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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Devotional - A Look at the Book #786

by Jesse Abel

A Word from Papa “J”
I was talking about reflections to a couple of friends by email earlier and noticed like Solomon that there are seasons of time for life and these seasons often involve our parents and grandparents. So I say to the young and old; cling to God and obey your parents” then; when those reflections come “Joy and Love” will surface. Luke 2:41-52
Good Morning
Someone I was listening to recently explained how God has wiped away the sin of the world. Now I find this is important so tweak in the eyes of your mind and listen. If you were to go on a trip heading north, at some point you would reach the North Pole and as soon you reached 90 degree North latitude (there are no longitudinal lines at the poles) and continued on your journey you would now be heading south. Likewise when you reached the South Pole you would reach the 90 degree South latitude and if you continued travel you would now be heading north again.
So this is what I am saying; by going north you will reach a destination; the North Pole and going north will eventually end. When you continue traveling you will automatically start going in south again; so North and South meet one another at the Poles and have limits.
In Psalm 103:12 the psalmist writes these words. “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He (God) removed our transgressions from us.” Now here is what the psalmist is saying as he is moved by the Holy Spirit. Traveling east as one might travel you will never reach a point on the earth where EAST meets WEST and thus you will always be traveling east.

For me the abundance of this thought is so overwhelming; as far as the east is from the west God, has removed our sin. Sometimes we find ourselves chasing sin, we become tired, unfulfilled and spiritually spent; you will never catch up or totally apprehend a permanent relationship with sin; God has removed it. Isaiah 55:6-7.
Now here is another thought; why is all sin temporal and the Righteousness of Christ eternal? Sin when acquired is not faith in “sin” as in Genesis 4:1-15. Sin takes only a matter of time to complete and when it is gone leaves only suffering and unfaithful long term circumstances. Yet when Righteousness is believed on; faith is apprehended and takes a permanent victory stand, Romans 10:6-13. This is the faith that overcomes the temporal sin of the world. 1 John 5:1-5

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