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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Look at the Book #456

A Look at the Book #456

by Jesse Abel

Daily Devotional – A Look at the Book #456

A Thought for today by Papa “J”

Is where you are a today a place of peace with God? Or is there turmoil, confusion and unrest? The gospel of God means nothing to those who refuse to hear, meaning they by choice do not mix it with faith. Thus these men, women and children do not know peace. Romans 5:1 and Hebrews 4:1-2


With their children grown a couple decided on a long vacation. They chose to travel across country on as many back roads as they could. They also chose to stop regularly and absorb as much of the local culture as they could before moving on to the next unplanned destination. One day they received news from home that one of their parents was ill and they needed to return home. With evening upon them, they decided to find a motel and sleep for awhile and start fresh in the early morning. About three in the morning they returned to the road and began the trip home. They were about forty miles from the nearest freeway. Traveling down a straight but rolling hills back road, at a high rate of speed since no one else was on the rode a sense of fear began to creep into the man behind the wheel. It was as if God where telling him to slow down. He did back off his speed but this did not ease the building tension. His wife sensed his fear and said; “honey what is wrong?” The car was heading up one of those rolling hills. His response was; “I need to stop the car now!” and he slammed on the brakes. The wheels locked as he crested the hill and vehicle came to a stop within inches of hitting a little two year girl who had wondered out of the house and onto the road at the top of the hill. It was 3:35 A.M. Tell me this; those of you who believe that God does not know your very next move. John 1:43-51. Are you sitting under a fig tree or standing on a highway anticipating your next move… God knows it and for my simple mind; this is exciting!

James 5

James 5:1-5 – I sense that James the half-brother of Jesus Christ the Son of God has a bit of prophesy for us in these few verses. The first and second Advents of the Christ are one timed, but dispensational event revealed in the Holy Bible to occur at the fullness of time, known only to God the Father. I believe that someone said recently that Jesus would return on May 21st. 2011 at six in the evening. Well now! Have the rich been found weeping? Are the prominent people of the world full of the miseries of rotting wealth?

These things are coming upon the rich and it could be soon; but in no way are they weeping and howling at the present time. The rich are still collecting and spreading their collections in and among themselves. The laborers are taxed and the fields are still being mowed. Thus the frauds of the land by those who believe that they own it cause the cries of all suppressed peoples to reach the ears of God.

Physically, spiritually and internationally the worlds’ indulgence in the fatted calf has caused many to become fat but these are not yet ready for the slaughter to come. How do I know this? It is simple really… I believe the Holy Word of God which is inerrant, which means infallible, which means; not capable of error. Any human effort to distort the inerrant Word of God is blasphemy and full of selfish error. These people or persons who belch out such nonsense should be put to death under a pile of rocks. But even God has a better message for them, Repent from this adulterous generation and be a true witness to the uttermost ends of the earth. Acts 1:7-8

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