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Monday, December 13, 2010

A Look at the Book #350

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

If one knows what to do and remains idle, then, it is necessary to check the dip stick and see if the pride level is too high. Contention will cease when the right amount of wisdom balances the well spring of pride, living under the sun. Proverbs 13:10 and Ecclesiastes 5:6-7

When I first enlisted in the United States Navy... should I tell you how long ago that was? Well, okay, it was 53 years ago, relevant or not, some of you reading this could double your current age and still not measure up. Here is the point. In those early years in the military some old Boatswain's Mate made this statement to a bunch of us young men. “Sailors, your in Navy lest you forget! Now there is a right way to do things and there is a wrong way too. I do not want to catch any of you doing things the right way or the wrong way. There is a third way to do things in the Navy and that is: THE NAVY'S WAY! So from now until the time you leave the Navy do things the Navy way and you will have good success. Without going into all the doctrinal issues of God (does He exist?) Creation (or evolution?) Sin (or human error?) Satan (is he real?) and other relevant works of Law and faith. Genesis records a similar challenge to man, whom He created, responsible to Him. God is not some old Boatswain Mate, He has Much more authority! Read Genesis 2:8-25, then go on and read Genesis 3:1-24. God says in those verses of His Living Word, that the way of life under the tree of knowledge of good and evil is the wrong way to live eternally, if you want to live in the image and likeness of God, then one must believe God. He rewards those who believe Him. Hebrews 11:4-7. Bottom line; there is a good and evil (right and wrong) way that man lives in temporarily, but if you want to live eternally, you must live it God's way. John 3:16 and 35-36; 14:1-6; Hebrews 10:5-7 and Psalm 40:6-8.


Hebrews 12:1-2 We need to look again to Jesus. Jesus is the Author of Creation. He spoke and the universe began to take shape. He is the author of the Living Word, since He is the Word. Genesis 1:3;6;9;11;14;20;24;26 and 29. The Word became Flesh, John 1:1 and John 1:14. This is not a myth or an old wives tale. Notice 1 John 1:1-4. Jesus not only Authors all that is, all that was or all that ever will be. He also authors or writes the book on Faith.

He did not author sin, He did NO sin but He knew the effects of sin. Thus He planned to become sin for you and for me. A day of reconciliation for all sin is found in Hebrews 10:5-10 and Psalm 40:6-8 explaining that this is not some New Testament idea, but that God throughout time has made a way of reconciliation for all people in the world. That way is the Faithfulness of God through the Person of Christ to be the propitiation (mercy or favor) of God.

The Author of Faith is also the Finisher of Faith in that He alone could foresee the JOY that salvation through His Sacrifice would open or split the veil that opens heaven to all who will come. Hebrews 6:13-20. He is the High priest of faith. He entered heaven and He now sits at the Right Hand of God, His Father. He intercedes for us continually because He willingly obeyed His Father by Faith. One day soon the veil will be mended at the last trumpet call. Will you be there? 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

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