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Friday, December 10, 2010

A Look at the Book #349

A Look at the Book #349

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional

Papa “J” and his thoughts?

The Light of the LORD is everlasting and bright. Look! It can be seen in the eyes of His saints. Please note! The wick of the wicked may glow, but this oil of gladness burns hot and runs out quickly. Proverbs 13:9

What does it mean to experience “absolute surrender”? A soldier gives up in battle, parents watch as their child reaches adulthood an goes off to college. A loved one dies and the family mourns the loss. None of these events are “absolute”. Yes, you may argue that at least one of these conditions meet the standard for being final and that would be the death of someone you love. Did you know that God challenges us to see the invisible, in fact; He says in His Word which is alive that the things that happen in life to people are but a moment, a moment of, “weightless affliction”. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. We have been talking about faith, did you forget? What does that verse say, the one that we should have memorized by now. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1. Absolute surrender, then is giving up the faith that the world uses daily of good and evil and accepting God as faithful, it is an attribute of His Character. The gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be real for anyone until we are challenged by the grace of God to believe (have faith) in Jesus. Ephesians 2:1-10 and 2 Corinthians 5:5. Those who read the blog, challenge me daily to speak to them directly. I cannot do that, all I do is write... it is God who explains to you and me His Truth. If you become a believer, it will be because of Him! Not me!. Hebrews 12:30-40 explains well that people of faith view nothing in the world as absolute surrender. Notice Hebrews 11:35, faith is the absolute assurance and surrender to a better resurrection.


Hebrews 112:1-2 There are a multitude of witnesses of Faith, and as the history of God moves through time the cloud becomes larger and brighter. This is not a cloud that darkens with the threat of a brewing storm. Why, because those who are of this cloud will lay aside every weight of sin that so easily entangles them.

These men, women and children have endurance to run a race, a faith race if you will, so it is necessary to shed things from our framework that hinder our ability to run, or walk for some of us older folks endure. This shedding of things that slow us down is called, having endurance. Did you know that endurance has an object just as faith does? We have replaced the things that hinder us with Jesus Christ. I hope you see Him as we do, the object of our faith.

Jesus is the author of the Living Word, He is the Living Word. The apostle John puts in in perspective with the words of 1 John 1:1-4. Joy over happiness is coming to faith in the One who Created all things for Himself. Revelation 4:11; Genesis 1:1, also see Colossians 1:15-18. So look to Jesus for the joy of living life. His endurance of the Cross is your only hope to endure the circumstance of life in absolute surrender.

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