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Friday, April 6, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #684

by Jesse Abel

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #684

Meditate on this!
Taking time to do things right is not my best suit. I have always said that when confronted with a project; just do it! Then make the necessary changes where needed. This works for me but others seem to think that I am a bit; out to lunch and by my size and shape… they could be right! 

Psalm 19 in these final verses are so very wonderful; whether we realize it or not the Living Word of God is more satisfying then the best gold available to man. The Word of the Living God is also sweeter than the honey inside the honeycomb. Pure gold and the pure honey are not what we have when we obtain these precious commodities from the world. This brings up an important point about the Holy Bible. The Word of God is pure truth and here is why. If you were to go out too purchase pure gold, the cost would be astronomical, the same would be true for the honey inside the bee’s home. But notice what Isaiah has to say about the purchase price of God’s Word. Isaiah 55:1-3, in these verses he says that you can purchase the best of the best with no money. God’s Living Word is free to anyone who will open their eyes and ears to this TRUTH. 

And it was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. Then the sun was darkened and the veil of the temple was torn in two. And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit.” And having said this, He breathed His last.
The truth of God’s love for you and me exceeds the truth that this world has to offer and so friend: can you not see this? 

Have a look at this from the world’s point of view. The world calls the day; “good Friday” but first we must have a “holy week and a holy Thursday” Why? Well the world has to acknowledge the death of Jesus. His death is an historical fact. The religion of the day condemned Him to death (that would qualify His trials of that week as holy) and on Friday the execution took place so this means that for the world view (today… Friday is good; He is dead).

But notice what happens on the Day of His Resurrection; there is little talk of this Powerful Victory! Many churches go through the Gospel according to Luke during holy week, but are more interested in the Easter Bunny on Sunday and make little or no mention at all about the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ. You can see that the world around us offers truth from the world’s perspective; but it is not the Pure Truth that Psalm 19:10 speaks of. The cost to God of this Truth goes beyond anything that this world has to offer you and me. But He lovingly gives it to anyone who has a desire to know the truth. It is free to them, and it will set them free indeed. Open your eyes to Luke 24:28-35 and John 8:30-36

One day soon we will all meet the Resurrected Jesus. We will see Him as the Lamb who was slaughtered, the world and all of Israel will witness the return of Jesus; Zechariah 12:10-14, you see the Savior is Coming Again and even though He bares the marks of the slaughtered Lamb, He will return; alive and Powerful… with the same Power that Raised Him up nearly two thousand years ago; Jesus is Alive, He will return with the host of heaven as the KING of kings and the LORD of Lords. This Truth is purer then the finest gold and sweeter that the honey from out of the comb. My heart sings praises to God and I hope yours is to! Happy Resurrection Day to you this coming Sunday.

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