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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Devotional – A Look at the Book #691

by Jesse Abel

Do you need comfort? The world around us does not provide comfort. The signs of world are troubling and full of despairing dead ends where the enemy IS. If your heart is after God’s heart, then do as David did… meditate on the Excellencies of the LORD. Psalm 86:1-17
Someone asked recently for the blog site that is now getting an average of 700 hits daily. It is: . Here is a bit of background information. When I first began these devotionals we were leading a small group Bible study in our home on Wednesday evenings. Because of work schedules and children some families were not able to make the study, so in order to try and meet the needs of those absent, I would send out emails to the small group. As time went by I started to include the daily devotionals of Dr. David Jeremiah. 

So from once a week, I went to once a day after contacting the staff at Turning Point and received and okay to piggy back off Dr. Jeremiah’s devotional. As time went on and as I became more confident that the LORD was okay with what I was doing I went on my own. 

Now here is the interesting part: Somehow I was sending these devotionals to a man whom I never met although there was a connection in that he is an employee of a friend who does get the devotionals. So one day I asked a question to those who were reading. Does anyone know how to get the referenced Bible verses to pop up on the emails when you place the cursor over them? The man who I never met responded and the blog highlighted above which is still in his format began. Over a year went by, but I finally had an opportunity to meet him. He was and is a blessing. Thanks Jason.

I will be spending some days referencing the Joy of the LORD. For me it is critical to walk about in our world and see the unhappy countenance on the faces of people all around. We sort of expect this from people who do not have a personal relationship with the Risen LORD. However; more and more children of God are being caught up in a countenance that reveals worry and fear, rather than the joy that our LORD promises to all of us who are saved. John 15:9-17

Now don’t get me wrong, we all have down days from time to time but it is not biblically normal to have a long season of no joy in the LORD. If you read through the Psalms you will find that David, Korah, Moses and Abraham used the moments of life; the good, the bad and the ugly too draw close to the LORD. And they found that when they did, they found comfort and peace, resulting in joy. Is joy important to those of us who call on the Name of the LORD? The apostle Peter states that joy in the LORD excels above all of the conditions a person can face in life, in that; once you are experiencing it that it is so full of the glory of God that it is impossible to express it or share it with others. He also says that this joy is part of our heavenly inheritance.

Can you stand it? No not really and I suppose that is why we only get a taste of joy now and then because the glory of God is so joyful too you and me that to experience it all of the time here in the flesh would be overwhelming. But even in this, we should strive to be full of joy. Why? Because joy in the LORD is one of the attributes of a genuine Faith in Christ, 1 Peter 1:3-12; be someone today whom the world just does not understand!

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