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Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Look at the Book #467

A Look at the Book #467

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #467

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Ever search for the meaning of Life? No laughter please! Life should contain the follow verbs: Perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, and true. All of which are found connected to the Law of the LORD. Psalm 19:7-9. This too has an object… the One who fulfilled the Law. Philippians 3:17-21 and 4:1


The disciplined life of any person in the military is in general, absent of the word; excuse. Why did you do this; Seaman Smith? Well Sir… “That is an excuse mate! Tell me the truth, I want the truth!” Our lives are accountable; yet we as a nation have tossed accountability in that trash can found in Romans 1:18. Daily the ungodly and unrighteous cram more and more of the Word of Truth into this dumpster and the religious churches of our day are found sitting on the lid. Is there a reasonable end to this thought? There is a reasonable end to everything mankind does, but is that the end to reach for? Absolutely Not! The attributes of God are invisible but clearly seen. What? The eternal power, or we could say His Divine Authority (Deity) is revealed. Jesus who is the expressed image of God the Father has clearly revealed God to the world Hebrews 1:1-4. So just where are you headed today? Are you headed for the dumpster to toss away the Living Word of God, or do you plan on devoting yourself to prayer. Pray for this nation of ours where many are professing to be wise but have become fools. Today Romans 1:18-32 is a gauge or pattern that we as a nation of people strive to follow. Fervent Prayer is the only solution to destroy this template and if you are of those who claim to be of the remnant. Then for the sake of this nation –I exhort you; Discipline yourself to pray without ceasing under the authority of your church leaders 1 Thessalonians 512-22. Of course if your church does not have this authority – get to one that does.

1 Peter

1 Peter 1:12 – God reveals His attributes to those who search. Men like Josh McDowell who had once claimed to be a staunch or loyal atheist. Who studied the Living Word of God to prove it wrong; only to find that there was no excuse for his beliefs, who then wrote that very good argument for Jesus Christ and the inerrancy of the Scriptures. While I do not put Mr. McDowell in the category of a prophet, I do what to use his experience of people like you and me who certainly in times past have struggled with the issues of the meaning of life.

It is not complicated as some try to make it. God has an eternal inheritance for anyone. The thirty-nine books of the Old Testament reveal the search of the prophets of the past who daily sought out to know the truth. Thus we have the twenty-seven books of the New Testament that report the findings of the truth these men found. Now that I am older, the LORD is helping me recall many of the things that men have taught me in the past. One such saint of God said this; “The apostle Paul went into Damascus for three years to study the Old Testament. After those three years he returned to His God ordained ministry with the Pauline epistles in his mind and ready to write when God the Holy Spirit so moved him.

Now I do not expect that if you are an unbeliever to jump on board with this just because I said it. But this I know for sure. If you seriously ask God to reveal His invisible attributes to you. You will see Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is and will always be the perfect Lamb of God who has been rejected by many, but who remains ALWAYS ready to explain the work and the Will of God to you. John 6:27-29.

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