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Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Devotional – Beginning a look at Psalm 56 (Part 3)

The Devotional – Beginning a look at Psalm 56 (Part 3)

Comment: I think we should keep in remembrance that the Holy Bible is to be read literally. It is not difficult to spiritualize the Word of God even though it is Spirit filled and written. The tendency by many is to humanly spiritualize vice allowing God the Holy Spirit to guide. We will get more into this as we travel through the Psalms. Also while on the subject of understanding the Word of God, it is also dangerous to “allegorize” scripture. Another danger is “figurative language”. This does not mean that the Holy Bible does not contain allegories and metaphors, it does; but these are self-evident in the context of God’s literal Words. Yet it would also be wrong if we were literally to literal, so what is the answer? John 16:5-15 see (13) thus it is and always will be FAITH in God’s GRACE in the Church age.

Devotional: Psalm 56:7 – Sin is a trap and David the psalmist understands this so he is not asking God this question in doubt “Shall they escape by iniquity?” David walked in the Light of God by faith, he is simply agreeing with God that sinners will not go unpunished and in judgment God will deal with all the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles alike. While we may feel the persecution of sinners, sinners will feel the wrath of God. Truly I would rather endure the temporal persecutions of man than the eternal judgment of the wrath of God.

Psalm 56:8 – Comfort, comfort is one attribute from God that we all need. Is it not a joy of soul when we have been hit by the sin and persecution of another when God comes alongside and begins to soften the event with His Mercy and Peace. All such wanderings are numbered by the LORD God. In this thought; while I do not like tumultuous events, I would desire to be like Korah in Psalm 42:1-11, see also Romans 8:31-39.

Psalm 58:9-11 – Confidence in God, not only in times of trouble but at all TIMES is FAITH IN ACTION, is your faith operating 24 hours a day, or are periods of time when your faith in the grace of God lags behind like a worn out sheep dog? I picture my faith “figuratively” as a young pup running before me, yes tripping from time to time but rebounding quickly and staying ahead of me, this I know because I have put my trust in God and in this TRUST I am not afraid, what could man possibly do me? Man can do nothing that God would not allow, therefore I am completely SAFE.

Psalm 56:12-13 – making a vow to God is binding and burdensome, I would rather give PRAISE to God. a vow is something for me to do a work that I may not be able to complete. Victory is Faith in action by allowing God to deliver my soul from death and to keep my feet from slipping or falling. In faith I can count on walking before the LORD God in the LIGHT of the living, thus I hope that your mind is fixed on God’s grace as you walk by faith TOO!

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