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Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Look at the Book #462

A Look at the Book #462

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #462

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Would you have pity over a pile of dust in a working man’s workshop? You might consider the compassion of God who knows that we are nothing more than dust in a pair of shoes. Psalm 103:11-14


There is nothing like a good cup of coffee and a peanut butter sandwich to go along with it. That’s my story and I am sticking to it since the peanut butter is appearing in various places on my keyboard. This messy event reminds me of any saint who fails to observe his or her holiness to serve the LORD in the power of the Holy Spirit. They leave a track record of sin in everything they touch. Recently I was sharing an experience of walking by faith with a person. Another who was not a part of the conversation but was within earshot said; “Oh! Were you drunk at the time?” to be taken I suppose as jesting. This raised a concern in my mind and I reflected back to other times this same person made disparaging remarks. Also this caused me to think! Why do people who are called by God to be light in the LORD spread the fruit of the flesh (contentions and jealousies)? Often with one half of their conversation they are fleshly, but who are just as ready with a smooth comeback; seemingly in the Spirit of (gentleness) to take some of the fire out of their tongue. Walking in the Spirit in not an option in my Bible… it is a command and the command carries a penalty if not obeyed. Galatians 5:16-26; if you are concerned about the penalty, please read verse 21. We are called of God to live a life in the Fruit and power of the Spirit (only), we are not called of God to mix the flesh and the Spirit together in some sort of sharp tasting salad that encourages heartburn.

1 Peter 1

1 Peter 1:1 – A little background! The apostle has the disbursed Jewish nation in mind; he calls them pilgrims who are scattered throughout the lands surrounding Israel. This does not mean that he is ignoring the Gentile Saints since in 1 Peter 2:10, the Gentiles along with the Jews are pilgrims who are looking for that city who’s builder and maker is God and he plainly refers to the Gentiles as those who also obtained mercy at God’s appointed time.

1 Peter 1:2 – I believe that this epistle continues to teach the saint of God the foundational principles of faith and work. We will see this as we move through this wonderful epistle. He introduces us to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, a work that you and I need in order to be involved in everyday blessing and reward. We are the elect; a positional foreknowledge of God the Father. The open calling of God is to any “Thirsty soul” and to the “whosoever will” Psalm 42:2; 63:1; 143:6; Isaiah 55:1-3 and John 3:16 and all of John 4.

Biblical faith/work is not an “easystreet” carpool where a bunch of saints pile into a van and travel to a ministry sight and perform spiritual work. True Spiritual work is conforming to sanctification and obedience to the Spirit in each saint of God as they allow the Spirit of God to produce in them the same faithfulness of Christ work as He shed His Blood for you and me. For my understanding this is true faith at work.

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