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Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #718

by Jesse Abel
Many a man will spend time in the Living Word of God; reading and being challenged to walk in the way of faith in God. Some of these will suffer the loss of reward in heaven because they quickly forget that God ponders their daily path. Proverbs 5:21-23.

Of all the material I read, which is not a lot, my favorite publication is the bimonthly magazine called, “Israel My Glory”. If you are interested in true current events, this publication will exceed your expectations. No one knows when the LORD Jesus will return, but He has promised His disciples that He will. If you believe that you are saved, biblically, Romans 10:9-13 or John 11:17-27 then you are His disciple.

The thought that crosses my mind is this. Even if you are reading this and you have not believed in Jesus, He is still coming again, the sad part of this truth is that since you are not a disciple, you will not behold Him as a loving Savior and within the following seven year period you will witness His judgment on a world that has rejected Him.

I know some (even so called believers) who do not believe in the translation of the saints, the tribulation and the judgments. I know that the so called reformed theologies have different doctrines regarding the end times and how these theologies expect to make the world better so that Jesus will have a peaceful return. But here is a base and simple thought.

Who is man and what authority can he use to override God? It is God, is it not who declares the end of things from the beginning. God has in ancient times (that is if time can be measured in eternity) explained the things that are not yet done in time on earth. Not only has God declared these events, He has also said that there is nothing that will change His counsel on the matter.

So let me think… if theology needed reforming, who should do it? There have and will continue to be false prophets, the only success story for these men is that they all have a following, but where in eternity are they going? There are two verses of scripture that comes to my mind from the gospel of Matthew 7. “Enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way leads to life and there are few who find it.

So changing and reforming for my thinking is a dangerous step for man to take. Just one brief look at the United States of America since we turned our back to God should be simple enough to understand that. Also I think that this is part of the religious mess that we find ourselves in these days. Jesus will say one day to many, “I never knew you!” this will not be for one’s lack of religion, but ones lack of biblical faith. Matthew 7:24-29.

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