evidence needed to travel safely regarding light and dark in both realms.

Challenge: We will focus our eyes on God’s Light, we are aware of both realms of darkness and on the physical side of light and dark our basic problem is solved with the flip of a switch. Still on the other side, there is no switch to flip and the majority of us grope constantly in the darkness. We stumble, fall and die in our spiritual darkness daily and it seems as if we have no mind to do differently. The fact is that if we do not have a focus on the Light of God we really do not have a mind to do anything else but to blindly grope around in the spiritual darkness.

John 1:6 – There was a man sent from God, whose name is John. Did you get it, this man did not do what he did out of personal desire and he was motivated by God to go and do God’s Will. This does not mean that John the Baptizer was a robot, he planned his way but it was God who directed John’s ministry and mission in life, Proverbs 16:9. Also this John is not the writer of the Gospel According to John. This John is the son of Zacharias whose mother is Elizabeth, see Luke 1:5-25. The writer of the Gospel of John was the son of Zebedee as recorded in Matthew 5:10.

John 1:6-34 reveals the man John the Baptizer and his mission, he came to be a witness for God and that is to bear proof of the Light that God is in Christ, that through believing in the Light of God, He would provide Spiritual Wisdom to rid the world of spiritual darkness. John himself was not the Light, his mission in life was simply to bear witness; that is to identify the Light of God – Jesus the Christ. Jesus is the ONLY LIGHT who can provide direction to God and His Kingdom.

Even so, Jesus was in the world, and the world was made THROUGH HIM, He is the Creator and because of spiritual darkness the world did not know or comprehend Him. This same knowledge is ongoing today, everyone knows that the biblical account of the birth and death of Jesus Christ, that it is true. Yet His own nation disowned, dishonored and destroyed Him and rejected His resurrection as false, why? Because men loved the DARKNESS rather than the LIGHT – see John 3:19. Now His nation is not alone in this, Rome did this as well and if you were there… need I say more?

Praise the LORD for His mercy to many, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right (actually, the authority) to become the children of God. While God the Father is the Creator of all mankind, not all of mankind are His children, notice John 1:12, God’s children are only those who by faith in God believe in His Name. And who are these that believe in His Name? We are those who are made alive (reborn), not of physical birth and not of blood (godly parents), nor of the will of flesh, (any physical effort to please God) and not by the will of man (forcing God to accept us). The only way for anyone to come to God is by His way, BUT OF GOD”.

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