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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Devotional – Beginning a look at Psalm 60 (Part 1)

The Devotional – Beginning a look at Psalm 60 (Part 1)

Comment: One does not have to be in a military service to feel the effects of war or persecution. Lately I have sensed a rising trend in people; civilian and military caught in IMPROPER fear. A fear that ought not be present since it is an act of OFFENSE, yet because we live in this dispensation of time on earth it is this FEAR that drives many people to make dangerous and life changing errors regarding life and liberty. It is this FEAR that causes one person to murder a dozen others and it is this FEAR that causes one nation to cause others to build a DEFENSE to protect. What then would be the opposing character of man that would thwart the coward who fears? The answer is simple, yet it is always IGNORED; the answer and I am sure you know it. It is FAITH in God our CREATOR.

Devotional: Where then does this FEAR come from? Its origin is from SATAN the original SUPPLANTER who rejected FAITH in God and personally chose to have an improper FEAR for the Creator. His power as an angelic being was and still is capable to move his angelic followers and humankind to heights of sinful FEAR that stagger the common person and motivate the despot, see Isaiah 14:12-21. 

Thus and because sinful FEAR is gripping our world, even to the collapse of national order as in the days of Israel when the nations around them fell upon Israel to destroy them in the valley of Salt, we see David in (Psalm 60) our message for today as he called out to Israel for URGENT prayer, we too need to urgently pray for our banner of FAITH in God to wave again.

Psalm 60:1-3 – Our nation says David is “cast off” from you O God, you have broken us down and are displeased with us, Oh God, restore us again! The effects of Your displeasure is visible. You make the earth tremble and You have broken IT! The pillars that hold the earth are broken and in need of healing. What are these pillars or branches that give strength to the earth? There are two that I wish to look at this morning. First a proper alignment to FEAR and second a stabilizing FAITH in God. I find it interesting that David under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is able to recognize sinful FEAR and how it effects the world around him. Improper FEAR is confusion, or as the Hebrew word in verse 3 further reveals STAGGERING.

Psalm 60: 4-5 – In this David also knows that those of us who are properly aligned to the FEAR of the LORD are like a BANNER. We are to display the banner, why because of TRUTH, (Selah) we should understand that TRUTH is eternal, at times it may seem like a small (twig) but in reality it is a (strong basket), that word at the end of verse 4, Selah carries the weakness of a twig and the strength of a strong basket, meaning the banner is FAITH, somedays we wave it and somedays we hide it. Our remnant of saints in this land need to stand up a wave our banner of FAITH in God, this TRUTH is eternal and God will save.

We will pick this up again tomorrow, in the meantime, pray for our nation as it is crumbling in idolatry and wasting away in immorality.

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